Strict Conservative theologians question whether Pope Francis is really Catholic - Independent

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Strict Conservative theologians question whether Pope Francis is really Catholic | The Independent | The Independent

Monday, 21 August 2017
Tradition in Action suggest Pope is an apostate
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1371 views · 4 hrs ago

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News on 'Catholic'

Results: 39 News Items
Displayed in Date Order (most recent first)
1.   Vatican: Catholics can take COVID Vaccine using aborted Baby Cells - New American
Published: 21 Dec 2020   |   897 views · 1 day ago
7.   Pope Francis in Thailand: Catholics and Buddhists can live as 'good neighbours' - Vatican News
Published: 21 Nov 2019   |   1188 views · 28 mins ago
8.   Catholic priest speaks out against 'Pagan rituals' at Vatican - LifeSite
Published: 07 Oct 2019   |   2396 views · 1 day ago
10.   Amazon removes books on Conversion Therapy by Catholic author, Joseph Nicolosi - Huffington
Published: 05 Jul 2019   |   1075 views · 17 hrs ago
11.   Study: Germany's Catholic/Protestant churches may lose 50% of members by 2060 - DW
Published: 02 May 2019   |   1348 views · 21 hrs ago
12.   Catholic Church meets 51 LGBT activists working to decriminalize Homosexuality - LifeSite
Published: 05 Apr 2019   |   1533 views · 3 hrs ago
13.   Israel seizes 70 acres of Catholic Church land in Palestine - MEMO
Published: 28 Nov 2018   |   1455 views · 60 mins ago
14.   Sinead O'Connor converts to Islam, from Catholicism - Metro
Published: 25 Oct 2018   |   1437 views · 1 day ago
15.   Vatican agreement with China could 'deal blow' to Catholic church - The Guardian
Published: 13 Feb 2018   |   1238 views · 5 hrs ago
17.   Catholic Patriarch warns of Arab Christians leaving Jerusalem under Israeli occupation - MEMO
Published: 19 Sep 2017   |   1616 views · 17 hrs ago
19.   Strict Conservative theologians question whether Pope Francis is really Catholic - Independent
Published: 21 Aug 2017   |   1372 views · 0 secs ago
22.   Testimonies from ex-Roman Catholic Priests - CARM
Published: 27 Feb 2017   |   2282 views · 1 day ago
23.   Do Catholics Pray to Mary? - Patheos
Published: 16 Feb 2017   |   1583 views · 4 hrs ago
24.   Pope Francis says women will never be Roman Catholic priests - The Guardian
Published: 01 Nov 2016   |   2459 views · 8 hrs ago
25.   The Most Important Thing Non-Catholics Needs to Know About Catholicism - Patheos
Published: 02 Jun 2016   |   2150 views · 7 hrs ago
26.   Pope: Be more accepting of divorced Catholics, gays and lesbians - CNN
Published: 08 Apr 2016   |   2154 views · 1 hr ago
27.   US Catholic church incurs $4 Billion costs of sex abuse crisis in past 65 years - NCR
Published: 02 Nov 2015   |   1180 views · 8 hrs ago
29.   LGBT Catholics Confused And Hurt By Pope's Visit With Kim Davis - Huffington
Published: 30 Sep 2015   |   1333 views · 17 hrs ago
30.   Why Is Catholicism So Unattractive to Evangelicals? - Patheos
Published: 07 Sep 2015   |   1453 views · 8 hrs ago
32.   Catholic Monk pleads guilty to harassing lesbian witches - RT News
Published: 31 Jul 2015   |   2896 views · 5 hrs ago
33.   100 US Anglican parishes convert to Roman Catholic Church - Telegraph
Published: 13 Jul 2015   |   2169 views · 7 hrs ago
35.   Why Latin America's Catholics are leaving the flock - Al-Jazeera
Published: 07 Jul 2015   |   1619 views · 17 hrs ago
36.   Catholic bishop condemns arson attack on Israel church by Jewish zealots - The Guardian
Published: 23 Jun 2015   |   1792 views · 7 hrs ago
37.   Why Pope Francis could be facing a Catholic schism - The Spectator
Published: 11 Apr 2015   |   1319 views · 1 day ago
38.   Catholic Cardinal McCarrick Embraces Islam - Daily Caller
Published: 09 Nov 2014   |   1595 views · 19 hrs ago
39.   Do Catholics Worship Mary? - Patheos
Published: 12 Apr 2012   |   1499 views · 21 hrs ago

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