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Results: 31 News Items
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1.   China push for global COVID QR-Code to track international travel - CNN
Published: 23 Nov 2020   |   665 views · 3 days ago
2.   Florida, USA: Everyone must wear Covid face mask or be fined upto $500 - CNN
Published: 19 Nov 2020   |   982 views · 14 hrs ago
4.   Scientists discover both Male and Female songbird (Transgender) - CNN
Published: 22 Oct 2020   |   781 views · 13 hrs ago
6.   Pope Francis: Capitalism has failed in the COVID pandemic - CNN
Published: 04 Oct 2020   |   713 views · 2 days ago
7.   Pope Francis says capitalism has failed in the COVID pandemic - CNN
Published: 04 Oct 2020   |   718 views · 2 days ago
8.   Blood clots in 'almost every organ' of a deceased COVID patient - CNN
Published: 10 Jul 2020   |   714 views · 13 hrs ago
9.   Trump and Fauci not speaking as coronavirus pandemic worsens - CNN
Published: 10 Jul 2020   |   1057 views · 14 hrs ago
10.   Time for grocery stores to ban customers from coming inside because of Covid-19 - CNN
Published: 20 Apr 2020   |   651 views · 2 days ago
11.   Lockdowns shouldn't be fully lifted until Coronavirus vaccine found, new study warns - CNN
Published: 09 Apr 2020   |   905 views · 13 hrs ago
12.   Fake, forged Dead Sea Scroll fragments fool Bible Museum - CNN
Published: 15 Mar 2020   |   861 views · 3 days ago
14.   Methodist Church with 12.5M members reject Gay Homosexual clergy and Same-sex marriage - CNN
Published: 26 Feb 2019   |   1249 views · 1 day ago
15.   Iraq, a 95% Muslim, 1% Christian country, officially makes Christmas a national holiday - CNN
Published: 26 Dec 2018   |   2112 views · 2 hrs ago
16.   Syria reveals fate of people thrown into 'slaughterhouse' jails - CNN
Published: 30 Aug 2018   |   1177 views · 2 days ago
17.   Red cow (Heifer) at center of Israeli holy row - CNN
Published: 23 May 2018   |   1354 views · 2 days ago
19.   9 myths about Hinduism, debunked - CNN
Published: 03 Mar 2018   |   1256 views · 14 hrs ago
20.   What 'Allahu Akbar' really means - CNN
Published: 01 Nov 2017   |   1338 views · 49 mins ago
21.   The world's fastest growing religion? Islam - CNN
Published: 17 Mar 2017   |   991 views · 6 days ago
22.   Pope suggests it's better to be an Atheist than a bad Christian - CNN
Published: 24 Feb 2017   |   1322 views · 3 hrs ago
23.   New Dead Sea Scrolls cave discovered in over 60 years - CNN
Published: 09 Feb 2017   |   1221 views · 1 day ago
24.   7 million-piece mosaic uncovered in Jericho after 80 years - CNN
Published: 30 Nov 2016   |   1306 views · 12 hrs ago
25.   Pope: Be more accepting of divorced Catholics, gays and lesbians - CNN
Published: 08 Apr 2016   |   2153 views · 3 hrs ago
26.   Discovery of 'oldest' Quran fragments could resolve history of holy text - CNN
Published: 23 Jul 2015   |   3413 views · 4 hrs ago
27.   The world's fastest-growing religion is - CNN
Published: 03 Apr 2015   |   1213 views · 6 days ago
28.   Half of New Testament forged, Bible scholar says - CNN
Published: 13 May 2011   |   1178 views · 13 hrs ago
29.   Half of New Testament forged, Bible scholar says - CNN
Published: 13 May 2011   |   1074 views · 16 hrs ago
30.   Half of New Testament forged, claims Bible scholar - CNN
Published: 13 May 2011   |   1256 views · 45 mins ago
31.   Oldest known 1600-year old Bible goes online, but does not match your church Bible - CNN
Published: 06 Jul 2009   |   1523 views · 14 hrs ago

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Torah 5   BOOKS
Psalms 1   BOOK
Old Testament 32   BOOKS
New Testament 27   BOOKS
Apocrypha 1885 14   BOOKS
Gospels/Texts 367   BOOKS
Codex 120   BOOKS
Quran 1   BOOK
Hadith 10   BOOKS


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