Messiah - Jesus?

jesus god

In Christianity and Islam, Jesus is upheld as the Messiah.

In the Abrahamic religions, the Messiah will be known by his attributes and features. How do Judaism, Christianity and Islam differ in their image of the Messiah?

1. Status
A great political Jewish leader who will come in the future and unite the Jewish people and make Israel great again. He will be a normal human being, born of human parents. He will eventually die and bequeath his kingdom to his son or his successor.
Divine Diety
Jesus is a divine God-like entity. Therefore he will continue to be God-like till the end of time.

Will the Christian Messiah experience an earthly death?
Jesus was a Jewish Hebrew Prophet, a slave of God and will return as a great leader and advocate for monotheism (Islam) near the end-times. He will eventually die and the Muslims will offer the funeral prayer for him and bury him in in a vacant grave set aside next to Muhammad in Saudi Arabia today.
2. Terminology
After Jerusalem is rebuilt a time would pass after which a "Mashiah," an anointed one would come.
It was this prophecy where 'Messiah' was used for the first time as a title for the coming Prince of God. This led Jews to refer of him as "ha Mashiah," "the Messiah".
In Christianity, the Christ (Greek: Χριστός (Christos) meaning "the anointed one") is a title for the saviour and redeemer. He would bring salvation to the Jewish people and mankind.

Christians believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah called Christ in both the Hebrew Bible and Old Testament.
al-Masīḥ (proper name, pronounced [mæˈsiːħ]) is the Arabic word for messiah. In modern Arabic, it is used as one of the many titles for Jesus.
3. Names
  • King Messiah
  • The Messiah
  • The Anointed one
  • Christ, from Greek: χριστός, translit. khristós
  • ho Christos (New Testament)
  • Al-Masihu (the Messiah)
  • The Anointed
  • The Traveller
  • One who cures by caressing
  • The Messiah
  • The Messenger of Allah
  • A Word from Allah
  • A Spirit from Allah
  • 4. 'Anointed One'
    He will be "anointed" with holy anointing oil, to be king of God's kingdom. The Israelites, to whom Jesus was sent, had a traditional practice of anointing their kings with oil.
    Jesus was the Messiah because he anointed the eyes of the blind to cure them or because he used to lay hands on the sick.
    Jesus was the Messiah because he anointed the eyes of the blind to cure them or because he used to lay hands on the sick. Also, Jesus is described as having wet hair that looked as if water was dripping from it. Some interpret this to mean he was 'naturally anointed'.
    5. Many Messiah's
    Messiah is used throughout the Hebrew Bible in reference to a wide variety of individuals and objects; for example, a Jewish king, Jewish priests and prophets, the Jewish Temple and its utensils, unleavened bread
    Christians recognise the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) within their Bible. Therefore, Christians acknowledge the existence of multiple Messiahs in the Bible
    In Islam, no mention is made of any other Messiah, besides Jesus
    6. Is it Jesus?
    Still Waiting
    Jews are waiting for the Messiah who is coming soon. Belief in the eventual coming of the Jewish Messiah is a basic and fundamental part of traditional Judaism.

    Jews believe that Jesus falsely claimed to be the expected Messiah of the Jews. Jesus did not fulfil any of the tasks the Jewish scriptures say the Messiah would.
    Jesus was Messiah
    Christians believe Jesus was the Messiah and await his return. Christians believe Jesus has fulfilled all the Messianic requirements, or will fulfill on his return.
    Jesus was Messiah
    Muslims believe Jesus was the Messiah (Al-Masih) prophesied by the earlier Israelite prophets. Muslims believe Jesus was a human being and a prophet. He was not divine, the son of God, nor did he die on the cross.
    7. Time & Place
    Jews are waiting for the Messiah near the end-times.

    1. The conduct of mankind will determine the time of the Messiah. Either it will be when he is most needed, because the world is so sinful; or a time when he is most deserved, because the world is so good.

    2. Israel will be inhabited by the majority of Jews.
    Christians believe Jesus was the Messiah. He came in 33 AD (2000-years ago) and he will return again near the end-times.
    Muslims believe Jesus was the Messiah. He came in 33 AD (2000-years ago) and he will return again near the end-times.
    8. Anti-Christ
    9. Scripture
    Isaiah said the Messiah would rule the earth and he would slay the wicked by the breath of his mouth alone
    Zechariah said this supreme ruler was destined to be God's own chosen representative
    Micah predicted he would be born in Bethlehem, and that his origin is from the beginning of time, and whose reign would last forever
    Daniel called him the "son of Man," who came from the ancient of days (before time), and that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him in an everlasting dominion
    Other Scripture references to Messiah:
    John said, "I baptize you with water; but he who is mightier than I is coming, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire."
    And as Jesus was coming towards him, John said, "This is he of whom I said, 'After me comes a man who ranks before me, for he was before me'"
    Furthermore, since he was the only prophet to rise at the same time as Jesus, he rejoiced at the honour of being appointed to reveal him to the nation
    John the Baptist, a prophet who lived during Jesus's lifetime, believed Jesus to be the Messiah.
    Jesus is the Messiah Jesus or "al-Masihu ibn Maryam," the Messiah, son of Mary. In the Quran, the Messiah title applies to Jesus alone.

    Jesus is mentioned as having been sent down by Allah, strengthened by the holy spirit and hence, 'anointed' with the task of being a prophet and a "recipient of sacred scripture".

    [And mention] when the angels said, "O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary - distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near [to Allah ].
    Other Quran references to Messiah:


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    8034 views · 4 hrs ago |   Author: Guest   •   Updated: 10 Aug 2019

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    2.   Leading Israeli Rabbi claims the arrival of the Messiah is imminent - Breaking Israel News
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