How the Roman Catholic Church changed the Ten Commandments?

Published: 28 May 2018  ·  Uploaded: 23 Feb 2017 Watch on
8828 views  ·  4 hrs ago 6:35

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When the papacy removed the 2nd commandment against idol worship, the Catholic Church once again fulfilled the prophecy of Daniel 7:25, that it would think to change God’s laws. When you compare God’s Law with the Catholic Catechism, you’ll quickly see, by their actions and decrees, the Catholic Church has made multiple changes to the Ten Commandments.

In brief, here are God’s 10 Commandments from the Bible:
1. You shall not have strange Gods before me. Exodus 20:3
2. “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, nor bow down thyself to them” Exodus 20:4-6
3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Exodus 20:7
4. Remember to keep the Sabbath day Holy. Exodus 20:8-11
5. Honor your father and your mother. Exodus 20:12
6. You shall not kill. Exodus 20:13
7. You shall not commit adultery. Exodus 20:14
8. You shall not steal. Exodus 20:15
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Exodus 20:16
10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife OR his goods.” Exodus 20:17

Now here is how the Catholic Church teaches the 10 commandments from the Catholic Catechism.

#1, You will recall, the first commandment says “You shall have No Gods before me”, but the Catholic Church claims the Pope is Jesus hidden behind the veil of the flesh. This is blasphemy to claim the pope is god, thus the Catholic Church, through its proclamations, makes this commandment of none effect. Watch program #010 for two of the many Catholic quotes stating the pope is god.
1. No other God’s – The pope is Jesus behind the flesh.

Next, concerning the 2nd commandment, since the Catholic Church is polluted with idols, they had to remove the 2nd commandment against idol worship. The popes’ and priests’ teach by example that it’s ok to bow down before them in reverence, honor and veneration. This is clearly breaking God’s 2nd Commandment.
Since the 2nd commandment about idols was removed, all remaining commandments were shifted up by one, so God’s 3rd commandment becomes the Catholic churches 2nd commandment. So the churches 2nd commandment is:

2. Do Not use God’s name in vain
3. The Catholic Church changed God’s Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, thus they break and dis-regard this commandment as well. Watch video #11 for the Catholic quotes proving this!
4. Honor your parents
5. Do Not Murder
6. Do Not Commit Adultery
7. Do Not Steal
8. Do Not Lie

Since the 2nd commandment was deleted, the Catholic Church split the last commandment about coveting, into 2 commandments about coveting. This way they still have 10 in their Catechism, here they are:

9. Don’t covet your neighbor’s wife
10. Don’t covet your neighbor’s goods

So the Catholic Church BREAKS the 1st commandment by calling the pope god on earth, they DELETED the 2nd commandment to promote the veneration of idols, they changed the 4th from Saturday to Sunday, and in order to replace the commandment they deleted, they split the last commandment into two commandments.

It’s time now to ask every believer, is it your desire to follow your Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ by keeping His commandments, or do you want to follow the commandments of the Catholic Church, which have influenced the doctrines and teachings of most protestant denominations today, including keeping Sunday as the day of worship, instead of God’s Saturday Sabbath?

Jesus said in Matthew 15:9, “But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” Jesus is clear, if you follow man’s doctrines instead of the Bible, then your worship of Him, is in vain.

Friends, NOBODY has the power to change God’s law! The pope is not god on earth. God’s 10 Commandments still remain today, and God’s people will keep them all, including the Seventh-day Saturday Sabbath, as Hebrews 4:1-11 proclaims.

Peter said in Acts 5:29 “We ought to obey God, rather than men.” And that’s Peter’s council for every believer to follow.

Our humble apologies to all Roman Catholics and anyone keeping Sunday, or any day other than Saturday as the day of worship, but genuine love demands preaching Bible truth, that no honest person will be deceived, because your eternal destiny is at stake.
God gives us a clear warning in Revelation 18:4, which says under the symbol of Babylon, to all people in churches that are not keeping God’s laws, “Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues.”
Finally, we extend to you an invitation to visit a Seventh-day Adventist church near you, ask the pastor or an elder for Bible studies, so you can learn more about Jesus, and the vital Biblical truths needed to survive in the days ahead.
Please be sure to watch our next video segment, completing our study on Daniel chapter 7.

May God bless you and your loved ones.

Shared on: 23 Feb 2017

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