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Results: 53 News Items
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1.   Israel-Arab Peace deal points to Bible prophecy - MEMO
Published: 26 Dec 2020   |   782 views · 21 hrs ago
2.   Saudi Arabia & Israel discuss building Oil pipeline to connect nations - MEMO
Published: 18 Sep 2020   |   818 views · 13 hrs ago
4.   Saudi Arabia: 96% increase in Divorces as COVID Lockdown puts pressure on marriages - MEMO
Published: 26 Aug 2020   |   875 views · 2 days ago
6.   Israel should join Arab League, says deputy head of Dubai police - MEMO
Published: 20 Aug 2020   |   1572 views · 13 hrs ago
7.   Gaddafi warned us, but we did not listen - MEMO
Published: 13 Aug 2020   |   894 views · 13 hrs ago
9.   Gaddafi's Cousin: NATO & UN to blame for Libya crisis - MEMO
Published: 08 Aug 2020   |   2121 views · 13 hrs ago
10.   Israel converts 17 Mosques into bars, restaurants and museums, study shows - MEMO
Published: 28 Jul 2020   |   852 views · 1 hr ago
12.   Morsi was last resistant Arab leader after Saddam Hussein, a 'disaster for Israel' - MEMO
Published: 20 Jun 2020   |   1213 views · 19 hrs ago
13.   Israel to seize Palestinian land near Hebron's Ibrahimi Mosque - MEMO
Published: 21 Apr 2020   |   1311 views · 58 mins ago
14.   Israel calls for Arab States to unite against Iran - MEMO
Published: 11 Jan 2020   |   1758 views · 20 hrs ago
16.   Israel is becoming an Apartheid state, warn UK MP's - MEMO
Published: 16 Sep 2019   |   1170 views · 17 hrs ago
18.   Saudi Arabia changes Turkish 'Ottoman Empire' to 'Occupation' in school textbooks - MEMO
Published: 29 Aug 2019   |   1130 views · 32 mins ago
19.   Iraqi women rebuild Iraq for $67 a week at brick factory - MEMO
Published: 29 Aug 2019   |   906 views · 14 hrs ago
20.   Israel reveals details of railway line to Saudi Arabia and UAE - MEMO
Published: 27 Jul 2019   |   1340 views · 22 hrs ago
21.   Saudi Arabia warns Muslims to avoid politics during Hajj - MEMO
Published: 10 Jul 2019   |   1233 views · 2 days ago
23.   Syria: 14,227 people tortured to death in 8 years of civil war - MEMO
Published: 27 Jun 2019   |   1793 views · 1 day ago
24.   Hamas: Palestine has enough power to undermine Israel - MEMO
Published: 22 Jun 2019   |   1215 views · 13 hrs ago
25.   Khan: All Morsi wanted was Electricity for the Egyptians - MEMO
Published: 22 Jun 2019   |   942 views · 1 day ago
26.   Mohammed Morsi was murdered by US imperialism - MEMO
Published: 21 Jun 2019   |   848 views · 1 day ago
27.   Saudi Arabia buys $300m spy software from Israel - MEMO
Published: 20 Jun 2019   |   1290 views · 11 hrs ago
28.   Middle East 'confusion' stage managed to benefit Israel - MEMO
Published: 17 Jun 2019   |   1187 views · 22 hrs ago
29.   India embraces Israel in unprecedented anti-Palestine UN vote - MEMO
Published: 12 Jun 2019   |   1503 views · 4 hrs ago
30.   Iran: Resistance will continue until Israel surrenders to Palestinians - MEMO
Published: 06 Jun 2019   |   1297 views · 2 hrs ago
31.   Bennett: Jewish 'assimilation' is a 'disaster' for Israel - MEMO
Published: 09 May 2019   |   1041 views · 22 hrs ago
32.   Turkey: France had role in massacre of Turks by arming Armenians in 1915 - MEMO
Published: 26 Apr 2019   |   1117 views · 1 day ago
33.   Israel general: Israel was behind coup against Egypt's Morsi - MEMO
Published: 03 Apr 2019   |   1406 views · 22 hrs ago
34.   Israel closes gate to Al-Aqsa Mosque - MEMO
Published: 19 Feb 2019   |   1865 views · 2 hrs ago
35.   Al-Azhar's Imam calls on Muslims in the Middle East to 'embrace' Christians - MEMO
Published: 04 Feb 2019   |   1133 views · 3 hrs ago
36.   France admits military presence in Syria - MEMO
Published: 28 Dec 2018   |   1111 views · 1 day ago
37.   Israel: 17 year old Palestinian boy sent to prison for 35 years, for stabbing attempt - MEMO
Published: 18 Dec 2018   |   1703 views · 15 hrs ago
38.   United Nations (UN): 148-11 vote rejects Judaism and Al-Aqsa mosque connection - MEMO
Published: 03 Dec 2018   |   1148 views · 12 hrs ago
39.   Israel seizes 70 acres of Catholic Church land in Palestine - MEMO
Published: 28 Nov 2018   |   1454 views · 2 hrs ago
40.   Saudi Arabia: Al Saud is the official sponsor of Israel - MEMO
Published: 26 Nov 2018   |   1053 views · 22 hrs ago
41.   Saudi Arabia, UAE send troops to support Kurds in Syria, risk of Arab-Turkish conflict - MEMO
Published: 22 Nov 2018   |   1266 views · 20 hrs ago
42.   Gaddafi: Libya from safest, richest Country in Africa to broken Nation - MEMO
Published: 25 Oct 2018   |   1272 views · 3 hrs ago
44.   Israeli weapons used in genocide against Rohingya Muslims - MEMO
Published: 31 Aug 2018   |   967 views · 13 hrs ago
45.   Israeli lawmaker proclaims supremacy of 'Jewish race' - MEMO
Published: 15 Jun 2018   |   1426 views · 1 day ago
47.   Jerusalem declared 'Capital of Arab Tourism' for 2018 - MEMO
Published: 16 Apr 2018   |   1294 views · 1 day ago
48.   Egyptian Christian churches insist Jerusalem is a Palestinian Arab city - MEMO
Published: 09 Dec 2017   |   1310 views · 20 hrs ago
49.   John Kerry: Israel has no interest in peace with the Palestinians - MEMO
Published: 21 Nov 2017   |   1460 views · 13 hrs ago
50.   Catholic Patriarch warns of Arab Christians leaving Jerusalem under Israeli occupation - MEMO
Published: 19 Sep 2017   |   1616 views · 13 hrs ago
51.   Rabbis believe Trump will fulfil Torah prophecies, says ex-minister - MEMO
Published: 25 Jan 2017   |   1408 views · 49 mins ago
52.   Coptic Church condemns claims of normalisation with Israel - MEMO
Published: 30 Nov 2015   |   1418 views · 22 hrs ago

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