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Results: 41 News Items
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2.   India: Oxford-Astrazeneca COVID vaccine approved with 50M doses ready - Telegraph
Published: 01 Jan 2021   |   689 views · 9 hrs ago
3.   Brazil's supreme court rules Covid vaccine can be mandatory - Telegraph
Published: 18 Dec 2020   |   806 views · 9 hrs ago
4.   COVID Death Rate dropped after Doctors rejected Ventilators - Telegraph
Published: 03 Sep 2020   |   617 views · 3 hrs ago
5.   Why Sweden remains COVID face mask-free - Telegraph
Published: 24 Jul 2020   |   764 views · 12 hrs ago
6.   Australia, Melbourne makes COVID Face Masks mandatory when leaving home - Telegraph
Published: 19 Jul 2020   |   1798 views · 1 day ago
7.   France's contact tracing app un-installed by 460,000 people - Telegraph
Published: 23 Jun 2020   |   720 views · 8 hrs ago
8.   No scientific evidence to support 2m Covid-19 Social Distancing rule - Telegraph
Published: 15 Jun 2020   |   1237 views · 6 hrs ago
11.   Posting Anti-Vaccine propaganda on Social Media could become Criminal offence - Telegraph
Published: 01 Feb 2020   |   1472 views · 15 hrs ago
12.   Eat less red Meat to reduce climate change, UN urges (Vegetarian) - Telegraph
Published: 08 Aug 2019   |   822 views · 3 days ago
13.   Far-Right extremism on rise in Germany, report warns - Telegraph
Published: 28 Apr 2019   |   963 views · 8 hrs ago
14.   President Sisi can stay in power in Egypt until 2030 after referendum victory - Telegraph
Published: 23 Apr 2019   |   1209 views · 1 day ago
16.   Church of England's plan for Transgender baptisms outrages bishops - Telegraph
Published: 23 Dec 2018   |   962 views · 2 days ago
19.   57 Muslim nations say Trump is disqualified from Israeli-Palestinian peace process - Telegraph
Published: 13 Dec 2017   |   1654 views · 17 hrs ago
20.   Donald Trump re-tweets anti-Muslim videos from British far-Right group - Telegraph
Published: 29 Nov 2017   |   1160 views · 10 hrs ago
21.   Pagans demand return of Church buildings 'stolen' 1300 years ago - Telegraph
Published: 27 Aug 2017   |   1735 views · 13 hrs ago
22.   Christian militias kill up to 30 civilians as hundreds seek refuge inside mosque - Telegraph
Published: 15 May 2017   |   1097 views · 8 hrs ago
23.   Jesus did not die on cross, says scholar - Telegraph
Published: 04 Mar 2017   |   1448 views · 6 hrs ago
24.   Pakistani clerics declare transgender marriages legal in Islam - Telegraph
Published: 27 Jun 2016   |   797 views · 2 days ago
25.   Lent reminds us that no one suffers alone. God is with us on the cross - Telegraph
Published: 18 Feb 2016   |   1100 views · 19 hrs ago
26.   Burning of Christian churches in Israel justified, far-Right Jewish leader says - Telegraph
Published: 06 Aug 2015   |   1529 views · 18 hrs ago
27.   100 US Anglican parishes convert to Roman Catholic Church - Telegraph
Published: 13 Jul 2015   |   2168 views · 18 hrs ago
28.   Circumcision is one of the oddities of the Royal Family - Telegraph
Published: 31 Mar 2015   |   1467 views · 8 mins ago
29.   'Lost gospel' claims Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and had children - Telegraph
Published: 12 Nov 2014   |   1716 views · 8 hrs ago
30.   China on course to become 'world's most Christian nation' within 15 years - Telegraph
Published: 19 Apr 2014   |   1358 views · 8 hrs ago
31.   China on course to become 'world's most Christian nation' within 15 years - Telegraph
Published: 19 Apr 2014   |   1087 views · 2 days ago
32.   China on course to become world's most Christian nation' within 15 years - Telegraph
Published: 19 Apr 2014   |   1267 views · 2 days ago
33.   Belief in God is part of human nature - Oxford study - Telegraph
Published: 12 May 2011   |   1510 views · 5 days ago
34.   Belief in God is part of human nature - Oxford study - Telegraph
Published: 12 May 2011   |   1422 views · 2 days ago
35.   Libya: Gaddafi's billions to be seized by Britain - Telegraph
Published: 24 Feb 2011   |   819 views · 9 hrs ago
36.   10 year-old girl gives birth in Spain - Telegraph
Published: 02 Nov 2010   |   1131 views · 3 days ago
37.   Jesus did not die on cross, says scholar - Telegraph
Published: 23 Jun 2010   |   1623 views · 8 hrs ago
38.   Jesus did not die on Cross, says scholar - Telegraph
Published: 23 Jun 2010   |   942 views · 6 hrs ago
39.   Children are born believers in God, academic claims - Telegraph
Published: 24 Nov 2008   |   1938 views · 6 hrs ago
40.   St Peter was not the first Pope and never went to Rome, claims Channel 4 - Telegraph
Published: 23 Mar 2008   |   1695 views · 2 days ago
41.   Roman Colosseum built with loot from destruction of Jewish Temple - Telegraph
Published: 15 Jun 2001   |   1293 views · 13 hrs ago

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Torah 5   BOOKS
Psalms 1   BOOK
Old Testament 32   BOOKS
New Testament 27   BOOKS
Apocrypha 1885 14   BOOKS
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