Jesus - Crucifixion Timing

jesus crucifixion gospels

Jesus' final hours on the cross lasted around 6 hours

Listed below are the key events in the days and hours leading up to Jesus' crucifixion.

Countdown to Crucifixion
April 10, Sunday 30 AD *
  • 2-mile journey to Jerusalem from Bethany, where Jesus stays each night
  • April 11, Monday
  • Jesus protests financial transactions within the temple
  • Jesus argues with chief priests
  • April 12, Tuesday
  • Jesus predicts/ announces the date of his execution
  • Jesus debates with religious leaders
  • Jesus responds to question about greatest commandment
  • April 12, Tuesday
  • Judas contracts to betray Jesus
  • April 13, Wednesday
  • Jesus warns against religious leaders, calling them hypocrites and snakes
  • From Mount of Olives, Jesus mourns Jerusalem's rejection and pending destruction
  • April 14, Thursday
  • Passover Meal - Last supper with disciples
  • April 15, Friday
  • Day of Crucifixion
  • April 15, Friday | 0100-0130
    14-hours to death

    Garden of Gethsemane
  • Jesus waits for his arrest
  • Jesus falls on his face and prays to the Father
  • April 15, Friday | 0130-0300
    12-hours to death

    TRIAL 1: Jesus stands before Annas
  • Hearing before Annas, former Jewish high priest for 16 years
  • Jesus receives initial physical abuse

  • TRIAL 2: Jesus stands before Caiaphas
  • Hearing before Caiaphas, the Jewish high priest and the Sanhedrin Court
  • Jesus bloodied by abuse
  • April 15, Friday | 0300-0500
    11-hours to death

  • Imprisonment at Caiaphas' palace
  • April 15, Friday | 0500-0600
    10-hours to death

    TRIAL 3: Jewish elders call for Jesus to be killed
  • Together the Jewish elders,the High Priest, scribes and whole Sanhedrin urge the Roman government to kill Jesus
  • April 15, Friday | 0600-0700
    9-hours to death

    TRIAL 4: Jesus stands before Pilate
  • Hearing before Pilate, the Roman governor declares, "I find no guilt in this man"
  • Pilate asks which prisoner be released: Jesus or Barabbas?
  • April 15, Friday | 0700-0730
    8-hours to death

    TRIAL 5: Jesus stands before Herod
  • Hearing before Herod Antipas, the son of Herod the Great, who had jurisdiction over Galilee.
  • Jesus refuses to answer any questions and so Herod returns him to Pilate
  • April 15, Friday | 0730-0830
    7-hours to death

    TRIAL 6: Jesus returns to Pilate who tries to release him
  • Hearing before Pilate who finds no fault in Jesus
  • Jewish leaders demand Jesus be crucified
  • Pilate physically tortures and beats Jesus to satisfy the Jewish leaders
  • Jewish leaders repeat their demand Jesus be crucified
  • Pilate reluctantly gives order Jesus be executed

  • TRIAL DECISION: Jesus sentenced to death
    April 15, Friday | 0830-0900
    6-hours to death

    Jesus is led away to Golgotha
  • Jesus speaks to women following him
  • Jesus is mocked and tortured by Pilate's Roman soldiers.
  • Soldiers place a 'crown of thorns' on his head
  • April 15, Friday | 0900-0930
    6-hours to death

    Jesus is crucified on the cross
  • Simon of Cyrene carries Jesus' cross.
  • Crucifixion in the 'third hour' or 0900
  • April 15, Friday | 0930-1000
    5-hours to death

    Jesus is insulted and mocked
    April 15, Friday | 1000-1100
    4-hours to death

  • Jesus and the two thieves
  • Jesus speaks to Mary and John
  • April 15, Friday | 1200
    3-hours to death

  • Darkness covers the land
  • April 15, Friday | 1300
    2-hours to death

  • Jesus is thirsty and offered wine to drink
  • Jesus cries, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
  • April 15, Friday | 1400
    1-hour to death

    Jesus' final cry
  • Jesus cries, "It Is Finished"
  • Jesus cries, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit."
  • April 15, Friday | 1500

    Jesus is pronounced dead
    The Romans invented crucifixion to be a public, slow and excruciating death. Often, men were still alive on the cross even after 6 days. Jesus was on the Cross for between 3 and 6 hours.

  • Temple veil torn
  • Earthquake occurs, graves opened and bodies of saints are raised to life.
  • Guarding soldiers regret their actions and confirm Jesus as righteous man
  • The soldiers break the thieves' legs
  • A soldier pierces Jesus' side with a spear; blood and water flow out
  • April 15, Friday | 1500-Sunset
    Jesus' burial
  • Jesus is buried in a Tomb
  • Soldiers stand guard over Tomb
  • April 17, Sunday
    * All dates and times are approximate and based on Christian Biblical accounts. These are disputed within Christianity and other religions.

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