Catholic Church Inventions


Many Roman Catholic practices are based on ancient pagan rituals, not the life of Jesus Christ

In 325 AD, Emperor Constantine a pagan convert to Christianity allowed for false pagan doctrines into the early Christian Church.

1 Source of Authority
On the Bible, Catholics accept the apocryphal books in addition to the 66 books of the Protestant Bible. They also accept tradition and the teaching of the Catholic Church as authoritative and at least equal to that of the Bible.
1 Papal Infallibility
Catholics believe that ecumenical councils of bishops and the pope are immune from error when speaking ex cathedra about faith and morals. By infallible, Catholics imply more than beyond error, it is positive perfection, and a ruling out the possibility of any error.

In actuality, Roman Catholicism places itself above Scripture. It teaches the Roman Catholic Church produced the Bible and the pope is Jesus Christ's vicar on earth.

Catholics also maintain the belief in Sacerdotalism, where a Catholic priest has the power to forgive Sins

This is in contrast to the Bible where no one can forgive sin other than God Himself
2Jesus Christ
Catholicism teaches that Jesus is God, but Jesus' death did not pay the full penalty for sin. Catholics believe those who qualify for heaven must still spend time in purgatory to atone for sin.

There is no mention of purgatory in the Bible. Catholics diminish Christ's deity (as do other cults), but in a different manner; instead of bringing Christ low by denying his deity, Catholics elevate Mary high in an attempt to make her equal with Christ, this is heresy.
The Catholic Church raises Mary to high honors and adoration to Mary that the Scriptures do not; she is readily referred to as "holy," the "Mother of God," and has been dubbed the "Co-Redemptrix," thereby making her an object of idolatrous worship (e.g., the rosary has ten prayers to Mary for each two directed to God). In 1923, Pope Pius XI sanctioned Pope Benedict XV's (1914-1922) pronouncement that Mary suffered with Christ, and that with Him, she redeemed the human race. And Pope Pius XII officially designated Mary the "Queen of Heaven" and "Queen of the World."

Catholics claim not only that Mary was perfectly sinless from conception, even as Jesus was (doctrine of Immaculate Conception, proclaimed by Pope Pius IX in 1854),

but that the reason she never sinned at any time during her life was because she was unable to sin (cf. Luke 1:46,47; Rom. 3:10,23; 5:12; Heb. 4:15; 1 John 1:8,10).

Catholics also believe that Mary was a perpetual virgin (cf. Ps. 69:8; Matt. 1:24,25; 13:54-56; Mk. 6:3; John 7:5),

and that she was assumed, body and soul, into heaven (doctrine of Assumption of Mary, declared ex cathedra by Pope Pius XII in November of 1950 --

that Mary was raised from the dead on the third day after her death, and anyone who refuses to believe this has committed a mortal sin).

The consequence of all this veneration of Mary, in effect, establishes her authority above Christ's

Rome says, "He came to us through Mary and we must go to Him through her." All this is so obviously idolatrous, one wonders why Catholics take offense when their religious affections are called cultic.

Exodus 20:4,5 (the Ten Commandments) strictly forbids bowing down to any likeness of anything in heaven (this includes Mary).
4 Salvation
Catholics teach that a person is saved through the Roman Catholic Church and its sacraments, especially through baptism;
Jesus didn't baptize (John 4:2).

they do not believe that salvation can be obtained by grace through faith in Christ alone, but that baptism is essential to salvation.

Catholics believe that no one outside the Catholic Church can be saved (Unum Sanctum) (cf. John 5:24; Ephesians 2: 8,9; Galatians 2:21; Romans 3:22,23).

They also believe that one's own suffering can expiate the sin's of himself and of others, so that what Christ's suffering was not able to achieve, one can achieve by his own works and the works of others (Vatican II).
Catholics have seven sacraments:
Eucharist (mass),
penance/reconciliation (indulgences),
extreme unction (last rights),
marriage, and
orders (ordination).

Although not even formally decreed until the Council of Florence in 1439, the Council of Trent later declared all to be anathema whom do not hold Rome's position that it was Christ Himself who instituted these seven sacraments!

(The idea behind the sacraments is that the shedding of Christ's Blood in His death upon the cross is of no value unless it is somehow dispensed and applied "sacramentally" by the Catholic priesthood.)

Although Catholics believe that the first five sacraments are indispensable for salvation (because without any one of them, a mortal sin has been committed), baptism is considered the most important. Catholics believe that a person enters into the spiritual life of the Church through baptism; i.e., baptismal regeneration -- that a person can be saved through baptism (actually, 'on the road to salvation,' because Catholics never know exactly when they are saved). They practice infant baptism because they believe baptism erases original sin (cf. John 3:18). Titus 3:5 makes clear that we cannot be saved by works, "Not by works of righteousness..." There are NO sacraments taught in the Bible. Nothing is essential for our salvation other than simple child-like faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour to forgive our sins.
  • The rituals and practices of a priesthood to intercede and rule over the laity
  • A infallible vicar of Christ
  • Rote prayer
  • The Rosary (rote prayer to Mary for intercession)
  • Scapulars
  • Indulgences
  • Worship of Mary (in reality this pagan goddess with child pre-existed Mary and was known as the Queen of Heaven)
  • Holy Rituals
  • Sacraments
  • Holy water
  • The mission, practices, and methods of the Jesuits
  • Eucharistic Christ (The bread and wine becoming the body and blood of Christ whenever conjured up by a priest)
  • 321 AD
    Sunday Sabbath
    Some religious organizations (Seventh-day Adventists, Seventh-Day Baptists etc.) claim that Christians must worship on Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath. They claim that, at some unnamed time after the apostolic age, the Church "changed" the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday.   button
    337 AD
    Relic Worship
    Many non-Catholics shy away from the sacramental.aspects of Catholicism. What they dislike is the mixing of spirit and matter, the gift of something spiritual—grace—by means of physical things.   button
    366 AD
    The word rosary comes from Latin and means a garland of roses, the rose being one of the flowers used to symbolize the Virgin Mary.

    If you were to ask what object is most emblematic of Catholics, people would probably say, The rosary. After Vatican II, the rosary fell into relative disuse. The same is true for Marian devotions as a whole. But in recent years the rosary has made a comeback, and not just among Catholics. Many Protestants now say the rosary, recognizing it as a truly biblical form of prayer.   button
    394 AD
    The term mass is commonly used in the Catholic Church[1] and Anglican churches,[2] as well as some Lutheran churches,[3] Methodist,[4][5] Western Rite Orthodox and Old Catholic churches. Unknown in the early church, the mass did not become an official doctrine until pronounced by the Lateran Council of 1215 under the direction of Pope Innocent III, and reaffirmed by the Council of Trent. The Church of Rome holds that the mass is a continuation of the sacrifice that Christ made on Calvary -- in effect a re-crucifixion of Christ over and over again in an unbloody manner (cf. Hebrews 9:22; 1 John 1:7). They believe that by this means Christ offers Himself again and again as a sacrifice for sin (cf. Hebrews 7:27; 9:12,25,26; 10:10,12,14,18), and that this sacrifice is just as efficacious to take away sin as was the true sacrifice on Calvary. Catholics thus teach the doctrine of transubstantiation (meaning a change of substance) -- that the bread and wine (at communion) actually become (by the power of the priest!) the body and blood of Christ, which is then worshiped as God Himself! Indeed, the sacrifice of the mass is the central point of Catholic worship, as evidenced by the fact that those abstaining from attending mass are considered to have committed a mortal sin. Of course, holy communion is not taught in the Bible. The Bible teaches the "Lord's supper" which was simply an ordinance that Christ initiated for believers to do in remembrance of Him, no more. There is nothing magical about the Lord's supper. Nothing changes into anything. It is simply a time to remember Christ in an official church manner, Jesus is NOT dying again. The book of Hebrews tells us repeatedly that Jesus died "once" for all.
    590 AD
    Eternal Torment
    799 AD
    850 AD
    Mary Worship
    1198 AD
    1299 AD
    Bible Forbidden
    1311 AD
    Infant Baptism
    1563 AD
    Tradition above Scripture (reaffirmed)
    1563 AD
    Transubstantiation (reaffirmed)
    1563 AD
    Purgatory (reaffirmed)
    Catholics believe in Heaven, Hell, and something called Purgatory that has two purposes:
    • a temporal punishment for sin
    • the cleansing from the attachment to sin
    Purgatory purifies the soul before the soul's grand entrance into heaven. The Catholic Church teaches that even those 'who die in the state of grace', saved and sins forgiven, must still spend an indefinite time being purged/purified of sins and cleansed for entry to heaven.

    Of pagan origin, the Roman Church proclaimed purgatory as an article of faith in 1439 at the Council of Florence, and it was confirmed by Trent in 1548.
    1563 AD
    Justification by Faith & Works (reaffirmed)
    1563 AD
    Indulgences (reaffirmed)
    1585 AD
    1854 AD
    Immaculate Conception
    1870 AD
    Papal Infallibility
    1929 AD
    Pope sovereign ruler
    1951 AD
    Assumption of Mary
    Mary as Mediatrix

    Truth Matters: Escaping the Labyrinth of Error. Walter Veith 2002 p.217

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    In accordance with Islamic etiquette, all prophet names should be followed with 'Peace Be Upon Him (PBUH)'. This is omitted to minimise text.

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