China tells Uyghur Muslims who consider alcohol forbidden to report to authorities - Independent

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Chinese city tells Muslims who consider alcohol forbidden to hand themselves in to authorities | The Independent | The Independent

Monday, 19 November 2018
Officials continue crackdown on Islam amid concerns more than a million have been sent to internment camps
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1434 views · 9 hrs ago

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News on 'China'

Results: 72 News Items
Displayed in Date Order (most recent first)
1.   China's Digital Yuan Is a Technocracy Dream Currency - Technocracy
Published: 23 Apr 2021   |   730 views · 9 hrs ago
2.   Is the Communist China Social Credit System in Canada? - Rebel News
Published: 22 Apr 2021   |   708 views · 9 hrs ago
3.   Bill Gates Foundation funds China DNA firm mining US COVID Test data - UNN
Published: 09 Mar 2021   |   1890 views · 9 hrs ago
4.   Is China creating Super Soldiers using CRISPR? - ZeroHedge
Published: 13 Feb 2021   |   705 views · 3 hrs ago
6.   China rolls out 'more accurate' Anal Swabs for Covid-19 testing - RT News
Published: 29 Jan 2021   |   824 views · 9 hrs ago
7.   Pakistan to buy 1.2M COVID-19 vaccine doses from China's Sinopharm - Reuters
Published: 31 Dec 2020   |   706 views · 57 mins ago
8.   China approves Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine for 50M people - Business Insider
Published: 31 Dec 2020   |   1069 views · 8 hrs ago
9.   Turkey buys 50M 'traditional' Sinovac, China COVID vaccine for its people - Nikkei
Published: 18 Dec 2020   |   788 views · 8 hrs ago
10.   Pakistan takes $1.5 billion loan from China to repay debt to Saudi Arabia - India Today
Published: 13 Dec 2020   |   921 views · 2 days ago
12.   China: Airline cabin crew to wear nappies to reduce COVID risk - BBC News
Published: 11 Dec 2020   |   788 views · 9 hrs ago
13.   China seeks to control Rain and Snow weather over 2M square miles by 2025 - The Times
Published: 04 Dec 2020   |   4020 views · 7 hrs ago
14.   China conducting biological tests to create Super Soldiers, US spy chief says - The Guardian
Published: 04 Dec 2020   |   832 views · 8 hrs ago
15.   COVID-19 part of China 'stealth war' against USA - LifeSite
Published: 30 Nov 2020   |   749 views · 9 hrs ago
16.   China push for global COVID QR-Code to track international travel - CNN
Published: 23 Nov 2020   |   665 views · 3 days ago
17.   China to launch official CBDC digital currency in drive to Cashless society - Economist
Published: 17 Nov 2020   |   674 views · 9 hrs ago
18.   China sends world's first 6G test satellite into orbit, faster than 5G - BBC News
Published: 07 Nov 2020   |   818 views · 18 hrs ago
20.   China, Shenzhen trials digital currency, in move towards a Cashless society - BBC News
Published: 13 Oct 2020   |   949 views · 9 hrs ago
21.   CHINA: 9,000,000 people to be COVID tested due to 12 people testing positive - Independent
Published: 12 Oct 2020   |   1087 views · 9 hrs ago
23.   China's president Xi: The world must co-operate on Climate Change - Sky News
Published: 01 Oct 2020   |   867 views · 9 hrs ago
28.   China exports population control technology to Countries around the world - Technocracy
Published: 31 Aug 2020   |   693 views · 11 hrs ago
31.   USA seeks to better China's Surveillance network using Artificial Intelligence - David Icke
Published: 28 Apr 2020   |   891 views · 20 mins ago
32.   China Rolls Out Pilot Test of Digital Currency - WSJ
Published: 20 Apr 2020   |   824 views · 21 mins ago
34.   The China That Emerges After Coronavirus Will Be A Cashless Society - TWA
Published: 20 Feb 2020   |   1107 views · 3 days ago
36.   China brings in mandatory Face recognition 'biometric' for mobile phone users - The Guardian
Published: 02 Dec 2019   |   1163 views · 10 hrs ago
38.   USA falling behind China on Artificial Intelligence funding, NSCAI report - CNBC
Published: 04 Nov 2019   |   733 views · 9 hrs ago
39.   China Citizens must pass facial-recognition test to get Internet access - LifeSite
Published: 03 Oct 2019   |   1160 views · 9 hrs ago
40.   China Mosque demolitions raise fears for Uyghur Muslims - Independent
Published: 22 Sep 2019   |   1095 views · 9 hrs ago
41.   'Nightmare' as Egypt aided China to arrest Uyghurs in Egypt - Yahoo
Published: 18 Aug 2019   |   1475 views · 8 hrs ago
42.   Uyghur Muslim women 'sterilised' in China detention camps, say former detainees - Independent
Published: 12 Aug 2019   |   1206 views · 9 hrs ago
43.   China builds more secret 're-education camps' to detain more Uyghur Muslims - Independent
Published: 10 Aug 2019   |   1145 views · 9 hrs ago
44.   World's first human-monkey hybrid created in China, scientists reveal - Independent
Published: 03 Aug 2019   |   1081 views · 9 hrs ago
46.   US accuses China of using 'concentration camps' to imprison up to 3m Muslims - The Guardian
Published: 04 May 2019   |   2152 views · 41 mins ago
47.   China's technology-driven war on its Uyghur Muslim minority - The Guardian
Published: 11 Apr 2019   |   1285 views · 16 hrs ago
48.   Chinese Official Vows to Eliminate Christianity in China - CH
Published: 13 Mar 2019   |   1172 views · 9 hrs ago
50.   China 'forcing Muslims to eat Pork and drink Alcohol' - Independent
Published: 07 Feb 2019   |   1331 views · 9 hrs ago
51.   Blood Everywhere: China's surveillance of Muslim Uyghurs - Al-Jazeera
Published: 01 Feb 2019   |   1032 views · 2 days ago
52.   China passes law to make Islam 'compatible with Socialism' - Al-Jazeera
Published: 05 Jan 2019   |   975 views · 16 hrs ago
58.   1M Muslim Uyghurs detained by China. Where's the Global Outrage? - The Intercept
Published: 13 Aug 2018   |   1192 views · 9 hrs ago
59.   China tracks Uyghur Muslims on Hajj pilgrimage using GPS trackers - Business Insider
Published: 10 Aug 2018   |   2014 views · 9 hrs ago
62.   Vatican agreement with China could 'deal blow' to Catholic church - The Guardian
Published: 13 Feb 2018   |   1237 views · 16 hrs ago
63.   China blows up $2.6M Christian Church with explosives - Independent
Published: 12 Jan 2018   |   1001 views · 6 mins ago
64.   China, once officially atheist, now booming with religion - RNS
Published: 17 May 2017   |   1119 views · 9 hrs ago
65.   Why China Fears Christianity - The Diplomat
Published: 31 May 2016   |   1030 views · 9 hrs ago
66.   China warns people to shun Islam, stick to Marxist Atheism - Indian Express
Published: 26 May 2016   |   1339 views · 9 hrs ago
68.   Islam most popular religion in China among young people - Newsweek
Published: 08 Jul 2015   |   1982 views · 9 hrs ago
69.   China through 9th century Arab Abbasid eyes - MEE
Published: 09 Jun 2015   |   1359 views · 9 hrs ago
70.   China on course to become world's most Christian nation' within 15 years - Telegraph
Published: 19 Apr 2014   |   1267 views · 2 days ago
71.   China on course to become 'world's most Christian nation' within 15 years - Telegraph
Published: 19 Apr 2014   |   1087 views · 2 days ago
72.   China on course to become 'world's most Christian nation' within 15 years - Telegraph
Published: 19 Apr 2014   |   1358 views · 9 hrs ago

35  Videos with 'China'

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Video: Salvation Q&A Session - Bilal Philips 27:44
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Video: Salvation Q&A Session - Bilal Philips 16:36
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