Covid-19: Does wearing a Face Mask do anything? - Off-Guardian

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Saturday, 06 June 2020
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1322 views · 43 mins ago

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News on 'Face mask'

Results: 40 News Items
Displayed in Date Order (most recent first)
2.   Ireland: 2 month Prison sentence for man who refused to wear COVID Face Mask - RTE
Published: 17 Dec 2020   |   767 views · 21 hrs ago
3.   Face Masks do not stop you getting Covid, Danish study proves - Mail Online
Published: 19 Nov 2020   |   891 views · 16 hrs ago
4.   Florida, USA: Everyone must wear Covid face mask or be fined upto $500 - CNN
Published: 19 Nov 2020   |   982 views · 12 hrs ago
6.   France: 6 year old Children must wear COVID Face Masks in School Classroom - The National
Published: 29 Oct 2020   |   983 views · 12 hrs ago
7.   Dubai, UAE: Wear a Covid FACE MASK on the BEACH, or risk a $800 fine - The National
Published: 25 Oct 2020   |   1155 views · 12 hrs ago
8.   Iran makes COVID Face Masks mandatory in capital Tehran, or fines issued - PressTV
Published: 10 Oct 2020   |   921 views · 11 hrs ago
10.   We'll Be Wearing Face Masks In 2021, Even With A COVID-19 Vaccine - Huffington
Published: 21 Sep 2020   |   2096 views · 47 mins ago
13.   COVID Face Masks and Lockdowns do NOT lead to reduced Deaths, NBER study shows - AIER
Published: 26 Aug 2020   |   1088 views · 3 hrs ago
14.   Australia, Melbourne police launch drones to target anyone not wearing COVID Face masks - ZDNet
Published: 22 Aug 2020   |   874 views · 12 mins ago
15.   WHO: Children from age 12 years should wear COVID face masks - Arab News
Published: 22 Aug 2020   |   1632 views · 2 hrs ago
18.   Dr Deborah Birx: Americans should wear COVID face masks AT HOME - RT News
Published: 03 Aug 2020   |   1814 views · 3 days ago
20.   Anders Tegnell: 'COVID Face Masks are pointless', claims Sweden's chief epidemiologist - AFR
Published: 30 Jul 2020   |   924 views · 3 days ago
21.   Explosion in mandatory COVID face masking isn't driven by Science, but Fear - LifeSite
Published: 27 Jul 2020   |   685 views · 3 hrs ago
22.   Why Sweden remains COVID face mask-free - Telegraph
Published: 24 Jul 2020   |   764 views · 15 hrs ago
23.   Miami, USA: Mayor recommends wearing COVID Face Mask inside the home - Business Insider
Published: 24 Jul 2020   |   706 views · 3 hrs ago
24.   Malaysia to make COVID face mask mandatory from Aug 1 or receive $235 fine - Bangkok Post
Published: 23 Jul 2020   |   856 views · 2 days ago
25.   USA, Washington: Mayor fined $1000 for not wearing a Face Mask in Public - Technocracy
Published: 23 Jul 2020   |   795 views · 11 hrs ago
26.   Australia, Melbourne makes COVID Face Masks mandatory when leaving home - Telegraph
Published: 19 Jul 2020   |   1799 views · 2 hrs ago
27.   Canada, Quebec makes COVID Face Masks mandatory in enclosed public places - Global News
Published: 18 Jul 2020   |   1695 views · 18 hrs ago
28.   UK makes COVID Face masks and coverings mandatory in Shops and Public transport - BBC News
Published: 14 Jul 2020   |   769 views · 3 days ago
29.   France makes COVID Face masks mandatory in public from August 1, 2020 - RT News
Published: 14 Jul 2020   |   834 views · 2 days ago
30.   Fed's Kaplan says COVID Face Mask wearing is key to US economic growth - Reuters
Published: 10 Jul 2020   |   1008 views · 12 hrs ago
32.   Goldman Sachs: Wear the COVID face mask to save the US economy - MarketWatch
Published: 30 Jun 2020   |   959 views · 12 hrs ago
33.   Make COVID face masks compulsory in public in UK, says virus expert - The Guardian
Published: 30 Jun 2020   |   1830 views · 16 hrs ago
34.   Face Masks Don't Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy - RC Reader
Published: 11 Jun 2020   |   715 views · 3 days ago
35.   We may still be wearing COVID face masks through 2022, Harvard study says - Cleveland
Published: 11 Jun 2020   |   1023 views · 12 hrs ago
36.   Covid-19: Does wearing a Face Mask do anything? - Off-Guardian
Published: 06 Jun 2020   |   1323 views · 0 secs ago
38.   Coronavirus Face Masks are a Serious Risk to Healthy - Technocracy
Published: 14 May 2020   |   909 views · 12 hrs ago
40.   COVID Face masks could increase risk of infection, medical chief warns - Independent
Published: 12 Mar 2020   |   688 views · 3 hrs ago

22  Videos with 'Face mask'

Video: Salvation Q&A Session - Bilal Philips 4:06
2367 views · 39 mins ago | 4 years ago
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Video: Salvation Q&A Session - Bilal Philips 5:31
4818 views · 39 mins ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 6:25
4363 views · 14 hrs ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 5:18
2486 views · 11 hrs ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 4:01
3074 views · 2 hrs ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 14:56
3286 views · 15 mins ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 17:32
3444 views · 3 hrs ago | 4 years ago
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Video: Salvation Q&A Session - Bilal Philips 27:35
3395 views · 4 hrs ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 15:25
5880 views · 2 mins ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 18:08
4042 views · 10 hrs ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 1:36
2792 views · 1 day ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 3:28
2734 views · 10 hrs ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 22:56
2691 views · 10 hrs ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 3:28
3631 views · 10 hrs ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 8:50
3377 views · 10 hrs ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 27:17
3598 views · 19 hrs ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 3:41
3453 views · 12 hrs ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 11:32
2051 views · 2 hrs ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 5:51
2904 views · 11 hrs ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 22:31
2942 views · 20 mins ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 38:38
3373 views · 11 hrs ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 1:04
2240 views · 17 hrs ago | 3 years ago
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Saudi Food Wholesaler profits hit $24M on higher food demand in [...] - Arab News
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Saudi Arabia approves Moderna COVID Vaccine for children aged 6 years [...] - The National
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Covid Crisis: Australians returning from India may be jailed for 5 [...] - The Guardian
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