9/11: The Creation of fear, debt & US global domination. Where Millionaires became Billionaires - John Perkins

Published: 01 Jan 1970  ·  Uploaded: 28 Sep 2019 Watch on Youtube.com
4209 views  ·  4 hrs ago 42:06

Video Description (from Youtube)
John Perkins 2015 “9/11 As Catalyst For 14 Years of US and Global Domination”

In his shocking memoir, “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man,” John tells of his own inner journey from willing servant of empire to impassioned advocate for the rights of oppressed people.

Observing the shocking pattern of government, corporate, military, and economic policies since 9/11, John turns his attention to the pivotal event and how it’s been used to legitimize the onslaught of absolute power benefiting the few at the expense of the masses across the globe.

Covertly recruited by the United States National Security Agency and on the payroll of an international consulting firm, he traveled the world— implementing policies that promoted the interests of the U.S. corporatocracy while professing to alleviate poverty. John now claims that since 9/11, the work of economic hitmen has increased to alarming levels, infiltrating government and economic decision-making. He ’s working on a sequel to his best-selling book in which he examines alarming trends in government, military, and economic policies which are traceable to the 9/11 attacks. Knowing the official narrative could not be true, and the disastrous after effects which has caused so much hardship for 95% of the world population, John says "whoever did 9/11 - we must take them to task".

John gave this keynote speech at the “Declassify the Truth: 9/11 Transparency on the Rise,” 14th Anniversary Symposium, September 12, 2015, New York City, at the West Park Presbyterian Church.
Produced: 2015, Episode: DTT-JP, 42:05
Category: Education
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Shared on: 28 Sep 2019

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