WTC Building 7: The 'Smoking Gun' of 9/11

Published: 23 Apr 2013  ·  Uploaded: 30 Sep 2017 Watch on
2665 views  ·  19 hrs ago 35:39

TAGS 9/11   114
Video Description (from Youtube)
9/11 revisited - This is an assemblage of various video clips focusing on the WTC-7 Salomon Brothers Building collapse on 9/11/2001.

The collapse of WTC Building 7 is the most telling event of the 9-11 attacks and demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt that controlled demolition was used to bring the building down in its own footprint. Larry Silverstein, the new World Trade Center leaseholder at the time of the attacks, admitted in a 2002 PBS documentary that Building 7 was "Pulled" - a demolition industry term for "controlled demolition." And, indeed, Building 7's collapse appears to be textbook controlled demolition.

However, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) who investigated the WTC building collapses stated officially that office fires alone brought the building down - something that has never happened in the history of steel famed highrise buildings. Since it borders on the realm of impossibility that technicians could wire a 47-story building with office fires burning for the near textbook perfect demolition seen in Building 7's collapse in a mere 6-hours, it strongly suggests that the building was wired prior to 9/11/2001, and this indicates that the 9/11 attacks were an inside orchestrated False Flag operation. .

As Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former Director of Studies at the U.S. Army War College, commented: "If one of the buildings was wired for demolition, all of them were wired for demolition." And, indeed, all three buildings demonstrate controlled demolition.

Is World Trade Center building # 7 the 9/11 smoking gun? Countless professionals feel that it is. Only three high-rise steel framed buildings have "ever" completely collapsed with the destruction being attributed to fires, and all of them were in the World Trade Center complex on September 11, 2001. Was WTC-7 "pulled" (controlled demolition)? In the PBS documentary aired in 2002 WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein used the demolition industry's term "Pull-it" when describing the events that led to the perfect textbook total collapse of the building only 6-hours after the 9/11 attack.

It takes weeks to months to prepare a large building for precision controlled demolition - especially the degree of precision exhibited by WTC-7's collapse. To properly prepare a 47-story steel framed building for such a perfect demolition in less than six hours would be almost super-human - all the more remarkable if fires, smoke, and the confusion and turmoil of the 9/11 attack would be in the mix.

The World Trade Center had modernization work being performed for many months leading up to 9/11 as well as suspicious activities such as an electrical system power-down involving the Twin Towers on the weekend prior to 9/11. Could this have given the "perpetrators", whoever they are, the opportunity to wire the buildings for demolition? Who was in charge of security for the World Trade Center? Marvin P. Bush, George W. Bush's younger brother was a principle in Securacom, the company that provided security for the World Trade Center on 9/11, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport. In addition, Wirt D. Walker III, George W. Bush's cousin, was Securacom's CEO. - 9/11 - Is PNAC Creating the "Violent" New World Order? [includes a portion of the BBC documentary "Panorama - The War Party" on the Neoconservatives plan for America in their own words]

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Shared on: 30 Sep 2017

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