Sumerian goddess, Inanna similarities with Jesus - Godless Engineer

Published: 27 Aug 2018  ·  Uploaded: 19 Nov 2018 Watch on
2321 views  ·  20 hrs ago 28:11

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What's Up Heathens! Today we are looking at Inspiring Philosophy saying that I said Jesus was Copied from Inanna. In fact, this entire video of his is nothing but a strawman on my position as well as Dr. Carriers.

So this video by IP is totally disingenuous to not only my case but for Richard Carrier as well. He starts off misrepresenting Carrier. He purposely does this because later on, he admits that carrier doesn’t think that in an attempt to make it seem like I disagree with Carrier or something.

So right off the bat, he is being disingenuous with what we are actually saying and building a strawman case against our actual positions. Next he doesn’t know what a “skeleton” is when talking about the composition of a story. A “Perfect Skeleton” here is some set of basic attributes of the story and I specifically say the passion and resurrection narrative. He also throws in that no Scholar would say this which is just an appeal to authority. I obviously reject the authorities on this matter but also I’m not saying that the story fits completely. I’m saying that some elements of the story match that of Jesus. There is a solid link between Inanna and the Jewish people, which I’m sure he won’t get to at all, that shows this myth affected the Jewish culture.

Obviously Roman Crucifixion wouldn’t have appeared when the Inanna/Ishatar myth was created but that doesn’t mean that some form of Crucifixion didn’t exist. He apparently doesn’t know about the Crux Simplex, which is just using a stake or tree to pin someone up on, or even the history of Crucifixion in the first place.

Crucifixion originated with the Assyrians and Babylonians. The Persians used it systematically in the 6th century BC. Greek Historian Herodotus recorded King Achaemenid Darius as using crucifixion on the Babylonians in 519 BCE. Crucifixion was known as either impaling someone on a stake or nailing them to the stake. There was no cross beam to begin with, that was adapted later in an effort to make the death more painful for the victim as they would die slowly of asphyxiation and exposure to the elements. This is seen in Alexander the Great’s siege of Tyre where he crucified 2,000 survivors in the 4th century BCE. Also around this time it was mandated in the Jewish laws that for some crimes the guilty party was killed and then crucified on a stake for all to see. Just like in Inanna’s story. The point here isn’t that the myth was copied exactly into Jewish culture but the fact that the Jewish culture was significantly affected by the Inanna’s myth. It was so affected that God got pissed at the Jews for worshipping Inanna rather than him. That’s directly in the Bible.

True, Inanna’s corpse is hung up on the wall by a hook but as we see, the Jews also practiced this form of Crucifixion. It’s not Roman Crucifixion but it doesn’t have to be exactly that in order for it to be considered Crucifixion. Whenever he says “No historian would say it was,” I agree with that sentiment because no where did I say it was specifically roman crucifixion. The Inanna story also doesn’t have to say specific words like Crucifixion and Resurrection.

[1] Japanese crucifixion -
[2] Crux Simplex -
[3] Seige of Tyre -
[4] Battle Report Alexander the Great Seige of Tyre -
[5] Darius Crucifies 3K in Babylon -
[6] Jewish Punishment -
[7] Jewish Punishment of Hanging Dead Bodies -
[8] Seven Heavens -
[9] Apostles Bible Verse -
[10] Inanna's Descent:

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Shared on: 19 Nov 2018

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