Book of Enoch: Fallen Angels, Nephilim, Devils & Men

Published: 17 Aug 2012  ·  Uploaded: 07 Jun 2017 Watch on
5406 views  ·  15 hrs ago 1:26:04

Video Description (from Youtube)
ENOCH: NEW ENOCH VIDEO FALLEN ANGELS, ALIENS, DEMONS: OFFICIAL ENOCH / BOOK of ENOCH explained EASY & SIMPLE. ENOCH: ORIGINAL DOCUMENTARY of ENOCH's fallen angels, devils, heaven, hell & mankind. 2014 Blood Moons / 2014 Revelation

Book of Enoch (Enoch): REAL STORY of Fallen Angels, Devils & Man (NEPHILIM, ANCIENT ALIENS, NOAHS FLOOD, 2014 Blood Moons, 2014 Revelation, Prophesy

Also by Trey Smith / God in a Nutshell
Theory of Everything:
Enoch: Book of Enoch --
Nephilim: Origin of Genetic Evil

2014 Blood Moons, 2014 Revelation, 2014 Nephilim, 2014 Illuminati, 2014 Luciferian, 2014 Ancient Aliens, Fallen Angels, Ancient Egyptian, Babylonian Practices to be covered in coming videos by God in a Nutshell / Trey Smith.

Enoch: Special thanks for Enoch coverage by David and Donna Carrico

Music in video made by:

Enoch (Book of Enoch): The Enoch video (released 2012) is a journey 5000 years in the past through the eyes of Enoch, 7th from the Biblical Adam, and great grandfather of Noah. Enoch covers the Fall of the Angels (Watchers), producing Nephilim, Annunaki, and / or the Discovery Channel's Ancient Aliens (Ancient Aliens). Enoch also covers Serpent / Reptilian creature/s. Popular TV shows such as Ancient Aliens say we are encountering "Ancient Aliens", Entities, alien beings, alien agendas, UFO's, UFO sightings from ages past, UFO sightings in modern day; but more than this, if Enoch is correct -- not only does it mean we are "not alone" -- but greater still --- he paints a picture that is somewhat darker, grander in scope, and encompasses all mankind, history, the whole universe, and dimensions from heaven to hell, and all the things that lurk between.

An epic journey from man's origins, to the "fallen angels", to Noah's Flood, to the "End of the World"... to eternity itself.

BOOK of ENOCH (Experts in video and links to their materials on Enoch, Nephilim, Annunanki & Walt Brown on Noah's Ark, Noah's Flood)

✔Enoch: 2014 Enoch video by Trey Smith -or-
✔Enoch: Book of Enoch read by Robert Ferrell (Robert Ferrell's website covers in-depth videos on many, many ancient texts)
✔Enoch: 2014 Blood Moons, 2014 Nephilim, 2014 Illuminati, 2014 Luciferian, 2014 Ancient Aliens, Fallen Angels, Ancient Egyptian, Babylonian Practices covered by David and Donna Carrico
✔Noah's Flood: Dr. Walt Brown author of "In the Beginning" covers Noah's Flood and Hydro-plate Theory

God in a Nutshell: ENOCH. Video file 5 (SUMMARY OF VIDEO)

Enoch is referenced in Genesis as the one who, "was not, for God took him." In these ancient pages, Enoch tells of the "Fallen Angels" who brought forth Nephilim, Annunaki, anomalies of all types, and what some call "Ancient Aliens"; while others report "strange happenings" and "UFO sightings" or Sumerian legends of Nibiru. He tells of dimensions beyond man's feeble grasp, Noah's flood, even the coming of Jesus Christ, and the Creator Himself.

Indeed, if Enoch is correct, then the scope is much, much larger than Illuminati, Nephilim, ancient aliens, angels, demons, or spooky things that may go bump in the night. Indeed, if Enoch is correct, we are but infants in a cradle beyond imagination.

Enoch video produce by Trey Smith


God in a Nutshell: FILE 1 Benny Hinn & Occult
God in a Nutshell: FILE 2 MAYAN CALENDAR 2012
God in a Nutshell: FILE 3 TRUTH about Aliens & Demons
God in a Nutshell: FILE 4 2012 END of the WORLD
God in a Nutshell: FILE 5 Book of Enoch, Fallen Angels, Nephilim, Annunaki

Official God in a Nutshell website:

Original God in a Nutshell letter: THE CHOICE

Thieves: One dirty TV pastor and the man who robbed him -- TRUE STORY of when Trey Smith committed a safe robbery on Benny Hinn's fundraiser, Mike Murdock, in 1999 -- then ran to Mexico: VIDEO

Shared on: 07 Jun 2017

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