Al-Tirmidhi 3

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Chapter: 3
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Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) said:

"Whoever leaves wealth then it is for his heirs, and whoever leaves poor dependents then it (the responsibility) is for me."
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Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) said:

"Learn the laws of inheritance and the Quran, and teach the people, for I am a mortal."
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Jabir bin 'Abdullah said:

"The wife of Sa'd bin Ar-Rabi came with her two daughters from Sa'd to he Messenger of Allah(S.A.W)and said; O Messenger of Allah(S.A.W)! these two are daughters of Sa'd bin Ar-Rabi who fought along with you on the day of Uhud and was martyred. Their uncle took their wealth, without leaving any wealth for them, and they will not be married unless they have wealth.' He said: 'Allah will decide on that matter.' The ayah about inheritance was revealed, so the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) sent (word) to their Uncle saying: Give the two daughters of Sa'd two thirds, and give their mother one eighth, and whatever remains,; then it is for you.''
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Huzail bin Shurahbil said:

"A man came to Abu Musa and Salman bin Rabiah and asked them about a daughter, a son's daughter, a father's sister and a mother's sister. So they said: 'For the daughter is half, for the sister of the father and the mother is what remains.' And they said to him: Go to Abdullah (bin Masud) and ask him, for surely he will concur with us.' So he went to 'Abdullah mentioning that to him and informing him what they had said. 'Abdulah said: 'If that were the case, then I would ave erred and not been among the rightly-guided (on the matter). Rather, I will judge with what the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) judged: For the daughter is half, for the son's daughter a sixth, totaling two-thirds and for the sister is what remains.'"
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Al-Harith narrated that 'Ali said:

"You recite this ayah: After payment of legacies he(or she) may have bequeathed or debts, without causing harm. And indeed the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) judged the debt before the will and that the children (sons and daughters)from the same mother and father inherit,not the sons from various mothers. The man inherits from his brother from his father, and his mother, not his brother from his father.
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Al-Harith narrated that 'Ali said:

" The Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) judged that the children (sons and daughters) from the same mother and father inherit,not the sons from various mothers.'
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Jabir bin 'Abdullah said:

"The Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) came to visit me wile I was ill at Banu Salamah. I said : 'O Prophet of Allah(S.A.W)! How shall I divide my wealth among my children?' But he did not say anything to me, until the following was revealed: Allah commands you regarding your children's (inheritance): to the male, a portion equal to that of two females."
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Jabir bin 'Abdullah said:

"I was ill, so the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W)came to visit me and found me unconscious. He came walking while Abu Bakr and 'Umar were with him. The Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) performed Wudu, then poured the remaining water on me, so I came to my senses. I said: 'O Messenger of Allah(S.A.W)! how shall I dispose of my wealth?' - or - 'What shall I do with my wealth?' He did not reply anything to me" -and he had nine sisters- "until the Ayah about the inheritance was revealed: they ask you for a legal verdict. Say: "Allah directs (thus) about Al-Kalalah." Jabir said: "It was revealed regarding me."
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Ibn 'Abbas narrated that the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) said:

"Give the shares of inheritance to those who are entitled to them. As for what remains, then it is for the closet male relative.'
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'Imran bin Husain narrated:

"A man came to the Prophet (S.A.W) and said" 'My son died, so what do I inherit from him?' He said: 'For you is a sixth.' When he turned to leave,he called him and said: 'For you is another sixth.' So when he turned to leave , he called him saying: 'The last sixth is consumable for you.'"
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Qabisah bin Dhuw'aib said:

"A grandmother - the mother of a mother, or the mother of a father - came to Abu Bakr and she said: 'a son of my son' - or, 'a son of my daughter died, and I have been informed that there is a right ( from the wealth) for me in the Book.' So Abu Bakr said: 'I do not find that there is a right for you in the Book, and I haven't heard that the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) judged anything for you. I shall ask the people.' So, Al-Mughirah bin Shu'bah testified that the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) gave her (case) a sixth. He said: 'And who heard that along with you?' He said: 'Muhammad bin Maslamah." He said: "So he gave her a sixth. Then the other grandmother who was left behind came to 'Umar." Sufyan said: "And Ma'mar said to me in addition, from Az-Zuhri - and I do not remember it to be from A-Zuhri, rather I remember it to be from Ma'mar - that 'Umar said: 'If the two of you are together then it is for both of you, and whichever of you is alone with it (the sixth), then it is for her.'"
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Qabisah bin Dhuw'aib said:

"A grandmother came to Abu Bakr to ask him about her inheritance. He said to her, 'There is noting for you in the Book of Allah and there is nothing for you in the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W). So ,return until I ask the people. So he asked the people and Al-Mughirah bin Shu'bah said: 'I was present when the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) gave her (case) a sixth.' So he said: 'Was anyone else with you?' Muhammad bin Maslamah stood to say the same as what Al-Mughirah bin Shu'bah said. So Abu Bakr implemented that for her." Then the other grandmother came to 'Umar bin Al-Khattab to ask him about her inheritance. He said: 'There is nothing in the Book of Allah for you, but there is that sixth. So if the two of you are together then it is for both of you, and whichever of you remains), then it is for her.'"
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'Abdullah bin Mas'ud said, about the grandmother along with her daughter:

"The Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) gave the first grandmother, along with her son, a sixth for them to consume while her son was living."
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Abu Umamah bin Sahl bin Hunaif said:

" 'Umar bin Al-Khattab sent me with a letter to Abu'Ubaidah (saying) that The Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) said : 'Allah and His Messenger are responsible for the one who has no patron. And the maternal uncle inherits from the one who has no heirs.'"
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Aishah narrated that the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) said:

"The maternal uncle inherits from the one who has no heirs."
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Aishah narrated that a freed slave of the Prophet (s.a.w) fell from foliage on a date-palm and died. So the Prophet (S.A.W) said:

"See if he has any heirs." They said: "No." He said: 'Pay it to someone among the people of the town."
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Ibn 'Abbas narrated that :

a man died during the time of the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) ,and he did not leave any heirs except for a slave that he had freed. So the Prophet gave him his inheritance
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Usamah bin Zaid narrated that the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) said:

"The Muslim does not inherit from the disbeliever, nor the disbeliever from the Muslim."
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Jabir narrated that the Prophet(S.A.W) said:

" The people of two religions do not inherit from each other."
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Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet(S.A.W) said:

"The murderer will not inherit."
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Sa'eed bin Al-Musayyab said:

" 'Umar said: 'The blood-money is upon the 'Aqilah, and the wife does not inherit anything from the blood-money of her husband.' So Ad-Dahhak bin Sufyan Al-Kilabi informed him that the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) wrote to him, (saying) to give the wife of Ashyam Ad-Dababi the inheritance from her husband's blood-money.'"
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Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) judged the payment of a Gurrah male or female slave in the case of a woman's fetus from Banu Libyan which miscarried. Then the woman who was required to give the Gurrah died, so the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) judged that her inheritance be given to her children and her husband, and that her blood-money be paid by her 'Asabah.
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Abudullah bin Mawhab - and some of them said- 'Abdullah bin Wahb, narrated from Tamim Ad-Dari who said:

'I asked the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W): What is the Sunnah regarding a man among the people of the Shirk who accepts Islam at the hand of a man among the Muslims?' So the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) said:
"He is the closet of the people to him in his life and in his death.'"
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Amr bin Su'aib narrated from his father, from his grandfather, that the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) said:

"Any man who fornicates with a free woman, or a slave woman, then the child born from Zina does not inherit, nor is it inherited from."
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Amr bin Su'aib narrated from his father, from his grandfather, that the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) said:

"The one who inherits the Wala is the one who inherits the wealth."
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Wathilah bin Al-Asqa' narrated that the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) said:

"The woman collects three inheritance: Whomever she freed, whomever she found, and the child for which she made Li'an."
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Kharijab bin Hudhafah narrated:

"Allah's Messenger came out to us and he said: 'Indeed Allah has assisted you with a Salat that is better for you than red camels: Al-Witr which Allah made for you between the Isha prayer till Al-Fajr has begun."
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Ali said:

"Al-Witr is not incumbent like your obligatory prayers, but it is a Sunnah of Allah's Messenger who said: "Indeed Allah is Witr (One), and He loves Al-Witr, so perform Al-Witr O people of the Qur'an."
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Sufyan Ath-Thawri and others reported from Abu Ishaq, from Asim bin Damrah, that :

Ali said: "Al-Witr is not incumbent like the status of the obligatory prayers, but it is a Sunnah which Allah's Messenger practiced."
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Abu Hurairah narrated:

"Allah's Messenger ordered me to perform Al-Witr before sleeping."
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Masruq narrated that :

he asked Aishah about the Witr of the Prophet. She said: "He would perform Witr during all of the night; (either) its beginning, its middle, or its end. So when he died, his Witr ended, during the approachof As-Sahar."
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Umm Salamah narrated:

"The Prophet would perform Witr with thirteen [Rak'ah]. When he was older and became weak he performed Witr with seven."
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Aishah narrated:

"The night prayer of Allah's Messenger was thirteen Rak'ah, five of which were his Witr, not sitting in any of them except at the end of them. When the Mu'adh-dhin called the Adhan he would stand to perform two light (Rak'ah)."
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Ali narrated:

"Allah's Messenger would perform Al-Witr with three, reciting nine Surah from the Mufassal in them, reciting three Surah in each Rak'ah with Say: "Allah is One." At the end of them."
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Muhammad bin Sirin said:

"They would perform Al-Witr with five, with three, and with one Rak'ah, and they considered all of that to be good."
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Anas bin Sirin narrated that :

he asked Ibn Umar about the length of the two Rak'ah (before) Al-Fajr. He said: "The Prophet would pray two and two during the night, and he would perform Al-Witr with one Rak'ah. And he would pray two Rak'ah while he was hearing the Adhan [meaning that they were light]."
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Ibn Abbas narrated:

"Allah's Messenger would recite during Al-Witr: "Glorify the Name of your Lord the Most High' and, 'Say: O you disbelievers!' and, 'Say: Allah is One,' in each Rak'ah."
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Abdul-Aziz bin Juraij said:

"I asked Aishah about what (recitation) Allah's Messenger would perform Al-Witr with. She said: 'In the first he would recite: Glorify the Name of your Lord the Most High, in the second: Say: O you disbelievers!, and in the third: Say: Allah is One" and, Al-Mu'awwidhatain.'"
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Al-Hasan bin Ali [may Allah be pleased with him] said:

"Allah's Messenger taught me some phrases to say during Al-Witr (Allahummahdini fiman hadait, wa a'fini fiman afait, wa tawallani fiman tawallait, wa barik Li fima atait, wa qini sharra ma qadait, fa Innaka taqdi wa la yuqda Alaik, wa innahu la yadhillu man walait, tabarakta Rabbana wa ta'alait.) 'O Allah guide me among those You have guided, pardon me among those You have pardoned, befriend me among those You have befriended, bless me in what You have granted, and save me from the evil that You decreed. Indeed You decree, and none can pass decree, and none can pass decree upon You, indeed he is not humiliated whom You have befriended, blessed are You our Lord and Exalted.'"
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Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "Whoever sleeps past Al-Witr or forgets it, then let him pray it when he remembers it or when he awakens."
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Zaid bin Aslam narrated from his father that:

the Prophet said: "Whoever sleeps past his Al-Witr then let him pray it in the morning."
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Ibn Umar narrated that :

the Prophet said: "Precede the morning with Al-Witr."
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Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "Perform Witr before the morning comes upon you."
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Ibn Umar narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "When Fajr begins, then every Salat of the night and Al-Witr have gone, so perform Al-Witr before Fajr begins."
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Qais bin Talq bin Ali narrated that :

his father said: I heard Allah's Messenger saying: "There are no two Witr in one night."
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Umm Salamah narrated:

"The Prophet would pray two Rak'ah after Al-Witr."
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Sa'eed bin Yasar narrated:

"I was with Ibn Umar on a journey and I fell behind him. He said: 'Where were you?' I said: 'I prayed Al-Witr.' He said: 'Is there not a good exampled for you in Allah's Messenger? I saw Allah's Messenger performing Al-Witr on his mount.'"
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Anas bin Malik narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "Whoever prays twelve Rak'ah of Ad-Duha, Allah will build a castle made of gold for him in Paradise."
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Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Laila narrated:

"No one informed that they saw Allah's Messenger praying Ad-Duha except Umm Hani. She narrated that Allah's Messenger entered her house on the Day of the Conquest of Makkah. He performed Ghusl and performed eight voluntary Rak'ah such that she had not ever seen him pray any Salat lighter than them, but that he completed the bowing and prostrations."
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Jubair narrated from Abu Ad-Darda, or Abu Dharr, that :

Allah's Messenger narrated that Allah, Blessed and Most High said: "Son of Adam: Perform four Rak'ah for Me in the beginning of the day it will suffice you for the latter part of it."
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Abu Hurairah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "Whoever continuously performs the two Rak'ah of Ad-Duha his sins will be forgiven, even if they be like the foam of the sea."
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Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri narrated:

"The Prophet would pray Ad-Duha until we would say: 'He will not leave it.' And he would leave it until we would say: 'He will not pray it.'"
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Abdullah bin As-Sa'ib narrated:

"Allah's Messenger would pray four (Rak'ah) after the Zawal of the sun before Az-Zuhr. He said: 'It is an hour in which the gates of the heavens are opened, and I love that a righteous deed should be raised up for me in it.'"
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Abdullah bin Abi Awfa narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "Whomever has a need from Allah, or from one of the sons of Adam, then let him perform Wudu, performing it well, then pry two Rak'ah, then pray Allah and say Salat upon the Prophet. Then let him say: (L ilaha illallah Al-Halimul-Karim. Subhan Alla Rabbil-Arshil-Azim. Al-Hamdulillahi Rabbil-Alamin. Asaluka mujibati rahmatika wa aza'im maghfiratika, wal-ghanimata min kulli birrin, was-salamata min kulli ithmin la tada li dhanban illa ghafartahu, wa la hamman illa farrajtahu, wa la Hajatan hiya laka radan Illa Qadaitaha, ya arham ar-rahimin.) 'None has the right t be worshiped but Allah. Al-Halim (the Forbearing) Al-Karim (the Generous). Glorious is Allah, Lord of the Magnificent Throne. All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. I ask You for that which warrants Your mercy, and that which will determine Your forgiveness, and the spoils (fruits) of every righteous deed, and safety from every sin; do not leave a sin for me without forgiving it, nor a worry without relieving it. Or a need that pleases you without granting it. O Most-Merciful of those who have mercy.'"
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Jabir bin Abdullah narrated:

"Allah's Messenger would teach us Al-Isthikhara for all of our affairs just as he would teach us a Surah of the Qur'an, saying: 'When one of you is worried about a matter, then let him perform two Rak'ah other than the obligatory (prayer), then let him say: (Allahumma inni astakhiruka bi'ilmika, wa astaqdiruka biqudratika, wa as'aluka min falikal-azim, fa innaka taqdiru wa la qadiru, wa ta'lami wa la a'lamu, wa anta allamul-ghayub. Allahumma in kunta ta'lamu anna hadhal-amra khairun li fi dini wa ma'ishati wa aqibati amri, or said: Fi ajili amri wa ajilihi fayassirhu li,thumma barik li fihi, wa in kunta ta'lamu anna hadhal-amra sharrun li fi dini wa ma'ishati wa aqibati amri, or said: Fi ajili amri wa ajilihi fasrifhu anni wasrifni anhu waqdur Lil-khaira haithu kana, thumma ardini bih.)" 'O Allah! I consult Your knowledge, and seek ability from Your power, and I ask You from Your magnificent bounty, for indeed You have power and I do not have power, and You know while I do not know, and You know the unseen. O Allah! If you know that this matter is good for me in my religion or my livelihood, and for my life in the Hereafter - or he said: for my present and future - then make it easy for me, then bless me in it. If You know that this matter is bad for me in my religion and my livelihood and my life in the Hereafter - or he said: for my present and future - then divert it from me and divert me from it, enable me to find the good wherever it is, then make me pleased with it."He said: "And he mentions his need."
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Anas bin Malik narrated that :

Umm Sulaim came upon the Prophet and said: "Teach me some words that I can say in my Salat." So he said: "Mention Allah's Greatness (saying: Allahu Akbar) ten times, mention Allah's Glory (saying: Subhan Allah) ten times, and mention Allah's praise (saying: Al-Hamdulilah) ten times. Then ask as you like, (for which) He says: 'Yes. Yes.'"
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Abu Rafi narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said to Al-Abbas: "O uncle! Shall I not give to you, shall I not present to you, shall I not benefit you?" He said: "Of course, O Messenger of Allah!" He said: "O uncle! Pray four Rak'ah, reciting in each Rak'ah Fatihatil-Kitab and a Surah. When you are finished your recitation then say: Allahu Akbar, wal-hamdulilah, wa Subhan-Allah, [Wa La Ilaha illallah] 'Allah is Greatest, and all praise is due to Allah, and Glorious is Allah, [and there is none worthy of worship except Allah].' fifteen times before you bow. Then bow and say it ten times, then raise your head and say it ten times. Then prostrate [the second time] and say it ten times. Then raise your head and say it ten times before standing. That is seventy-five in every Rak'ah, which is three-hundred in four Rak'ah. If your sins were like a heap of sand then Allah would forgive you." He said: "O Messenger if Allah! Who is able to say that every day?" He said: "If you can not say it every day then say it every Friday, and if you are not able to say it every Friday then say it every month." And he did not stop saying that until he said: "Then say it every year."
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Ka'b bin Ujrah narrated:

"We said: 'O Messenger of Allah! We have learned about saying the Salam to you, but how about As-Salat upon you?' He said: 'Say: (Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin Wa Ala ali Muhammadin kama sallaita Ala Ibrahim, Innaka hamidan MAjid, Wa barik Ala Muhammadin wa Ala ali Muhammadin kamma barakta Ala Ibrahim Innaka Hamidan Majid)" O Allah! Send Salat upon Muhammad and upon Muhammad's family just as You have sent Salat upon Ibrahim, indeed You are the Praise and Majestic. And send blessings upon Muhammad and Muhammad's family just as You have sent blessing upon Ibrahim, indeed You are the Praised and Majestic.'Mahmud said: "Abu Usamah said: Za'idah added something for me, from Al-Amash, from Al-Hakam, from Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Laila, that he said: "We would say 'And upon us along with them.'"
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Abdullah bin Mas'ud narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "The person closest to me on the Day of Judgement is the one who sent the most Salat upon me."
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Abu Hurairah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "Whoever sends Salat upon me, Allah sends Slat upon him ten times."
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Umar bin Al-Khattab narrated:

"Indeed the supplication stops between the heavens and the earth. Nothing of it is raised up until you send Salat upon your Prophet."
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Umar bin Al-Khattab [may Allah be pleased with him] said:

"No one should sell in our markets except one who has understanding in the religion."
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Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "On the first night of the month of Ramadan, the Shayatin are shackled, the jinns are restrained, the gates of the Fires are shut such that no gate among them would be opened. The gates of Paradise are opened such that no gate among them would be closed, and a caller calls: 'O seeker of the good; come near!' and 'O seeker of evil; stop! For there are those whom Allah frees from the Fire.' And that is every night."
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Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever fasts Ramadan and stands (in the night prayer) for it out of faith and seeking a reward (from Allah), he will be forgiven what preceded of his sins. Whoever stands (in the night prayer) on the Night of Al-Qadr out of faith and seeking a reward (from Allah), he will be forgiven what preceded of his sins."
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Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Prophet said: "Do not precede the month with a day nor with two days, unless that fast falls on a day that one of you would have (normally) fasted. Fast with its sighting and break fast with its sighting, and if it is cloudy, then count for thirty days, and then break (the fast)."
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Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "Do no precede the month of Ramadan by fasting a day or two before it, unless it is the case of a man who normally performs some fast, then let him fast it."
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Silah bin Zufar said:

"We were with Ammar bin Yasir when a roasted sheep was brought and he said: 'Eat.' Someone among the people said: 'I am fasting.' So Ammar said: 'Whoever fasts on a day in which there is doubt, then he has disobeyed Abul-Qasim (pbuh)."
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Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "Count the (the appearances of) the crescent of Sha'ban for Ramadan."
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Ibn Abbas narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "Do not fast before Ramadan. Fast with its sighting, and break fast with its sighting, and if it is obscured from you, then complete thirty days."
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Ibn Mas'ud said:

"What I fasted with the Prophet hat was twenty-nine (days), was more than what we fasted that was thirty."
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Anas narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah vowed to stay away from his wives for a month, so he stayed in a loft for twenty-nine days. They said: 'O Messenger of Allah, your vow was for a month,' so he said: 'The month is twenty-nine (days).'"
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Ibn Abbas narrated:

"A Bedouin came to the Prophet and said: 'I have seen the crescent.' So he said: 'Do you testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah? Do you testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah?' He said: 'Yes.' So he said: 'O Bilal! Announce to the people that they should fast tomorrow.'"
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Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Bakrah narrated from his father that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "The two months of Eid will not both be deficient: Ramadn and Dhul-Hijjah."
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Muhammad bin Abi Harmalah narrated:

"Kuraib informed me that Umm Al-Fadl bin Al-Harith sent him to Mu'awiyah in Ash-Sham. He said: 'So I arrived in Ash-Sham and finished her errand, and I saw the crescent of Ramadan while I was in Ash-Sham. We saw the crescent on the night of Friday. Then I arrived in Al-Madinah at the end of the month. Ibn Abbas was questioning me, then he mentioned the crescent and he said: "When did you see the crescent?" I said: "We saw it n the night of Friday." He said: "Did you see it on the night of Friday?" I said: "The people saw it, so they fasted, and Mu'awiyah fasted." He said: "But we saw it on the night of Saturday, so we will not stop fasting until we complete thirty days or we see it." So I said: "Is not the sighting and fasting of Mu'awiyah enough for you?" He said: "This is not how the Messenger of Allah ordered us."
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Anas bin Malik narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever has dried dates, then let him break the fast with that, and whoever does not, then let him break the fast with water, for indeed water is purifying."
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Salman bin Amir Ad-Dabbi narrated that :

the Prophet said: "When one of you breaks his fast, then let him do so with dried dates. And whoever does not find dates, then water, for it is purifying."
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Anas bin Malik narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah would break the fast with fresh dates before performing Salat. If there were no fresh dates then (he would) break the fast) with dried dates, and if there were no dried dates then he would take a few sips of water."
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Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Prophet said: "The fast is the day the people fast, the breaking of the fast is the day the people break their fast, and the sacrifice is the day the people sacrifice."
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Umar bin Al-Khattab narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "When the night advances and the day retreats, and the sun is hidden, then the fast is t be broken."
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Sahl bin Sa'd narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "The people will remain upon goodness as long as they hasten to break the fast."
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Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "Allah, Mighty and Sublime is He, said: 'Those of My worshippers who are most beloved to me are the quickest to break their fast.'"
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Abu Hurairah narrated:

(A Hadith similar to no. 700 with a different chain).
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Abu Atiyyah said:

"Masruq and I entered upon Aishah and we said: 'O Mother of the Beleivers! There are two men from the Companins of Muhammad, one of them hastens t break the fasts and he hastens to perform Salat. The other delays breaking the fast and he delays the Salat.' She said: 'Which of them hastens to break the fast and hastens to perform the Salat?' We said that it was Abdullah bin Mas'ud. She said: 'This is how the Messenger of Allah did it.' And the other was Abu Musa."
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Anas (bin Malik) narrated that :

Zaid bin Thabit said: "We ate Sahar with the Messenger of Allah, then we stood for the Salat." I (Anas) said: "How long was that?" He said: "About the lengthy of fifty Ayahs."
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Anas (bin Malik) narrated:

(Another chain) except that he said: "About the length for reciting fifty Ayahs."
85 of 189
Ali bin Tariq narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "Eat and drink, and do not be disturbed by the rising glow, eat and drink until the redness appears t you on the horizon."
86 of 189
Samurah bin Jundub narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "Do not let the Adhan of Bilal prevent you from your Sahar, nor the drawn out Fajr, but the Fajr that spreads on the horizon."
87 of 189
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Prophet said: "Whoever does not leave false speech, and acting according to it, then Allah is not in any need of him leaving his food and his drink."
88 of 189
Anas bin Malik narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "Partake of Sahar, for indeed there is a blessing in the Sahar."
89 of 189
Amr bin Al-As narrated :

(similar to no. 708) from the Prophet.
90 of 189
Jabir bin Abdullah narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah went to Makkah in the Year of the Conquest, so he fasted until he reached Kura Al-Ghamim and the people were fasting with him. Then it was said to him: 'The fast has become difficult for the people, and they are watching you to see what you will do.' So after Asr, he called for a cup of water and drank it while the people were looking at him. Some of them broke the fast while some of them continued their fasting. It was conveyed to him that people were still fasting, so he said: "Those are the disobedient.'"
91 of 189
Aishah narrated that :

Hamzah bin Amr Al-Aslami asked the Messenger of Allah about fasting while traveling, and he fasted regularly. So the Messenger of Allah said: 'If you wish then fast, and if you wish then break (the fast).'"
92 of 189
Abu Sa'eed (Al-Khudri) narrated:

"We were on a journey with the Messenger of Allah during the month of Ramadan. No one objected to the fast of the one fasting nor the fast breaking of the one who broke his fast."
93 of 189
Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri narrated:

"We were on a journey with the Messenger of Allah. Some of us were fasting and some of us broke their fast. The one who broke their fast had no objection to the one who fasted, and the one who fasted had no objection to the one who broke his fast. They saw that whoever had the strength to fast then that was good, and whoever was weak, then breaking it was better."
94 of 189
Ma'mar bin Abi Huyaiyah narrated that:

he asked Ibn Al-Musaiyab about fasting on a journey, so he narrated to him that Umar bin Al-Khattab said: "We fought in two battles along with the Messenger of Allah during Ramadan; the Day of Badr, and the Conquest (of Makkah), so we broke our fast during them."
95 of 189
Anas bin Malik, a man from Banu Abdullah bin Ka'b said:

"Some cavalry man of the Messenger of Allah came galloping upon us, so I came to the Messenger of Allah and found him having lunch. He said: "Come and eat." I said: 'I am fasting.' So he said: 'Come and I will narrate to you about the fast - fasting. Indeed Allah Most High lifted (the fast and) half of the Salat from the traveler, and (He lifted) the fast - or fasting - from the pregnant person, or the sick person.' And by Allah! The Prophet said both of them r one of them. So woe tome! For I did not eat from the meal of the Prophet."
96 of 189
Ibn Abbas narrated:

"A woman came to the Prophet and said: 'My sister died while she had two consecutive months of fasting due.' So he said: 'Do you not see that if there was a debt due from your sister then you would have to pay it?' She said: 'Yes.' He said: 'Then the right of Allah is more appropriate.'"
97 of 189
Ibn Abbas narrated:

(A Hadith similar to no. 716 with a different chain.)
98 of 189
Ibn Umar narrated that :

the Prophet said: "Whoever died while he had a month to fast, then a needy person should be fed on his behalf in place of every day."
99 of 189
Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri narrated that:

the Messenger of Allah said: "Three things do not break the fast of the fasting person: Cupping, vomiting, and the wet dream."
100 of 189
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Prophet said: "Whoever is overcome by vomiting, then he is not required to make up (the fast), and whoever vomits on purpose, then he must make it up."
101 of 189
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever eats or drinks forgetfully, then he has not broken (the fast), for it was only a provision hat Allah provided for him."
102 of 189
Abu Hurairah narrated:

(Another chain) with the same or similar (Hadith as no. 721).
103 of 189
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever breaks the fast during Ramadan without an allowance or illness, then if he fasted for all time, his fasting would not make up for it."
104 of 189
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

a man came and said: "O Messenger of Allah; I am ruined!" He said: "What has ruined you?" He said: "I had sexual relations with my wife during Ramadan." He said: "Are you able to free a slave?" He said, "No." He said: "Then are you able to fast for two consecutive months?" He said, "No." He said: "Then are you able to feed sixty needy people?" He said, "No." He said: "Sit." So he sat. A big basket full of dates was brought t the Prophet, and he said: "Give it in charity." So he said: "There is no one needier than us between its two mountains." So the Prophet laughing until his pre-molar teeth appeared, and he said: "Then take it to feed your family."
105 of 189
Abdullah bin Amir bin Rabi'ah narrated from his father who said:

"I saw the Prophet - (a number of times) such that I was not able to count - using the Siwak while he was fasting."
106 of 189
Anas bin Malik narrated that :

a man came to the Prophet and said: "My eyes are bothering me, can I use Kuhl while I am fasting?" He said: "Yes."
107 of 189
Aishah narrated:

"The Prophet would kiss during the month of fasting."
108 of 189
Aishah narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah would fondle me while he was fasting, and he had the most control among you of his limb (li irbihi)."
109 of 189
Aishah narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah would kiss and fondle while he was fasting, and he had the most control among you of his limbs."
110 of 189
Hafsah narrated that:

the Prophet said: "Whoever did not decide to fast before Fajr then there is no fast for him."
111 of 189
Umm Hani narrated:

"I was sitting with the Prophet when some drink was brought, so he drank from it, then he offered it to me and I drank it. Then I said: 'I have indeed sinned, so seek forgiveness for me.' He said: 'What is that?' I said: 'I was fasting, then I broke the fast.' He said: 'Were you performing a fast that you had to make up?' I said: 'No.' He said: 'Then it is no harm for you.'"
112 of 189
Simak bin Harb narrated:

"A person from the offspring of Umm Hani narrated to me - I met one of the most virtuous among them, and his name was Ja'dah, and Umm Hani was his grandmother - he narrated to me from his grandmother that the Messenger of Allah entered upon her and asked for some drink, and he drank. Then he offered it t her and she drank it. Then she said: "O Messenger of Allah! I was fasting." So the Messenger of Allah said: "The one fasting a voluntary fast is the trustee for himself; if he wishes he fast, and if he wishes he breaks." Shu'bah (one of the narrators) said: "I said to him (Ja'dah), 'Did you hear this from Umm Hani?' He said: 'No Abu Salih and our family informed us of it from Umm Hani.'"
113 of 189
Aishah, the Mother of the Believers, narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah visited me one day and said: 'Do you have anything (to eat)?'" She said: "I said: 'No.' He said: 'Then I am fasting.'"
114 of 189
Aishah, the Mother of the Believers, narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah came to me saying, 'Do you have anything for breakfast?' I said: 'No.' Then he said: 'I am fasting.'" She said: "One day he came to me and I said: 'O Messenger of Allah; I have received a gift for us.' He said: 'What is it?'" She said: "I said 'Hais' He said: 'I began the day fasting'" She said: "Then he ate."
115 of 189
Aishah narrated:

"Hafsah and I were both fasting when we were presented some food that we really wanted, so we ate from it. The Messenger of Allah came, and Hafsah beat me to him - she was the daughter of her father - and she said: 'O Messenger of Allah! We were both fasting when we were presented with some food that we wanted, so we ate from it.' He said: 'Make up another day in its place.'"
116 of 189
Umm Salamah narrated:

"I did not see the Prophet fasting two consecutive months except for Sha'ban and Ramadan."
117 of 189
(Another chain, a Hadith similar to no. 736) for that, from Aishah, :

from the Prophet.
118 of 189
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "When a half of Sha'ban remains then do not fast."
119 of 189
Aishah narrated:

"I could not find the Messenger of Allah one night. So I left and found him at Al-Baqi. He said: 'Did you fear that you had been wronged by Allah and His Messenger?' I said: 'O Messenger of Allah! I thought that you had gone to one of your wives.' So he said: 'Indeed Allah, Mighty and Sublime is He, descends to the lowest Heavens during the night of the middle of Sha'ban, to grant forgiveness to more than the number of hairs on the sheep of (Banu) Kalb.'"
120 of 189
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "The most virtuous fasting after the month of Ramadan is Allah's month Al-Muharram."
121 of 189
An-Nu'man bin Sa'd narrated:

"A man asked Ali: "Which month do you order me to fast after the month of Ramadan?' He said to him, 'I have not heard anyone ask this except for a man whom I heard asking the Messenger of Allah while I was sitting with him. He said: "O Messenger of Allah! Which month do you order me to fast after the month of Ramadan?" He said: "If you will fast after the month of Ramadan, then fast Al-Muharram, for indeed it is Allah's month in which there is a day that Allah accepted the repentance of a people, and in which He accepts the repentance of other people."
122 of 189
Abdullah narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah would fasting during the beginning of every month for three days, and Friday was the least of the days that he did not fast."
123 of 189
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "None of you should fast on Friday unless he fasts before it, or he fasts after it."
124 of 189
Abdullah bin Busr narrated from his sister that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "Do not fast on Saturday except for what has been made obligatory upon you (by Allah). If one of you does not find but a grape peal or a tree's twig, then let him chew it."
125 of 189
Aishah narrated:

"The Prophet used to try to fast on Mondays and Thursdays."
126 of 189
Aishah narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah would fast Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays in one months, and Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in the next month."
127 of 189
Abu Hurairah narrated that:

the Messenger of Allah said: "Deeds are presented on Monday and Thursday, and I love that my deeds be presented while I am fasting."
128 of 189
Ubaidullah (bin Muslim) Al-Qurashi narrated from his father who said:

"I asked - or; the Prophet was asked - about fasting daily. So he said: 'Your family has a right over you.' Then he said: 'Fast Ramadan and that which is after it, and every Wednesday and Thursday. If you do that, then you will have fasted daily, as well as broken (the fast).'"
129 of 189
Abu Qatadah narrated that :

the Prophet said: "Fast the Day of Arafah, for indeed I anticipate that Allah will forgive (the sins) of the year after it, and the year before it."
130 of 189
Ibn Abbas narrated:

"The Prophet broke (the fast) of Arafah, Umm Fadl sent him some milk to drink."
131 of 189
Ibn Abi Najib narrated from his father who said:

"Ibn Umar was asked about fasting (the Day of) Arafah (at Arafat). He said: 'I performed Hajj with the Prophet, and he did not fast it, and with Abu Bakr, and he did not fast it, and with Umar, and he did not fast it, and with Uthman, and he did not fast it. I do no fast it, nor order it nor forbid it."
132 of 189
Abu Qatadah narrated that :

the Prophet said: "Fast the Day of Ashura, for indeed I anticipate that Allah will forgive (the sins of) the year before it."
133 of 189
Aishah narrated:

"Ashura was a day that the Quraish used to fast during Jahiliyyah, and the Messenger of Allah used to fast it. But when (the fast of) Ramadan became obligatory, the Ramadan was the required and Ashura was left. So whoever wanted to, he fasted it, and whoever wanted to, he left it."
134 of 189
Al-Hakam bin Al-Arfaj said:

"I met up with Ibn Abbas while he was reclining on his Rida at the Zamzam (well). So I said: 'Inform me about the Day of Ashura. On which day is it fasted?' He said: 'When you see the crescent of Al-Muharram, then count, then fast on the morning of the ninth day.'" He said: 'I said: Is this how Muhammad fasted it?' He said: 'Yes.'"
135 of 189
Ibn Abbas narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah ordered fasting the tenth day for the Day of Ashura."
136 of 189
Aishah narrated:

"I did not see the Prophet fasting at all during the ten."
137 of 189
Ibn Abbas narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than those ten days." They said: "O Messenger of Allah! Not even Jihad in Allah Cause?" The Messenger of Allah said: "Not even Jihad in Allah's Cause, unless a man were to out with his self and his wealth and not return from that with anything."
138 of 189
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Prophet said: "There are no days more beloved to Allah that He be worshipped in them than the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, fasting every day of them is the equivalent of fasting a year, and standing every night of them (in prayer) is the equivalent of standing on the Night of Qadr."
139 of 189
Abu Ayub narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever fasts Ramadan, then follows it with six from Shawwal, then that is (equal in reward) to fasting everyday."
140 of 189
Abu Hurairah narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah took a covenant from me for three: To not sleep except after performing Witr, to fast three days of every month, and to perform the Duha prayer."
141 of 189
Abu Dharr narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "O Abu Dharr! When you fast three days out of a month, then fast the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth."
142 of 189
Abu Dharr narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah said: 'Whoever fasts three days in every month, then that is (similar to) fasting every day.' Then Allah Mighty and Sublime is He, attested to that in His Book, by revealing: Whoever brings a good deed, shall have ten times the like thereof. So a day is like ten."
143 of 189
Yazid Ar-Rishk said:

"I heard Mu'adhah saying to Aishah: 'Did the Messenger of Allah fast three days of every month?' She replied in the affirmative. So she said: 'Which of them would he fast?' She said: 'Which of them he would fast was not noticeable.'"
144 of 189
Abu Hurairah narrated that:

The Messenger of Allah said: "Indeed your Lord said: 'Every good deed is rewarded with ten of the same up to seven hundred times over. Fasting is for Me, and I shall reward for it.' Fasting is a shield from the Fire. The smell coming from the mouth of the one fasting is more pleasant to Allah than the scent of musk. If one of you is abused by an ignorant person while fasting, then let him say: 'Indeed I am fasting.'"
145 of 189
Sahl bin Sa'd narrated that:

The Prophet said: "There is a gate in Paradise called Ar-Raiyyan, those who fast shall be invited into it, and whoever was among those who fasted, then he will enter it; and whoever enters it, he will never thirst again."
146 of 189
Abu Hurairah narrated that:

The Messenger of Allah said: "There are two joys for the fasting person: the joy when he breaks his fast, and the joy of when he meets his Lord."
147 of 189
Abu Qatadah said:

"It was said: 'O Messenger of Allah! What is the case of the one who fasts daily?' He said: 'He did not fast nor break (the fast).'" Or, he said: "He never fasted nor broke (his fast)."
148 of 189
Abdullah bin Shaqiq narrated:

"I asked Aishah about the Prophet's fasting.' She said: 'He would fast until we said: "He has fasted" and he would abstain from fasting until we said: "He has abstained from fasting." (She said:) 'The Messenger of Allah did not fast an entire month except Ramadan.'"
149 of 189
Jafar bin Humaid narrated that:

Anas bin Malik was asked about the Prophet's fasting and he said: "He would fast during a month until we thought that he did not want to abstain from fasting during any of it. And, he would not fast during a month until we thought that he did not want to fast during any of it. (There was no time) that I wanted to see if he was performing Salat during the night, except that I would see him praying, nor to see him sleeping, except that I would see him sleeping."
150 of 189
Abdullah bin Amr narrated that:

The Messenger of Allah said: "The most virtuous fast is the fast of my brother Dawud. He would fast a day, and not fast (the next) day. He would not flee at the time of engagement (with the enemy)."
151 of 189
Abu Ubaid, the freed slave of Abdur-Rahman bin Awf narrated:

"I witnessed Umar bin Al-Khattab on the Day of Nahr beginning with the Salat before the Khutbah. Then he said: 'I heard the Messenger of Allah prohibit fasting on these two days. As for the Day of Fitr, then it is for you to take a break from your fasting, and a celebration for the Muslims. As for the Day of Adha, then eat from the flesh that you have sacrificed.'"
152 of 189
Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah prohibited two fasts: Fasting the Day of Adha and the Day of Fitr."
153 of 189
Uqbah bin Amir narrated that :

The Messenger of Allah said: "The Day of Arafah, the Day of Nahr, and the Days of Tashriq are Eid for us. The people of Islam, and they are days of eating and drinking,"
154 of 189
Rafi bin Khadi narrated that:

The Prophet said: "The cupper and the one cupped have broke the fast."
155 of 189
Ibn Abbas narrated:

"the Messenger of Allah was cupped while he was fasting and in Ihram."
156 of 189
Ibn Abbas narrated:

"The Prophet was cupped while he was fasting."
157 of 189
Ibn Abbas narrated:

"The Prophet was cupped somewhere between Makkah and Al-Madinah and he was fasting and in Ihram."
158 of 189
Anas narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "Do not perform Wisal" They said: "But you perform Wisal O Messenger of Allah." He said: "I am not like you are, indeed my Lord feeds me and gives me to drink."
159 of 189
Abu Bakr Bin Abdur-Rahman bin Al-Harith bin Hashim said:

"Aishah and Umm Salamah, the wives f the Prophet informed me that the Prophet would find hat it was Fajr while he was Junub from (relations with) his wives, then he would perform Ghusl and fast."
160 of 189
Abu Hurairah narrated that:

The Prophet said: "When one of you is invited to eat then let him respond, if he is fasting then let him pray." Meaning: supplicate.
161 of 189
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

The Prophet said: "When one of you is invited (to a meal) and he is fasting, then let him said: 'Indeed I am fasting.'"
162 of 189
Abu Hurairah narrated that:

The Prophet said: "A woman may not fast a day - other than in the month of Ramadan - while her husband is present, except with his permission."
163 of 189
Aishah narrated:

"I would not make up what was due upon me from Ramadan except in Sha'ban, until the Messenger of Allah died."
164 of 189
Laila narrated from the one who freed her (Umm Amarah) that:

The Prophet said: "When those who are not fasting eat in the presence of the fasting person, the angels send Salat upon him."
165 of 189
Habib bin Zaid said:

"I heard a freed slave of ours called Laila narrated from [his (Habib's) grandmother] Umm Amarah bint Ka'b Al-Ansar, that the Prophet entered upon her and some food was brought to him. He said: 'Eat.' She said: 'I am fasting.' So the Messenger of Allah said: 'Indeed the angels send Salat upon the fasting person when (others) eat in his presence, until they finish.' And perhaps he said: 'Until they have eaten their fill.'"
166 of 189
(Another chain) from Umm Amarah bint Ka'b Al-Ansari:

From the Prophet, that is similar, except that he did not mention "Until they finish, or they have eating their fill."
167 of 189
Aishah narrated:

"We would menstruate during the time of the Messenger of Allah, then when we became pure we were ordered to make up the fasts but we were not ordered to make up the Salat."
168 of 189
Asim bin Laqit bin Sabrah narrated:

From his father who said: "I said. 'O Messenger of Allah! Inform me about Wudu.' So he said: "Perform Wudu well, and go between the fingers, and perform Istinshaq extensively except when fasting."
169 of 189
Aishah narrated that:

The Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever stays with a people, then he is not to fast without their permission."
170 of 189
Abu Hurairah and Aishah narrated:

"The Prophet would perform I'tikaf during the last ten (days) of Ramadan until Allah took him."
171 of 189
Aishah narrated:

"When the Messenger of Allah wanted to perform I'tikaf, he would perform Fajr prayer and then he would enter his place of I'tikaf."
172 of 189
Aishah narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah would Yujawir (stay in I'tikaf) during the last ten (nights) of Ramadan and he said: 'Seek the Night of Al-Qadr during the last ten (nights) of Ramadan.'"
173 of 189
Zirr said:

"I said to Ubayy bin Ka'b: 'O Abu Al-Mundhir! How do you know that it is the night of the twenty-seventh?' He said: 'Rather, the Messenger of Allah informed us that it is a night (after which) the sun rises without rays, so we counted and we remembered it. By Allah! Ibn Mas'ud learned that it is in Ramadan and that it is the nigh of the twenty-seventh, but he did not want to inform you lest you would depend on it."
174 of 189
Uyainah bin Abdur-Rahman narrated:

"My father narrated to me: 'The Night of Al-Qadr was mentioned in the presence of Abu Bakrah, so he said: "I do not search for it due to something that I heard from the Messenger of Allah, except for during the last ten (nights); for indeed I heard him say: 'Search for it when nine remain, or; when seven remain, or; when five remain, or; during the last three nights.'" He (Uyainah) said: "During the twenty (nights) of Ramadan, Abu Bakrah used to perform Salat just as he performed Salat during the rest of the year. But when the (last) ten began, he would struggle (performing more Salat during the night)."
175 of 189
Ali narrated:

"The Prophet would awaken his family during the last ten (nights) of Ramadan."
176 of 189
Aishah narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah would struggle (to perform Salat more) during the last ten (nights) more than he would struggle in the rest of it."
177 of 189
Amir bin Mas'ud narrated that:

The Prophet said: "Fasting during the winter is an easy reward."
178 of 189
Salamah bin Al-Akwa said:

"When the following was revealed: 'And for those upon whom it is difficult, (they may) feed a poor person' - if one of us wanted we would not fast, and pay the ransom, until the Ayah after it was revealed abrogating it."
179 of 189
Muhammad bin Ka'b narrated:

"I went to Anas bin Malik during Ramadan and he was about to travel. His mount was prepared for him, and he put on his traveling clothes, then he called for some food to eat, and I said to him: 'Is it Sunnah?' He said: 'It is Sunnah.' Then he rode."
180 of 189
(Another chain) from Muhammad bin Ka'b who said:

"I went to Anas bin Malik during Ramadan" and he mentioned a similar narration (as no. 799).
181 of 189
Al-Hasan bin Ali narrated that:

The Messenger of Allah said: "The gift for the fasting person is (fragrant) oil and a censer."
182 of 189
Aishah narrated that:

The Messenger of Allah said: "Al-Fitr is the day that the people break the fast, and Al-Adha is the day that the people sacrifice."
183 of 189
Anas bin Malik narrated:

"The Prophet would perform I'tikaf during the last ten (nights) of Ramadan. One year he did not perform I'tikaf, so he performed I'tikaf for twenty (nights) in the following year."
184 of 189
Aishah narrated:

"When the Messenger of Allah performed I'tikaf, he would bring his head near me so I could comb it, and he would not enter the house except for some personal needs."
185 of 189
That was narrated to us by Quraibah :

From Al-Laith (a similar narration as no. 804)
186 of 189
Abu Dharr narrated:

"We fasted with the Prophet, so he did not pray (the night prayer) with us until seven (nights) of the month remained. Then he (pbuh) led us in prayer until a third of the night had gone, then he did not lead us in prayer on the sixth. Then he led us in prayer on the fifth until half of the night had gone. We said to him: 'O Messenger of Allah! Wouldn't you lead us in prayer for the remainder of the night?' He said: 'Indeed, whoever stands (praying) with the Imam until he finished, then it is recorded for him that he prayed the whole night.; Then he did not lead us in prayer until three (nights) of the month remained. Then he led us in prayer on the third and he called his family and his women to pray with us until we feared missing the Falah" I (Jubair bin Nufair) said to him: "What is the Falah" He said: "The Suhur."
187 of 189
Zaid bin Khalid Al-Juhani narrated that:

The Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever provides the food for a fasting person to break his fast with, then for his is the same reward as his (the fasting person's), without anything being diminished from the reward of the fasting person."
188 of 189
Abu Hurairah narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah would encourage the night prayer in Ramadan without firmly ordering it, and he would say: "Whoever stands (in the night prayer) for Ramadan with faith and seeking the reward (from Allah), then he will be forgiven what has preceded of his sins.' So the Messenger of Allah died and the matter was like that. Then the matter was the same during the Khilafah of Abu Bakr and it continued during a portion of the Khilafah of Umar bin Al-Khattab."
189 of 189
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