Daniel's travels around Israel - HolyLandSite

Published: 19 May 2020  ·  Uploaded: 19 May 2020 Watch on Youtube.com
4289 views  ·  9 hrs ago 19:52

Video Description (from Youtube)
See a tour of all the key sites at Tel Dan and learn the devastating reality of why the northern 10 tribes of Israel fell and were led into captivity by the Assyrians in 722 BC. Jeroboam set up an altar to worship a golden calf and the remaining kings of Israel followed in his steps.

1. The city of Dan was located in the northernmost part of Israel about 24 miles (38 km.) north of the Sea of Galilee.
2. It is a well-watered lush area superb for agriculture.

Historical Background
1. The tribe of Dan failed to take the original territory allotted them, so they captured and moved to this area (Judges 18).
2. When referring to all Israel, the phrase “From Dan to Beersheba” was commonly used.
1 Kings 4:25: Judah and Israel lived safely, every man under his vine and under his fig tree, from Dan even to Beersheba, all the days of Solomon.
3. Just after Solomon’s reign, the kingdom of Israel was divided because Solomon turned from the Lord and introduced the worship of false gods into the nation.
4. Rehoboam was given the southern 2 tribes of Israel (called Judah from this time forward), and Jeroboam received the northern 10 tribes of Israel (called Israel from this time forward).

Places of Interest
1. Entrance
2. Dan Spring
3. Dan River
4. Flour Mills
5. Pooh Bear Tree
6. Pistachio Tree
7. Wading Pool
8. Jeroboam’s Golden Calf High Place
9. Command Post Lookout
10. Israelite Outer Gate
11. Israelite Inner Gate
12. Canaanite Gate

The City of Dan in the Bible
1. God appeared to Jeroboam and promised to bless him if he would serve Him (1 Kings 11:38).
2. Jeroboam turned away from the Lord and built golden calves in Bethel and Dan (1 Kings 12:25-31).
3. After a severe warning from God, Jeroboam continued in sin. The worship of false gods would eventually seal the doom of the northern 10 tribes of Israel (1 Kings 13:33–34).
4. The sin of Jeroboam became a pattern that the rest of the kings of Israel would follow (1 Kings 15:33–34, 1 Kings 16:26).
5. In 722 BC, as judgment from God for their continual disobedience, the 10 northern tribes of Israel were deported by the Assyrian Empire.
6. Eighty years later, as a result of reading the Scriptures, Josiah became King of Judah and chose to follow God with all his heart. He led one of the biggest revivals Israel ever experienced (2 Kings 22:1–2, 2 Kings 23:25).
7. As a result of Josiah’s obedience, he renewed the covenant of the Lord with Israel and destroyed the golden calves Jeroboam had erected (2 Kings 23:15, 2 Kings 23:19).
Learn more about: Jordan River, Caesarea Philippi, 10 Tribes of Israel deported to Assyria, Mount Hermon.

Shared on: 19 May 2020

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