Al-Tirmidhi 2

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Chapter: 2
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Ibn Abbas narrated that :

the Prophet said: "Jibril (peace be upon him] led me (in Salat) twice at the House. So he prayed Zuhr the first time when the shadow was similar to (the length of) the strap a sandal. Then he prayed Asr when everything was similar (to the length of) its shadow. Then he prayed Maghrib when the sun had set and the fasting person breaks fast. Then he prayed Isha when the twilight had vanished. Then he prayed Fajr when Fajr (dawn) began, and when eating is prohibited for the fasting person. The second time he prayed Zuhr when the shadow of everything was similar to (the length of) it, at the time of Asr the day before. Then he prayed Asr when the shadow of everything was about twice as long as it. Then he prayed Maghrib at the same time as he did the first time. Then he prayed Isha, the later one, when a third of the night had gone. Then he prayed Subh when the land glowed. The Jibril turned towards me and said: "O Muhammad! These are the times of the Prophets before you, and the (best) time is what is between these two times."
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Jabir bin Abdullah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "Jibril let me (in Salat)". He mentioned something similar to the Hadith of Ibn Abbas (no. 149) in meaning, but he did not mention: "At the time of Asr the day before."
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Abu Hurairah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "Indeed for (the time of) Salat (there is a) beglnning and an end. The beginning of the time for the Zuhr prayer is when the sun passes the zenith, and the end of its time is when the time for Asr enters. The beginning of the time for the Asr [prayer] is when its time enters, and the end of its time is when the sun yellows (turns pale). The beginning of the time of Maghrib is when the sun as set, and the end of its time is when the twilight has vanished (i.e., the horizon is invisible because of darkness). The beginning of the time for Isha, the later one, is when the horizon has vanished, and the end of its time is when the night is at its half. The beginning of the time for Fajr is when Fajr begins, and its end is when the sun rises."
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Sulaiman bin Buraidah narrated that his father said:

"A man came to the Prophet to ask him about the times for Salat. So he said: 'Stay with us, In sha Allah.' So he ordered Bilal to call the Iqamah when Fajr began, then he ordered him to call the Iqamah when the Sun passed the zenith, then he prayed Zuhr. Then he ordered him to call the Iqamah to pray Asr while the sun was elevated and white. Then he ordered him (to call the Iqamah for) Maghrib when the (top) edge of the sun had set. Then he ordered him to call the Iqamah for Isha when the horizon (twilight) had vanished. Then he ordered him in the morning (to give the call for Fajr prayer), when the light of Fajr glowed. Then he ordered (him to call the Iqamah for) Zuhr, so he waited well until it had cooled. Then he ordered (him to call the Iqamah for) Asr, so he calIed the Iqamah while the sun was later in its position than what it was (the day before). Then he ordered him to delay Maghrib until right before the twilight had disappeared. Then he ordered (him to call the Iqamah for) Isha, so he called the Iqamah when a third of the night had passed. Then he said: 'Where is the one who asked about he times for the Salat?' So the man said, 'It is I.' So he said: 'The times [or the Salat are what are between these two.'"
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Aishah narrated:

"Allah's Messenger would pray Subh (at such time that) the women would leave (after the prayer)" - AI-AnsarI (one of the narrators) said - the women would pass by wrapped in their Mirts and they would not be recognizable due to the darkness." And Qutaibah said: "covered." (instead of "wrapped.")
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Rafi bin Khadlj said:

"I heard Allah's Messenger saying: 'Perform Fajr at AI-Isfar, for indeed its reward is greater.'"
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Aishah narrated:

"I have not seen anyone who hastened Zuhr more than Allah's Messenger nor Abu Bakr, nor Umar."
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Anas bin Malik narrated:

"Allah's Messenger prayed Zuhr when the sun had passed the zenith."
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Abu Hurairah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "In very hot weather, delay the (Zuhr) prayer until it becomes (a bit) cooler, because the severity of heat is from the raging of the Hell."
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Abu Dharr narrated:

"Allah's Messenger was on a journey and Bilal was with him. So he wanted to call for the prayer, but he (the Prophet) said: 'Let it get cooler.' Then he wanted to call for the prayer, so Allah's Messenger said: 'Let it get to the cooler time of Zuhr.'" He (i.e., Abu Dharr) said: "Until we saw the shadows of the hillocks, then he commanded that the Iqamah be called and then led the people in prayer. Allah's Messenger said: 'The severity of heat is from the raging of Hell, so wait until it becomes cooler for the (Zuhr) prayer.'"
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Urwah narrated from Aishah:

"Allah's Messenger prayed Asr while the sun was (shining) in her chamber, (and) no shadow appeared in her chamber."
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Al-Ala bin Abdur-Raman narrated that :

he visited Anas bin Malik in his home in Al Basrah after finishing Zuhr, and his home was next to the Masjid. So he said: 'Stand to pray Asr." He (Al-Ala) said: "So we stood to pray. When we were finished he (Anas) said: 'I heard Allah's Messenger saying: "That is the prayer of the hypocrite. He sits watching the sun, until when it is between the horns of the Shaitan he stands and pecks out four (units of prayer), not remembering Allah in them but a little."
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Umm Salamah narrated:

"Allah's Messenger would hasten Zuhr more than you (people), while you (people) hasten Asr more than him."
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Narrator not mentioned:

[And I have in my book: "Ali bin Hujr informed me from lsma'il bin Ibrahim, from Ibn Juraij."]
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Similar narration is reported by Bishr ibn Mu'adh Al-Bari who said that :

Isma'il ibn Ulayyah narrated to him from Ibn Juraij. This latter chain is more correct.
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Salmah bin AI-Akwa narrated:

"Allah's Messenger prayed Maghrib when the sun had set and it (the sun) had hidden in the veil (of darkness)."
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An-Nu'man bin Bashir said:

"I am the most knowledgeable among the people about the prescribed time of this prayer: Allah's Messenger would pray it when the moon set on the third (of the month)."
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An-Nu'man bin Bashir said:

A similar narration (from another chain linking to) this chain is also reported.
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Abu Hurairah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "If it were not that it would be a hardship on my Ummah, then I would have ordered you to delay Isha until the third of the night, or its half."
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Abu Barzah narrated:

"The Prophet would dislike to sleep before Isha and to talk after it."
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Umar bin Al-Khattab narrated:

"Allah's Messenger would talk during the night with Abu Bakr about matters concerning the Muslims while I was with them."
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Umm Farwah - and she was one of those who gave pledge of allegiance to the Prophet - narrated:

"The Prophet was asked: 'Which deed is the best?' So he said: 'Salat in the beginning of its time.'"
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Ali bin AbI Talib narrated that :

the Prophet said to him: 'Ali! Three are not to be delayed: Salat when its time comes, a funeral whet it (a prepared body) is present, and the (marriage of a) single woman when there is an equal for her."
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Ibn Umar narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "The beginning of the time for Salat is pleasing to Allah, and the end of its time is pardoned by Allah."
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Abu Amr Ash-Shaibani narrated:

"A man said to Ibn Mas'ud: 'Which deed is most virtuous?' He said: 'I asked Allah's Messenger (that). He said: "Salat at the beginning of its time." I asked him: "What is after that O Messenger of Allah?" He said: "Being dutiful to one's parents." I said: "What is after that [O Messenger of Allah]?" He said: "Jihad in the Way of Allah."
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Aishah narrated:

"Allah's Messenger did not pray any Salat at the end of its time two times, until Allah took him."
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Ibn Umar narrated that :

the Prophet said: "Whoever misses the Asr prayer, then it is as if he was robbed of his family and his property."
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Abu Dharr narrated that :

the Prophet said: "O Abu Dharr! There will be leaders after me who cause the Salat to die; so perform the Salat during its time. If you pray (with them) during its time, then that will be voluntary Salat for you, if not, then you will have attained your Salat."
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Abu Qatadah narrated:

"They asked the Prophet about when they sIept past the Salat. He said: 'There is no negligence in sleep, negligence is only while one is awake. So when one of you forgets a Salat, or sleeps through it, then let him pray it when he remembers it.'"
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Anas (bin Malik) narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "Whoever forgets a Salat then he is to pray it when he remembers it."
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Abdullah (bin Mas'ud] narrated:

"The idolaters kept Allah's Messenger distracted from four prayers on the Day of Al-Khandaq (the battle of the Trench) until as much as Allah willed of the night had passed. So he ordered Bilal to call the Adhan, then he called the Iqamah to Zuhr, then he called the Iqamah to pray Asr, then he called the Iqamah to pray Maghrib, then he called the Iqamah to pray Isha."
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Jabir bin Abdullah narrated:

"On the Day of Al-Khandaq (the battle of the Trench), Umar bin Al-Khattab came cursing the disbelievers of Quraish and said: 'O Allah's Messenger! I could not offer he Asr prayer until the sun was about to set.' The Prophet said: 'By Allah! I too have not offered the Salat.'" So he said: "We descended into Buthan, Allah's Messenger performed Wudu and we too performed Wudu. Allah's Messenger prayed Asr after the sun had set, then after it he prayed Maghrib."
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Abdullah bin Mas'ud narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "Salatul-Wusta is the Asr prayer."
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Smurah bin Jundub narrated that :

the Prophet said: "Salatul-wusta is the Asr prayer."
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Ibn Abbas narrated:

"I head more than one of the Companions of the Prophet; Umar bin Al-Khattab among, and he was one of the most beloved among them to me - (narrating) that Allah's Messenger prohibited the Salat after Fajr until the sun had risen, and the Salat after Asr until the sun had set."
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Ibn Abbas narrated:

"The Prophet only performed the two rak'ah (units of prayer) after Asr because some wealth came to him which distracted him from the two rak'ah after Zuhr, so he prayed them after Asr, then he did not repeat that."
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Abdullah bin Mughaffal narrated that :

the Prophet said: "Between every two calls (to prayer) there is a Salat for whoever wills."
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Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Prophet said: "Whoever catches a Rak'ah of Subh before the sun has risen, then he has caught Subh. Whoever catches a Rak'ah of Asr before the sun has set, then he has caught Asr."
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Ibn Abbas said:

"Allah's Messenger combined the Zuhr and Asr (prayers), and the Maghrib and Isha (prayers) in Al-Madinah, without being in a state of fear, nor due to rain."
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Ibn Abbas narrated that :

the Prophet said: "Whoever combines two prayers without any excuse then he has committed something from the major sins."
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Albdullah bin Zaid narrated:

"When we awoke, we went to Allah's Messenger to inform him of the dream. He said: 'Indeed this dream is true. So go to Bilal, for he has a better and louder voice than you. Convey to him what was said to you, so that he may call (to the prayer) with that.'" He said: "When Umar bin Al-Khattab heard Bilal calling for the prayer he went to Allah's Messenger, and he was dragging his Izar, (as he was hurrying) saying: 'O Allah's Messenger! By the One Who sent you with the truth! I dreamt the same as what he said.''' He said: "So Allah's Messenger said: 'To Allah is the praise, so that confirms it even more.'''
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Ibn Umar narrated:

"When the Muslims arrived in AI-Madinah, they used to assemble for the Salat, and guess the time for it there was no one who called for it (the prayer). One day they discussed that and some of them said that they should use a bell like the bell the Christians use. Others said they should use a trumpet like the horn the Jews use. But Umar [bin Al-Khattab] said: 'Wouldn't it better if we had a man call for the prayer?'" He said: "So Allah's Messenger said: 'O Bilal! Stand up and call for the Salat.'"
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Abu Mahdhurah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger sat with him and taught him the Adhan word for word. Ibrahim said, "It is the same as our Adhan." Bishr said: "So I said to him, 'Repeat it to me.' So he described the Adhan with At-Tarjl'."
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Abu Mahdhurah narrated that :

the Prophet taught him the Adhan with nineteen phrases, and the Iqamah with seventeen phrases.
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Anas bin Malik narrated:

"Bilal was ordered to make the phrases of the Adhan even, and the phrases of the Iqamah odd."
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Abdullah bin Zaid said:

"Allah's Messenger would say each phrase of the call (for prayer) two times, for the Adhan and the Iqamah."
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Jabir [bin Abdullah] narrated:

"Allah's Messenger said to Bilal: "O Bilal! When you call the Adhan then do so deliberately and slowly, and when you call the Iqamah then be quick. Allow enough time between your Adhan and Iqamah for the person eating to finish what he is eating, the person drinking to finish what he is drinking, and the one who needs time to relive himself, and do not stand until you see me."
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Jabir [bin Abdullah] narrated:

(Another chain for) a similar narration (as no. 195).
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Abu Juhaifah narrated:

"I saw Bilal calling the Adhan, and turning, and his (face) was following here and there, and his (index) fingers were in his ears, and Allah's Messenger was in a small red tent" - "I think," he (one of the narrators) said, "it was made from a hide" - so Bilal went out in front of him with an Anazah which he planted (in the ground) at Batha. Allah's Messenger prayed facing it, and a dog and a donkey passed in front of him; he was wearing a red Hullah, and it is as if I am now looking at the radiance of his shins." Sufyan said: "We think that it was a Hibrah."
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BilaI narrated:

"Allah's Messenger said [to me]: 'Do not say the Tathwlb for any prayer except the Fair prayer.'"
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Ziyad bin Al-Harith As-Suda'i narrated:

"Allah's Messenger ordered me to call the Adhan for the Fajr prayer. I called the Adhan, then Bilal wanted to call the lqamah. Allah's Messenger said: 'Indeed the brother from Suda' has called the Adhan, and whoever calls the Adhan he calls the Iqamah.'"
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Abu Hurairah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "None should call the Adhan except for one with Wudu."
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Ibn Shihab narrated that :

Abu Hurairah said: "None should call (for the prayer except for one with Wudu."
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Jabir bin Samurah narrated:

The Mu'adh-dhin of Allah's Messenger would wait and he would not call the Iqamah until he saw the Allah's Messenger had come out, he would call the Iqamah when he saw him."
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Salim narrated from his father (Ibn Umar) that :

the Prophet said: "Indeed Bilal calls the Adhan in the night, so eat and drink until you hear the Adhan of Ibn Umm Maktum."
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Qatadah bin An-Nu'man narrated that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said:

"When Allah loves a slave, He prevents him from the world, just as one of you prevents his sick from water."
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Umm Al-Mundhir said:

The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) entered upon me, while 'Ali was with him, and we had a cluster of unripe dates hanging." She said: "The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said to 'Ali: 'Stop, stop, for you are still recovering.' So 'Ali sat and the Prophet ate." She said: 'I made some chard and barley for them, so the Prophet said: 'O 'Ali eat from this, for indeed it will be more suitable for you."
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Usamah bin Sharik said:

"Some Bedouins asked: 'O Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) shall we treat (our ill)?' He said: 'Yes, O worshipers of Allah! Use remedies. For indeed Allah did not make a disease but He made a cure for it' - or - 'a remedy. Except for one disease.' They said: 'O Messenger of Allah (s.a.w)! What is it?' He said: 'Old age.'"
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Aishah narrated:

"Whenever one of the wives of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) became (feverishly) ill, he would order that some broth be prepared. Then he would tell them to take some of the broth. And he would say: 'It firms the heart of the grieved, and it rids the worries from the heart of the ill just as one of you removes dirt from her face with water."
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Abu Ash-Sha'tha said:

"A man exited the Masjid after the Adhan for Asr had been called. So Abu Hurairah said: 'As for this person, he has indeed disobeyed Abul Qasim."
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Uqbah bin Amir Al-Juhani narrated that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said:

"Do not force your sick to eat, for indeed Allah, Blessed and Most High, provides them food and drink."
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Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said:

"Use this black seed. For indeed it contains a cure for every disease except As-Sam" And As-Sam is death.
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Anas narrated "Some people from Urainah arrived in Al-Madinah, and they were uncomfortable (with the climate). So the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) sent them some camels from charity. He told them:

"Drink from their milk and Urine".
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Abu Hurairah narrated (from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w)):

"Whoever kills himself with (an instrument of)iron, he will come on the Day Of Judgment with his iron in his hand, to continually stab himself in his stomach with it, in the fire of Jahannam, dwelling in that state eternally. And whoever kills himself with poison, then his poison will be in his hand, to continually take it in the Fire of Jahannam, dwelling in that state eternally."
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Abu Hurairah narrated (that the the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w)) said:

"Whoever kills himself with (an instrument of)iron, his iron will be in his hand, to continually stab himself in his stomach with it, in the fire of Jahannam, dwelling in that state eternally. And whoever kills himself with poison, then his poison will be in his hand, to continually take it in the Fire of Jahannam, dwelling in that state eternally. And whoever throws himself from a mountain to kill himself, then he will be continually throwing himself in the Fire of Jahannam, dwelling in that state eternally"
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Abu Hurairah narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) forbade from cures that are Khabith." [Abu 'Elsa said:] Meaning poison
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Simak narrated that he heard 'Alqamah bin Wa'il narrate from his father, that he witnessed the Prophet (s.a.w) being asked by Suwaid bin Tariq -or Tariq bin Suwaid- about Khamr, and he forbade it. So he said:

"We use it as a treatment." So the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) said: "It is certainly not a treatment, rather, it is a disease."
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Ibn 'Abbas narrated that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said:

"Indeed the best of what you treat is As-Sa'ut, Al-Ladud, cupping and laxatives.' So when the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) was suffering his companions treated him with Al-Ladud, and when they were finished he said: 'Treat them with Al-Ladud.' So all of them except Al-Abbas were treated with Al-Ladud."
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Ibn 'Abbas narrated that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said:

"Indeed the best of what you treat is As-Sa'ut, Al-Ladud, cupping and laxatives.' And the best of what you use for Kuhl is Ithmid, for it clears the vision and grows the hair (eye-lashes)." And he said:" The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) had a Kuhl holder with which he would apply Kuhl before sleeping three in each eye."
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Imran bin Husain narrated that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) prohibited cauterization. He said:

"We were tested (with severe medical condition) so we were cauterized, but we did not have good results, nor was it successful for us."
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Malik bin Al-Huwairih said:

"A cousin of mine and I arrived as guests of Allah's Messenger. He said to us: 'When you travel then call the Adhan and Iqamah and let the eldest of you lead the prayer.'"
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Anas narrated:

"The Prophet (S.A.W) cauterized As'ad bin Zurarah for Shawkah
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Anas narrated:

"The Prophet (S.A.W) would get cupped in his jugular veins and his upper back. And he would get cupped on the seventeenth (of the month), (or) the nineteenth, and (or) the twenty first."
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Abbad bin Mansur narrated from 'Ikrimah who said:

"Ibn 'Abbas had three boys who were cuppers. He would use the proceeds from two of them for himself and his family, and one of them would cup him and his family." He said: " Ibn 'Abbas said: 'The Prophet (S.A.W) said: 'How excellent is the slave who cups, letting the blood, relieving the back, and clearing the vision." And he said: "Indeed the best for you to cup on are the seventeenth, the nineteenth, and the twenty-first." And he said: "Indeed the best of what you treat is As-Sa'ut, Al-Ladud, cupping and laxatives." And indeed, The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) was given medicine by Al-Abbas and his companions. So the The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) said: "Who gave me this medicine?" All of them were silent, so he said that there shall not remain anyone in the house but he should be treated with Ladud except for his uncle Al-Abbas.'" An-Nadr said: "Al-Ladud is Al-Wajur."
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Ibn Mas'ud said:

"The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) narrated about the Night of Isra', saying that he did not pass an assembly of angels except that they ordered him: 'Order cupping among your Ummah."
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'Ali bin 'Ubaidullah narrated that his grandmother [Salma] - who used to serve the The Prophet (S.A.W) said:

"There was no wound nor cut on the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) but he would order me to put Hinna on it."
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'Aqar bin Al-Mughirah hin Shubah narrated from is father who said that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said:

"Whoever seeks treatment by cauterization,or with Ruqyah, then he has absolved himself of At-Tawakkal (reliance upon Allah)."
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Anas narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) permitted Ruqyah for the scorpion sting, the(evil) eye, and An-Namlah.
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'Imran bin Husain narrated that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) said:

"No Ruqyah except for the (evil) eye and the scorpion sting."
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Abu Sa'eed narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) would seek refuge from the jinn and the (evil) eye of humans, until Al-Mu'awwidhatain were revealed. So they were revealed he used them and left other than them."
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Asma' bint 'Umaish said:

" I said: 'O Messenger of Allah (S.A.W)! Some of Ja'far's children have suffered from an accelerated case of the inflammation of the eye, so should I have them treated with Ruqyah?' He said: 'Yes,for indeed if there was anything that could overcome the Decree, then the evil eye would overcome it."
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Ibn Abbas narrated:

"The Prophet said: 'Whoever calls the Adhan for seven years, seeking reward for it, salvation from the Fire is written for him.'"
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Ibn 'Abbas narrated that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) used to seek refuge for Al-Hasan and Al-Husain saying:

""U'idhukuma bikalimatillahi-tammati,min kulli shaitanin wa hammatin, wa minkulli'ainin lammah (I seek refuge for the two of you in the Perfect Words of Allah, from every devil and every poisonous pest, and from every harmful eye)." And he would say: "It is with this that Ibrahim would seek refuge for Ishahaq and Ismail [peace be upon them]."
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"Hayyah bin Habis At-Tamimi narrated:

My father narrated that he heard the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) saying:
"There is nothing to Al-Ham, and the eye is real."
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" Ibn 'Abbas narrated that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said:

"If there was anything that could overcome the Decree then the (evil) eye would overcome it, and when you are requested to wash (due to it) then wash."
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"Abu Sa'eed narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) dispatched us on a military expedition. We camped with some people and asked them to entertain us but they did not entertain us. Their leader was stung so they came to us saying: 'Is there anyone among you who can treat a scorpion sting with Ruqyah?' I said: 'Yes I can. But I will not do any Ruqyah until you give us some sheep.' They said: 'Then we shall give you thirty sheep.' We accepted that,and I recited Al-Hamda [Lillah] seven times. He became better and we took the sheep." He said: "We became concerned about that being permissible and said: 'Do not be hasty until we reach the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W)." He said: "When we arrived with him I mentioned what I did to him. He(S.A.W)said: 'How did you know that it was a Ruqyah? Take the sheep, and assign me a share among you.'"
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"Abu Sa'eed Al Khudri narrated:

"Some of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) came across a tribe of Bedouins that did not entertain them,nor behave hospitality with them. Their leader became ill, and they came to us saying: 'Do you have any medicine?'We said: ' Yes. But you did not entertain us nor have us as guests so we will not do anything until you give us something.' Then they gave sheep for that." He said: 'So a man from us began reciting the Opening of the Book (Surat Al-Fatihah) and he was cured. So when we came to the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) we mentioned to him, He said: 'How did you know it was Ruqyah?' And he did not mention any prohibition against it,and he said: 'Eat , and assign me a share among you from them (Sheep).'"
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Abu Khizamah narrated from his father who said:

"I asked the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W): 'O Messenger of Allah(S.A.W)! Do you think that the Ruqyah we use, the treatments we use, and what we seek to protect ourselves will contradict anything from Allah's Decree?' He said: 'They are from Allah's Decree.'"
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"Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) said:

"Al-'Ajwah is from Paradise and it contains a cure for poison. Truffles are a form of manna, and its liquid is a cure for the eye."
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"Sa'eed bin Zaid narrated that the Prophet (S.A.W) said:

"Truffles are a form of manna, and its liquid is a cure for the eye."
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"Abu Hurairah narrated that people among the Companions of the Prophet (S.A.W) would say:

"Truffles are the earth's smallpox." So the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) said: "Truffles are a form of manna, and its liquid is a cure for the eye. Al-'Ajwah is from Paradise, and it contains a cure for poison."
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"Qatadah said:

"It was narrated to me that Abu Hurairah said: 'I took three truffles, or five, or seven, and pressed them. Then I put their liquid in a bottle, and I liquid the eyes of a slave girl of mine with it and she was cured.'"
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Abu Hurairah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "The Imam is answerable and the Mu'adh-dhin is entrusted. O Allah! Guide the Imams and pardon the Mu'adh-dhins."
93 of 421
"Qatadah said:

"It was narrated to me that Abu Hurairah said:'Ash-Shuniz is a cure for every disease except As-Sam.' Qatadah said: "One takes twenty-one seeds daily, and puts them in a cloth, then infuses (water) and sniffs two drops in his right nostril, and one drop in the left. The second (day) two drops are sniffed in the left, and one drop in the right. The third (day) two drops in the right and one drop in the left."
94 of 421
"Abu Masud Al-Ansari narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) prohibited the price of a dog,the earnings of a fornicator (from fornication), and the payment made to the fortune-teller."
95 of 421
"'Eisa Ibn 'Abdur-Raman bin Abi Laila said:

"I entered upon 'Abdullah bin 'Ukaim Abu Mabad Al-Juhani to visit him, while he had Humrah. I said:'Why don't you hang something?' He said: 'Death is better than that. The Prophet (S.A.W) said: "Whoever hangs something, he is entrusted to it."
96 of 421
"Rafi' bin Khadij narrated that the Prophet (S.A.W) said:

"Fever is from the agitation of the Fire, so cool it with water."
97 of 421
Aishah narrated that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) said:

"Fever is from the heat of the Hell, so cool it with water."
98 of 421
Ibn 'Abbas narrated:

"For fever, and all pains, the Prophet (S.A.W) would teach them to say: Bismillahil-Kabir; a'udhu billahil-'Azimi min sharri kulli 'irqin na'arin, wa min sharri harrin-nar. (In the name of Allah the great, I seek refuge with Allah he magnificent of the evil of every gushing vein, and from the evil of the heat of the Fire)"
99 of 421
Aishah narrated from Wahb's daughter - and she is Judamah - who said:

"I heard the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) saying: 'I wanted to prohibit Al-Ghilah, but the Persians and Romans did it, and they did not kill their children.'"
100 of 421
Aishah narrated from Judamah bint Wahb Al-Asadiyyah that she heard the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) saying:

"I intended to prohibit Al-Ghilah until I remembered that the Persians and Romans do that, without any harm to their children."
101 of 421
Qatadah narrated from Abu 'Abdullah that Zaid bin Arqam said:

"The Prophet (S.A.W) would acclaim oil and Wars for (the treatment of) pleurisy." Qatadah said: "And it is put in the mouth on the side which he is suffering. "
102 of 421
Maimun Abu' Abdullah said:

"I heard Zaid bin Arqam say: 'The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) ordered us to use Qust Al-Bahri and oil to treat Pleurisy.'"
103 of 421
Abu Sa'eed narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "Whenyou hear the call (to prayer) then say the similar to what the Mu'adh-dhin says"
104 of 421
'Uthman bin Abi Al-'As narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) came to me while I had a pain that almost ruined me. So,the Messenger of Allah(S.A.W) said: 'Rub it with your right hand seven times and say A'udhu bi 'Izzatillah Wa Qudratihi wa Sultanihi min sharri ma ajid." ("I seek refuge in Allah's might, power, an authority, from the evil of what I suffer.)"He said: "So I did it, and Allah removed what I had, and I never seized telling my family and others to do it."
105 of 421
Asma' bint 'Umais narrated that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) asked her what they used as a laxative. She said:

"Shubrum" He said: "It is hot and too strong." She said:"Then I used Senna as a laxative." So the Prophet (S.A.W): "If there was anything that would have a cure for death in it, then it would have been Senna."
106 of 421
Abu Sa'eed said:

"A man came to the Prophet (S.A.W) and said: 'My brother is suffering from loose bowels.' He said: 'Let him drink Honey.' So he drank it. Then he came and said: O Messenger of Allah (S.A.W)! He has drunk honey, but it has only made him more worse.' So the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) said: ' Let him drink honey.'" He said: "So he drank it. Then he came and said: 'O Messenger of Allah (S.A.W)! I gave him some more to drink, but it has only made him more worse.'" He said: "The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) said: 'Allah has told the truth,and your brother's stomach has lied. Give him honey to drink'. So he gave him some more honey to drink and he was cured.'"
107 of 421
Ibn 'Abbas narrated that the Prophet (S.A.W) said:

"There is no Muslim worshiper who visits one who is ill - other than at the time of death - and he says seven times: As'alullah Al-'Azeem Rabbal 'Arshil 'Azeem an yashfik ('I ask Allah the Magnificent, Lord of the Magnificent Throne to cure you') except when he will be cured."
108 of 421
Thawban narrated that the Prophet (S.A.W) said:

"When one of you suffers from fever - and indeed fever is a piece of the Fire - let him extinguish it with water. Let him stand in a flowing river facing the direction of it and say: Allahummasahfi 'abdaka wa saddik Rasulak ('In the name off Allah. O Allah! Cure your slave and testify to Your Messenger.)' Doing so after Salat As-Subh(Fajr) and before the rising of the sun. Let him submerse himself in it three times, for three days. If he is not cured in three, then five. If he is not cured in five, then seven. If he is not cured in seven, then nine. For indeed it will not remain after nine, with the permission of Allah."
109 of 421
Abu Hazim said:

"While I was listening, Sahl bin Sa'd was asked: 'What were the wounds of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) treated with?' He said: 'None is alive who is more knowledgeable of it than I. 'Ali would come with water in his shield, and Fatimah would use it to wash his blood off,and a mat was burnt for him and his wounds were filled with it(its ashes)."
110 of 421
Anas bin Malik narrated that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) said:

"The parable of the ill when he is cured and becomes healthy is that of hail that falls from the heavens in its purity and its color."
111 of 421
Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri narrated that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) said:

"When one of you visits the ill, then reassure him regarding his lifespan. Indeed that will not repel anything, but it will comfort his soul."
112 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet(S.A.W) visited a man who was ill, so he said:

"Cheer up, for indeed Allah said: 'It is My Fire which I impose upon My sinning slave as his portion of the Fire." (Hasan)

Al-Hasan said:
"They would hope that the fever that occurred at night would atone for any deficiency caused by sins."
113 of 421
Uthman bin Abi Al-As narrated:

"Indeed, amount the last (of orders) Allah's Messenger ordered me with was to employ a Mu'adh-dhin who would not take a wage for his Adhan."
114 of 421
Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "Whoever says, when he hears the Mu'adh-dhin: (Wa Ana Ashadu An La Ilaha Illallah, Wahdahu La Sharika Lahu, Wa Anna Muhammadan Abduhu Wa Rasuluhu, Radittu Billahi Rabban Wa Bil-Islam Dinan, Wa Bi Muhammadin Rasulan) 'I too testify that none has the right to be worshiped but Allah, Alone without partners, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger, I am pleased with Allah as my Lord, with Islam as my religion and Muhammad as a Messenger.' - Allah will pardon his sins for him."
115 of 421
Jabir bin Abdullah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "Whoever says, when he hears the call: (Allahumma, rabba hadhihidda 'watit-tammati was Salatilqa'imah, ati Muhammadanil wasilata wal-Fadilata, wab'athhu Maqamun Mahmudan alladhi wa'adtahu) 'O Allah! Lord of this perfect call and established prayer, grant Muhammad Al-Wasilah and Al-Fadilah, and raise him to the praised station that you promised him' - then intercession on the Day of Resurrection is made lawful for him."
116 of 421
Anas bin Malik narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "The supplication made between the Adhan and Iqamah is not rejected."
117 of 421
Anas bin Malik narrated:

"On the Night of Isra, fifty prayers were made obligatory upon the Prophet. Then it was decreased until it was made five. Then it was called out: 'O Muhammad! Indeed My Word does not change; these five prayers will be recorded for you as fifty.'"
118 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "The five prayers, and Al-Jumuah (the Friday prayer) to Al-Jumuah are atonement for what is between them, as long as the major sins have not been committed."
119 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "Salat in congregation is twenty-seven degrees more virtuous than a man's Salat alone."
120 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "Indeed a man's Salat in the congregation is increased by twenty five rewards over his Salat alone."
121 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Prophet said: "I was about to order my boys to collect bundles of firewood, then order Salat to be held, then burn (the homes) of the people who did not attend the Salat."
122 of 421
Mujahid said:

"Ibn Abbas was asked about a man who fasted during the day and stood (in prayers) during the night, but he did not attend the Friday prayer nor congregational prayer. He replied: 'He is in the Fire.'"
123 of 421
Jabir hin Yazid hin Al-Aswad [Al-Amir] narrated that his father said:

"I attended Hajj with the Prophet. I prayed the Subh (Fajr) prayer with him in Masjid AI-Khaif." He said: "When the Prophet finished, he turned (from the Qiblah) and saw two men at the back of the people who had not prayed with him. He said, 'Bring them to me.' So I brought then while they were shuddering with fear. He said: 'What prevented you from praying with us?" They said: 'O Messenger of Allah!' We prayed at our camp.' So he said: 'Do not do that; when you pray in your camp then you come to a Masjid with a congregation, then pray with them. That will be a voluntary prayer for you.'"
124 of 421
Abu Sa'eed narrated:

"A man came when Allah's Messenger had already prayed, so he said: 'Which of you will give some reward to this person?' So a man stood to pray with him."
125 of 421
Uthman bin Affan narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "Whoever attends Isha (prayer) in congregation, then he has (the reward as if he had) stood half of the night. And whoever prays Isha and Fajr in congregation, then he has (the reward as if he had) spend the entire night standing (in prayer)."
126 of 421
Jundub bin Sufyan narrated that :

the Prophet said: "Whoever prays the Subh then he is under the protection of Allah's covenant, so do not be treacherous with Allah in his covenant."
127 of 421
Buraidah Al-Aslami narrated that :

the Prophet said: "Give glad tiding to those who walk to the Masajid in the dark; of a complete light on the Day of Resurrection."
128 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "The best rows for the men are the first of them, and the worst are the last of them. And the best rows for the women are the last of them, and the worst are the first of them."
129 of 421
Narrator not mentioned:

And the Prophet said: "If the people knew what (reward) is in the call (Adhan) and the first row, and they found no other way to get that except drawing lots, then they would draw lots."
130 of 421
Narrator not mentioned:

A Similar narration
131 of 421
An-Nu'man bin Bashir said:

"Allah's Messenger would straighten our lines. One day he came out and saw a man whose chest was protruding from the people, so he said: 'You must straighten your lines, or Allah will cause disagreement to occur among your faces."
132 of 421
Abdullah (Ibn Masud) narrated that :

the Prophet said: "Let those among you with understanding and reason be close to me, then those after them, then those after them. And do not separate or dissention will occur among your hearts, and beware of the commotion of the markets."
133 of 421
Abdul-Hamid bin Mahmud said:

"We prayed behind one of the Amirs, the people compelled us such that we prayed between two columns. When we had prayed, Anas bin Malik said: 'We would be prevented from this during the time of Allah's Messenger.'"
134 of 421
Hilal bin Yasar said:

"Ziyad bin Abi Al-Ja'd took me by the hand while we were in Ar Raqqah, he made me stand before a Shaikh who was called Wabisah bin Ma'bad, from Bani Asad. Ziyad said: 'This Shaikh narrated to me that a prayed alone behind the row' - and the Shaikh was listening - 'so Allah's Messenger ordered him to repeat the Salat.'"
135 of 421
Wabisah bin Ma'bad narrated:

"A man prayed alone behind the row s the Prophet ordered him to repeat the Salat."
136 of 421
Ibn Abbas narrated:

"I prayed with the Prophet one night. I stood at his left, so Allah's Messenger took me by my head, from behind me, to put me on his right (side)."
137 of 421
Samurah bin Jundub narrated:

"Allah's Messenger ordered us that when we were three, then one of us should stand forward."
138 of 421
Anas bin Malik narrated:

"My grandmother Mutalikah invited Allah's Messenger to a meal that she prepared. He ate from it, then said: 'Stand so tht we may lead you in prayer.'" He said: "I got a Hasir of our which had become dark because of prolonged use, so I washed it with water. Allah's Messenger stood on it, and the orphan and I aligned behind him and the only lady stood behind us. He (Allah's Messenger) led us in two Rak'ah of prayer and then left."
139 of 421
Abu Mas'ud narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "The one who recites most of the Book of Allah is to lead the people (in prayers). If they are equal in recitation, then the most knowledgeable in the Sunnah among them. If they are equal regarding the Sunnah, then the earliest of them to emigrate. If they are equal in their emigration then the eldest among them. And a man is not to be led in prayer in the place of his authority, and his spot of esteem in his home is not to be sat on without his permission."
140 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Prophet said: "When one of you leads the people in prayer then let him be brief, for indeed here are among them the young and the old, the weak and the ill. When one of you prays alone, then let him pray as he wishes."
141 of 421
Anas [bin Malik] narrated:

"Allah's Messenger was among the lightest of people in Salat with its completeness."
142 of 421
Abu Sa'eed narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "the key to Salat is the purification, its Tahrim is the Takbir, and its Tahlilis the Taslim, and there is no Salat for one who did not recite Al-Hamd and a Surah in the obligatory (prayer) or other prayers."
143 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated:

"When Allah's Messenger performed the Takbir for Salat he would spread his fingers."
144 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated:

"When Allah's Messenger would enter the Salat he would raise his hands while they were extended."
145 of 421
Anas bin Malik narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "Whoever performs Salat for Allah for forty days in congregation, catching the first Takbir, two absolutions are written for him: absolution from the Fire, and absolution from the Fire, and absolution from hypocrisy."
146 of 421
Abu Sa'eeed Al Khudri narrated:

"When Allah;s Messenger stood for Salat during the night, he would say the Takbir (Allahu Akbar), then say: (Subhanaka Allahumma wa bihamdika wa Tabarakasmuka wa Ta'ala Jadduka wa la ilaha ghairuk.) 'Glorious You are O Allah, and with Your praise, and blesses is Your Name, and exalted is Your majesty, and none has the right to be worshipped but You' Then he would say: (A'udhu Bilahi As-Sami'il-Alimi min Ash-Shaitanir-Rajimi, min Hamzihi Wa Nafkhihi wa Nafthihi.)" 'Allah is undoubtedly the greatest.' (Allahu Akbaru Kabira). Then he would say: 'I seek refuge in Allah the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing, from the cursed Shaitan, from his madness, his arrogance, and his poetry.'
147 of 421
Aishah narrated:

"When the Prophet opened the Salat he would say: (Subhanaka allahumma wa bihamdika wa tabara asmuka, wa ta'ala jadduka wa la ilaha ghairuk.)" 'Glorious You are O Allah, and with You praise, and blessed is You Name, and exalted is Your majesty, and none has the right to be worshipped but You.'
148 of 421
Ibn Abdullah bin Mughaffal narrated:

"While I was praying, I said: Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim "In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Beneficent." My father heard me and said: "O my son this is a newly invented matter, beware of the newly-invented.'" He (Ibn Abdullah) said: "I have not seen any one of the Companions of Allah's Messenger who hated a newly invented matter in Islam more than him. And he said: 'Ihave performed Salat with the Prophet, and with Abu Bakr, and Umar, and with Uthman. I did not hear any one of them saying it. So do not say it. When you are performing Salat say: Al-Hamdu lilahi Rabbil-Alamin "All praise is due to Allah the Lord of all that exists.'"
149 of 421
Ibn Abbas narrated:

"The Prophet would open his Salat with (Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim)."
150 of 421
Anas narrated:

"Allah's Messenger, Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman opened the Salat with (Al-Hamdu-lillahi rabbil-alamin)."
151 of 421
Ubadah bin As-Samil narrated that :

the Prophet said: "There is no Salat for the one who does not recite Fatihatil-Kitab."
152 of 421
Wa'il bin Hujr narrated:

"I heard the Prophet recite: (Not (the way) of those who earned Your anger, nor those who went astray) and he said: 'Amin.' And he stretched it out with his voice."
153 of 421
(Another chain) from Wa'il bin Hujr who narrated it from :

the Prophet, and it is similar to the narrations of Sufyan from Salamah bin Kuhail
154 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Prophet said "When the Imam says 'Amin' then (all of you) say 'Amin.' For whoever's 'Amin' concurs with the 'Amin' of the angels, then his past sins will be forgiven."
155 of 421
Al-Hasan narrated that :

Samurah said: "there are two pauses that I preserved from Allah's Messenger." But Imran bin Husain rejected that and said: "We preserved one pause." "So we wrote to Ubayy bin Ka'b in Al-Madinah. Ubayy wrote that Samurah was correct." Sa'eed said: "We said to Qatadah: 'What are those two pauses?' He said: 'When he entered into his Salat, and when he finished his recitation.' Then he (Qatadah) said after that: 'And when he recited (Nor those who went astray.)' And he said: 'He liked to pause when he finished the recitation until he caught his breath.'"
156 of 421
Qabisah bin Hulb narrated from :

his father who said: "Allah's Messenger lead us in prayer and hold his left hand with his right."
157 of 421
Abdullah bin Mas'ud narrated:

"Allah's Messenger would say the Takbir for ever lowering and raising, standing and sitting, and (so did) Abu Bakr and Umar."
158 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated:

"Allah's Messenger would say the Takhir while he was going down."
159 of 421
Salim narrated from :

his father (Ibn Umar) who said: "I saw Allah's Messenger when he opened the Salat, raising his hands to the level of his shoulders, and (again) when he bowed, and when he raised his head from bowing." In his narration, Ibn Abi Umar added: "And he wuld not raise them between the two prostrations."
160 of 421
Salim narrated:

Same as 255 (above) with a different chain
161 of 421
Alqamah narrated that :

Abdullah bin Mas'ud said: "Shall I not demonstrate the Salat of Allah's Messenger to you?" Then he offered Salat and he did not raise his hands except while saying the first Takbir."
162 of 421
Abu Abdur-Rahman As-Sulami said:

"Umar bin Al-Khattab [may Allah be pleased with him] said to us: 'The knees are the Sunnah for you, so hold the knees.'"
163 of 421
Sa'd bin Abi Waqas said:

"We would do that, but then we were prohibited from it, and we were ordered to put our hands on our knees."
164 of 421
Abbas bin Sahl [bin Sa'd] narrated:

"Abu Humaid, Abu Usaid, Sahl bin Sa'd, and Muhammad bin Maslamah were once together and they were mentioning the Salat of Allah's Messenger. Abu Humaid said: 'I am the most knowledgeable among you of the Salat of Allah's Messenger: Allah's Messenger would bow and place his hands on his knees as if he was grasping them, and he would draw his forearms to hold them away from his sides.'"
165 of 421
Ibn Mas'ud narrated that :

the Prophet said: "When one of you bows then says while he is bowing: (Subhana Rabbiyal Azim) 'Glorious is my Lord the Magnificent' three times, then he has completed his bowing. And that is the least of it. And when he prostrates and says while prostrating: (Subhana Rabbiyal A'la) 'Glorious is my Lord the Most High' three times, then he has completed his prostrations, and that is the least of it.'"
166 of 421
Hudhaifah narrated that :

he performed Salat with the Prophet, and that while he was bowing he would say: (Subhana Rabbiyal Azim); "Glorious is my Lord the Magnificent" and while prostrating: (Subhana Rabbiyal A'la) 'Glorious is my Lord the Most High.' And he would not recite an Ayah mentioning mercy, except that he would stop and ask (for mercy), and he would not recite an Ayah mentioning punishment, except that he would stop and seek refuge (with Allah from it).
167 of 421
(Another similar narration) This Hadith has been narrated from Hudhaifah :

from another route: "That he performed Salat during the night with the Prophet" and he mentioned the Hadith.
168 of 421
Ali bin Abi Talib narrated:

"The Prophet prohibited wearing Qassi, and that which is dyed with safflower, and from the gold ring, and from reciting the Quran while bowing."
169 of 421
Abu Mas'ud Al-Ansari [Al-Badri] narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "The Salat is not acceptable if a man is not at rest - meaning his back - while bowing and prostrating."
170 of 421
Ali bin Abi Talib narrated:

"When Allah's Messenger would raise his head from bowing he would say: (Sami Allahi liman hamidal. Rabba na lakal-hamd, mil'as-samawati wa mil'al-ardi wa mil'a ma bainahuma wa mil'a ma shi'ia min shay'in ba'd) 'Allah listens to those who praise Him. O our Lord! And to You is the praise that fills the heavens and fills the earth, and fills what is between them, and fills whatever there is beyond that You will.' He said: There are narrations on this topic from Ibn Umar, Ibn Abbas, Ibn Abi Awfa, Abu Juhaifa, and Abu Sa'eed.
171 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "When the Imam says: (Sami Allahu liman hamidah) 'Allah listens to those who praise Him. Then (all of you) say: (Rabbana wa lakal-hamd) 'O our Lord! And to You is the praise for whoever's saying concurs with the saying of the angels, then his past sins will be forgiven."
172 of 421
Wa'il bin Hujr narrated:

"I saw Allah's Messenger when he prostrated placing his knees (on the ground) before his hands, and when he got up, he raised his hands before his knees."
173 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Prophet said; "Is it that one of you intends to kneel in his Salat with the kneeling of the camel?"
174 of 421
Abu Humaid As-Sa'idi narrated:

"When the Prophet would prostrate, he placed his nose and his forehead on the ground, and he held his forearms away from his sides, and he placed his hands parallel to his shoulders."
175 of 421
Abu Ishaq narrated:

"I said to Al-Bara bin Azib: 'Where would the Prophet place his face when he prostrated?' He said: 'Between his hands.'"
176 of 421
Al-Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib narrated that he heard :

Allah's Messenger Saying: "When the worshipper prostrates with him: His face, his hands, his knees, and his feet."
177 of 421
Ibn Abbas narrated:

"The Prophet ordered that one prostrate on seven bones and that he not gather his hair nor his garment."
178 of 421
Ubaidallah bin Abdullah bin Arqam Al-Khuza'I narrated from his father (Abdullah bin Arqam), who said:

"I was with my father at the plains of Namirah. I passed by a mount and saw Allah's Messenger standing in Salat." He said: "I was looking at the earthiness of his armpits when he prostrated." [That is]: "Whiteness."
179 of 421
Jabir narrated that :

the Prophet said: "When one of you prostrates, then let him be balanced, and let him not lay his forearms down like the lying of the dog."
180 of 421
Anas narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "Be balanced in the prostration, and let one of you not spread his forearms (on the ground) in the Salat like the spreading of the dog."
181 of 421
Amir bin Sa'd [bin Abi Waqqas] narrated from his father:

"The Prophet ordered placing the hands (on the ground) keeping the feet erect. (by resting feet on the toes and making the tips of the toes facing the Qiblah)."
182 of 421
(Another chain that) Amir bin Sa'd narrated:

"The Prophet ordered placing the hands (on the ground)." And he mentioned in it: "From his father."
183 of 421
Al-Bara bin Azib narrated:

"The Salat of Allah's Messenger (was such that) when he bowed, and when he raised his head from bowing, and when he prostrated, and when he raised his head from prostration it (all) was nearly the same."
184 of 421
Al-Bara bin Azib narrated:

(Another chain) which is similar.
185 of 421
Al-Bara said:

"When we performed Salat behind Allah's Messenger, he would raise his head from bowing, and no man among us would bend his back until Allah's Messenger prostrated, then we prostrated."
186 of 421
Ali narrated:

"Allah's Messenger said to me: 'O Ali! I love for you what I love for myself, and I dislike for you what I dislike for myself. Do not squat between prostrations.'"
187 of 421
Tawus said:

"We asked Ibn Abbas about squatting (sitting) on the heels. He said: 'It is the Sunnah.' We said: 'We think that it is difficult for a man.' He said: 'Rather, it is Sunnah of your Prophet.'"
188 of 421
Ibn Abbas narrated:

"Between the two prostrations, the Prophet would say: (Allahummaghfir li, warhamni, wajburni, wahdini, warzuqni). 'O Allah! Pardon me, have mercy on me, help me, guide me, and grant me sustenance.'"
189 of 421
Ibn Abbas narrated:

(Another chain) which is similar.
190 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated:

"[Some of] the Companions of the Prophet complained [to the Prophet] about the hardship of the prostration on them, when they were so spread out, so he said: 'Use your knees.'"
191 of 421
Malik bin Al-Huwairith Al-Laithi narrated that he saw :

Allah's Messenger performing Salat. When he was in an odd number of his Salat, he would not get up until he had sat completely.
192 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated:

"Allah's Messenger would get up during his Salat on the tips of his feet."
193 of 421
Abdullah bin Mas'ud narrated:

"Allah's Messenger taught us, that when we sit for every two Rak'ah we should say: (At-Tahyyatulillah, was-salawatu wattayybaat. As-salamu alaika ayyuhannabiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, as-salamu alaina wa ala ibadillahis-salihin. Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasuluh.) 'All greetings, prayers, and pure words are Allah. Peace be upon you O Prophet, and Allah's mercy and His blessings. Peace be upon us and all of the righteous worshippers of Allah. I testify that nne has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is Allah's servant and Messenger.'"
194 of 421
Ibn Abbas narrated:

"Allah's Messenger would teach us the Tashah-hud just as he would teach us the Qur'an. He would say: (At-Tahiyyatu, al mubarakatu, as-salawatu at-tayyibatulillah. Salamun alaika ayyuhan-naibiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, salamun alaina wa ala ibadalillahis-salihin. Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Raduluh.) 'All greetings, goodness, prayers, and pure words are for Allah. Peace be upon you O Prophet, and Allah's mercy and His blessings, Peace be upon us and all of the righteous worshippers of Allah. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is Allah's worshipper and Messenger.'"
195 of 421
Abdullah bin Mas'ud said:

"It is from the Sunnah to say the Tashah-hus quietly"
196 of 421
Wa'il bin Hujr said:

"I arrived in Al-Madinah and I said, 'Let me look at the Salat of Allah's Messenger.' When he sat - meaning for At-Tashah-hud - he spread his left foot, and placed his left hand - meaning on his left thigh - and held his right foot erect."
197 of 421
Abbas bin SAhl [bin Sa'd] narrated:

"Abu Humaid, Abu Usaid, Sahl bin Sa'd, and Muhammad bin Maslamah were once together and they were mentioning the Salat of Allah's Messenger. Abu Humaid said: "I am the most knowledgeable among you of the Salat of Allah's Messenger: Indeed Allah's Messenger sat - meaning for Tashah-hud - he spread his left foot, and made the top of his right (foot) face the Qiblah, and he placed his right hand on his right knee, and his left hand on his left knee, and indicated with his finger - meaning the index finge.'"
198 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated:

"When the Prophet would sit during the Salat, he would place his right hand on his knee, and raise his finger, the one that is next to the [right] thumb, supplicating with it, and his left hand was spread flat on his left knee."
199 of 421
Abdullah narrated:

"The Prophet would say the Salam from his right and from his left (saying): (As-Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah, as-Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah) 'Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy. Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy.'"
200 of 421
Aishah narrated:

"Allah's Messenger would say one Taslim for the Salat while facing forward and turning to his right side a little."
201 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated:

"Hadhf the Salam is a Sunnah."
202 of 421
Aishah narrated:

"When Allah's Messenger said the Salam he would not remain seated except long enough to say: (Allahumma antas-salam, wa minkas-salam, tabarakta dhal jalali wal-Ikram) 'O Allah! You are the One free of defects, and perfection is from You. Blessed are You, Possessor of Majesty and Honor.'"
203 of 421
Aishah narrated:

(Another chain) which is similar, but he said: (Tabarakta ya dhal-jalali wal-ikram) "Blessed are You, O Possessor of Majesty and Honor."
204 of 421
Thawban, the freed slave of Allah's Messenger, narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "When Allah's Messenger wanted to turn from his Salat, he would seek forgiveness from Allah three times, then say: (Allahumma Antas-Salam, wa minkas-salam, tabarakta ya dhal-jalali wal-Ikram) 'O Allah! You are the One free of defects and perfection is from You. Blessed are You, O Possesor of Majesty and Honor.'"
205 of 421
Qabisah bin Hulb narrated that his father said:

"When Allah's Messenger would lead us in Salat he would turn (to leave) from both sides, on his right and on his left."
206 of 421
Rifa`ah bin Rafi` narrated:

"One day Allah's Messenger was sitting in the Masjid" Rifa'ah said: "And we were with him. Then what appeared to be a Bedouin man entered to pray, but he performed his Salat in a very brief manner. He then got up and greeted the prophet with Salam. The Prophet said (returning the greeting): 'And upon you. Go back and perform Salat, for indeed you have no prayed.' So he returned to perform Salat then came and greeted the Prophet with Salam. So he (the Prophet) said (returning the greeting): 'And upon you. Go back and perform Salat, for indeed you have not prayed.' [He did that] two or three times, each time coming to the Prophet, greeted the Prophet with Salam and the Prophet saying: 'And upon you. Go back and perform Salat, for indeed you have not prayed.' - until the people got scared and became very worried that one whose prayer was so brief had not actually prayed. Then in the end the man said: 'Then show me, and teach me, for I am a human who has suffered and is mistaken.' So he said: 'Alright. When you stand for Salat then perform Wudu as Allah ordered you. Then say the Tashahhud, and the Iqamah as well. If you know any Quran then recite it, if not then praise Allah, mention His greatness, and the Tahlil. Then bow such that you are at rest in your bowing, then stand completely, then prostrate completely, then sit such that you are at rest while sitting them stand. When you have done that, then you have completed your Salat, and if you leave out something, then you have made your Salat deficient.' And this was easier on them than the first matter, because if some of this was deficient, It would only reduce the reward of his Salat, it would not have gone entirely. "
207 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated:

"Allah's Messenger entered the Masjid, and a man entered and offered Salat. Then he came to give Salam to the Propet. He returned the Salam to him and said: 'Go back and perform Salat, for indeed you have not prayed.' So the man returned to pray as he had prayed. Then he came to give Salam to the Prophet. He returned Salam to him, then [Allah's Messenger] said: 'Go back and perform Salat, for indeed you have not prayed' until he had done that three times. So the man said to him: 'By the One who sent you with the Truth, I do not know any better than this, so teach me.' So he said [to him]: 'When you stand for Salat then say the Takbir, then recite what is easy for you of the Quran. Then bow until you are at rest while bowing, then rise up until you are at rest sitting. Do that in all of your Salat.'"
208 of 421
Muhammad bin Amr bin Ata' narrated from Abu Humaid As-Saidi, :

he (Muhammad) said: "I heard him saying - while he was among ten of the Companions of the Prophet, one of whom was Abu Qatadah bin Ribi - 'I am the most knowledgeable among you of the Salat of the Allah's Messenger.' They said: 'You did not precede us in his companionship, nor were you in his company more than us.' He said: 'Even still." They said: 'Go ahead.' So he said: 'When Allah's Messenger stood for Salat he would stand with his back straight and raise his hands until they were at the level of his shoulder. Then he would say: (Allahu Akbar) "Allah is Most Great" and bow. Then he would straighten (his back) so that he would not lower his head, nor raise it, and he placed his hands on his knees. Then he said: (Sami Allahu liman hamidah) "Allah listens to those who praise Him." And he raised his hands and stood up straight until all of his bones completely returned to their places. Then he went down to the ground prostrating, then he said: (Allahu Akbar) "Allah is Most Great." Then he held his upper arms away from his midsection, and opened his toes on his feet (facing the Qiblah), then he bend his left foot and sat on it then straightened up until all of his bones completely returned to their placed, then he went down to prostrate. Then he said: (Allahu Akbar) "Allah is Most Great," then he bent his foot and sat and straightened up until all of his bones completely returned to their places. Then he got up. Then in the second Rak'ah he did the same as that, such that when he stood from the two prostrations, he sad the Takbir and raised his hands until they were at the level of his shoulders as he did when he opened the Salat. Then he did like that until it was the Rak'ah in which his Salat was to end, when he moved his left foot over and sat on his side (in the Mutawarrik postion). Then he said the Taslim.'"
209 of 421
(Another chain) that Muhammad bin Amir bin Ata narrated from Abu Humaid As-Saidi,:

he (Muhammad) said: "I heard him saying - while he was among ten of the Companions of the Prophet, one of whom was Abu Qatadah bin Ribi."
210 of 421
Qutbah bin Malik narrated:

"I heard Allah's Messenger reciting for Fajr: And tall date palms in the first Rak'ah.
211 of 421
Jabir bin Samurah narrated:

"For Zuhr and Asr, Allah's Messenger would recite: By the heavens, holding the Buruj and (By the heavens and At-Tariq) and similar to them."
212 of 421
Umm Al-Fadl narrated:

"Allah's Messenger came out to us with his head bandaged from his illness. He prayed Maghrib, reciting (Surat) Al-Mursalat." [She said:] "He did not pray it again until he met Allah the Might and Sublime."
213 of 421
Abdullah bin Buraidah narrated that his father (Buraidah) said:

"Allah's Messenger would recite: By the sun and its brightness, or similar Surah for the latter Isha (prayer)."
214 of 421
Al-Bara bin Azib narrated:

"The Prophet would recite: By the fig and the olive for Isha."
215 of 421
Ubadah bin As-Samit narrated:

"Allah's Messenger prayed the Subh prayer, and he had difficulty with the recitation. When turned (after finishing) he said: 'I think that you are reciting behind your Imam?'" He said: "We said: 'Yes, Messenger of Allah, by Allah!' He said: 'Do not do that, except for Umm Al-Kitab, for there is no Salat for one who does not recite it.'"
216 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated:

"Allah's Messenger turned (after praying) from a Salat in which he recited aloud and said: 'Has any one of you recite along with me just now?' A man said: 'Yes, O Messenger of Allah.' He said: 'Indeed I said to myself: Why was I being contended with for the Quran?'" He (Az-Zuhri one of the narrators) said: "So when they heard that from Allah's Messenger, the people stopped reciting with Allah's Messenger in the prayers that Allah's Messenger recited aloud."
217 of 421
Abu Nu'aim Wahb bin Kaisan narated that he heard Jabir bin 'Abdullah saying:

"Whoever prayed a Rak'ah in which he did not recite Umm Al-Qur'an, then he did not pray except if he was behind an Imam."

[Abu 'Eisa said:] This Hadith is Hasan Sahih.
218 of 421
Fatimah the Great narrated:

"When Allah's Messenger entered the Masjid he said Salat and Salam upon Muhammad and then said: (Rabbighfirli dhunubi, waftahli abwaba rahmatik) 'O pardon my sins, and open the gates of Your mercy for me.' And when he exited he said Salat and Salam upon Muhammad, and then said: (Rabbighfirli dunubi, waftahli abwaba rakmatik) 'O Lord pardon my sins, and open the gates of Your blessings for me.'"
219 of 421
Ismail bin Ibrahim (a narrator in the chain of Hadith no. 314) said:

"I met Abdullah bin al Husain in Makkah, so I asked him about this Hadith, so he narrated it to me, he said: 'When Allah's Messenger entered, he said (Rabbi aftahli abwaba rahmatik) 'O Lord, open the gates of Your mercy for me.' And when he exited he said: (Rabbi iftahli abwaba fadlik) 'O Lord, open the gates of Your blessings for me.'"
220 of 421
Abu Qatadah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "When one of you comes to the Masjid, then let him perform two Rak'ah before sitting."
221 of 421
Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "All of the earth is a Masjid except for the graveyard and the washroom."
222 of 421
Uthman bin Affan narrated that :

he heard Allah's Messenger say: "Whoever builds a Masjid for (the sake of) Allah, then Allah will build a similar house for him in Paradise."
223 of 421
It has been related that :

the Prophet said: "Whoever builds a Masjid for (the sake of) Allah, be it small or large, then Allah will build a house for him in Paradise."
224 of 421
Ibn Abbbas narrated:

"Allah's Messenger cursed the women who visit the graves, and those who use them as Masajid and put torches on them."
225 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated:

"We would sleep in the Masjid during the time of Allah's Messenger and we were young men."
226 of 421
Amr bin Shu'aib narrated from his father, from his grandfather (Abdullah bin Amr Al-As), that :

Allah's Messenger prohibited the recitation of poetry in the Masjid, and from selling and buying in it, and (he prohibited) the people from forming circles in it on Friday before the Salat."
227 of 421
Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri narrated:

"A man from Banu Khudrah and a man from Banu Amr bin Awf were disputing about the Masjid that was founded upon Taqwa. The man from Banu Khudrah said: 'It is the Masjid of Allah's Messenger.' The other one said that it was Masjid Qub. So they went to ask Allah's Messenger about that. He said: 'It is this - meaning his Masjid - 'and in that one (Masjid Quba) there is much good.'"
228 of 421
Abu Al-Abrad the freed slave of Banu Khatmah narrated that he heard Usaid bin Zuhair Al-Ansari - and he was one of the Companions of the Prophet - narrated that :

the Prophet said: "The Salat in Masjid Quba is like Umrah."
229 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "Salat is this Masjid of mine is better than a thousand Salat in another, except for Masjid Al-Haram."
230 of 421
Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "A mount is not saddled (for a journey) except t three Masajid: Al-Masjid Al-Haram, this Masjid of mine, and Masjid Al-Aqsa."
231 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "When the Iqamah is called for Salat do not come to it rushing, rather come to it walking, and while you have tranquility. What you catch of it then pray it, and what you missed of it, then complete it."
232 of 421
(Another chain with a similar narration) from Abu Hurairah :

[from the Prophet]. And this is more correct than the Hadith of Yazid bin Zurai. (no. 327)
233 of 421
(Another chain with a similar narration) from Abu Hurairah, :

from the Prophet.
234 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "One of you does not cease to be in Salat as long as he is waiting for it. And the angels do not cease praying for one of you as long as he remains in the Masjid (saying): 'Allah! Forgive him. O Allah! Have mercy upon him' - as long as he does not commit Hadath." A man from Hadramawt said: "And just what is Hadath Abu Hurairah?" He said: "Breaking wind, or passing gas."
235 of 421
Ibn Abbas narrated:

"Allah's Messenger performed Salat on a Khumrah."
236 of 421
Abu Sa'eed narrated:

"The Prophet performed Salat on a Hasir."
237 of 421
Anas bin Malik narrated:

"Allah's Messenger used to mingle with us such that he said to my younger brother: 'O Abu Umair! What did the Nughair do?'" He (Anas) said: "A Bisat of ours would be sprinkled (with water) to perform Salat on."
238 of 421
Mu'adh ibn Jabal narrated:

"The Prophet liked to perform Salat in Al-Hitan."
239 of 421
Muba bin Talhah narrated from his father (Talhah) that :

Allah's Messenger said: "When one of you placed something like the post (handle) of the camel saddle in front of him, then let him perform Salat and not concern himself with who passes beyond that."
240 of 421
Zaid bin Khalid Al-Juhni sent a message to Abu Juhaim asking him what he had heard from Allah's Messenger about passing in front of a person who was performing Salat. Abu Juhaim said :

that Allah's Messenger said: "If the one who passed in front of the person performing Salat knew what he was doing, then for him to stop (and wait for forty) would be better for him than to pass in front of him."
241 of 421
Ibn Abbas narrated:

"I was a companion rider on a female donkey with Al-Fadl. We came while the Prophet and his Companions were performing Salat at Mina." He said: "We dismounted from it and joined the row. The donkey then passed in front of them, and this did not invalidate their Salat."
242 of 421
Abu Dharr said that :

Allah's Messenger said: "When a man performs Salat, and there is nothing in front of him like the post of a saddle, or a camel saddle, then his Salat is severed by (passing of) a black dog, a woman, and a donkey." It was said to Abu Dharr: "What is the problem with the black dog rather than the red or white one?" He said: "O my nephew! I asked Allah's Messenger just as you have asked me. He said: 'The black dog is a Shaitan (devil).'"
243 of 421
Umar bin Abi Salamah narrated that he saw :

Allah's Messenger performing Salat in the house of Umm Salamah wrapped in one garment.
244 of 421
Al-Bara bin Azib narrated:

"When Allah's Messener arrived in Al-Madinah, he faced Bait Al-Maqdis in Salat for sixteen or seventeen months. Allah's Messenger longed to face the direction of the Ka'bah, so Allah Most High revealed: Verily! We have seen the turning of your face towards the heaven. Surely We shall turn you o a Qiblah that shall please you. So turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid Al-Haram.So he faced the Ka'bah, and he liked that. A man performed the Asr prayer with him, then passed by some of the Ansar who were bowing in Salat for Asr while facing Bait Al-Maqdis." He told them that he had faced the direction of the Ka'bah, so they changed (their direction) while they were bowing."
[He said:] There are narrations on this topic from Ibn Umar, Ibn Abbas, Umarah bin Aws, Amr bin Awf Al-Muzani and Anas.
245 of 421
Ibn Umar said:

"They were bowing during the Subh (Fajr) Prayer."
246 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "What is between the east and the west is Qiblah."
247 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated:

(Another chain with a similar narration)
248 of 421
(Another chain narrating that) Abu Hurairah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "What is between the east and the west is Qiblah."
249 of 421
Abdullah bin Amir bin Rabi'ah narrated from his father who said:

"We were with the Prophet on a journey on a very dark night and we did not know the direction of the Qiblah. So each man among us prayed in his own direction. In the morning when we mentioned that to the Prophet, then the following was revealed: So where ever you turn, there is the Face of Allah."
250 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated:

"The Prophet prohibited Salat from being performed in seven places: the dung heap, the slaughtering area, the graveyard, the commonly used road, the wash area, in the area that camels rest at, and above the House of Allah (the Ka'bah)."
251 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated:

(Another chain with a similar narration)
252 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "Perform Salat in sheep pens but do not perform Salat in the camels' resting area."
253 of 421
(Another chain) from Abu Hurairah, :

from the Prophet and it is the same or similar.
254 of 421
Anas bin Malik narrated:

"The Prophet would perform Salat in sheep pens."
255 of 421
Jabir narrated:

"The Prophet dispatched me for something he needed. I came to him while he was performing Salat on his mount, heading east, he made the prostrations lower than the bowing."
256 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated:

"The Prophet performed Salat towards his she-camel, or his mount, and he would perform Salat while on his mount, whichever direction it was facing."
257 of 421
Anas conveyed that :

the Prophet said: "When supper is present and the Iqamah for Salat has been called, then begin with supper."
258 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated that:

the Prophet said: "When the supper is presented and the Iqamah is called for Salat, then begin with the supper."
259 of 421
Aishah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "When one of you is sleepy and he is performing Salat, then let him lie down until the sleep is gone from him. For when one of you performs Salat while he is sleepy, perhaps he wants to seek forgiveness but he curses himself."
260 of 421
Abu Atiyyah narrated that :

a man among them said: "Malik bin Al-Huwairith came to us in our Musalla to narrate. One day when it was time for Salat, we told him to go ahead (to lead the prayer). He said: 'Let one of you go forward, until I narrate to you why I would not go forward (to lead prayer): I heard Allah's Messenger saying: "Whoever visits a people, then he does not lead them, but a man among them leads them."
261 of 421
Thawban narrated that :

the Prophet said: "It is not allowed for a man to look into the interior of a man's house until he has been given permission, for if he looks, then he has entered. And one who leads people (in Salat) should not supplicate for himself alone with the exclusion of his congregation. If he does, then he has betrayed them. And one is not to stand for Salat while he has to urinate."
262 of 421
Anas bin Malik narrated:

"Allah's Messenger cursed three people: A man who leads people (in Salat) while they dislike him, a woman who spends a night while her husband with her, and a man who hears: 'Hayya Alal Falah (come to success)' then does not respond."
263 of 421
Amr bin Al-Harith Al-Mustaliq said:

"It used to be said that the people with the worst punishment [on the Day of Judgment] are two: A woman who disobeyed her husband, and a people's Imam whom they dislike."
264 of 421
Abu Umamah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger said: "There are three whose Salat would not rise up beyond their ears: The runaway slave until he returns, a woman who spends a night while her husband is angry with her, and a people's Imam whom they dislike."
265 of 421
Anas bin Malik narrated:

"Allah's Messenger fell from a horse and got injured, so he led Salat sitting and we also offered Salat sitting. When he completed the Salat he said: "The Imam is appointed to be followed; when he says the Takbir then say the Takbir, when he bows, then bow, and when he raises his head, then raise your heads. When he says: "Sami' Allahu liman hamidah (Allah listens to those who praise him)" then say: "Rabbana wa lakal-hamd. (O our Lord! And all praise is Yours.)" and when he prostrates, then prostrate, and when he performs Salat sitting, then pray sitting altogether.'"
266 of 421
Aishah narrated:

"Allah's Messenger performed Salat behind Abu Bakr, during the illness from which he died, and he was sitting."
267 of 421
Anas narrated:

"Allah's Messenger performed Salat during his illness behind Abu Bakr while seated, wrapped in a garment."
268 of 421
Ash-Sha'bi narrated:

"Al-Mughirah bin Shu'bah led us in Salat, and he continued after the two Rak'ah, so the people said: 'Subhan Allah' and he said: 'Subhan Allah' to them. When he finished his Salat he said the Taslim then performed two prostrations of As-Sahw while he was sitting. Then he narrated to them that Allah's Messenger did the same with them as he had done."
269 of 421
Ziyad bin Haqah narrated:

"Al-Mughirah bin Shu'bah les us in Salat. When he prayed two Rak'ah he stood without sitting. Those who were behind him said 'Subhan Allah' and he indicated to them that they should stand. He said the Taslim when he had finished his Salat and he performed two prostrations of As-Sahw, and said the Taslim. He said that Allah's Messenger did this."
270 of 421
Ubaidullah bin Abdullah bin Mas'ud narrated from his father (Abdullah bin Mas'ud) that he said:

"When Allah's Messenger sat for the first two Rak'ah it was as if he was on hot stones." Shu'bah (one of the narrators) said: "Then Sa'd's lips moved (saying) something. So I said: 'Until he stood?' He said: 'Until he stood.'"
271 of 421
Suhaib narrated:

"I passed by Allah's Messenger (S) while he was performing Salat, so I said greeted him with Salam, and he returned it by making signals." He said: "I do not know except that he said: 'He indicated with his finger.'"
272 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated:

"I said to Bilal: 'How did the Prophet (S) reply to them when they gave him Salams and he was performing Salat?' He said: 'He would motion with his hand.'"
273 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that:

Allah's Messenger said: "The Tasbih is for the men and clapping is for the women."
274 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that the :

Prophet (S) said: "Yawning is from the Shaitan, so when one of you yawns then let him suppress (it) as much as possible."
275 of 421
Imran bin Husain narrated:

"I asked Allah's Messenger (S) about the Salat for a man who is sitting. He said: 'Whoever performs Salat while standing then that is more virtuous. And whoever performs Salat while sitting, then he gets half the rewards of the one standing, and whoever performs Salat while lying down, then he gets half the rewards of the one sitting.'"
276 of 421
This Hadith has been related from Ibrahim bin Tahman with this chain. Except that he said:

"From Imran bin Husain who said: 'I asked Allah's Messenger (S) about Salat for a sick person. He said: "He performs Salat standing, if he is not able then sitting, if he is not able then on his side."
277 of 421
Hafsah, the wife of the Prophet (S), narrated:

"I did not see Allah's Messenger (S) praying voluntary prayers sitting until the year before he died. Then he would perform Salat for the voluntary prayers sitting, and he would recite a Surah and prolong it such that it would be longer than the longest of them."
278 of 421
Aishah narrated:

"The Prophet (S) would perform Salat while sitting. And he would recite while sitting. When about thirty or forty Ayah of his recitation remained he would standup and recite while he was standing, then he would bow and prostrate. Then he would do the same in the second Rak'ah."
279 of 421
Abdullah bun Shaqiq narrated from Aishah, he said:

"I asked her about the voluntary Salat of Allah's Messenger (S), she said: 'He would pray long into the night standing, and long into the night sitting. So when he recited and he was standing, he would bow and prostrate whole he was standing, and when he recited while he was sitting, he bowed and prostrated while he was sitting.'"
280 of 421
Anas bin Malik narrated that:

Allah's Messenger said: "Indeed I hear the crying of a small boy while I am in Salat, so I shorten it in fear that his mother may be tormented."
281 of 421
Aishah narrated that:

Allah's Messenger said: "The Salat of a women who has reached the age of menstruation is not accepted without a Khimar"
282 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated:

"Allah's Messenger (S) prohibited As-Sadl in the Salat."
283 of 421
Abu Dharr narrated that :

the Prophet (S) said: "When one of you stands for Salat then he should not smoothen the pebbles, for indeed it is mercy that he is facing."
284 of 421
Mu'aiqib narrated:

"I asked Allah's Messenger (S) about smoothening the pebbles during Salat. He said: 'If you must do so, then let it be only once.'"
285 of 421
Umm Salamah narrated:

"The Prophet (S) saw a boy of ours - called Aflah - blowing when he prostrated. So he said: 'O Aflah! Put your face in the dirt.'"
286 of 421
(Another chain) in which Abu Hamzah narrated:

"A boy of ours named Rabah."
287 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated:

"The Prophet (S) prohibited than a man to pray with his hands on his hip."
288 of 421
Abu Rafi narrated that :

He passed by Al-Hasan bin Ali while he was performing Salat and he had gathered his locks at the back of his head, so he (Abu Rafi) undid them, and Al-Hasan turned to him angrily. He said: "Resume your Salat and do not be angry, for indeed I heard Allah's Messenger (S) saying: 'That is the seat of Ash-Shaitan.'"
289 of 421
Al-Fadl bin Abbas narrated that:

Allah's Messenger (S) said: "As-Salat is two and two, with a Tashah-hus for every two Rakah, with humility, imploring, having a sense of tranquility, pleading and showing helplessness and stretching out your hand" - he said: raising them - "to your Lord, with the insides of them facing your face, saying: 'O Lord! O Lord! And whoever does not do this, then it is like this or that."
290 of 421
Ka'b bun Ujrah narrated that:

Allah's Messenger (S) said: "When one of you performs Wudu and does so well, then he leaves intending to go to the Masjid, then let him not intertwine his fingers, for indeed he is in Salat."
291 of 421
Jabir narrated:

"It was said to the Prophet (S): 'Which Salat is most virtuous?' He said: 'That with the longest Qunut.'"
292 of 421
Ma'dan bin Talhah Al Yamari said:

"I met Thawban the freed slave of Allah's Messenger (S) and said to him, 'Guide me to a deed by which Allah benefit me, and for which Allah will admit me into Paradise.' He was silent for quite a while, then he turned to me and said: 'Perform prostrations, for I heard Allah's Messenger (S) saying: 'No worshipper performs a prostration to Allah except that by it, Allah will raise him a level, and erase a sin from him for it.'"
293 of 421
Madan [bin Talhah] said:

"I met Abu Ad-Darda, and I asked him what I had asked Thawban, so he said: 'Perform prostrations, for I heard Allah's Messenger saying: 'No worshipper performs a prostration to Allah except that by it Allah will raise him a level, and erase a sin from him for it.'"
294 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated:

"Allah's Messenger (S) ordered killing the two black things in Salat; the snake and the scorpion."
295 of 421
Abdullah bin Buhainah Al-Asdi the ally of Banu Abdul-Muttalib narrated:

"The Prophet (S) stood for the Zuhr prayer, and he had a sitting to perform, so when he completed his Salat, he performed two prostrations, saying the Takbir for each prostration. So he was sitting before saying the Salam, and the people prostrated with him in place of the sitting he forgot."
296 of 421
Abdullah bin Masud narrated:

"The Prophet (S) prayed five (Rakah) for Zuhr, so it was said to him: 'Has the prayer been added to, or have you merely forgotten?' So he (S) performed two prostrations after he had said the Salam."
297 of 421
Abdullah (bin Masud) narrated:

"The Prophet (S) performed two prostrations for As-Sahw after talking."
298 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated:

"The Prophet (S) performed two prostrations after the Salam."
299 of 421
Abu Al-Muhallab narrated from Imran bin Husain that :

the Prophet (S) led them in Salat he forgot (something) so he performed two prostrations, then the Tashah-hud, then the Salam.
300 of 421
Iyad bin Hilal said:

"I said to Abu Sa'eed: 'One of us performs Salat and we do not know how (much) we prayed.' So he said: 'Allah's Messenger (S) said: "When one of you performs Salat and he does now know how (much) he prayed then let him perform two prostrations while he is sitting."
301 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that:

Allah's Messenger (S) said: "Indeed the Shaitan comes to one of you in his Salat confusing him until he does now know how much he has prayed. When one of you experiences that then let him perform two prostrations while sitting."
302 of 421
Abdur-Rahman bi Awf narrated that he heard the Prophet (S) saying:

"When one of you becomes forgetful in his Salat so that he does not know if he prayed one or two, then let him consider it one. When he does not know if he prayed three or four, then let him consider it three, and let him perform two prostrations before he says the Taslim."
303 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated:

"The Prophet (S) turned (finished the prayer) after two (Rak'ah), so Dhul-Yadain said: 'Has the prayer been shortened or have you forgotten O Messenger of Allah?" The Prophet (S) said: 'Is what Dhul-Yadain said the truth?' The people said yes, so Allah's Messenger (S) stood to perform the last two (Rakah) of Salat, then he said the Taslim. Then he said the Takbir and prostrated in a manner the same or longer than his (normal) prostrations."
304 of 421
Sa'eed bin Yazid Abu Maslamah said:

"I said to Anas bin Malik: 'Would Allah's Messenger (S) perform Salat wearing his sandals?' He said: 'Yes.'"
305 of 421
Al-Bara bin Azib narrated:

"The Prophet (S) would perform the Qunut in the Subh and Maghrib prayers."
306 of 421
Abu Malik Al-Ashjai narrated:

"I said to my father: 'O my father! You offered Salat behind Allah's Messenger (S), Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali bin Abi Talib here in Al-Kufah for about five years. Did they say the Qunut?' He said: 'It is a newly invented matter my son.'"
307 of 421
There is another narration from Abu Malik:

There exists another narration from Abu Malik with similar meaning but with different chain.
308 of 421
Muadh bin Rifa'ah narrated that his father said:

"I prayed behind Allah's Messenger (S). I sneezed and said: Al-Hamdulillah, hamdan kathiran tayyiban mubarakan fih, mubarakan alaihi kama yuhibbu Rabbana Wa Yarda (All praise is due to Alah, many good blessed praises, blessings for Him as our Lord loves and is pleased with.) When Allah's Messenger (S) prayed and turned (after finishing) he said: 'Who was the speaker during the Salat?' No one spoke. Then he said it a second time: 'Who was the speaker during the Salat?' But no one spoke. Then he said it a third time: 'Who was the speaker during the Salat?'" So Rifa'ah bin Rafi bin Afra said: "It was I, O Messenger of Allah (S)." He said: "What did you say?" He said: "I said: 'Al-Hamdulillah, hamdan kathiran tayyiban mubarakan fih, mubarakan alaihi kama yuhibbu Rabbana Wa Yarda. The Prophet (S) said: "By the One in Whose Hand is my soul! I saw thirty-some angels competing over which of then would ascend with it."
309 of 421
Zaid bin Arqam narrated:

"We used to talk behind Allah's Messenger (S) during the Salat, a man among us would talk to his companions next to him until (the following) was revealed: And stand before Allah with obedience. (2:238) So we were ordered to be silent and prohibited from talking."
310 of 421
Asma bin Al-Hakam Al-Fazari said:

"I heard Ali saying: 'Indeed I am a man who, when I heard a Hadith from Allah's Messenger (S) then Allah causes me to benefit from it as much as He wills for me to benefit from it. When a man among his Companions narrated to me I ask him to swear an oath to me about it, and when he swears an oath to me I trust him. And Abu Bakr narrated to me - and Abu Bakr told the truth - he said: "I heard Allah's Messenger (S) saying: 'There is no man who commits a sin, then makes Wudu, then performs Salat, then seeks forgiveness from Allah, except that Allah forgives him.' Then he recited this Ayah: Those who when they have committed Fahishah or wronged themselves with eveil, remember Allah. (3:135) until the end of the Ayah."
311 of 421
(Sabrah bin Ma'bad al-Juhni) narrated that:

Allah's Messenger (S) said: "Teach the boy Salat when he is seven years old, and beat him (if he does not pray) when he is ten."
312 of 421
Abdullah bin Amr narrated that:

Allah's Messenger (S) said: "When he commits Hadath - meaning a man - and he is sitting in the end of his Salat before saying the Taslim, then his Salat is acceptable."
313 of 421
Jabir narrated:

"We were with the Prophet (S) on a journey when it started to rain on us, so the Prophet (S) said: 'Whoever wishes, let him perform Salat in his place.'"
314 of 421
Ibn Abbas narrated:

"Some of the poor people came to Allah's Messenger (S) and said: 'O Messenger of Allah (S)! The rich pray as we pray, they fast as we fast, but they have wealth with which they free slaves and which they give in charity.' He said: 'When you perform Salat, then say: 'Subhan Allah' thirty-three times, and: 'Al-Hamdulillah' thirty-three times, and: 'Allahu Akbar' thirty-four times, and 'La ilaha illallah' ten times. With that you will have surprassed them, and none would surpass you afterwards.'"
315 of 421
Amr bin Uthman bin Ya'la bin Murrah narrated from his father, from his grand-father that :

They were with the Prophet (S) on a journey. They wound up in a narrow area when Salat became due. Then it began raining from the sky above them, and it was wet beneath them. So Allah's Messenger (S) called the Adhan while he was on his mount, and then the Iqamah, going forward on his mount. He let them in Salat by making gestures, making his prostrations lower than his bowing.
316 of 421
Al-Mughirah bin Shu'bah narrated:

"Allah's Messenger (S) performed Salat until his feet were swollen, so it was said to him: 'You burden yourself like this, while your past and future sins have been forgiven?' He said: 'Shouldn't I be a grateful worshipper?'"
317 of 421
Huraith bin Qabisah narrated:

"I arrived in Al-Madinah and said: 'O Allah! Facilitate me to be in a righteous gathering.'" He said: "I sat with Abu Hurairah and said: 'Indeed I asked Allah to provide me with a righteous gathering. So narrate a hadith to me which you heard from Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him) so that perhaps Allah would cause me to benefit from it.' He said: 'I heard Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him) say: "Indeed the first deed by which a servant will be called to account on the Day of Resurrection is his Salat. If it is complete, he is successful and saved, but if it is defective, he has failed and lost. So if something is deficient in his obligatory (prayers) then the Lord, Mighty and Sublime says: 'Look! Are there any voluntary (prayers) for my worshipper?' So with them, what was deficient in his obligatory (prayers) will be completed. Then the rest of his deeds will be treated like that."
318 of 421
Aishah narrated that Allah's Messenger (S) said:

"Whoever is regular with twelve Rak'ah of Sunnah (prayer), Allah will build a house form him in Paradise: Four Rak'ah before Zuhr, two Rak'ah after it, two Rak'ah after Maghrib, two Rak'ah after Isha, and two Rak'ah before Fajr."
319 of 421
Umm Habibah narrated that Allah's Messenger (S) sad:

"Whoever prays twelve Rak'ah in a day and night, a house will be built from him in Paradise: Four Rak'ah before Zuhr, two Rak'ah after it, two Rak'ah after Maghrib, two Rak'ah after Isha, and two Rak'ah before Fajr in the morning Salat."
320 of 421
Aishah narrated that :

Allah's Messenger (S) said: "The two Rak'ah of Fajr are better than the world and what is in it."
321 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated:

"I watched the Prophet (S) for a month. In the two Rak'ah before Fajr he would recite: Say: "O you disbelievers!" and Say: "Allah is One"."
322 of 421
Aishah narrated:

"When Allah's Messenger (S) prayed the two Rak'ah (before) Fajr if he needed something from me he would talk to me, if not, he would go to Salat."
323 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated that:

Allah's Messenger (S) said: "There is no Salat after Al-Fajr (begins) except two prostrations."
324 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that:

Allah's Messenger (S) said: "When one of you prays the two Rak'ah of Fajr then let him lay down on his right (side)."
325 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that:

Allah's Messenger (S) said: "When the Iqamah has been called for the Salat then there is no Salat except the obligatory."
326 of 421
Qais narrated:

"Allah's Messenger (S) went out and the Iqamah was called for the Salat so I prayed As-Subh with him. Then the Prophet (S) turned and found me performing Salat so he said: 'Easy O Qais! Are there two prayers together?' I said: 'O Messenger of Allah! I did not perform the two Rak'ah (before) Fajr.' He said: 'Then there is no harm.'"
327 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that:

Allah's Messenger (S) said: "Whoever did not pray the two Rak'ah (before) Fajr then let him pray them after the sun has risen."
328 of 421
Ali narrated:

"The Prophet (S) would pray four Rak'ah before Az-Zuhr and two Rak'ah after it."
329 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated:

"I prayed two Rak'ah with the Prophet (S) before Az-Zuhr and two Rak'ah after it."
330 of 421
Aishah narrated:

"When the Prophet (S) would not perform the four Rak'ah before Az-Zuhr he would pray them after it."
331 of 421
Umm Habibah narrated that:

Allah's Messenger (S) said: "Whoever prays four before Az-Zuhr and four after, Allah makes him prohibited for the Fire."
332 of 421
Umm Habibah the wife of the Prophet (S) narrated that:

She heard Allah's Messenger (S) saying: "Whoever maintains four Rak'ah before Az-Zuhr and four after it, Allah makes him prohibited for the Fire."
333 of 421
Ali narrated:

"Allah's Messenger (S) would pray four Rak'ah before Al-Asr separating between them with At-Taslim upon the angels that are close (to Allah) and those who follow them among the Muslims and the believers."
334 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated that :

The Prophet (S) said: "May Allah have mercy upon a man who prays four before Al-Asr."
335 of 421
Abdullah bin Mas'ud narrated:

"I can not enumerate (how many times) I heard Allah's Messenger (S) reciting - in the two Rak'ah after Al-Maghrib and the two Rak'ah before Salatul-Fajr with: Say: "O you disbelievers!" and Say: "He is Allah the One."
336 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated:

"I prayed two Rak'ah after Al-Maghrib with the Prophet (S) in his house."
337 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated:

"I memorized ten Rak'ah from Allah's Messenger (S) which he would pray in a night and a day: Two Rak'ah before Az-Zuhr, two after it; two Rak'ah after Al-Maghrib and two Rak'ah after the latter Isha." He said: "And Hafsah narrated to me that he (S) would pray two Rak'ah before Al-Fajr."
338 of 421
Ibn Umar :

has a similar narration
339 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that:

Allah's Messenger (S) said: "Whoever prays six Rak'ah after Al-Maghrib, and he does not speak about anything between them, then they will be counted for him as twelve years of worship."
340 of 421
Abdullah bin Shaqiq said:

"I asked Aishah about the Salat of Allah's Messenger (S). She said: 'He would pray four Rak'ah before Az-Zuhr and two Rak'ah after it, and two after Al-Maghrib, and two Rak'ah after Al-Isha, and two before Al-Fajr."
341 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated that:

The Prophet (S) said: "Salat in the night is two by two. So when you fear the dawn (is near) then make it odd by one, and make that the last of your Salat odd."
342 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that:

Allah's Messenger (S) said: "The most virtuous fasting after the month of Ramadan is that of Allah's month of Al-Muharram. And the most virtuous Salat after the obligatory is the night prayer."
343 of 421
Sa'eed bin Abi Sa'eed Al-Maqburi narrated that:

Sa'eed bin Abi Sa'eed Al-Maqburi narrated that Abu Salamah informed him that he had asked Aishah: "How was the Salat of Allah's Messenger (A) [at night] during Ramadan?" She said: "Allah's Messenger (S) would pray - neither in Ramadan nor in any other month - more than eleven Rak'ah. He would pray four, and do not ask about their excellence or length, then he would pray four, and do not ask about their excellence or length, then he would pray three." Aishah said: "I asked: 'O Messenger of Allah! Do you sleep before having performed Witr?" He said: 'O Aishah! Indeed my eyes sleep but my heart does not sleep.'"
344 of 421
Aishah narrated:

"Allah's Messenger (S) would pray eleven Rak'ah at night, making them off with one. When he finished them he would lay down on his right side."
345 of 421
Narrator mot mentioned:

Another chain with similar narration
346 of 421
Ibn Abbas narrated:

"The Prophet (S) would pray thirteen Rak'ah at night."
347 of 421
Aishah narrated:

"The Prophet (S) would pray nine Rak'ah in the night."
348 of 421
Narrator not mentioned:

(Another chain with similar narration)
349 of 421
Aishah narrated:

"When the Prophet (S) did not pray at night because he was prevented from it by sleep or being sleepy then he would pray twelve Rak'ah during the daytime."
350 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that:

Allah's Messenger (S) said: "Allah, Blessed and Exalted is He, descends to the earth's heaven every night when the first third of the night has passed. He says: "I am the Sovereign. Is there any who calls upon Me so that I may respond to him? Is there any who asks of Me that I may give him? Is there any who seeks forgiveness from Me so that I may forgive him?' He continues in that until the illumination of Al-Fajr."
351 of 421
Abu Qatadah narrated that :

The Prophet (S) said to Abu Bakr: "I passed by you while you were reciting and your voice was low." He said: "I let He who, I was consulting hear." He said: "Raise your voice." Then he said to Umar: "I passed by while you were reciting and your voice was loud." So he said: "I repel drowsiness and keep Ash-Shaitan away." So he said: "Lower your voice."
352 of 421
Aishah narrated:

"The Prophet (S) stood (in prayer) with an Ayah from the Qur'an at night"
353 of 421
Abdullah bin Abi Qais narrated:

"I asked Aishah how the recitation of the Prophet (S) was at night. [Would he recite silently o audibly?] So she said: 'He would do both of those. Sometimes he was silent with his recitation and sometimes it was audible.' So I said: 'All praise is due to Allah, the One who made the matter broad.'"
354 of 421
Zaid bin Thabit narrated that:

The Prophet (S) said: "The most virtuous prayer of yours is in your homes, except for the obligatory."
355 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated that :

The Prophet (S) said: "Offer Salat in your homes and do not turn them into graves."
356 of 421
Abu Dharr narrated:

"I came to the Messenger of Allah while he was sitting in the shade of the Ka'bah." He said: "He saw me approaching and he said: 'They are lost on the Day of Judgment! By the Lord of the Ka'bah!'" He said: "I said t myself: Woe is me! Perhaps something has been revealed about me!'" He said: "So I said: 'Who are they, and may my father and mother be ransomed for you.' So the Messenger of Allah said: 'They are those who have much, except for who says like this, and this, and this and motioned with his hand to his front, and t his right, and to his left.' Then he said: 'By the One in Whose Hand is my soul! No man will die, leaving a camel or a cow that he did not pay Zakat on, except that it will come on the Day of Judgment larger and fatter than it was, they will tread him under their hooves and butt him with their horns, all of them; such that when the last of them has had a turn, the first returns to him, until he is judged before the people.'"
357 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated :

that the Prophet said: "When you pay the Zakat you have fulfilled what is required of you."
358 of 421
Anas narrated:

"We used to hope that an intelligent Bedouin would show up to question the Prophet while we were with him. So one while we were with him, a Bedouin came, kneeling in front of the Prophet, and he said: 'O Muhammad, your messenger came to us and told us that you say that Allah sent you.' So the Prophet say: 'Yes.' He said, 'So, (swear) by the One who raised the heaves, and spread out the earth, and erected the mountains; has Allah sent you?' The Prophet said, 'Yes.' He said: 'Your messenger told us that you say that there are five prayers required from us in a day and a night.' The Prophet said, 'Yes.' He said, 'By the One Who sent you, has Allah ordered that you you?' He said, 'Yes.' He said, 'Your messenger told us that you say that we are required to fast for a month out of the year.' He said, 'He told the truth.' He said, 'By the One Who sent you, has Allah ordered that you?' The Prophet said, 'Yes.' He said, 'Your messenger told us that Zakat is required from our wealth.' The Prophet said, 'He told the truth.' He said, 'By the One Who sent you, has Allah ordered you that?' The Prophet said, 'Yes.' He said, 'Your messenger told us that you say that we are required to perform Hajj to Allah's House if able to undertake the journey.' The Prophet said, 'Yes.' He said, 'By the One Who sent you, has Allah Commanded you that?' (The Prophet said:) 'Yes.' So he said: 'By the One Who sent you with the Truth, I will not leave any of them, nor surpass them.' Then he got up quickly (leaving). The Prophet said: 'If the Bedouin told the truth, then he will enter Paradise.'"
359 of 421
Ali narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "I have exempted charity on horses and slaves. So bring charity for silver, one Dirham for every forty Dirham. There is nothing for me (to collect) on one hundred and ninety Dirham, so when it reaches two hundred, then five Dirham of it (are due)."
360 of 421
Az-Zuhri narrated from Salim from his father:

"The Messenger of Allah had a letter written about charity, but he had not dispatched it to his governors until he died; he kept it with him along with his sword. When he died, Abu Bakr implemented it until he died, as did Umar until he died. In it was: 'A sheep (is due) on five camels, two sheeps on ten, three sheeps on fifteen, four sheeps for twenty, a Bint Makhad on twenty-five to thirty-five. When it is more than that, then a Bint Labun, (is due, till the number of the camels reaches) forty-five. When it is more than that, then a Hiqqah until sixty. When it is more than that, then a Jadhah until seventy-five. When it is more than one hundred and twenty, then a Hiqqah on every fifty, and a Bint Labun on every forty. For sheep; one sheep (is due) for every forty sheeps until one hundred and twenty. When it is more than that, then two sheeps until two hundred. When it is more than that, then three sheeps until three hundred sheep. When it is more than three hundred sheep, then a sheep on every hundred sheep. Then there is nothing until it reaches four hundred. There is no combining the (property of) individuals nor separating the collective (property) fearing Sadaqah. And fr whatever is mixed together that two own, then they are to refer to the total. Neither an old or defective (animal) may be taken for charity."
361 of 421
Abdullah bin Mas'ud narrated that :

the Prophet said: "A Tabi or a Tabi'ah (is due) on thirty cows, and a Musinnah (is due) on every forty."
362 of 421
Mu'adh bin Jabal narrated:

"The Prophet sent me to Yemen and ordered me to collect a Tabi or a Tabi'ah on every thirty cows, a Musinnah on every forty, a Dinar for every Halim, or its equivalent of Ma'afir."Abu Eisa said: This Hadith is Hasan. Some of them reported this Hadith from Sufyan, from Al-A'mash, from Abu Wa'il, from Masruq: "The Prophet sent Mu'adh to Yemen and ordered him to take..." and this is more authentic
363 of 421
Muhammad bin Bash-shar (Al-Abdi) narrated to us, :

Muhammad bin Ja'far narrated to us, from Shu'bah, from Amr bin Murrah who said: "I asked Abu Ubaidah bin Abdullah: 'Did you remember anything from Abdullah?' He said, 'No'"
364 of 421
Ibn Abbas narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah sent Mu'adh to Yemen and said to him: "You are going to a people from the People of the Book, so invite them to testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and that I am the Messenger of Allah. If they comply with that, then inform them that Allah has made five prayers obligatory upon them in a day and a night. If they comply with that, then inform then that Allah has ordained a charity upon their wealth, which is to be taken from the rich among them and given to the poor among them. If they comply with that, then beware of their most precious wealth, and protect yourself from the supplication of the oppressed, for there is no barrier between it and Allah."
365 of 421
Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri narrated that :

the Prophet said: "There is no charity due on less than five camels, and there is no charity due on what is less than five Uqiyah (of silver), and there is no charity due on what is less than five Wasaq."
366 of 421
(Another chain of narration that) Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri narrated that :

the Prophet said (similar t Hadith no. 626).
367 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "There is no charity due from a Muslim for his horse nor his slave."
368 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "A Ziqq is due for every ten Ziqq of honey."
369 of 421
Ubaidulah bin Umar narrated that :

Nafi said: "Umar bin Adbul-Aziz asked me about charity due on honey, so I said to him: 'We do not have honey that we could give charity from, but Al-Mughirah bin Hakim informed us that he (pbuh) said: 'There is no charity due on honey.' So Umar said: 'That is fair enough for me.' So he wrote to the people that is be lifted, meaning (the duty of paying it) from them."
370 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever acquired wealth, then there is no Zakat on it until the Hawl has passed (while it is in his possession)."
371 of 421
Ibn Umar said:

"Whoever acquired wealth, then there is no Zakat on it until the Hawl has passed while it is in his possession."
372 of 421
Ibn Abbas narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "Two Qiblahs in one land are of no benefit, and there is no Jizyah upon the Muslims."
373 of 421
Ibn Abbas narrated:

(A similar narration as no. 633.)
374 of 421
Amr bin Al-Harith bin Al-Mustaliq narrated from the nephew of Zainab, the wife of Abdullah (Ibn Mas'ud) who said:

"The Messenger of Allah delivered a sermon to us, and said: 'O you women! Give charity, even if it is from your jewelry, for indeed you will make up most of the people of Hell on the Day of Judgment.'"
375 of 421
Amr bin Al-Harith, the nephew of Zainab, the wife of Abdullah, narrated that :

Zainab, the wife of Abdullah narrated similarly from the Prophet.
376 of 421
Amr bin Shu'aib narrated from his father, from his grandfather, :

that two women came to the Messenger of Allah, and they each had a bracelet of gold on their forearms. So he said to them: "Have you paid their Zakat?" They said, "No." The Messenger of Allah said to them: "Would you like for Allah to fashion then into two bracelets of Fire?" They said, "No." He said: "Then pay its Zakat."
377 of 421
Eisa bin Talhah narrated that :

Mu'adh had written to the Prophet to ask him about greens - which is "herbs" - so he (pbuh) said, "There is nothing due on them."
378 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "For what is watered by the heavens and steams, the Ushr is due, and for what is watered by irrigation, half of the Ushr."
379 of 421
Salim narrated from his father that :

the Messenger of Allah instituted the Ushr of what was watered by the heavens and steams, or through natural channels, and half of the Ushr for what is watered by irrigation.
380 of 421
Amr bin Shu'aib narrated from his father, from his grandfather that :

the Prophet addressed the people and said: "As for one who is the guardian of an orphan who has wealth, then let him do business with it and not leave it until it becomes consumed by charity."
381 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "The injuries caused by the animal are without liability, and mines are without liability, and wells are without liability, and the Khumus is due on Rikaz."
382 of 421
Abdur-Rahman bin Mas'ud bin Niyar said:

"Sahl bin Abi Hathmah came to a gathering of ours, and he narrated that the Messenger of Allah would say: "When you make an assessment, then take it and leave a third, if you do not leave a third, then leave a quarter."
383 of 421
Attab bin Asid narrated that :

the Prophet said about Zakat on grapevines: "They are to be assessed just as the date-palm is assessed. Then its Zakat is paid in raisins just as the Zakat for the date-palm is paid in dried dates."
384 of 421
Rafi bin Khadij narrated:

"I herd the Messenger of Allah saying: 'The one who works in collecting charity in truth is like the one who fights in the cause of Allah until he returns.'"
385 of 421
Anas bin Malik narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "The one who commits transgression with charity is like the one who does not pay it."
386 of 421
Jarir narrated that :

the Prophet said: "When the charity collector comes to you, then he should not depart from you except while pleased."
387 of 421
Jarir narrated :

similar (narration to no. 647 with a different chain) from the Prophet.
388 of 421
Awn bin Abi Jubaitah narrated from his father:

"The charity collector of the Prophet came to us. So he took the charity from our rich to our poor. I was a orphan boy, so he came to me and gave me a young she-camel from it."
389 of 421
Abdullah bin Mas'ud narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever begs from the people while he has what he needs, he will come on the Day of Judgment and his begging with be scratches or lacerations, or bite marks on his face." They said: "O Messenger of Allah! 'How much is it that one needs?' He said: 'Fifty Dirham, or their value in gold.'"
390 of 421
Mahmud bin Ghaydin narrated to us:

Yahya bin Adam narrated to us, Sufyan narrated this Hadith to us from Hakim bin Jubair. So Abdullah bin Uthman, the companion of Shu'bah said to him (Sufyan): "If only someone besides Hakim had narrated this (Hadith)." Sufyan said to him, "So what is with Hakim; Shu'bah would not narrate from him?" He said: "Yes." So Sufyan said: "I heard Zubaid narrating this from Muhammad bin Abdur-Rahman bin Yazid."
391 of 421
Abdullah bin Amr narrated that :

the Prophet said: "Charity is not lawful for the rich nor for the physically fit."
392 of 421
Hubshi bin Junadah As-Saluli narrated:

"During the Farewell Hajj, while the Messener of allah was standing at Arafat, a Bedouin came to him begging while pulling on the edge of his Rida. He gave him something and he left. With that, begging was made unlawful, so the Messenger of Allah said: 'Begging is not lawful for the rich nor for the physically fit, except for the one who is severely poor or in perilous debt. And whoever begs the people (merely) to increase his wealth, then on the Day of Judgment (the wealth he begged for) will be lacerations on his face and heated coals from Hell will be provided for him to eat. Whoever wishes, let him take a little, and whoever wishes, then let him take a lot.'"
393 of 421
Narrator mentioned in hadith:

There is another chain with a similar narration.
394 of 421
Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri narrated:

"During the time of the Messenger of Allah, a man suffered a loss on fruits that he had sold, resulting in more debt. The Messenger of Allah said: 'Give him charity.' So the people gave him charity but it did not cover his debt. So the Messenger of Allah said to his debtors: 'Take what you have and there is nothing for you but that.'"
395 of 421
Bahz bin Hakim narrated from his father, from his grandfather who said:

"When something was brought to him, the Messenger of Allah would ask: 'Is this charity or a gift?' If they said: 'Charity.' He would not eat it, and if they said, 'A gift' he would eat it."
396 of 421
Abu Rafi (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah sent a man from Banu Makhzun to collect charity, so he said to Abu Rafi: "Accompany me so that perhaps you may have some of it." So he said: "Not until I ask the Messenger of Allah." So he went to the Prophet to ask him, and he said: "Charity is not lawful for us, and to be the Mawda of a people to be the same as them."
397 of 421
Hafsah bint Sirin narrated from Ar-Rabab, from her uncle Salman bin Amir that he related that :

the Prophet said: "When one of you breaks his fast, then let him do so with dried dates, for they are blessed. Whoever does not find dates, then water, for it is purifying." And he said: "Charity given to the needy is (counted as) charity, and if it is given to relatives it is (counted as) two: charity and nurturing (the ties of kinship)."
398 of 421
Fatimah bint Qais narrated that :

she asked -or, the Prophet was asked - about Zakat, and he said: "Indeed there is a duty on wealthy aside from Zakat." Then he recited this Ayah which is in Al-Baqarah: 'It is not Al-Birr (piety, righteousness) that you turn your faces.' (Al-Baqarah 2:177)
399 of 421
Fatimah bint Qais narrated that :

the Prophet said: "Indeed there is a duty on wealth aside from Zakat."
400 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "None gives charity from Tayyib - and Allah does not accept but Tayyib - but that Ar-Rahman accepts it with His Right (Hand). Even if it is a date, it is nurtured in the Hand of Ar-Rahman until it is greater than a mountain, just as one of you nurtures his foal or young camel."
401 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "Indeed Allah accepts charity, and He accepts it with His Right (Hand) to nurture it for one of you, just like one of you would nuture his foal, until the bite (of food) becomes as large as Uhud." The Book of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime testifies to that: 'He accepts repentance from His worshipers, and accepts charity.'And: 'Allah will destroy Riba and give increase for charity.'
402 of 421
Anas narrated that :

the Prophet was asked which fast was most virtuous after Ramadan? He said: "Sha'ban in honor of Ramadan" He said: "Which charity is best?" He (pbuh) said: "Charity in Ramadan."
403 of 421
Anas bin Malik narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "Indeed charity extinguishes the Lord's anger and it protects against the evil death."
404 of 421
Abdur-Rahman bin Bujaid narrated from his grandmother; :

Umm Bujaid - and she was one of those who gave the pledge to the Prophet - she said to the Messenger of Allah: "There is a needy person who stands outside my door, but I cannot find anything to give to him." So the Messenger of Allah said to her: "If you do not find anything to give him except a burnt trotter then hand it over to him."
405 of 421
Sa'eed bin Al-Musayyab narrated from Safwan bin Umayyah who said:

"The Messenger of Allah gave to me on the Day of Hunain, and he was the most hated creature to me. But he did not stop giving to me until he was the most loved creature to me."
406 of 421
Abdullah bin Buraidah narrated from his father:

"I was sitting with the Prophet when a woman came to him and said: 'O Messenger of Allah! I gave a slave girl to my mother in charity and she died.' He said: 'Your reward is already established, and your right to inherit her has returned it (that Sadaqah) to you.' She said: 'O Messenger of Allah! There was a month of fasting due on her, shall I perform the fast for her?' He said: 'Fast on her behalf.' She said: 'O Messenger of Allah! She never performed Hajj, shall I perform Hajj for her?' He said: 'Yes, perform Hajj on her behalf.'"
407 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated that :

Umar gave a horse to be used in the cause of Allah. Then he saw it being sold, so he wanted to buy it, but the Prophet said: "Do not take back what you have given in charity."
408 of 421
Ikrimah narrated from Ibn Abbas that :

a man said: "O Messenger of Allah! My mother died, will it benefit her if I give charity on her behalf?" He said: 'Yes.' He said: 'I have a Makhraf, so bear witness that I have given it in charity on her behalf.'"
409 of 421
Abu Umamah Al-Bahili said:

"During a sermon of his in the year of the Farewell Hajj, I heard the Messenger of Allah say: 'A woman is not to spend anything from her husbands house without her husband's permission.' They said: 'O Messenger of Allah! What about food?' He said: 'That is our most virtuous wealth.'"
410 of 421
Aishah narrated that :

the Prophet said: "When a woman gives in charity from her husband's house, she will get the reward for it, and for her husband is the same as that, and for the trustee is the same as that. The reward of each them will not be decreased at all by the reward of the other, for him is what he earned, and for her is what she spent."
411 of 421
Aishah narrated that:

the Messenger of Allah said: "When a woman gives from her husband's home, with a good heart, not to spoil it, then she will get a reward similar to his, for her is the good she intended - and the same is for the trustee."
412 of 421
Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri narrated:

"We would give Zakat Al-Fitr - when the Messenger of Allah was among us - as a Sa of food, or a Sa of barely, or a Sa of dried dates, or a Sa of raisins, or a Sa of cheese. So we did not stop paying it (like that) until Mu'awiyah arrived in Al-Madinah and talked (about it). Among the things he addressed the people with, he said: 'I see that two Mudd of the wheat of Ash-Sham are equal to a Sa of dried dates.' So the people followed that." Abu Sa'eed said: "I will not stop giving it in the manner that I had been giving it."
413 of 421
Amr bin Shu'aib narrated from his grandfather that :

the Prophet sent a caller in the roads of Makkah proclaiming "Sadaqatul-Fitr is required upon every Muslim, male or female, free or slave, young or old; it is two Mudd of wheat or its equivalent of a Sa of food."
414 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah made Sadaqatul-Fitr an obligation upon the male and female, the free and the bondsmen, as a Sa of dried dates or a Sa of barley." He said: "So the people equated that to half a Sa of wheat."
415 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated:

"The Messenger of Allah made Sadaqatul-Fitr of Ramadan an obligation - a Sa of dried dates or a Sa of barley - required upon every free person and slave, male and female among the Muslims."
416 of 421
Ibn Umar narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah would order paying the Zakat before going to the Salat on the day of Fitr.
417 of 421
Ali narrated:

"Al-Abbas asked the Messenger of Allah about paying his charity (Zakat) in advance before its time is due (by being in possession for a whole year), he permitted him to do that."
418 of 421
Ali narrated that :

the Prophet said to Umar: "We have taken this year's Zakat from Al-Abbas in the previous year."
419 of 421
Abu Hurairah narrated that he heard :

the Messenger of Allah saying: "For one of you to go out early to gather firewood and carry it on his back so that he can give charity from it and be free of need from the people, is better for him than to ask a man who may give that to him or refuse. Indeed the upper hand (giving) is more virtuous than the lower hand (receiving), and begin with (those who are) your dependants."
420 of 421
Samurah bin Jundub narrated that :

the Messenger of Allah said: "Asking is a labor that toils on a man's face, except if a man asks for something from the Sultan (ruler), or he asks for something that he cannot do without."
421 of 421
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