The Guardian

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Results: 98 News Items
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1.   Covid Crisis: Australians returning from India may be jailed for 5 years - The Guardian
Published: 01 May 2021   |   6276 views · 2 hrs ago
2.   Plant-based 'vegan' diet can save world's wildlife, UN-backed report - The Guardian
Published: 03 Feb 2021   |   659 views · 2 days ago
3.   Does Vitamin D fight COVID? - The Guardian
Published: 10 Jan 2021   |   571 views · 3 days ago
5.   After 10 months, ASPIRIN to be tested in UK as potential COVID treatment - The Guardian
Published: 07 Nov 2020   |   705 views · 9 hrs ago
7.   95% of Australians targeted for Oxford COVID Vaccine - The Guardian
Published: 11 Sep 2020   |   1005 views · 29 mins ago
8.   Artifical Intelligence wrote this Article. Are Journalists worried yet? - The Guardian
Published: 08 Sep 2020   |   617 views · 2 days ago
9.   Everyone in UK should be COVID tested every Week, Hunt says - The Guardian
Published: 02 Sep 2020   |   849 views · 2 days ago
10.   UK Care homes likely to collapse with fall in demand caused by COVID crisis - The Guardian
Published: 27 Aug 2020   |   743 views · 2 days ago
11.   Australia wants 95% uptake of 'voluntary' Coronavirus vaccine - The Guardian
Published: 19 Aug 2020   |   995 views · 9 hrs ago
14.   Hunger and Starvation could kill millions more than Covid-19, warns Oxfam - The Guardian
Published: 09 Jul 2020   |   773 views · 9 hrs ago
15.   Make COVID face masks compulsory in public in UK, says virus expert - The Guardian
Published: 30 Jun 2020   |   1830 views · 13 hrs ago
16.   Can a Human Foetus grow inside an Artificial Womb, and replace a Mother? - The Guardian
Published: 27 Jun 2020   |   603 views · 6 days ago
17.   COVID Pandemic, a chance to reset our great, global economy, Prince Charles - The Guardian
Published: 03 Jun 2020   |   587 views · 9 hrs ago
19.   29% failure rate in COVID Tests condemned by UK doctors - The Guardian
Published: 25 May 2020   |   561 views · 4 days ago
20.   Trump demands Churches, Synagogues and Mosques open 'right now' - The Guardian
Published: 22 May 2020   |   905 views · 14 hrs ago
21.   88% of all UK COVID deaths are aged OVER-65 years - The Guardian
Published: 13 May 2020   |   631 views · 3 days ago
22.   Trump: Covid-19 will 'go away without a Vaccine' - The Guardian
Published: 09 May 2020   |   1057 views · 9 hrs ago
23.   Coronavirus UK: Digital health passports 'in months' may use facial biometrics - The Guardian
Published: 04 May 2020   |   994 views · 16 hrs ago
24.   Going Vegan: Can a vegetarian diet tackle climate change and save the planet? - The Guardian
Published: 25 Apr 2020   |   804 views · 2 days ago
25.   265M starve for food, as Coronavirus may cause 'famine of Biblical proportions' - The Guardian
Published: 21 Apr 2020   |   1403 views · 17 hrs ago
27.   Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos $24bn richer in Coronavirus pandemic - The Guardian
Published: 15 Apr 2020   |   811 views · 1 day ago
28.   Coronavirus, Australia: Fear of contaminated money push Cashless payments - The Guardian
Published: 08 Apr 2020   |   915 views · 12 hrs ago
29.   Srebrenica survivors still living in camps - The Guardian
Published: 17 Feb 2020   |   1063 views · 7 hrs ago
30.   Islamists get 3 times longer jail sentences than far-right extremists - The Guardian
Published: 18 Jan 2020   |   894 views · 2 days ago
31.   US Corporates and Smartphone tracking industry rumbled on Surveillance - The Guardian
Published: 28 Dec 2019   |   1215 views · 2 days ago
32.   China brings in mandatory Face recognition 'biometric' for mobile phone users - The Guardian
Published: 02 Dec 2019   |   1163 views · 10 hrs ago
33.   US drone strike intended for ISIS kills 30, injures 40 civilians in Afghanistan - The Guardian
Published: 19 Sep 2019   |   1261 views · 17 hrs ago
34.   Son of former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi dies aged 25 - The Guardian
Published: 05 Sep 2019   |   1022 views · 9 hrs ago
35.   Nicki Minaj to perform at music festival in Saudi Arabia - The Guardian
Published: 03 Jul 2019   |   1281 views · 2 days ago
36.   Myanmar and Hungary discuss 'growing Muslim populations' - The Guardian
Published: 06 Jun 2019   |   861 views · 7 days ago
37.   US accuses China of using 'concentration camps' to imprison up to 3m Muslims - The Guardian
Published: 04 May 2019   |   2152 views · 38 mins ago
38.   Facebook takes down far-right groups days before Spanish election - The Guardian
Published: 25 Apr 2019   |   914 views · 2 days ago
39.   China's technology-driven war on its Uyghur Muslim minority - The Guardian
Published: 11 Apr 2019   |   1285 views · 16 hrs ago
42.   Pope Francis and Al-Azhar imam sign historic pledge of friendship in UAE - The Guardian
Published: 04 Feb 2019   |   699 views · 2 hrs ago
43.   Arab League set to welcome Syria back, after 1M dead civil war - The Guardian
Published: 26 Dec 2018   |   1201 views · 6 days ago
44.   33% of UK arms sold to countries on human rights watchlist - The Guardian
Published: 21 Dec 2018   |   1211 views · 39 mins ago
46.   British paedophiles target children in poor countries for online abuse - The Guardian
Published: 08 Oct 2018   |   1277 views · 9 hrs ago
48.   Bilderberg 2018: New Tech helps oil the wheels of global elite - The Guardian
Published: 07 Jun 2018   |   885 views · 3 days ago
49.   Denmark passes law banning burqa and niqab - The Guardian
Published: 31 May 2018   |   1053 views · 9 hrs ago
50.   The US has an HIV/Aids epidemic – and its victims are gay homosexual black men - The Guardian
Published: 30 May 2018   |   1165 views · 21 hrs ago
51.   Saudi Arabia arrests key activist in human rights crackdown - The Guardian
Published: 25 May 2018   |   836 views · 4 days ago
52.   Rejection by Church has driven LGBT people to suicide - The Guardian
Published: 10 Apr 2018   |   1233 views · 2 days ago
53.   'Christianity as default is gone': the rise of a non-Christian Europe - The Guardian
Published: 21 Mar 2018   |   1235 views · 4 days ago
54.   Church leaders accuse Israel of unprecedented attack against Christians - The Guardian
Published: 25 Feb 2018   |   1248 views · 18 hrs ago
55.   Vatican agreement with China could 'deal blow' to Catholic church - The Guardian
Published: 13 Feb 2018   |   1237 views · 16 hrs ago
56.   10,000 year old Early Britons had 'dark to black' skin, Cheddar Man DNA reveals - The Guardian
Published: 07 Feb 2018   |   1256 views · 2 days ago
57.   Oldest known human fossil outside Africa discovered in Israel - The Guardian
Published: 25 Jan 2018   |   1228 views · 18 hrs ago
58.   Even non-believers pray to God in a crisis, poll finds - The Guardian
Published: 14 Jan 2018   |   1208 views · 4 days ago
59.   Why Australia's prisoners are converting to Islam - The Guardian
Published: 05 Jan 2018   |   1198 views · 1 day ago
60.   10-year olds could be held without charge under new Terrorism laws - The Guardian
Published: 05 Oct 2017   |   1906 views · 9 hrs ago
61.   We're at the end of white Christian America. What will that mean? - The Guardian
Published: 20 Sep 2017   |   1103 views · 9 hrs ago
63.   More than 50% of UK population has no religion, finds survey - The Guardian
Published: 04 Sep 2017   |   1187 views · 4 days ago
64.   What is the historical evidence that Jesus Christ lived and died? - The Guardian
Published: 14 Apr 2017   |   1108 views · 3 hrs ago
66.   Pope Francis says women will never be Roman Catholic priests - The Guardian
Published: 01 Nov 2016   |   2458 views · 16 hrs ago
68.   Top cleric says Church of England risks becoming a 'suburban sect' - The Guardian
Published: 13 Aug 2016   |   1004 views · 9 hrs ago
69.   Unveiled: Adam and Eve naked again after centuries-old cover-up - The Guardian
Published: 25 Jul 2016   |   1437 views · 14 mins ago
70.   Vicar welcomes Muslim refugees to church and converting to Christianity - The Guardian
Published: 18 Jul 2016   |   1160 views · 9 hrs ago
71.   The world is getting more religious, because the poor go for God - The Guardian
Published: 26 May 2016   |   1198 views · 4 days ago
72.   People of no religion outnumber Christians in England and Wales – study - The Guardian
Published: 23 May 2016   |   1224 views · 9 hrs ago
73.   Half of all British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal, poll finds - The Guardian
Published: 11 Apr 2016   |   1003 views · 2 hrs ago
76.   Many non-religious people still believe in God? - Adam Lee - The Guardian
Published: 09 Nov 2015   |   1324 views · 12 hrs ago
77.   My atheism does not make me superior to believers. It's a leap of faith too - The Guardian
Published: 24 Oct 2015   |   1467 views · 9 hrs ago
79.   Nasa images of cosmic catastrophe give glimpse of Earth's ultimate fate - The Guardian
Published: 21 Oct 2015   |   1371 views · 9 hrs ago
80.   Neanderthals kept our early ancestors out of Europe - The Guardian
Published: 17 Oct 2015   |   1316 views · 18 hrs ago
81.   Quran verses dating from seventh century go on view in Birmingham - The Guardian
Published: 02 Oct 2015   |   3027 views · 9 mins ago
82.   Jesus saved my mother - The Guardian
Published: 15 Aug 2015   |   1700 views · 9 hrs ago
85.   Rare copy of first English Bible expected to fetch £35K at auction - The Guardian
Published: 26 Jun 2015   |   1540 views · 9 hrs ago
86.   Catholic bishop condemns arson attack on Israel church by Jewish zealots - The Guardian
Published: 23 Jun 2015   |   1791 views · 9 hrs ago
87.   LA-MRSA, the pig superbug spreading to humans through pork meat - The Guardian
Published: 18 Jun 2015   |   1531 views · 2 days ago
88.   Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of ISIS in Syria and Iraq - The Guardian
Published: 03 Jun 2015   |   959 views · 3 days ago
89.   Finally, atheists are no longer just old white men - The Guardian
Published: 03 May 2015   |   1465 views · 4 days ago
90.   Faith no more: how the British are losing their religion - The Guardian
Published: 14 Apr 2015   |   1222 views · 1 week ago
91.   UK one of world's least religious countries, survey finds - The Guardian
Published: 12 Apr 2015   |   1681 views · 4 days ago
92.   Jesus Christ the family man? Why the church won't buy it - The Guardian
Published: 08 Apr 2015   |   1792 views · 3 days ago
93.   Christianity, when properly understood, is a religion of losers - Giles Fraser - The Guardian
Published: 03 Apr 2015   |   1338 views · 2 days ago
94.   Saudi Arabia jails human rights activist Mohammed al-Bajadi - The Guardian
Published: 11 Mar 2015   |   862 views · 2 days ago
95.   Muslim population in England and Wales nearly doubles in 10 years - The Guardian
Published: 11 Feb 2015   |   1717 views · 11 hrs ago
96.   The pagan roots of Easter - The Guardian
Published: 03 Apr 2010   |   1984 views · 7 hrs ago
97.   Jesus in Islam (Mehdi Hasan) - The Guardian
Published: 24 Dec 2009   |   1052 views · 7 hrs ago
98.   Adam and the Darwinian Theory of Evolution - Usama Hasan - The Guardian
Published: 11 Sep 2008   |   1231 views · 11 hrs ago

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