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Results: 70 News Items
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1.   Israel offers COVID Location Tracking wristband to travellers - RT News
Published: 02 Mar 2021   |   688 views · 13 hrs ago
2.   Scotland: Teenagers to take COVID test twice a week so schools can open - RT News
Published: 11 Feb 2021   |   755 views · 20 hrs ago
4.   China rolls out 'more accurate' Anal Swabs for Covid-19 testing - RT News
Published: 29 Jan 2021   |   824 views · 12 hrs ago
5.   We may need to repeat COVID Vaccine every 6 months, UK health secretary warns - RT News
Published: 07 Jan 2021   |   876 views · 2 hrs ago
10.   World Economic Forum 'Great Reset' will bring Major Change to your Life - RT News
Published: 20 Nov 2020   |   1109 views · 14 hrs ago
11.   US Government 'must get people to take the COVID Vaccine', says Anthony Fauci - RT News
Published: 15 Nov 2020   |   1679 views · 12 hrs ago
14.   Americans to be 'forced' to take mandatory COVID Vaccine, or incur penalty - RT News
Published: 01 Oct 2020   |   1015 views · 12 hrs ago
18.   US States 'too confused' to understand COVID Herd Immunity - RT News
Published: 24 Aug 2020   |   654 views · 3 days ago
19.   Artificial Intelligence beats Human US F-16 fighter pilot in DARPA dogfight contest - RT News
Published: 21 Aug 2020   |   678 views · 2 days ago
20.   Dr Deborah Birx: Americans should wear COVID face masks AT HOME - RT News
Published: 03 Aug 2020   |   1814 views · 3 days ago
21.   Russia plans mass vaccination against COVID-19 in 2021 - RT News
Published: 28 Jul 2020   |   875 views · 29 mins ago
22.   Germany wants Toll Roads in all motorways in Europe - RT News
Published: 22 Jul 2020   |   1249 views · 1 day ago
23.   France makes COVID Face masks mandatory in public from August 1, 2020 - RT News
Published: 14 Jul 2020   |   834 views · 2 days ago
24.   US CDC downgrade Covid-19 death rate from 3.0 to 0.01 - RT News
Published: 26 May 2020   |   753 views · 5 hrs ago
27.   US 'war on terror' claimed 500,000 lives in Afghanistan, Pakistan & Iraq - RT News
Published: 09 Nov 2018   |   1315 views · 2 days ago
31.   Mosul: One year on, and Iraqis still living in rubble and amongst dead bodies - RT News
Published: 21 Jul 2018   |   1209 views · 13 hrs ago
32.   I know which country the US will invade next. Who just switch from US dollar to euro? - RT News
Published: 04 May 2018   |   1683 views · 13 hrs ago
33.   Israeli rabbi slammed for calling African-Americans 'monkeys' - RT News
Published: 21 Mar 2018   |   1291 views · 13 hrs ago
34.   US Muslims will be 2nd largest religious denomination by 2040, overtaking Jews - RT News
Published: 10 Jan 2018   |   1162 views · 4 days ago
35.   Church should make Celibacy optional to avoid Child Sex Abuse - RT News
Published: 15 Dec 2017   |   1299 views · 1 day ago
36.   Netanyahu cites Bible to justify Trump's Jerusalem move - RT News
Published: 11 Dec 2017   |   1410 views · 12 hrs ago
37.   If Homosexuality is OK, so is Pedophilia, former Oklahoma mayor - RT News
Published: 11 Dec 2017   |   1470 views · 15 hrs ago
38.   Dating tests on Jesus Christ's tomb confirm origins of ancient shrine - RT News
Published: 29 Nov 2017   |   1468 views · 7 hrs ago
40.   Orthodox Patriarch warns of approaching end times - RT News
Published: 20 Nov 2017   |   1120 views · 5 hrs ago
41.   World is at war and heading into even greater conflict, Pope Francis warns - RT News
Published: 03 Nov 2017   |   1369 views · 12 hrs ago
42.   Bible shouldn't be taken literally, says leading scholar - RT News
Published: 23 Aug 2017   |   1891 views · 12 hrs ago
43.   Christian Mormon sect leader with 25 wives & 146 kids convicted of Polygamy - RT News
Published: 25 Jul 2017   |   1455 views · 11 hrs ago
44.   5,000-year old Chinese 'giants' discovered by archeologists - RT News
Published: 05 Jul 2017   |   1285 views · 17 hrs ago
45.   Ancient human remains discovered at site of 7,000 year village - RT News
Published: 23 Jun 2017   |   1228 views · 4 hrs ago
46.   Doomsday Earthquake rocks Yellowstone National Park, USA - RT News
Published: 21 Jun 2017   |   1633 views · 10 hrs ago
47.   Beef-eaters should be hanged in public for consuming sacred Cows, says Hindu leader - RT News
Published: 16 Jun 2017   |   1458 views · 12 hrs ago
48.   Colombia recognizes 'Polyamorous' Marriage of 3 Gay Men - RT News
Published: 14 Jun 2017   |   1374 views · 3 days ago
49.   Children must be taught about Islam, insists Church of England - RT News
Published: 27 Apr 2017   |   1333 views · 1 day ago
50.   Jehovah's Witnesses banned as extremist in Russia - RT News
Published: 21 Apr 2017   |   1472 views · 8 hrs ago
51.   Jesus Christ 'tomb' opens to public after restoration - RT News
Published: 21 Mar 2017   |   1446 views · 22 hrs ago
52.   What the Hell? Satan worship on rise in America - RT News
Published: 29 Aug 2016   |   971 views · 3 days ago
56.   Holiest day of the year - Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter worldwide - RT News
Published: 01 May 2016   |   1167 views · 13 hrs ago
58.   What if a black hole swallowed Earth? - RT News
Published: 16 Feb 2016   |   1114 views · 2 days ago
59.   'Christian State' group threatens to kill Belgian Muslims - RT News
Published: 28 Nov 2015   |   1384 views · 12 hrs ago
61.   1,700-year-old manuscript from 'Gospel of John' discovered on eBay for $99 - RT News
Published: 23 Nov 2015   |   1606 views · 1 day ago
62.   Russian kid unearths 3,000yo King David era treasure in Jerusalem - RT News
Published: 25 Sep 2015   |   1749 views · 12 hrs ago
63.   Jesus was married? Ancient manuscript may be authentic - RT News
Published: 27 Aug 2015   |   1590 views · 9 hrs ago
64.   Ancient Scroll reveals pre-nup demands of women in ancient times - RT News
Published: 14 Aug 2015   |   1177 views · 13 hrs ago
65.   Archaeologists uncover massive gate to Goliath's biblical city - RT News
Published: 05 Aug 2015   |   1528 views · 13 hrs ago
66.   Catholic Monk pleads guilty to harassing lesbian witches - RT News
Published: 31 Jul 2015   |   2896 views · 19 mins ago
67.   USA: Tennessee moves to make Holy Bible the official state book - RT News
Published: 16 Apr 2015   |   1184 views · 8 hrs ago
68.   Orthodox Christian Bishop: 'We Palestinian Christians say Allahu Akbar' - RT News
Published: 30 Jan 2015   |   1536 views · 2 hrs ago
69.   Archeologists claim to have found site where Jesus was tried in Jerusalem - RT News
Published: 05 Jan 2015   |   1894 views · 1 day ago
70.   Israel supplied Syrian rebels with weapons to fight the government - RT News
Published: 30 Nov -0001   |   1230 views · 10 hrs ago

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Torah 5   BOOKS
Psalms 1   BOOK
Old Testament 32   BOOKS
New Testament 27   BOOKS
Apocrypha 1885 14   BOOKS
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