What is the basic teaching of Islam?

What is the basic teaching of Islam?

It is to make peace with God, which means to submit to and obey God completely


1. What is Islam?
2. Who is a Muslim?
3. Who is Allah?
4. I have spotted a mistake on the website
5. What are your future plans?
6. What is a Prophet?
7. Were all Prophets Muslim?
8. How many prophets were their?
9. What message have the prophets brought?
10. Why did God send so many prophets?
11. Do Muslims believe in Prophets?
12. What are your objectives?
13. Did a prophet ever commit a sin?
14. How did this project start?
15. Why choose the name MuslimProphets.com?
16. Who are we?
17. How can I help you?
18. Does Islam promote extremism, terrorism and violence?
19. Where can I learn more about Islam?
20. Do Muslims believe in the Bible?
21. Why should we believe the Quran if it comes 600 years after Jesus?
22. What is the Bible?
23. What is the Quran?
24. How did God send his revelation to us?
25. What is the basic teaching of Islam?
26. How did Islam come into the world?
27. If all prophets taught Islam, what was so different about Muhammad?
28. What do I have to do to become a Muslim?
29. What do Muslims believe?
30. What is the most important point Islam teaches about belief?
31. What is the basic teaching of Islam about God?
32. Does Islam give any arguments to prove the existence of God?
33. Other religions also teach the existence of God. Is there any difference between their teaching and the Islamic concept of God?
34. What are angels?
35. What do angels look like?
36. What functions do angels perform?
37. What is a prophet or messenger of God?
38. In which countries of the world did Prophets arise?
39. Which prophets do Muslims have to believe in?
40. What are the names of some prophets?
41. Christianity and Hinduism revere their religious figures as gods or incarnations of God
42. What did the Prophets teach?
43. Since Muslims believe in all the Prophets equally, why is Muhammad special?
44. Could there be a Prophet after Muhammad?
45. What is a Scripture?
46. Name the scriptures available today?
47. Do Muslims believe in scripture other than their own Quran?
48. Is the Star and Crescent a symbol of Islam?
49. Who built the Kabah in Saudi Arabia?
50. Is Allah the Moon-God?
51. How are Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus considered Muslim Prophets, when Islam came 600-years after Jesus?
52. Where did the name Allah come from?
53. Can Muslims eat Pork?
54. Do Muslims believe in a God?
55. Did Muhammed marry a 9-year old wife?
56. When is the Day of Judgement?
57. How many prophets did God send?
58. How was the Quran revealed?
59. What are Angels?
60. In the Bible, God says "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Begotten son"
61. Were any prophets of Arab background?
62. What is Christianity?
63. What do Synoptic Gospels say about Jesus?
64. What happened at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD?
65. What is Pre-destination?
66. How did the Early Jewish-Christians practise their religion?
67. Did Jesus eat pork or swine meat?
68. Why did Paul preach a new religion?
69. What did early followers of Jesus believe?
70. Why did Christians turn away from the original message of Jesus?
71. Did Jesus claim to be 'King of the Jews'?
72. How was Jesus Jewish?
73. What did early Jewish-Christians think of Paul?
74. When was Christianity born?
75. Did Jesus have any siblings?
76. Who was James, brother of Jesus?
77. Were the early Christians Jews?
78. How did Saul become Paul?
79. Did Saul kill the early Jewish-Christians?
80. How was Paul's message different to Jesus?
81. How did Paul view Jesus?
82. How did the Jews view Paul?
83. How did Paul become the authority?
84. According to Paul, why did God give Jews the Torah?
85. How did Paul differ with the Jewish Rabbis?
86. What was the core message of Paul's teachings?
87. Does the resurrection of Jesus prove he is God?
88. How did the early Jewish-Christians view Jesus' resurrection?
89. Who seperated Christianity from Judaism?
90. What happened after Paul converted to Christianity?
91. What about Paul's writings?
92. What books did Paul write?
93. Why is believing in Paul so wrong?
94. What did Paul think of his fellow Gospel writers?
95. How did Paul break Gods Law?
96. Why was male circumcision so important?
97. How was Paul viewed in his time?
98. Was Paul an Apostle?
99. What dramatic experience made Paul convert to Christianity?
100. How did Matthew (Gospel) support Pauline Christian doctrine?
101. Why was Paul superior to other Apostles?
102. Were Jesus' Apostles misguided?
103. Did Paul face any opposition. If so how?
104. Where is Pauline Christianity today?
105. How was Christianity made appealing to pagan idol worshippers?
106. Should Christians celebrate Jesus on 25th December?
107. How was 25th December celebrated by pagans?
108. How did the Sun-God manifest itself?
109. How were the Triadic or 'Trinity-like' Pagan Gods presented?
110. Does the Christian Trinity come from pagan Triadic dieties?
111. Where did Easter come from?
112. Who was Mithras, the Sun-God?
113. Who was Dionysus, the Greek God of Wine?
114. Who was the Attis God?
115. Were the Gods sacrificed?
116. Who was the Tammuz God?
117. Who was the Babylonian Baal God?
118. Why are their so many similarities between Jesus Christ and all the pagan Gods?
119. What Does Yahweh Mean?
120. What is the Codex Sinaiticus?
121. Why Jews do not accept Jesus as the Messiah?
122. What is the God of the Old Testament like?
123. In Islam, can God become a Man?
124. How did Christianity start?
125. Did people believe Jesus was a Prophet?
126. What is the King James Version (KJV) of the New Testament?
127. Jesus is the son of God as he had no Father?
128. Who did Jesus preach to?
129. Who were the early Christians?
130. In John 1:1. Jesus claims to be God?
131. Why is the Trinity so difficult to understand?
132. What does the Quran say about Jews and Christians?
133. Do Christians worship Mary?
134. Was Jesus sent with his own Word?
135. Who were the authors of the books in the Bible?
136. When were the Gospels written?
137. Is Jesus the English name for Yeshua?
138. What does the name Jesus mean?
139. The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:
Mark 12:28

140. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
2 Timothy 3:16

141. I and my father are one
John 10:30

142. And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent
John 17:3

143. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?
John 14:9

144. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

145. Jesus claimed he was a man or son of man
146. What did Paul mean when he said that he became all things to all men?
147. And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:
Mark 12:29

148. I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.
John 5:30

149. What was the message preached by Paul?
150. Why did Paul choose to preach to the Gentiles?
151. And this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation;
John 11:51

152. How was Paul viewed by the Jews?
153. What did Paul achieve by his Christian conversion?
154. Did Jesus actually want to die on the Cross?
155. Where did the name Yahweh come from?
156. How did the prophets Moses, Jesus, Abraham etc. call out to God?
157. When was the Torah written?
158. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me
John 14:6

159. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God
John 1:1

160. How authentic is the Quran?
161. Is the Old Testament authentic?
162. Is the New Testament authentic?
163. How was the Quran text kept authentic?
164. How was the Quran revealed?
165. How was the Quran preserved?
166. After the death of Muhammad, the Quran was changed?
167. I am a Christian and I know my sins are forgiven and I am going to Heaven
168. Did people worship Jesus?
169. Did people worship Jesus?
170. Did Jesus wipe away our sins?
171. Can Jesus wipe away our sins?
172. How did the Christian Trinity come about?
173. Does the Bible tell us to act like slaves?
174. Is Muhammad mentioned in the Bible?
175. Why does God allow suffering?
176. How did God address Abraham and his wives?
177. Did Jesus only speak about peace and tolerance?
178. How did Jesus tell people to reach God?
179. Did Jesus claim to be equal to God?
180. Whose words did Jesus speak?
181. Are Jesus and God the same?
182. Was Jesus sent and approved by God?
183. What did Jesus say was the first and most important commandment?
184. Was Jesus a man?
185. Was Jesus a servant of God?
186. What is the greatest of Gods commandments?
187. According to Jesus, what was the greatest commandment in Law?
188. Did Jesus claim to be good?
189. Was Jesus and God one?
190. What did Jesus tell the person who asked for eternal salvation?
191. Does the Bible support the Trinity (3-in-1) God concept?
192. Is Muhammad mentioned in the Quran?
193. The Bible is about peace and forgiveness
194. If God is so powerful, can he become a man?
195. What is the difference between Uniterian, Binaterian and Triniterian?
196. Does the Quran tell Jews and Christians to refer to their Scriptures (Torah and Bible)?
197. What did Moses command his people to do?
198. Did Jesus abolish the Old Testament Law?
199. What did James say of the Old Testament Law?
200. Was Jesus circumcised?
201. Was Jesus equal to the Father and the Holy Spirit?
202. Do all Christians believe Jesus was God or Son of God?
203. Did God sent Jesus with the task of guiding people?
204. Jesus was God as he had the power to forgive sin
205. John The Baptist prepared for the coming of Jesus
206. What is the punishment for apostasy in the Bible (Old Testament)?
207. Does the Quran encourage violence against the disbelievers (non-Muslims)?
208. Does Islam encourage violence?
209. Why should non-Muslims pay the Jizya (tax)?
210. What did Paul say about the other gospels?
211. What was the most important commandment given by Jesus?
212. Are Muslims told to kill polytheists in the Quran?
213. Does the Quran promote killing?
214. Does the Quran promote violence?
215. Can the Muslims have non-Muslim friends?
216. Does the Quran encourage Muslims to kill non-Muslims?
217. Why should non-Muslims pay a Jizyah tax?
218. Is their violence in the Quran?
219. Can the Muslims be harsh to non-Muslims?
220. Does the Quran encourage ill-treatment of non-Muslims?
221. Why do Muslims say non-Muslims will go to Hell?
222. Why does the Quran discourage the asking of questions?
223. Who did Abraham sacrifice: Ishmael or Isaac?
224. What did God promise Abraham regarding Isaac?
225. Was Ishmael, Abraham's eldest son a legitimate son?
226. What did Sarah, Abraham's wife say about Hajar?
227. What does God say about Ishmael, Abraham's eldest son?
228. Why do Muslims sacrifice livestock (goat, sheep, cow etc.) on Eid Al-Adha?
229. Did Muhammad really kill 800 men from the tribe of Banu Qurayza?
230. Why did early Christians have church synods and councils?
231. Did Bible tells us that the Father became flesh
232. What was the most important belief for Jesus?
233. Is the Bible a peaceful scripture with no violence?
234. Did Jesus come with the message of peace, love and unity?
235. Did Jesus come to bring peace on the earth
236. Did Jesus eat a kosher diet?
237. What is the oldest manuscript of the Bible New Testament?
238. Was Jesus a man of peace?
239. There is only one Bible with one Christian doctrine?
240. What was the foundation of the Old Testament?
241. Does the Old Testament teach the Christian Trinity?
242. What is the Christian Trinity?
243. What do Christian 'Trinity' scholars say about the Old Testament?
244. In the time of Jesus, what qualities would identify the Messiah, to the Jews?
245. How did the 1st century Jews view the Holy Spirit?
246. How did Jesus preach salvation and eternal life?
247. How was Paul viewed by the Jews?
248. What do Christian scholars say about the Trinity?
249. What are the origins of the word "Bible"?
250. Did Jesus use the word 'Bible'?
251. Did Jesus call to the worship of Father?
252. Did Jesus preach monotheism?
253. Did Jesus confirm the oneness of God?
254. Did Jesus call for worship of one God?
255. Did Jesus call for the worship of one God?
256. When was the word 'Catholic' first used?
257. When did Catholic Christianity become official religion of Rome?
258. Did Jesus actually exist?
259. Is the word 'Bible' used in the Bible itself?
260. Did Jesus have brothers, sisters and wife?
261. How important was Jesus' crucifixion to Paul?
262. What is the significance of Jesus' resurrection?
263. Did Jesus' disciple question his resurrection?
264. What happened to Christians who questioned their creed?
265. Does God make a distinction between clean and unclean animals?
266. Does God make a distinction between clean and unclean animals?
267. Does God define clean and unclean animals, i.e. those we can eat?
268. Can Christians eat swine and pork?
269. Many Christians believe that Jesus abolished the Old Testament dietary laws
270. How was the King James bible translated into English?
271. Can Christians eat pork?
272. Can Christians eat pork?
273. Can Christians eat pork?
274. Can Christians eat pork?
275. Was Paul a disciple of Jesus?
276. What life did Paul lead before his miraculous conversion to Christianity?
277. Who replaced Jesus after his crucifixion?
278. Why did James allow Paul to preach a new religion?
279. Who was the founder of Christianity?
280. How did Paul view Jesus' teachings?
281. What did Paul do after his miraculous conversion to Christianity?
282. What happened when Rome chose Christianity as the state religion?
283. Did Jesus ever preach Christianity?
284. What was the main difference between Paul's religion and the message of Jesus?
285. How did Paul convince the Gentiles?
286. Do Arians and Jehovah Witnesses share the same beliefs?
287. How did James, leader of the Jerusalem Church, view Paul?
288. Who wrote John's gospel?
289. What was Paul's view on circumcision?
290. Did Jesus claim to be God?
291. Who are the Gods in the Bible?
292. Does God have many sons?
293. Jesus claimed to be God. The Jews must have understood this, as they accused him of blasphemy and were ready to stone him?
294. What is the credibility of the Jesus' resurrection?
295. What were the Apocryphal Gospels?
296. What is the significance of the Gospel of Thomas?
297. What are the origins of Christian church music?
298. Who translated the Bible from Greek into Latin?
299. How was the Gospel of John viewed?
300. How did early Catholics learn about Christianity?
301. When were Catholics encouraged to read the Bible for themselves?
302. Who instigated the crucifixion of Jesus?
303. When was the word 'Christian' first ever used?
304. What did James do after Jesus' crucifixion?
305. What did Jesus' 12 disciples do after his crucixion?
306. What did Paul do after he converted to Christianity, on the road to Damascus?
307. Was Jesus a Catholic Christian?
308. In John 9:38, Jesus is worshipped like a God?
309. In John 20:28, Jesus is called a God?
310. Are children born believing in a God?
311. How did Jesus pray?
312. How did Joshua pray?
313. How did Moses pray?
314. How did Aaron pray?
315. How did Abraham pray?
316. How do the Angels pray?
317. How did Ezra pray?
318. How did David pray?
319. How did Daniel pray?
320. Why do Jews let the hair grow on the sides of there head?
321. Was Hagar really Abrahams wife?
322. In Bukhari Hadith, did Muhammad recommend consuming Camel Urine?
323. How did Early Christians view the Old Testament?
324. In 325 AD, did Emperor Constantine burn gospels, writings and religious text?
325. Who wrote the first English Bible?
326. Who wrote the first Dutch Bible?
327. How was the Bible used to manipulate the people?
328. What was the Library of Alexandria?
329. How is the Hebrew Bible different from the Greek Bible (Septuagint)?
330. How did Jews view the Greek Bible (Septuagint)?
331. In the time of Jesus, how were the Jews viewed by the Greeks?
332. In the past, how were the Christians viewed?
333. What language did Jesus speak?
334. What language is the earliest New Testament in?
335. Did Muhammad actually exist?

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MuslimProphets.com is an educational website on the Prophets of God: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, who established the Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. MuslimProphets.com explores contemporary social themes through Scripture, Evidences, Photo, Video, Maps, Current Affairs, Debate and 'alternative' Views held by Theologians, Apologists, Scholars and Street Preachers. Take a Site Tour

In accordance with Islamic etiquette, all prophet names should be followed with 'Peace Be Upon Him (PBUH)'. This is omitted to minimise text.

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