Timeline of Roman Empire

The Roman Empire had a government headed by emperors and large territorial holdings around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, Africa and Asia.
The city of Rome served as its capital until the seat of the imperial government was shifted to Constantinople by Constantine the Great in the 4th century AD.

Due to the Roman Empire's vast extent and long endurance, the institutions and culture of Rome had a profound and lasting influence on the development of language, religion, architecture, philosophy, law, and forms of government across Europe.
W Roman_Empire
Tower of Babel 2174 BC
1 of 135 0 years later
The inhabitants of France and Britain learned to use bronze tools and weapons (rather than stone) 2000 BC
2 of 135 174 years later
The Minoan civilization arose on the island of Crete 2000 BC
3 of 135 174 years later
The Israelites were enslaved by the Egyptians 1600 BC
The Israelites were enslaved by the Egyptians
In time the Israelites grew in number and Egyptians were afraid of so many foreigners living among them. They felt that the Israelites were a threat to their internal security so they enslaved them. Pharaoh also ordered the midwives to kill all male children but they disobeyed.
4 of 135 574 years later
Civilization spread to mainland Greece 1600 BC
5 of 135 574 years later
The Chinese invented a form of writing using thousands of characters 1500 BC
6 of 135 674 years later
The Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt 1446 BC
The Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt
God appeared to Moses in a burning bush. He told Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.
7 of 135 728 years later
Spies sent into Canaan 1444 BC
Spies sent into Canaan
God told Moses to send spies to explore Canaan. Two of them, Joshua and Caleb were convinced they could capture the land. However 10 spies reported that the Canaanites were much too strong to be conquered. The people did not believe that with God on their side they could do it. Instead they rebelled and refused to invade Canaan.
8 of 135 730 years later
In England Stonehenge was built in stages over a thousand years. It was completed at this time 1250 BC
9 of 135 924 years later
The Greeks fought the Trojans 1200 BC
10 of 135 974 years later
Saul (first king) begins reign 1100 BC
Acts 13:21
11 of 135 1074 years later
Saul became king 1050 BC
Saul became king
Until then the Israelites were divided into twelve tribes. However the people demanded a king to rule over them. So Samuel anointed Saul as the first king of Israel. Saul first defeated the Ammonites (a people who lived Northeast of the Dead Sea). He also fought a series of wars against the Philistines.
12 of 135 1124 years later
Saul and his son Jonathan were killed in a battle with the Philistines 1010 BC
13 of 135 1164 years later
Rehoboam begins reign 980 BC
1 Kings 14:21
14 of 135 1194 years later
Abijah begins reign 963 BC
1 Kings 15:2
15 of 135 1211 years later
Asa begins reign 960 BC
1 Kings 15:9-10
16 of 135 1214 years later
Jehoshaphat begins reign 919 BC
1 Kings 22:42
17 of 135 1255 years later
The first civilization in South America arose, in Peru 900 BC
18 of 135 1274 years later
Jehoram beings reign 894 BC
2 Kings 8:17
19 of 135 1280 years later
Ahaziah begins reign 886 BC
2 Kings 8:26
20 of 135 1288 years later
Athaliah begins her reign 885 BC
2 Kings 11:3
21 of 135 1289 years later
Joash begins reign 879 BC
2 Kings 12:1
22 of 135 1295 years later
Ahab ruled the kingdom of Israel 874 BC
Ahab ruled the kingdom of Israel
Ahab was a wicked man. He married an evil woman from Sidon (in modern day Lebanon) called Jezebel. Ahab also worshiped Baal the weather god and built a temple for him. Furthermore Jezebel killed many of God's prophets.
23 of 135 1300 years later
Jehu ruled Israel 841 BC
Jehu ruled Israel
He killed all of Ahab's family. He also killed the priests of Baal and the destroyed the priests of Baal. However Jehu was not a truly good man and he served God half-heartedly.
24 of 135 1333 years later
Amaziah begins reign 839 BC
2 Kings 14:2
25 of 135 1335 years later
Azariah begins reign 810 BC
2 Kings 15:2
26 of 135 1364 years later
The Assyrians became a threat to Israel 800 BC
The Assyrians became a threat to Israel
The Assyrians came from northern Iraq. After 900 BC they began building a great empire. The Assyrians were formidable soldiers but they were also infamous for their cruelty.
27 of 135 1374 years later
Jotham begins reign 758 BC
2 Kings 15:33
28 of 135 1416 years later
Rome was founded 750 BC
29 of 135 1424 years later
Ahaz begins reign 742 BC
2 Kings 16:2
30 of 135 1432 years later
The Assyrians captured Galilee (the northern part of Israel) and deported many of the inhabitants to other parts of their empire 738 BC
31 of 135 1436 years later
Hezekiah begins reign 726 BC
2 Kings 18:2
32 of 135 1448 years later
Shalmaneser, ruler of the Assyrians captured Hoshea the last king of Israel 725 BC
33 of 135 1449 years later
After a 3 year siege the Assyrians captured Samaria, the capital of Israel 722 BC
After a 3 year siege the Assyrians captured Samaria, the capital of Israel
The Assyrians deported many of the Israelites from Samaria to other parts of their empire. Only the poorest Israelites were left behind.
34 of 135 1452 years later
Hezekiah was king of Judah Hezekiah was a good man who trusted God and removed idols 715 BC
35 of 135 1459 years later
Sennacherib the ruler of the Assyrians besieged Jerusalem 701 BC
Sennacherib the ruler of the Assyrians besieged Jerusalem
The Assyrians boasted that no god had ever been able to save his people from their army. However during the night God killed many thousands of the Assyrian soldiers camped outside Jerusalem, saving the city.
36 of 135 1473 years later
Manasseh begins reign 697 BC
2 Kings 21:1
37 of 135 1477 years later
Manasseh was king of Judah. Manasseh was an evil king who worshiped idols 686 BC
38 of 135 1488 years later
A people called the Celts arrived in Britain. They introduced iron tools and weapons 650 BC
39 of 135 1524 years later
Amon begins reign 642 BC
2 Kings 21:19
40 of 135 1532 years later
Josiah begins reign 640 BC
2 Kings 22:1
41 of 135 1534 years later
At this time Zephaniah prophesied that God would judge the surrounding nations 640 BC
At this time Zephaniah prophesied that God would judge the surrounding nations
The prophet Zephaniah prophesied that the Assyrians, the Philistines, Moabites and Ammonites would all be judged. (Later they were destroyed by the Babylonians)
42 of 135 1534 years later
Josiah was king of Israel 640 BC
Josiah was king of Israel
Josiah was a good man who ordered men to repair God's temple in Jerusalem. By accident they found part of the Old Testament there and Josiah tried to enforce all of its requirements. Josiah tried to rid his kingdom of idols. Unfortunately after his death the people went back to worshiping idols.
43 of 135 1534 years later
Babylon, one of the cities ruled by the Assyrians rebelled 625 BC
44 of 135 1549 years later
The Assyrians were destroyed 612 BC
The Assyrians were destroyed
The Babylonians and a people called the Medes from what is now Iran destroyed Nineveh the capital of the Assyrian Empire. So the Assyrian Empire came to an end.
45 of 135 1562 years later
Jehoahaz begins reign 609 BC
2 Kings 21:31
46 of 135 1565 years later
Jehoakim begins reign 609 BC
2 Kings 23:36
47 of 135 1565 years later
The Babylonians conquered Jerusalem 597 BC
The Babylonians conquered Jerusalem
This time they took the king of Judah, Jehoiachin, prisoner and they placed Zedekiah on the throne as a puppet king. However Zedekiah rebelled and appealed to the Egyptians for help.
48 of 135 1577 years later
Destruction of the first Temple 588 BC
Jeremiah 52:12; 25:1
49 of 135 1586 years later
The Babylonians captured Jerusalem again 587 BC
The Babylonians captured Jerusalem again
Zedekiah was blinded and led away in chains. However this time the Babylonians deported all but the poorest people in Judah to other parts of the Babylonian Empire. They also plundered the temple in Jerusalem.
50 of 135 1587 years later
Confucius lived in China 551 BC
51 of 135 1623 years later
The Persians captured Babylon bringing the Babylonian Empire to an end 539 BC
The Persians captured Babylon bringing the Babylonian Empire to an end
However the Persians conquered the people previously ruled by the Babylonians and they created their own empire to replace the Babylonian Empire. The Persians were a tolerant people and they allowed each part of their empire a certain amount of independence.
52 of 135 1635 years later
Cyrus, king of Persia allowed the Jews to return to their homeland and rebuild the temple in Jerusalem 538 BC
53 of 135 1636 years later
Cyrus decrees rebuilding Temple 536 BC
2 Chronicles 36:21-23
54 of 135 1638 years later
Rebuilding the temple began 536 BC
Rebuilding the temple began
However the Samaritans offered to help. Zerubbabel the leader of the Israelites refused. However work soon stopped because of opposition from the Samaritans who were angry at being excluded from the work.
55 of 135 1638 years later
The prophets Zechariah and Haggai encouraged people to rebuild the temple 520 BC
56 of 135 1654 years later
The Temple was completed 516 BC
57 of 135 1658 years later
Persian invasion of Greece 498 BC
58 of 135 1676 years later
A woman named Esther bravely risked her life to save her people. Esther means star 475 BC
59 of 135 1699 years later
Greco-Persian Wars 473 BC
60 of 135 1701 years later
Artaxerxes decrees rebuilding Jerusalem 445 BC
Nehemiah 2:1
61 of 135 1729 years later
The Greek philosopher Aristotle lived 384 BC
62 of 135 1790 years later
Death of Philip of Macedon 336 BC
63 of 135 1838 years later
Alexander the Great begins his conquests 334 BC
64 of 135 1840 years later
Battle of the Granicus 334 BC
65 of 135 1840 years later
Alexander the Great invaded the Persian Empire 334 BC
Alexander the Great invaded the Persian Empire
Alexander quickly conquered what is now Israel. Later he completely destroyed the Persian Empire. However Alexander died in 323 without an heir. His empire was then divided among his generals. A Greek general called Ptolemy took Egypt and Israel.
66 of 135 1840 years later
Battle of Issus 333 BC
67 of 135 1841 years later
Battle of Arbela 331 BC
68 of 135 1843 years later
Death of Alexander 323 BC
69 of 135 1851 years later
Work began on the Great Wall of China 221 BC
70 of 135 1953 years later
Romans defeated Carthaginians from North Africa 202 BC
Romans defeated Carthaginians from North Africa
The Romans defeated the Carthaginians (from North Africa) at the battle of Zama. Hannibal, the Carthaginian general later committed suicide. The Romans became the dominant power in the Mediterranean.
71 of 135 1972 years later
The Seleucids captured Israel 198 BC
The Seleucids captured Israel
After Alexander's death a general called Seleucus took Syria and Iraq. His descendants, the Seleucids later took Israel.
72 of 135 1976 years later
A Seleucid named Antiochus Epiphanes (175-163) defiled the temple 168 BC
A Seleucid named Antiochus Epiphanes (175-163) defiled the temple
He sacrificed to Zeus in the temple and tried to ban the Jewish religion. As a result the Jews rose in rebellion.
73 of 135 2006 years later
After Antiochus the next Seleucid ruler granted the Jews religious freedom. However some Jews continued to fight for independence 162 BC
74 of 135 2012 years later
Greece is made a Roman Province 146 BC
75 of 135 2028 years later
The Jews won their independence. However it did not last long as Rome was growing increasingly powerful 142 BC
76 of 135 2032 years later
Ptolemy, a Roman general captured Jerusalem 63 BC
Ptolemy, a Roman general captured Jerusalem
From this time Israel was ruled by the Romans. It was divided into three parts, Galilee in the north, Samaria in the middle and Judea in the south
77 of 135 2111 years later
Julius Caesar was assassinated 44 BC
78 of 135 2130 years later
Romans allowed Herod the Great to reign as a puppet king in Judea 37 BC
Romans allowed Herod the Great to reign as a puppet king in Judea
Herod was a cruel man but he tried to please the Jews by beginning to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. After his death one of Herod's sons, called Herod Archelaus ruled Judea. However he was so bad that in 6 AD the Romans removed him and replaced him with a Roman governor or procurator.
79 of 135 2137 years later
Octavian is Roman Emperor 31 BC
Octavian is Roman Emperor
From 27 BC onwards he called himself Augustus Caesar.
80 of 135 2143 years later
Egypt became a province of the Roman Empire 30 BC
81 of 135 2144 years later
Herod Antipas, son of Herod the Great ruled Galilee (the northern part of what is now Israel). Jesus called him 'that fox'. Herod Antipas had John the Baptist beheaded 4 BC
82 of 135 2170 years later
Tiberius is Roman Emperor 14 AD
83 of 135 2188 years later
Pontius Pilate was governor or procurator of Judea 26 AD
84 of 135 2200 years later
Saul was converted and changed his name to Paul 35 AD
85 of 135 2209 years later
Pauls ministry begins 36 AD
Acts 9:1-16
86 of 135 2210 years later
Gaius (Caligula) is Roman Emperor 37 AD
87 of 135 2211 years later
Claudius is Roman Emperor 41 AD
88 of 135 2215 years later
Romans invaded Britain 43 AD
89 of 135 2217 years later
Paul and Barnabas sailed to Cyprus and what is now Turkey 46 AD
90 of 135 2220 years later
Paul and Silas traveled to Turkey and Greece 48 AD
91 of 135 2222 years later
Romans founded London 50 AD
92 of 135 2224 years later
Paul made a third journey to Turkey and Greece 53 AD
93 of 135 2227 years later
Nero is Roman Emperor. Nero is ruthless when persecuting Christians 54 AD
94 of 135 2228 years later
Paul was arrested and spent two years in prison 58 AD
Paul was arrested and spent two years in prison
Paul appealed to Caesar and was sent to Rome by ship (on the way he was shipwrecked at Malta)
95 of 135 2232 years later
The Jews rebelled against the Romans 66 AD
96 of 135 2240 years later
Paul was martyred 67 AD
97 of 135 2241 years later
Julius Vindex is Roman Emperor 68 AD
98 of 135 2242 years later
Lucius Clodius Macer is Roman Emperor 68 AD
99 of 135 2242 years later
Galba is Roman Emperor 68 AD
100 of 135 2242 years later
Nymphidius Sabinus is Roman Emperor 69 AD
101 of 135 2243 years later
Otho is Roman Emperor 69 AD
102 of 135 2243 years later
Vitellius is Roman Emperor 69 AD
103 of 135 2243 years later
Destruction of second Temple and Jerusalem 69 AD
Luke 21:5-6
104 of 135 2243 years later
Jerusalem was destroyed 70 AD
105 of 135 2244 years later
Vespasian is Roman Emperor 70 AD
106 of 135 2244 years later
Titus is Roman Emperor 79 AD
107 of 135 2253 years later
Domitian is Roman Emperor 81 AD
Domitian is Roman Emperor
He unleashed a wave of persecution against Christians
108 of 135 2255 years later
Antonius Saturninus is Roman Emperor 89 AD
109 of 135 2263 years later
John was exiled on the island of Patmos 90 AD
110 of 135 2264 years later
Nerva is Roman Emperor 96 AD
111 of 135 2270 years later
Trajan is Roman Emperor 98 AD
112 of 135 2272 years later
Decius is Roman Emperor 249 AD
113 of 135 2423 years later
Persecution of the Christians 312 AD
Persecution of the Christians
Persecution of the Christians and the suppression of the early Church under the Roman emperors which began in the first century, ended with the coming into power of Constantine the Great at the Milvian Bridge with the very famous 'Edict of Milan' decree, 313 CE
114 of 135 2486 years later
Jesus Christ co-equal to Father 313 AD
Jesus Christ co-equal to Father
It was during the reign of Constantine that the idea of Jesus Christ as co-equal to God, the Father began to gain momentum. Yet, Trinity was not an established doctrine at the time.
115 of 135 2487 years later
Triune god stirs controversy 321 AD
Triune god stirs controversy
The idea of a triune god stirred great controversy within the Church as still many clergy and laymen did not accept the position of Christ as God. This disagreement reached the level of confrontation between Bishop Alexander of Alexandria, Egypt and his presbyter Arius. Bishop Alexander taught that Jesus was equal to God but not Arius. A synod held at Alexandria in 321 CE, Arius was deposed and excommunicated.
116 of 135 2495 years later
Arius: Jesus Christ is not God 322 AD
Arius: Jesus Christ is not God
Arius, thought in institutional disfavor, still had much support outside Egypt. Many of the important bishops, such as the learned historian Eusebius of Palestinian Caesarea and his powerful namesake, Eusebius, Bishop of Nicomedia, theologically agree with Arius: Jesus Christ is not God.
117 of 135 2496 years later
Nicene Creed 325 AD
Nicene Creed
The sustained controversy disturbed Constantine and in order to legitimatize his position, he invited all bishops of the Christian Church to Nicaea (which is now in Asia Minor) in May 20th, 325 C.E. Thus, the Council of Nicaea began to settle the dispute concerning the relationship between God and His son. Constantine, who was in charge of the proceedings, exercised his political power to bring to bear the bishops to accept his theological position. The creed signed by 218 bishops was clearly anti-Arian. In other words, the Creed of Nicaea endorsed the Son as co-equal to God. Two hundred eighteen of the bishops signed this creed, although it was actually the work of a minority.
118 of 135 2499 years later
Constantine recalls Arius from Illyria 328 AD
119 of 135 2502 years later
Constantine sides with Arius 335 AD
Constantine sides with Arius
Constantine sides with Arius and exiles Athanasius to Trier.
120 of 135 2509 years later
Eastern bishops meet at Constantinople 336 AD
Eastern bishops meet at Constantinople
Eastern bishops meet at Constantinople with the emperor in attendance. This was the fourth council since Arius' return from exile to pronounce his theology orthodox.
121 of 135 2510 years later
Emperor Constantius orders the return of Athanasius 337 AD
Emperor Constantius orders the return of Athanasius
The new Emperor Constantius orders the return of Athanasius to Alexandria.
122 of 135 2511 years later
Athanasius flees Alexandria 339 AD
Athanasius flees Alexandria
Athanasius flees Alexandria having learned he is about to be expelled as a heretic.
123 of 135 2513 years later
Two councils held in Antioch 341 AD
Two councils held in Antioch
Two councils are held in Antioch this year. During the First, Second and Third Arian Confessions are written in an attempt to produce a formal doctrine of faith to oppose the Nicene Creed.
124 of 135 2515 years later
Council of Sardica 343 AD
Council of Sardica
At the Council of Sardica, eastern bishops demand the removal of Athanasius.
125 of 135 2517 years later
Athanasius returns 346 AD
Athanasius returns
Athanasius is restored to Alexandria.
126 of 135 2520 years later
Anti-Nicene council 351 AD
Anti-Nicene council
A second anti-Nicene council is held in Sirmium.
127 of 135 2525 years later
Anti-Athanasius council 353 AD
Anti-Athanasius council
A council is held at Aries during autumn that is directed against Athanasius.
128 of 135 2527 years later
Council condemns Athanasius 355 AD
Council condemns Athanasius
A council is held in Milan which again condemns Athanasius.
129 of 135 2529 years later
Athanasius is deposed 356 AD
Athanasius is deposed
Athanasius is deposed on February 8th and begins his third exile.
130 of 135 2530 years later
Third Council of Sirmium 357 AD
Third Council of Sirmium
The Third Council of Sirmium is convened where it is agreed that the Father is greater than His Subordinate Son. (For those interested, the technical terms expressing these ideas, homo-ousios and homoi-ousios, which denote 'made of the same stuff' and 'made of like stuff', were avoided as being unbiblical terms).
131 of 135 2531 years later
Christ is 'like the Father' 359 AD
Christ is 'like the Father'
The council of Seleucia affirms that Christ is 'like the Father', but does not specify how the Son is like the Father.
132 of 135 2533 years later
Council on Arius 361 AD
Council on Arius
A council is held in Antioch to affirm Arius' position.
133 of 135 2535 years later
Christianity, official state religion 380 AD
Christianity, official state religion
Emperor Theodosius the Great declares Christianity the official state religion of the Empire.
134 of 135 2554 years later
First Council of Constantinople reviews controversy 381 AD
First Council of Constantinople reviews controversy
The First Council of Constantinople reviews the controversy since Nicea. Emperor Theodosius the Great establishes the creed of Nicea as the standard for his realm. The Nicene Creed is re-evaluated against Apollinarius (Christ is divine Logos but not human spirit). Holy Spirit officially become 3rd in Godhead member of Trinity. Nicene Creed reaffirmed.
135 of 135 2555 years later
All Timeline events are historical and dating is approximate, or Circa. Circa (from Latin, meaning 'around, about') signifies 'approximately'. Circa is widely used in historical writing when event dates are not accurately known.
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3.   JESUS PROOF: Most vivid ever account of Christ unearthed from Roman historian - Express
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5.   Pope Francis says women will never be Roman Catholic priests - The Guardian
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7.   100 US Anglican parishes convert to Roman Catholic Church - Telegraph
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8.   Was Jesus a Roman Hoax to Trick the Jews? - Vice
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9.   Scholar Claims Jesus Was a Roman Hoax - Seeker
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10.   Roman Colosseum built with loot from destruction of Jewish Temple - Telegraph
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Torah 5   BOOKS
Psalms 1   BOOK
Old Testament 32   BOOKS
New Testament 27   BOOKS
Apocrypha 1885 14   BOOKS
Gospels/Texts 367   BOOKS
Codex 120   BOOKS
Quran 1   BOOK
Hadith 10   BOOKS


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