
1.   10 Commandments - Bible vs Quran The Ten Commandments are a set of Biblical principles relating to ethics and worship. Similar commandments appear in the Quran
21441 views · 5 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 1 of 154
2.   10 Commandments - Christian vs Muslim The Ten Commandments are a set of Biblical principles relating to ethics and worship. Do Christians and Muslims adhere to the commandments today?
13797 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Jul 20 | 2 of 154
3.   10 Red Heifers (Cows) Building a Third Temple in Jerusalem is the dream for the messianic branches of Judaism and Christianity. A dream that partially rests on the discovery of a Red Heifer, a cow with a special status in Jewish tradition.
14518 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 3 of 154
4.   5 reasons Abraham sacrificed Ishmael A selection of Bible verses indicating that Abraham sacrificed his elder son, Ishmael over his youngest son, Isaac
12203 views · 5 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 4 of 154
5.   Abrahamic Religions A like-for-like comparison of Judaism, Christianity and Islam; three of the most influential world religions
16556 views · 7 hrs ago · Updated: Sep 18 | 5 of 154
6.   Angels - 41 Angels from the Abrahamic Religions Angels in Judeo-Christian and Islam
18561 views · 54 mins ago · Updated: May 19 | 6 of 154
7.   Are you a Muslim? Muslims are required to confirm six Articles of Faith. Take our ONLINE TEST to see how close you are to becoming a Muslim
41349 views · 9 hrs ago · Updated: Apr 20 | 7 of 154
8.   Arius vs Bishop Athanasius The Arian controversy arose between Arius, a priest and theologian, and Bishop Athanasius. The controversy was over Christian doctrine and the relationship between the Father and Jesus, and divided the Church into two opposing theological factions for over 55 years.
16263 views · 5 hrs ago · Updated: May 19 | 8 of 154
9.   Bible - 12% of New Testament copied from Old Testament Textual Analysis proves New Testament Authors copied from the Old Testament
11548 views · 4 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 9 of 154
10.   Bible - 18 Ego Eimi (I AM) statements, like John 8:58 Exodus 3:14 is quoted as evidence for the divinity of Jesus Christ. But the same word 'Ego Eimi' (I Am) is used in numerous verses in the Bible. Does the Name of God apply in them all?
15316 views · 48 mins ago · Updated: Jul 19 | 10 of 154
11.   Bible - 27 Verses on Yahweh, Elohim(s) and The Gods List of 27 Biblical points on the 'confusion' around the divine identities of Yahweh, Elohim, Gods and Goddesses
17016 views · 4 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 11 of 154
12.   Bible - 400 NT Jesus Prophecies copied from OT According to Christians, Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus Christ in the New Testament. How true is this claim? A list of Old Testament and New Testament verses explore the idea that Jesus was 'inserted' into the NT.
8891 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 12 of 154
13.   Bible - 75 Verses on drinking Wine & Alcohol 75 Bible verses which question the permissibility for Jews and Christians to drink Wine or Alcohol
15474 views · 13 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 13 of 154
14.   Bible - Exodus 3:14 Translations Exodus 3:14 is quoted as evidence for the divinity of Jesus Christ. Given the various translations of this verse, how true is this claim?
11148 views · 53 mins ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 14 of 154
15.   Bible - King James (KJV) & 37 'Disputed' Verses The King James Bible (KJV) includes many verses not found in modern Bible translations. Is this evidence the Christian Bible is corrupt?
9145 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: Jul 19 | 15 of 154
16.   Bible - Lost Books of the Bible The Bible, both Old and New Testament reference books and writings that no longer exist. These are the Lost Books of the Bible.
9753 views · 1 hr ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 16 of 154
17.   Bible - Mark 16:9-20 Text Analysis Mark ends at 16:8 in the oldest Bible manuscripts, the Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus
10329 views · 1 hr ago · Updated: Nov 19 | 17 of 154
18.   Bible - Matthew 28:19: Greek vs Hebrew A comparison of Matthew 28:19, a key Biblical verse used to support the Christian doctrine of Trinity
17393 views · 8 hrs ago · Updated: May 19 | 18 of 154
19.   Bible - Pagan Texts in the Bible Greek pagan texts were plagarized and copied into the New Testament Bible. Bible authors were influenced and many would argue, guided by pagan principles.
9203 views · 54 mins ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 19 of 154
20.   Bible - Revelation, A Forgery Bible - Revelation's Forged Past
10263 views · 3 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 20 of 154
21.   Bible - Scholars on John's Gospel Quotes by Bible Scholars on John's Gospel and the Christian Bible in general.
9875 views · 3 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 21 of 154
22.   Bible - The Synoptic Problem Matthew, Mark and Luke are commonly called the Synoptic Gospels. They are very similar to each other. In fact, their similarities have led to one of the most debated subjects - 'The Synoptic Problem'.
9942 views · 9 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 22 of 154
23.   Bible - Violence & Killings Whilst the Christian God is depicted as possessing boundless Love, Mercy and Forgiveness. He is equally full of Anger, Rage and Revenge.
8845 views · 7 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 23 of 154
24.   Bible Authors: Who Wrote It? Who wrote the Gospels that make up the Christian Bible today: Mark, Matthew, Luke and John?
10609 views · 49 mins ago · Updated: May 19 | 24 of 154
25.   Bible Errors - 672 Variants A list of Bible errors and contradictions
9523 views · 5 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 25 of 154
26.   Bible History - KJV vs NIV Which Bible is more reliable and why, the KJV or NIV?
10620 views · 13 hrs ago · Updated: Apr 19 | 26 of 154
27.   Bible NT - 55% of New Testament Papyrus contain under 3% of Biblical Text Of the 25,000 New Testament manuscripts discovered, 5800 are in the original Greek language. Textual analysis reveals 97% accuracy with 3,912 'doubtful' words in the Bible.
9140 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 27 of 154
28.   Bible NT - Codex Sinaiticus exposes 312 year gap since Jesus crucifixion Comparing the dating of the New Testament Bible with available Manuscripts reveals upto 250 years of lost history.
9936 views · 1 day ago · Updated: Jan 70 | 28 of 154
29.   Bible NT Canons - Church Fathers, Councils & Apocrypha In Early Christianity, different New Testament Bible canons existed. The 'final' Christian Bible was debated over 300 years before it was officially announced at the Council of Carthage in 397 AD.
7378 views · 12 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 29 of 154
30.   Bible OT - Dead Sea Scrolls expose a 1303 year gap since Moses life Comparing the dating of the Old Testament, Hebrew Bible and Torah with Dead Sea Scroll Manuscripts reveals upto 1303 years of lost history.
7666 views · 16 mins ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 30 of 154
31.   Bible OT Canons - Church Fathers, Councils & Apocrypha Before Christianity, many different Old Testament Bible Canons existed. These differed in the books included and excluded (Apocrypha).
8006 views · 51 mins ago · Updated: Oct 18 | 31 of 154
32.   Bible Verses - KJV vs NIV A like-for-like textual comparison between the two most popular Bibles: the King James (KJV) and New International Version (NIV)
10911 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 32 of 154
33.   Blasphemy Laws in 35 Christian Countries Blasphemy laws are the offence of 'insulting or showing contempt for God or a sacred entity'
7494 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Feb 19 | 33 of 154
34.   Book Burnings in Roman, Catholic and Protestant society Burning and setting afire was an effective way to destroy dangerous ideas, attain purification, and control the 'uneducated' masses.
11855 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 34 of 154
35.   Catholic vs Protestant - Bible A comparison of the different Bible translations: Roman Catholic, Protestant, Greek Orthodox and the Apocrypha books
9132 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Jan 19 | 35 of 154
36.   Catholic vs Protestant - Christianity A comparison of the Catholic and Protestant beliefs. The two main denominations in the Christian religion.
9763 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: Jan 19 | 36 of 154
37.   Child Abuse & Grooming Gangs (UK) An insight into the crimes committed against British children aged 10-15 years.
6732 views · 3 hrs ago · Updated: Jul 19 | 37 of 154
38.   Child Abuse, Sexual Crimes & Prison Figures (UK) An insight into official UK prisoner numbers, religion and ethnic backgrounds in relation to Sexual offences.
8168 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Oct 18 | 38 of 154
39.   Child Marriage - Muhammad married 9-year old Aisha Traditionally, girls were married at a young age. This articles explores the various legal, historical, social and cultural reasons for this practise
16685 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 39 of 154
40.   Christian Heresies In Early Christianity, the crime of Heresy did not exist. Small Christian communities believed what they wanted, and worshiped as they chose.
9245 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Apr 19 | 40 of 154
41.   Christian: 28 Heretical Sects A summary of Early Christians and the differing beliefs held in the formative years of the Christian religion
10375 views · 10 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 41 of 154
42.   Christian: 32 Church Denominations List of 32 Christian denominations, the founders and year established.
7231 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Jul 19 | 42 of 154
43.   Christianity: Founded by Paul on Road to Damascus, Syria Christianity is predominantly the teachings and writings of Paul. A series of major events shaped the Christian faith we know today.
8426 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Nov 18 | 43 of 154
44.   Church Councils For 300 years, Christianity was an outlawed religion and so church councils were impossible.
8625 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 44 of 154
45.   Church Fathers - Quotes from 18 Men of God Facts and Quotes from 18 Church Fathers, including Ignatius, Clement, Polycarp, Eusebius and more
9119 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 45 of 154
46.   Church Fathers on Jesus Divinity What did the Church Fathers think of the divinity of Jesus Christ
10861 views · 3 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 46 of 154
47.   Codex Sinaiticus & Vaticanus - Corruption in the KJV Bible books Codex Sinaiticus and Vaticanus are the earliest complete copies of the Christian Bible. This article lists the different gospels, books, writings and apocryphal texts that conflict between the codexes and the King James Bible (KJV).
14657 views · 38 mins ago · Updated: Oct 18 | 47 of 154
48.   Codex Sinaiticus & Vaticanus - Corruption in the KJV Bible verses Codex Sinaiticus and Vaticanus are the earliest complete copies of the Christian Bible. This article lists the different verses where the codexes conflict with the King James Bible (KJV).
12494 views · 3 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 48 of 154
49.   Constantine and Christianity After Emperor Constantine made Christianity the state religion, he reformed Christianity to make Rome the center of power
11747 views · 51 mins ago · Updated: Apr 19 | 49 of 154
50.   Constantine, Nicaea and History The Christianity we know today is a result of what men agreed at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD
9744 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 50 of 154
51.   Council of Nicaea 325 AD The Council of Nicaea under Emperor Constantine played a crucial role in determining the fundamental Christian beliefs
9629 views · 4 hrs ago · Updated: May 19 | 51 of 154
52.   COVID deaths vs Other Causes Does Coronavirus COVID-19 make it into the Top 30 of causes of death. A simple comparison may be useful in deciding.
5163 views · 46 mins ago · Updated: Nov 20 | 52 of 154
53.   COVID: 7 Medical Studies on why Face Masks fail A list of medical literature that prove wearing face masks, coverings or respirators are unlikely to offer protection against verified illness or virus.
5695 views · 39 mins ago · Updated: Sep 20 | 53 of 154
54.   COVID: Lockdowns & Contact Tracing in 78 Countries How Coronavirus COVID-19 is effecting Countries around the World. Lockdown Orders, Social Distancing, Face Mask, Contact Tracing, Digital Health Certificates, Vaccines etc.
8781 views · 9 hrs ago · Updated: Jan 70 | 54 of 154
55.   COVID: Monthly UK deaths compared over 5 Years (2015-20) With all the Coronavirus COVID-19 media coverage, has the Coronavirus COVID-19 deaths caused a spike in the recorded death figure?
5636 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: Oct 22 | 55 of 154
56.   COVID: Weekly UK deaths compared over 5-Years (2015-20) With all the Coronavirus COVID-19 media coverage, has the Coronavirus COVID-19 deaths caused a spike in the recorded death figure?
5162 views · 36 mins ago · Updated: May 21 | 56 of 154
57.   Did Jesus pray to God or Allah? Jesus prayed to a God whose name was 'Allah' in the Aramaic Bible - Check for yourself!
17300 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Apr 19 | 57 of 154
58.   God (Allah) - His Names & Attributes Strengthen your relationship with God today. Study his names and attributes
12596 views · 37 mins ago · Updated: May 18 | 58 of 154
59.   God vs Allah A side-by-side comparison of the words God, Allah, Yahweh and Elohim
10602 views · 1 hr ago · Updated: May 18 | 59 of 154
60.   God, Evidence For What is the mathematical evidence for a God or a Creator of the Earth and Universe
7440 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 60 of 154
61.   Gods & Roman Emperors Roman Emperors and their Gods
7223 views · 7 hrs ago · Updated: Sep 19 | 61 of 154
62.   Gods - 6 Dying & Rising Mythical Gods Jesus was a dying & rising God similar to Pagan Gods before him?
12040 views · 9 hrs ago · Updated: Dec 18 | 62 of 154
63.   Gods - 60 Pagan deities in the Bible A look into the various Gods in the Old Testament or Jewish Hebrew Bible
26672 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 63 of 154
64.   How do Muslims pray? How do Muslims pray? Here are the body postures along with an English translation of the words/prayers recited
12447 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 64 of 154
65.   Ishmael and Isaac in Bible and Quran Ishmael and Isaac were both sons of Abraham. The Jewish, Christian Bible and Quran present them in different and distinct ways.
15692 views · 17 mins ago · Updated: Sep 18 | 65 of 154
66.   Islam: Biggest Threat to Europe? ECFR/YouGov 2019 poll reveals European countries regard 'Islamic Radicals' as the biggest threat facing them.
6168 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: May 19 | 66 of 154
67.   Islamic Countries. Who are they? How Islamic are the Islamic Countries? Professor Hossein Askari's 'Islamicity Ranking 2017' report found the most Islamic countries are non-Muslim countries.
7359 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Apr 19 | 67 of 154
68.   Jesus - 91% chance he was a fictitous Mythical-Hero (Raglan Scale) Based on the Raglan Scale, Jesus scores 91% (20 of 22 points) which gives a very high probability the Biblical Jesus is a mythical, fictitous hero, than an actual historical figure.
8400 views · 7 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 68 of 154
69.   Jesus - 17 'Crucified' Savior Gods Belief in the crucifixion of Gods was popular in various countries long before Jesus arrived
7955 views · 35 mins ago · Updated: Jul 19 | 69 of 154
70.   Jesus - Crucifixion in the Gospels The crucifixion is one of the most important events in Christianity . Yet, Mark, Matthew, Luke and John often give varying accounts on the details of this significant event.
9111 views · 15 hrs ago · Updated: May 18 | 70 of 154
71.   Jesus - Crucifixion Timing An insight into the final hours of Jesus as he was arrested, sentenced and led to crucifixion
8862 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Jan 70 | 71 of 154
72.   Jesus - God of 99 Faces Even though there is no physical description of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. Christians have always been creative when it comes to drawing God with their own hands.
14304 views · 3 mins ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 72 of 154
73.   Jesus - God with No Face Even though there is no physical description of Jesus in the New Testament. Christians have always been creative when it comes to drawing God with their own hands.
7367 views · 17 mins ago · Updated: Oct 19 | 73 of 154
74.   Jesus - Resurrection in the Gospels The resurrection is one of the most important events in Christianity. Yet, Mark, Matthew, Luke and John often give varying accounts on the details of this significant event.
8027 views · 15 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 74 of 154
75.   Jesus - Resurrection Theories For many, Jesus' resurrection remains an unsolved mystery. We present the various theories on what may have happened
8324 views · 1 hr ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 75 of 154
76.   Jesus - Sons of God A selection of Bible verses showing the words 'Son of God' applied to others, and not Jesus alone
11909 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 76 of 154
77.   Jesus and the 12 Disciples An insight into the 12 disciples who were the early believers in Jesus Christ
13150 views · 3 hrs ago · Updated: May 19 | 77 of 154
78.   Jesus in the Quran A list of verses in the Quran that mention Jesus (or Eesa) along with their commentary and understanding.
10183 views · 53 mins ago · Updated: Sep 19 | 78 of 154
79.   Jesus on the Cross or Tree? The cross is loved and respected by millions of Christians across the world. What is the truth behind it?
10833 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 79 of 154
80.   Jesus the God A selection of Bible (New Testament) verses proving Jesus was a prophet
12187 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 80 of 154
81.   Jesus the Jewish Prophet In the Bible, Jesus often himself a Prophet
9919 views · 4 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 81 of 154
82.   Jesus the Muslim 17-reasons why Jesus must have been a Muslim
10566 views · 5 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 82 of 154
83.   Jesus the Son of God 99-reasons why Unitarian Christians do not believe Jesus is God, based on writings by Samuel Barrett, 1825
7572 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: Jan 70 | 83 of 154
84.   Jesus the Sun-God over 12 Zodiac Star Gods An investigation into the theory the Jesus was the Sun God looking over the 12 Astrological Stars
24777 views · 7 hrs ago · Updated: Apr 19 | 84 of 154
85.   Jesus vs Isaac - The Sacrifice Christians compare Jesus' crucifixion with the sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham. Is this a fair comparison?
11830 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 85 of 154
86.   Jesus vs Jonah & Whale A comparison of Jesus and Jonah and the Whale. How was Jesus like Jonah with the 3 days and 3 nights reference?
11067 views · 7 hrs ago · Updated: Sep 18 | 86 of 154
87.   Jesus vs Krishna A comparison of two powerful
15008 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: May 18 | 87 of 154
88.   Jesus vs Paul A like-for-like comparison between the similar, yet often opposing teachings of Jesus and Paul
11516 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 88 of 154
89.   Jesus vs Romulus - 50 Reasons both are Mythical Gods Did Romulus, a mythical Roman god provide the foundations for the creation of Jesus Christ, a new Christian god with a superior message and greater kingdom?
12067 views · 7 hrs ago · Updated: May 19 | 89 of 154
90.   Jesus vs Zeus A comparison between Jesus and Zeus, the Greek God
28782 views · 3 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 90 of 154
91.   Jesus was 30, 40 or 50 years old? How old was Jesus when he was crucified? A variations of theories add complexity to this simple question.
12700 views · 4 hrs ago · Updated: Jan 19 | 91 of 154
92.   Jesus, 12 Disciples and Paul Interview A series of Q&A presented based on the teachings of Jesus, the 12 Disciples and Paul
10647 views · 8 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 92 of 154
93.   Jesus, from Iesous and Yeshua An insight into the 3-steps of name transition from Yeshua to Jesus
11633 views · 4 hrs ago · Updated: May 18 | 93 of 154
94.   Jesus, Serapis & 7 Pagan Gods A comparison between Jesus Christ, Serapis Christus, and seven Pagan Gods
27199 views · 14 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 94 of 154
95.   Jewish Laws & Rituals Jewish Law was observed by Early Christians. But as Christianity spread, more Gentiles (non-Jews) converted to Christianity which gave rise to disputes over fundamental Jewish religious obligations and laws.
8140 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: Sep 18 | 95 of 154
96.   Judaism - Maimonides 13 Principles of Jewish Belief What do Jews believe? An outline of Rambam's 13 principles of Jewish faith
9928 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: May 18 | 96 of 154
97.   Mark, Matthew, Luke and John A like-for-like textual comparison between the gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John
13108 views · 3 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 18 | 97 of 154
98.   Messiah - His Aims & Objectives All of the Abrahamic religions await a Messiah figure in the future. What will be the objectives of the Messiah?
7853 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Sep 18 | 98 of 154
99.   Messiah - Jesus? All of the Abrahamic religions await a Messiah figure in the future. Christians and Muslims identify with Jesus as that person. For Jews, it's a more complex issue
8377 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 99 of 154
100.   Monotheism vs Polytheism How do the Abrahamic religions compare in there worship, practice and rituals?
8432 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: Sep 18 | 100 of 154
101.   Muhammad - Most Influential Man in History 'The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History' by Michael Hart ranks Muhammad at No.1
10367 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: May 18 | 101 of 154
102.   Muhammad in Bible: He is is altogether lovely - Song 5:16 The name "Mohammad" appears in the 'Song of Solomon' (Bible Old Testament) - Check for yourself!
17037 views · 7 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 102 of 154
103.   Muhammad in Bible: Kedar rejoice and Sela sing - Isaiah 41/42 Bible verses from Book of Isaiah on the importance of Arabia and future coming of Muhammad
20740 views · 4 hrs ago · Updated: Jan 19 | 103 of 154
104.   Muhammad in Bible: Prophet like unto Moses - Deuteronomy 18:18 In Deuteronomy 18:18, God tells Moses that 'He will raise up a new prophet like unto Moses'. A like-for-like comparison on who was most likely this new prophet: Jesus or Muhammad?
20730 views · 4 hrs ago · Updated: May 19 | 104 of 154
105.   Muhammad in Bible: Select Verses A selection of Bible verses predicting the coming of Muhammad
11745 views · 10 hrs ago · Updated: Apr 19 | 105 of 154
106.   New Age - Alice Bailey's 10 Point Charter New Age Movement and Alice Bailey's 10 Point Plan
17012 views · 5 hrs ago · Updated: Apr 19 | 106 of 154
107.   Nicene Creed - Council of Nicaea 325 AD The Nicene Creed is a Symbol of faith widely used in Christian liturgy. It is called Nicene because it was originally adopted in the city of Nicaea (present day Iznik, Turkey) by the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD.
10021 views · 3 hrs ago · Updated: Jan 19 | 107 of 154
108.   Nicene Creed - Foundation of Christianity A commentary on the Nicene Creed and the theological implications on Christianity.
7718 views · 8 hrs ago · Updated: Sep 18 | 108 of 154
109.   Noahide Laws The Noahide Laws and how they apply to all religions
9555 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Jul 19 | 109 of 154
110.   Palestine and Creation of Israel in 1948 History of Palestine & Israel. The creation of Israel in 1948. Who came first?
12844 views · 21 mins ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 110 of 154
111.   Paul - 50% of his Writings are Inauthentic Forgeries Paul is an important figure in early Christian history. During his life, Paul wrote many letters, a few of which survived and were added to the Christian Bible canon. Explore the background to these letters and their historical importance.
8470 views · 1 hr ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 111 of 154
112.   Paul copied 152 Old Testament verses Paul quoted from the Old Testament when appealing to the Jews and the Gentiles.
7740 views · 7 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 112 of 154
113.   Paul vs James A like-for-like comparison between the similar, yet often opposing teachings of Paul and the disciple, James
9512 views · 4 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 113 of 154
114.   Prophets - Sinful Beings in the OT Bible The Bible (Old Testament) contains a number of degrading and sinful acts committed by various prophets
7247 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 114 of 154
115.   Prophets of God A list of 42 prophets mentioned in the Quran
51908 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 115 of 154
116.   Prophets were Sinners? The Bible (Old Testament) contains a number of degrading and sinful acts committed by various prophets
21032 views · 51 mins ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 116 of 154
117.   Purpose of Life Even animals have a natural purpose for their life. What is yours?
9011 views · 20 hrs ago · Updated: May 18 | 117 of 154
118.   Quran - 5 Recitations: Hafs, Warsh, Hisham, Qalun & Al-Duri A comparison of the different early readings of the Quran
16869 views · 7 hrs ago · Updated: Feb 19 | 118 of 154
119.   Quran - A Mathematical Miracle Quran - A Mathematical Miracle
17625 views · 4 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 119 of 154
120.   Quran - Chapter & Verse Miracle The Quran is the eternal miracle. It contains many evidences for it's divine origins including the Chapter/Verse count study.
8197 views · 7 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 18 | 120 of 154
121.   Quran - Comparing Hafs & Warsh for 51 textual variants A comparison of the early readings of the Quran
58036 views · 1 hr ago · Updated: Jul 20 | 121 of 154
122.   Quran and Violence Does the Quran incite acts of violence?
10856 views · 3 hrs ago · Updated: Sep 18 | 122 of 154
123.   Quran refers to Torah & Gospel God refers to the Torah and Gospel (Injeel) in the Quran. Is this proof all scriptures are reliable and trustworthy.
16103 views · 38 mins ago · Updated: Sep 18 | 123 of 154
124.   Quran vs Science A list of scientific miracles found in the Quran
10016 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Sep 18 | 124 of 154
125.   Roman Calendar The pagan origins of the Christian Roman Calendar we use today
10732 views · 7 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 18 | 125 of 154
126.   Roman Emperors in Bible Roman Emperors in Bible
5965 views · 3 hrs ago · Updated: Nov 19 | 126 of 154
127.   Rome, Caesar & Emperors in the Bible Rome persecuted Christians for approximately 300 years after Jesus' crucifixion. There was evident hostility between the Roman Empire and Early Christians. The article lists the Biblical verses that mention 'Rome' and 'Caeser'.
8736 views · 9 hrs ago · Updated: Dec 18 | 127 of 154
128.   Sin Atonement: Jesus Blood vs 21 Offerings For Paul, Jesus was the 'ultimate & final' blood sacrifice. But for Torah-observant Jews, there were 21 offering options.
4639 views · 11 mins ago · Updated: Jul 19 | 128 of 154
129.   Terrorism, the Risk to Americans Terrorism, the Risk to Americans
6618 views · 8 hrs ago · Updated: Mar 19 | 129 of 154
130.   The Lost Gospels The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John tell the story of Jesus Christ. What do the other 68 gospels say?
12568 views · 4 hrs ago · Updated: Jul 19 | 130 of 154
131.   The Prophets Prayer A selection of Bible verses on how Aaron, Abraham, Ezra, Ezekiel, Joshua, Jesus, Judah and Moses prayed to God
10679 views · 1 hr ago · Updated: May 18 | 131 of 154
132.   Timeline of Bible Vertical Timeline of major Biblical events and history
7527 views · 12 hrs ago · Updated: Nov 18 | 132 of 154
133.   Timeline of Church Councils Vertical Timeline of Early Church Councils, and the outcomes
9232 views · 6 hrs ago · Updated: Nov 18 | 133 of 154
134.   Timeline of Muhammad Vertical Timeline of Muhammad's life
7813 views · 2 hrs ago · Updated: Nov 18 | 134 of 154
135.   Timeline of New Testament Bible Vertical Timeline of New Testament Bible and dating of gospels, letters and texts
10193 views · 59 mins ago · Updated: Jan 70 | 135 of 154
136.   Timeline of Old Testament Bible Vertical Timeline of Old Testament Bible and dating of books and scripture
10752 views · 40 mins ago · Updated: Nov 18 | 136 of 154
137.   Timeline of Prophets Vertical Timeline of Prophets, birth, death and other events
34182 views · 25 mins ago · Updated: Nov 18 | 137 of 154
138.   Timeline of Quran Vertical Timeline of revelation of chapters of the Quran, approximate dating based on extrapolated data
17194 views · 10 mins ago · Updated: Nov 18 | 138 of 154
139.   Timeline of Roman Empire Vertical Timeline of major events in Rome, Roman Empire and history
8316 views · 3 hrs ago · Updated: Nov 18 | 139 of 154
140.   Timeline of Trinity Vertical Timeline of the development of the Christian Trinity
8683 views · 3 hrs ago · Updated: Dec 18 | 140 of 154
141.   Torah - Did Moses Write It? Tradition claims Moses wrote the Torah: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Modern scholarship and academics dispute this claim.
9705 views · 60 mins ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 141 of 154
142.   Torah - Wellhausen/JEDP Theory JEDP Theory (or "Graf-Wellhausen Hypothesis"): Multiple authors wrote, edited and finalized the Torah: Books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy
10146 views · 3 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 142 of 154
143.   Trinity - 13 Three God Pagan concepts A list of pre-Christian civilizations and the pagan 'Trinity' Gods they worshipped
10508 views · 20 mins ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 143 of 154
144.   Trinity - 27 Attributes of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost Compare the functions of the Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Ghost in Christianity doctrine.
14549 views · 3 hrs ago · Updated: Dec 18 | 144 of 154
145.   Trinity - 4 Creeds: Apostles, Nicene, Athanasian to Chalcedon over 418 years The early development of Trinity; from Apostles, Nicene to the Athanasian Creed today
11271 views · 12 mins ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 145 of 154
146.   Trinity - Different Views Trinity - Different Views
9350 views · 1 hr ago · Updated: Dec 18 | 146 of 154
147.   Trinity - Three Are One Comparing Bible translations of 1 JOHN 5:7, in support of belief in Trinity
9750 views · 5 mins ago · Updated: May 18 | 147 of 154
148.   Trinity in the Bible Trinity in the Bible
8229 views · 8 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 148 of 154
149.   UN Agenda 21/2030: 17 Sustainable Goals of the New World Order A critical look at the United Nation's 17 Sustainable Goals and what they may actually achieve in the 178 countries signed-up to Agenda 21.
7085 views · 1 hr ago · Updated: Sep 20 | 149 of 154
150.   War - 46 Major Conflicts ranked by Religion Wars On Terror against the religion and beliefs with the highest death rate
9565 views · 7 hrs ago · Updated: Jun 19 | 150 of 154
151.   War - 67 Bloody Christian Conflicts List of 67 global conflicts where millions perished. Wars inspired by Christian teachings. Soldiers who fought to make the teachings of Jesus Christ reign supreme.
6990 views · 8 hrs ago · Updated: Aug 19 | 151 of 154
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