UN Agenda 21/2030: 17 Sustainable Goals of the New World Order

United Nations

United Nations: Agenda 2030 lists 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

AGENDA 21 is a comprehensive 100-year plan for the 21st century. It outlines action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations, Governments, and Groups in every area where humans impact on the environment. Agenda 21 was adopted by 178 countries in Brazil, June 1992.

AGENDA 2030 marks the 15-year milestone under Agenda 21. Agenda 2030 lists 17 Sustainable Goals (SDG) targeted by 2030. In general, the 17 SDG's seek to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives of everyone, everywhere.

AGENDA 21: 100 Year Plan   1992-2100
AGENDA 2030: 17 Sustainable Goals   2015-2030

The 193 UN Member States signed up to Agenda 2030 include Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE, Yemen and more.

The table below lists the Agenda 2030 17 Sustainable Goals (SDG) with a 'critical' translation of what the goals may actually mean.



1. No Poverty  |  2. Zero Hunger  |  3. Good Health  |  4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality  |  6. Clean Water & Sanitation  |  7. Clean Energy  |  8. Work & Economic Growth
9. Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure  |  10. Reduced Inequalities  |  11. Sustainable Cities & Communities
12. Responsible Consumption & Production  |  13. Climate Action  |  14. Life Below Water
15. Life On Land  |  16. Strong Institutions  |  17. Global Partnerships
NO POVERTY End poverty in all its forms, everywhere TRANSLATION:
  1. Make people reliant on government welfare, food stamps, housing subsidies and handouts
  2. Centralized banks: IMF, World Bank, Governments to control all finances
  3. Turn people into obedient slaves to global government
  4. Make difficult for people to progress upward, achieve better and help themselves
  5. Encourage mass migrations
  6. De-population: A decreasing population leads to decreasing poverty levels
  7. Teach mass victimization, where everyone is made to feel 'we are all in this together'
  8. Teach obedience to a government that provides monthly 'allowance/handouts' money for basic essentials like food and medicine, i.e. Universal Basic Income (UBI)
  9. Indoctrinate people to believe government is working to 'end poverty', when the opposite may be true
NO HUNGER End hunger, improve food security, nutrition through sustainable agriculture TRANSLATION:
  1. Increase global reliance on GMO's, Monsanto patented seeds, chemical pesticidies, and other genetically-engineered crop/agribusiness technologies
  2. Increase use of harmful herbicides, and claim 'increased output/yield' of foods
  3. Engineer genetically-modified plants to boost vitamin chemicals
  4. Ignore the harm caused to fragile ecosystem
  5. Ignore long-term consequences of genetic pollution or cross-species genetic experiments, i.e. 750 million genetically modified mosquito planned release in Florida Keys, USA in 2021
GOOD HEALTH Ensure healthy lives and well-being for all ages TRANSLATION:
  1. Engage big pharma in the creation of a trillion dollar industry, and development of billions of vaccine doses
  2. Roll-out 'screening' programs at school, college and youth centres
  3. Enforce public safety measures: face mask, social distancing, lockdown, business closure, PPE use, church/mosque guidelines etc.
  4. Prescribe excessive medications to children and teens for minor ailments
  5. Make mandatory 100+ vaccines for children and adults, i.e. COVID-19 vaccine
  6. Threaten parents with arrest, fines and imprisonment if they refuse to allow children to be vaccinated
  7. Deliver mass medication 'prevention' or vaccination programs across the world
  8. Push mental torture, anxiety, desperation, anger and resentment within society
  9. Channel 'social anger' towards minorities and marginalized groups in the community
  10. Keep masses 'on edge' and fearful with rolling news coverage of young people dying and ever-increasing 'case numbers'.
  11. News channels to present 'urgent' and 'breaking' pandemic updates from around the world
  12. Use of technology: smartphone apps, biometrics database, microchip implant to track vaccine records of people
  13. Claim to be improving the health of citizens, especially the poor, low-income and BAME ethnic communities
QUALITY EDUCATION Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities TRANSLATION:
  1. Make education compulsory to age 19 years in state education establishment
  2. Make parental home-schooling difficult to access, expensive, and not worth while
  3. Push a false, biased, agenda-driven version of history
  4. Stop people from studying real history
  5. Label real history, critical thought or socially-taboo ideas as 'conspiracy'
  6. Dumb down education standards in pursuit of 'Common Core' subjects
  7. Discourage students from independent, logical, critical thinking
  8. Criminalize Christianity and other religions as irrelevant and archaic; discourage their learning
  9. Highlight the inadequacy of regular mainstream teaching methods and institutions
  10. Encourage free-market learning Academies that are easier to control from a central government point
  11. Move schooling to online, technology-based models where physical, human interaction is removed
  12. Promote in schools, UN values through various bodies: UNICEF, World Food etc.
  13. Schools to output obedient slaves using mind-control techniques
GENDER EQUALITY Achieve gender equality and empower women and girls TRANSLATION:
  1. Promote a feminized society
  2. Uplift female empowerment through a message of sexual liberation and freedom
  3. Promote the LGBT agenda anywhere and everywhere
  4. Encourage young children to question their sexuality and gender-bias, in particular within the school environment
  5. Attack all forms of male energy
  6. Demonize males and shame boys who express male characteristics or strong masculinity
  7. Weaken the potential for male strength to rise up against oppression and fight for human rights
  8. Suppression of male energy is key to keeping the population in a state of eternal acquiescence
  9. Create widespread acceptance of 'gentle obedience'
  10. Spread weak ideas of communal property and 'sharing' everything
  11. Demonize Marriages. Give extensive media attention to celebrities who divorce
  12. Marginalize heterosexuality by promoting promiscuity and sexual experimentation
  13. Population control through forced 'family planning' and vaccinations
  14. Encourage girls to take readily-available contraceptions, and discover sexuality with both males and females
  15. Make available free contraception at an earlier age, with a 'no questions asked', or parental involvement requirement
CLEAN WATER & SANITATION Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all TRANSLATION:
  1. Allow powerful corporations to control/privatize the world's water supplies
  2. Allow for 'excessive' monopoly prices to ensure robust, new water delivery infrastructure that ensures availability
CLEAN ENERGY Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all TRANSLATION:
  1. Penalize coal, gas and oil use
  2. Encourage green/environment-friendly startups who receive generous financial payouts from State subsidies
  3. Publicize green startups, speeches and media coverage
  4. Roll-out compulsory smart energy meters on a balanced smart grid, designed to cope with all energy demands
  5. Convince public to switch to electric cars, public transport and cycling
WORK & ECONOMIC GROWTH Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, work and employment TRANSLATION:
  1. Destroy free market economics
  2. Regulate small business out of existence
  3. Encourage working-from-home in accordance with green agenda
  4. Force employers to meet hiring quotas of LGBT employees
  5. Mandate wage tiers under a centrally planned work economy dictated by central government, i.e. minimum wage
  6. Deny permits and licenses to companies who fail to meet government regulations
  7. Establish TTIP, TPP, free-trade zones that favour megacorporate interests
INDUSTRY, INNOVATION & INFRASTRUCTURE Build resilient infrastructure, sustainable industrialization and innovation TRANSLATION:
  1. Put nations into extreme debt with the World Bank
  2. Spend debt money to hire large corporations to build national infrastructure projects
  3. Trap developing nations into an endless spiral of debt
  4. Build toll roads, push public transport, remove free travel, environmental restrictions, smart motorways,
  5. Build high speed trains linking human settlement zones, town and cities, i.e. HS2, TGV network
  6. Discourage car ownership and transport independence, i.e. local permit parking, car-pooling, car-hire, excessive car parking charges etc.
REDUCED INEQUALITY Reduce inequality within and among countries TRANSLATION:
  1. Punish the rich, entrepreneurs and innovators
  2. Confiscate any financial gains by those who choose to work hard and get ahead in life
  3. Re-distribute wealth amongst the non-working humans who are reliant on state handouts
  4. More regional Government bureaucracy
  5. End private property ownership by encouraging asset-inflation and pricing people out of the housing market
  6. Encourage property renting, by passing laws favourable to tenants and burdensome for landlords
  7. Push values of "equality" and "social balance"
  8. Deepen austerity and remove government spending on the people
  9. Financially suppress the middle class with taxes and high cost of living, until they no longer exist
SUSTAINABLE CITIES & COMMUNITIES Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable TRANSLATION:
  1. Ban all gun ownership for private citizens (USA)
  2. Concentrate guns in hands of obedient government enforcers
  3. Create an unarmed, enslaved class of impoverished workers
  4. Criminalize living in most rural areas by instituting 'Hunger Games' style residential communities
  5. Market the idea rural countryside areas as 'owned by the People', even though no people are allowed to settle there
  6. Add hurdles to rural life by limiting accessibility to essentials i.e. slow internet speed, poor road network, public transport
  7. Force people into densely packed, high-rise, controlled, surveilled 'smart' cities
  8. Stack and pack human settlement zones by centering essential services within these
  9. Roll-out city wide 24/7 surveillance, tracking and monitoring all residents 'for their own safety', in big brother data surveillance state drive
  10. Enable government, authorities and secret services to have easy access to surveillance content
  11. Install intelligent, interactive street furniture powered by 5G Internet of Things technology to keep an eye on the public
  12. Continual surveillance of population by CCTV, door-bell cameras, domestic security cameras, etc.
  13. Build in Facial recognition software into surveillance network
  14. Sell the future vision of driverless cars, cashless, cleaner, crime-free society
RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION & PRODUCTION Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns TRANSLATION:
  1. Levy punitive taxes on the consumption of fossil fuels and electricity
  2. Force people to accept life with declining standards of living, i.e. austerity
  3. Encourage rationing by mandating household recycling and shaming excessive waste
  4. Encourage media to preach how good we've got it
  5. Highlight the plight of poorer Third World countries or the less well off
  6. Use social influence campaigns in TV, movies and social media to shame people who use gasoline, water or electricity
  7. Establish a social construct of ninnies and tattlers
  8. Encourage a 'rat culture' where neighbors spy on one another for monetary benefits or 'feel good' credits
CLIMATE ACTION Take urgent action to combat climate change TRANSLATION:
  1. Set energy consumption quotas per human being
  2. Punish or even criminalize 'lifestyle decisions' that lead to excessive energy usage above limits set by government
  3. Track, monitor and calculate household energy consumption through smart meters which alert authorities of excessive energe/carbon usage and alert us through smartphone apps, i.e. daily quota alert
  4. Establish a 'carbon tax/credits' system, footprint taxes (Al-Gore's idea), green new deals
  5. Push carbon taxes in every area of human life
  6. Monitor carbon usage by smart meters
  7. Punish excessive energy usage by financial penalties
  8. Force the masses to use public transit as the greener option
  9. Penalize private vehicle ownership i.e. parking permits
  10. Push renewable energy, i.e. solar
  11. Force businesses to run renewable energy and ensure buildings are outfitted to comply with green laws and agendas
  12. Order destruction of energy-inefficient buildings deemed to be failing new ecoregulation, i.e. wasting energy
  13. Restrict all forms of transportation, cars, plane travel, encourage high speed trains, i.e. imprison masses in their homes
LIFE BELOW WATER Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources TRANSLATION:
  1. Ban most ocean fishing
  2. Engineer a food supply/shortage problem
  3. Create food price inflation by making basic food stuffs expensive
  4. Criminalize the operation of private fishing vessels
  5. Divide up sea waters and issue licences to fish within restricted areas
  6. Setup fishing quotes where limited amount of catch is allowed
  7. Allocate mineral rights from ocean floor real-estate to favoured countries
  8. Control behaviours through financial penalties and removal of licences for offending fisherman
  9. Place all ocean fishing operations under control of government central planning
  10. Only allow favored large corporations to conduct ocean fishing operations
LIFE ON LAND Protect use of land, ecosystems, forests, and halt bio-diversity loss TRANSLATION:
  1. Implement UN Agenda 21
  2. Force humans off rural land
  3. Encourage humans into controlled cities with incentive of convenient, high-rise, low maintenance modern living dreams
  4. Criminalize private land ownership, including ranches and agricultural tracts
  5. Control all agriculture through a corporate-government bureaucracy
  6. Policies to be decided by Monsanto type large corporations
  7. Policies are rubber-stamped by local authority and government bodies
  8. Ban woodstoves, rainwater collection and home gardening
  9. End all fossil fuels and nuclear power
  10. Criminalize self-reliance and force total dependence on government
STRONG INSTITUTIONS Promote inclusive societies, access to justice, and accountable institutions TRANSLATION:
  1. Grant legal immunity to illegal aliens and protected minority groups
  2. Destroy common law, sovereignty on a national and personal level
  3. State agencies to target 'fringe' groups with punitive audits, regulatory harassment, and financial penalties
  4. Overlook the criminal activities of favored corporations
  5. More UN 'Peacekeeping' missions
  6. Remove the 2nd Amendment Rights in US, i.e. right to defence
  7. Create global control using statute rules, regulations and directives
  8. Promote community groups who create civil unrest, uprisings, riot and destroy local neighbourhoods
  9. Militarize police and use of private security
GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP Strengthen global partnerships for sustainable development TRANSLATION:
  1. Enact global trade mandates that override national laws and intellectual property laws
  2. Present trade agreements authored by powerful corporations
  3. Ensure trade agreements are rubber-stamped by UN
  4. Grant unrestricted imperialist powers to large companies to maintain monopolies over drugs, seeds, chemicals and technology
  5. Remove national and personal sovereignty worldwide
  6. Nullify national laws
  7. Demand total global obedience, i.e. technocracy
  8. Move the world towards a global fascist police state

The United Nations 2030 Agenda decoded: It's a blueprint for the global enslavement of humanity under the boot of corporate masters
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6578 views · 7 hrs ago |   Author: Guest   •   Updated: 07 Sep 2020

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