COVID: Lockdowns & Contact Tracing in 78 Countries

contact tracing

How Coronavirus COVID-19 is effecting Countries around the World

As countries emerge from Coronavirus Lockdown orders, governments have introduced legislation, social and technological solutions to help keep Coronavirus transmission levels down. These measures include Social Distancing and Contact Tracing apps.

'LOCKDOWN' refers to stay-at-home orders. In general, a person is required to remain at home and not allowed out, unless official permission is given, or within restricted times.

'SOCIAL DISTANCING' means keeping a physical distance between you and others. This space can help to reduce the spread of an airborne virus.

'CONTACT TRACING' App is installed on smartphones, Apple, Android etc. The smartphone detects and stores a log of other smartphones within close proximity in real-time. In future, the app alerts other smartphones of virus outbreaks.

'FACE MASK' cover the mouth and nose and can help slow the spread of disease, especially if you are already infected.

The table below lists 47 countries enforcing various COVID-19 measures.

Albania Angola Argentina Australia Austria Bahrain Belgium Benin Bosnia & Herzegovina Burkina Faso Cameroon Chile China Colombia Cuba Czech Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Ethiopia France Gabon Germany Greece Guinea Honduras Hungary Iceland India Israel Italy Jamaica Jordan Kenya Kuwait Lebanon Liberia Luxembourg Malaysia Mexico Morocco Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Norway Pakistan Panama Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Rwanda Russia Saudi Arabia Serbia Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia South Africa South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Turkey Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Vietnam Venezuala Zambia

1. Albania
Population: 2,877,975 people
COVID-19: 34 deaths
0.00118% of population
  • Residents allowed to leave home for 8 hours, between 0500 to 1300, Monday to Friday for essentials only
2. Angola
Population: 32,805,918 people
COVID-19: 4 deaths
0.00001% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
3. Argentina
Population: 45,171,966 people
COVID-19: 693 deaths
0.00153% of population
  • Residents allowed to leave home for essentials only
  • Exercise allowed within 500 metres of home
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home and on public transport
4. Australia
Population: 25,482,848 people
COVID-19: 102 deaths
0.00040% of population
  • 'COVIDSAFE' Contact Tracing app
  • App usage is voluntary
  • App broadcasts Bluetooth signals in foreground
  • App logs other enabled smartphones within 1.5 metre radius for 15 minutes or more
  • App stores personal data on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • App data is centralized
  • App does not track user location
  • 6.1 million people, or 25% of population have downloaded App
  • Fines & Prison

  • Anyone failing to comply with lockdown rules risks a fine upto $30,000 and prison sentence
5. Austria
Population: 9,003,461 people
COVID-19: 672 deaths
0.00746% of population
  • App data is decentralized (Apple/Google standard)
  • Residents are allowed out to essential shop, pharmacy or ATM trips
  • Residents are allowed to come together in groups of upto 5
  • Exercise allowed outdoors, alone or with people living with
  • Face Mask must be worn in shops and on public transport
  • Fines & Prison

  • Anyone who breaks lockdown rules risk a fine upto $3940
6. Bahrain
Population: 1,698,067 people
COVID-19: 28 deaths
0.00165% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn in all public areas
7. Belgium
Population: 11,586,745 people
COVID-19: 9,619 deaths
0.08302% of population
  • Residents are allowed out for essential shopping, visit doctor, or assist others
  • Residents are allowed to come together in groups of upto 3
  • Exercise allowed outdoors
  • Face Mask must be worn on public transport
  • Social Distance must be maintained
  • School children must maintain Social Distance
  • School classrooms reduced in size
  • Fines & Prison

  • Anyone who breaks lockdown rules risk receiving a fine
8. Benin
Population: 12,104,576 people
COVID-19: 4 deaths
0.00003% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
9. Bosnia & Herzegovina
Population: 3,281,968 people
COVID-19: 160 deaths
0.00488% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
10. Burkina Faso
Population: 20,869,604 people
COVID-19: 53 deaths
0.00025% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
11. Canada
  • Quebec, Ottawa in Canada require Face masks to be worn on public transport and indoor public spaces
  • Face Masks are gradually becoming mandatory by law across Canada
12. Cameroon
Population: 26,507,175 people
COVID-19: 212 deaths
0.00080% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
13. Chile
Population: 19,106,790 people
COVID-19: 2,264 deaths
0.01185% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn on public transport
  • Government issues Health Certificates to anyone who recovers from Covid-19 enabling them to return to work
14. China
Population: 1,439,006,885 people
COVID-19: 4,634 deaths
0.00032% of population
  • App usage is mandatory
  • App is linked to user’s personal identification
  • App merged into popular software: WeChat and AliPay
  • App uses augmented reality; QR code scanned determines access to public transport, shops, buildings etc.
  • App displays likelihood of Covid-19 infection using colour codes
  • Contact Tracing is standard, alerts sent if user in contact with potentially infected persons
  • App acts as a 'Digital Health Passport' to be presented, if requested by Authorities
15. Colombia
Population: 50,851,705 people
COVID-19: 1,308 deaths
0.00257% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn on public transport, stores, outdoor market places and banks
16. Cuba
Population: 11,327,008 people
COVID-19: 83 deaths
0.00073% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
17. Czech Republic
Population: 10,707,851 people
COVID-19: 328 deaths
0.00306% of population
  • Residents allowed to leave home for essential duties
  • Exercise outdoors is banned
  • Face Mask must be worn in supermarkets, pharmacies and public transport
  • Residents are allowed to come together in groups of upto 2, except for families
  • Social Distance must be maintained of 2 meters
18. Ecuador
Population: 17,627,562 people
COVID-19: 3,642 deaths
0.02066% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
19. Egypt
Population: 102,222,278 people
COVID-19: 1,271 deaths
0.00124% of population
  • Residents must observe lockdown after 1700
20. El Salvador
Population: 6,484,336 people
COVID-19: 58 deaths
0.00089% of population
  • Only 1 family member can shop for essentials
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
  • Fines & Prison

  • Anyone who breaks lockdown rules is sent to detention centers/prison, for upto 30 days
21. Equatorial Guinea
Population: 1,400,259 people
COVID-19: 12 deaths
0.00086% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
22. Ethiopia
Population: 114,796,924 people
COVID-19: 27 deaths
0.00002% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
23. France
Population: 65,265,295 people
COVID-19: 29,209 deaths
0.04475% of population
  • 'STOPCOVID' Contact Tracing app
  • App data is centralized
  • Residents in Paris require permission to leave home during peak hours
  • Only 2% of French population downloaded app
  • Residents allowed out to buy food, visit a doctor, or essential tasks
  • Exercise allowed outdoors once a day, alone, for 1 hour only
  • Residents may walk with their families, but within 1 kilometer of home
  • Residents may walk a dog, but ensure the walking time is within 1 hour limit
  • Government target to test 700,000 people/week
  • 100,000 police officers deployed to enforce Social Distancing
  • Residents are allowed to come together in groups of upto 10
  • Face Mask are provided by Government
  • Face Mask must be worn in all enclosed spaces outside of home by anyone aged over 11 years
  • Fines & Prison

  • Anyone who breaks lockdown rules risk a fine upto $150, or 6 months in prison for multiple violations
  • Anyone who refuses to wear a Face Mask will be issued a $150 fine
24. Gabon
Population: 2,222,665 people
COVID-19: 21 deaths
0.00094% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
25. Germany
Population: 83,768,684 people
COVID-19: 8,792 deaths
0.01050% of population
  • 'CORONA-WARN' Contact Tracing app
  • App data is decentralized (Apple/Google standard)
  • App does not track user location
  • 12 million people downloaded App within 1 week of launch
  • German football teams wore app logo on kit to promote download
  • Exercise allowed outdoors, alone
  • Social Distance must be maintained of 1.5 meters
  • Residents are allowed to come together in groups of upto 2, or more if living together
  • Face Mask must be worn on public transport and when shopping
26. Greece
Population: 10,419,317 people
COVID-19: 202 deaths
0.00194% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn on public transport including flights, ferries, airports, and taxis. They are also compulsory in medical facilities and in lifts
  • Face Mask must be worn by shop staff
27. Guinea
Population: 13,111,884 people
COVID-19: 23 deaths
0.00018% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
28. Honduras
Population: 9,895,491 people
COVID-19: 262 deaths
0.00265% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
29. Hungary
Population: 9,661,738 people
COVID-19: 550 deaths
0.00569% of population
  • State of Emergency declared
  • Residents are allowed to go work, shop for food and exercise outside
  • Residents are not allowed to gather in groups
  • Fines & Prison

  • Anyone who spreads false Covid-19 information risk upto 5 years in prison
  • Anyone who breaks lockdown rules risk upto 8 years in prison
30. Iceland
Population: 341,408 people
COVID-19: 10 deaths
0.00293% of population
  • App installed by 38% of population
  • App uses GPS location data, and not bluetooth
31. India
Population: 1,379,225,253 people
COVID-19: 7,478 deaths
0.00054% of population
  • 'AAROGYA SETU' Contact Tracing app
  • App usage is mandatory
  • App must be installed by all workers
  • 75+ million people have installed App in first month
  • Social Distance must be maintained
32. Israel
Population: 8,647,705 people
COVID-19: 298 deaths
0.00345% of population
  • App used both GPS and Wi-fi tracking
  • App tracked user movements and phone location. But this was later modified
  • Residents are allowed to come together in groups of upto 20
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
  • Fines & Prison

  • Anyone who fails to wear a face mask in public risks a fine of $146
33. Italy
Population: 60,466,860 people
COVID-19: 33,964 deaths
0.05617% of population
  • 'IMMUNI' Contact Tracing app
  • App data is decentralized (Apple/Google standard)
  • App uses Bluetooth technology
  • App does not track user location
  • 2.2 million people have download App
  • Residents only permitted outside homes for essential shopping, going doctor
  • Residents must print a certificate before leaving home, checked by police
  • Exercise allowed outdoors, near to home
  • Face Mask must be worn outside the home in any enclosed space including restaurants, shops, and public transport
  • In the regions of Lombardy and Piedmont, Face masks are compulsory when leaving home and in public
  • Fines & Prison

  • Anyone who breaks lockdown rules risk a fine upto $235 or 3 months in prison
34. Jamaica
Population: 2,960,430 people
COVID-19: 10 deaths
0.00034% of population
  • Lockdown rules revised
  • Face Mask must be worn in public spaces
35. Jordan
Population: 10,197,317 people
COVID-19: 9 deaths
0.00009% of population
  • Residents allowed to drive 8 hours a day, between 0800 and 1800 only
  • Social Distance must be maintained
  • Face Mask must be worn in most public places
  • Travellers arriving in Jordan given electronic bracelet and must quarantine 14 days in hotel. After, they must self-isolate at home for further 14 days
  • Anyone who breaks lockdown or face mask rules risks a fine
36. Kenya
Population: 53,702,231 people
COVID-19: 85 deaths
0.00016% of population
  • Residents must observe lockdown from dusk to dawn
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
  • Fines & Prison

  • Anyone who breaks lockdown rules risks getting shot by police
  • Police have recently shot and killed 12 people for breaking lockdown rules
37. Kuwait
Population: 4,266,922 people
COVID-19: 269 deaths
0.00630% of population
  • Residents can walk for 2 hours, between 1630 and 1830 only
  • Residents cannot drive
38. Lebanon
Population: 6,827,169 people
COVID-19: 30 deaths
0.00044% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
  • Fines & Prison

  • Anyone who fails to wear a Face Mask risks a $33 fine
39. Liberia
Population: 5,050,737 people
COVID-19: 30 deaths
0.00059% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
40. Luxembourg
Population: 625,389 people
COVID-19: 110 deaths
0.01759% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home where Social Distance cannot be maintained, such as public transport and supermarkets
41. Malaysia
Population: 32,342,100 people
COVID-19: 117 deaths
0.00036% of population
  • Social Distance must be maintained
  • 21,000 people arrested for lockdown violation
  • Fines & Prison

  • Anyone who breaks lockdown rules risks a fine, and 6-months in prison
42. Mexico
Population: 128,854,911 people
COVID-19: 14,053 deaths
0.01091% of population
  • Government is working to a 'traffic light' system to restart the economy
43. Morocco
Population: 36,885,378 people
COVID-19: 208 deaths
0.00056% of population
  • Residents allowed out to buy food, medicine etc.
  • Residents allowed out to work in essential jobs
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
  • 24 people arrested for spread of 'fake' Coronavirus news
  • Fines & Prison

  • Residents who break rules risk a $130 fine and 3 months prison
44. Nepal
Population: 29,106,411 people
COVID-19: 14 deaths
0.00005% of population
  • Residents are allowed to shop for essentials
  • Residents must obtain permission to drive their car
  • Social Distance of 1 metre must be observed in closed spaces
45. Netherlands
Population: 17,132,716 people
COVID-19: 6,016 deaths
0.03511% of population
  • Public gatherings and large-scale events are banned
46. New Zealand
Population: 4,819,989 people
COVID-19: 22 deaths
0.00046% of population
  • Residents allowed to come together in groups of upto 10
  • Fines & Prison

  • Anyone who breaks lockdown rules will receive a fine, or even be deported from the country
47. Nigeria
Population: 205,840,673 people
COVID-19: 361 deaths
0.00018% of population
48. Norway
Population: 5,418,813 people
COVID-19: 239 deaths
0.00441% of population
  • 'SMITTESTROPP' Contact Tracing app
  • App uses GPS and Bluetooth
  • App data is centralized
49. Pakistan
Population: 220,643,121 people
COVID-19: 2,172 deaths
0.00098% of population
  • Residents advised to remain indoors
  • Face Mask must be worn in crowded public spaces including mosques, bazaars, shopping malls and public transport
50. Panama
Population: 4,310,839 people
COVID-19: 398 deaths
0.00923% of population
  • Residents (women) can leave their homes on Mon, Weds and Fri
  • Residents are not allowed out on Sunday
51. Peru
Population: 32,945,351 people
COVID-19: 5,571 deaths
0.01691% of population
  • Residents (men) can leave their homes on Mon, Weds and Fri
  • Residents are not allowed out on Sunday
52. Philippines
Population: 109,496,986 people
COVID-19: 1,017 deaths
0.00093% of population
  • Resident advised to stay indoors and not leave home
  • Only 1 resident per household allowed to go shopping. They must carry a pass as evidence
  • Military enforce lockdown and social distancing rules
  • Social Distancing required
  • Fines & Prison

  • 30,000 people arrested for violating lockdown rules
  • Police caged and held 5 people in a dog care for violating rules, in extreme abuse of enforcement powers
53. Poland
Population: 37,848,958 people
COVID-19: 1,172 deaths
0.00310% of population
  • Residents are allowed out for essential activities: food shopping, walking the dog, going to work, taking care of elderly relatives
  • Residents are allowed to come together in groups of upto 2, except for families
  • Residents are allowed to attend religious services, funerals in groups of upto 5
  • Public buses and trams have limited numbers
  • App requires lockdown residents to take a selfie within 20 minutes of receiving alert. Failure to upload a selfie, alerts police who visit your home to check on you
  • Face Mask must be worn on parks, beaches, roads, squares, religious facilities, commercial facilities and marketplaces
54. Portugal
Population: 10,198,389 people
COVID-19: 1,485 deaths
0.01456% of population
  • Declared a state of emergency
  • Mandatory lockdown for anyone infected with Covid-19
  • High-risk residents advised to stay home
  • Residents to work from home, if possible
  • Face Mask is mandatory in public transport and services, shops and supermarkets, in closed spaces or in places with many people such as museums and leisure spaces
  • Face Mask must be worn inside a restaurant, and can be removed when eating only
  • Fines & Prison

  • Anyone who fails to wear a face mask on public transport risks a fine of $150 to $500
55. Qatar
Population: 2,878,235 people
COVID-19: 57 deaths
0.00198% of population
  • App is mandatory requirement
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home, when shopping at food/catering stores and contracting sector workers
  • Fines & Prison

  • Anyone who fails to use the app risks a sentence of 3 years prison
  • Anyone who fails to wear a face mask risks a fine upto $55,000 and 3 years prison
56. Rwanda
Population: 12,933,436 people
COVID-19: 2 deaths
0.00002% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
57. Russia
Population: 145,930,912 people
COVID-19: 6,142 deaths
0.00421% of population
  • Residents are allowed out for essential shopping, medical care, or go to work
  • Residents allowed out walk pets within 100 meters of home
  • Russian has implemented a QR code technology solution
  • Residents are required to download a QR code confirming their route and reasons, before leaving home
  • Fines & Prison

  • Anyone who breaks the lockdown rules risk a fine upto $548
  • Anyone who persistently break lockdown rules, putting lives at risk, face upto 7 years in prison
58. Saudi Arabia
Population: 34,782,525 people
COVID-19: 746 deaths
0.00214% of population
  • 'TAWAKKALNA' Contact Tracing app
  • App users can apply for 1 hour permit to walk in their neighbourhood
  • App will include Smart Bracelets to track residents observe lockdown conditions
  • App lists fines incurred for violating lockdown rules
  • App gives latest medical news and advice issued by Ministry of Health
  • App enables residents to 'report neighbours/friends' who violate the lockdown
  • Residents allowed out for 9-hours/day, between 0600 and 1500
  • Residents must apply for a permit if going out during lockdown hours
  • Residents in Mecca and other popular cities are not allowed out at all, 24-hours
  • Residents are allowed to come together in groups of upto 5
  • Residents must maintain Social Distance
  • Children aged under 15 are not allowed in shopping malls
  • Residents are not permitted to shop in groups
  • Fines & Prison

  • Anyone out of their homes during lockdown, without a valid permit risks a fine of $27,000 and/or 1 year in prison
  • Anyone who assists in a fraudulent permit application risks a fine of $27,000 and/or 1 year in prison
  • Any residents who organize or participate in social gatherings can be fined upto $7989
  • Any person or business failing on precautionary measures risks a fine upto $26,637, prison time, or forced business closure for 6 months
  • Anyone who violates medical lockdown regulations risk a fine if $53,274 and/or 2 years in prison
  • Anyone who gathers in large groups inside or outside of shops risks permanent deportation from Saudi Arabia
  • Any visitors entering the country who declare incorrect health information or travel details risk a fine of $133,000
  • Anyone who spreads false information on Social Media about Covid-19 risks a $26,637 fine and 5 years in prison
  • Anyone who deliberately transmits the virus to others risks a $133,000 fine and 5 years in prison
  • Anyone who breaks lockdown rules risks a maximum $266,374 fine and 5-years in prison
  • Anyone who violates any lockdown rule will be deported and banned from returning to Saudi Arabia
59. Serbia
Population: 8,739,356 people
COVID-19: 250 deaths
0.00286% of population
  • Residents must observe a 12 hour lockdown
  • Residents aged over 65 years must observe a 24 hour lockdown, except on Sunday
  • All public transport is suspended
  • All public park space has been closed
60. Sierra Leone
Population: 7,967,548 people
COVID-19: 49 deaths
0.00061% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
61. Singapore
Population: 5,847,708 people
COVID-19: 25 deaths
0.00043% of population
  • 'TRACETOGETHER' Contact Tracing app
  • App uses Bluetooth to discover nearby devices, within 2 meters for 30 minutes or more
  • App requires residents to scan QR code to enter/exit laundry, shops, barbers and certain manufacturers
  • Only 20% of population downloaded app
  • People choosing a wearable tracking device, over smartphone app
  • Residents advised to scan QR code at public places like train stations and parks
  • Government exploring use of 'wearables' for people with no smartphone
  • Government are consulting with Apple/Google to develop a new app
62. Slovakia
Population: 5,459,492 people
COVID-19: 28 deaths
0.00051% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
63. South Africa
Population: 59,265,623 people
COVID-19: 1,080 deaths
0.00182% of population
64. South Korea
Population: 51,266,681 people
COVID-19: 274 deaths
0.00053% of population
  • No App is available for general population
  • Use local mobile phone data
  • Anyone entering South Korea must download a tracing app
  • Privacy concerns raised at amount of data collected
  • Face Mask must be worn on public transport and taxis nationwide
65. Spain
Population: 46,753,751 people
COVID-19: 27,136 deaths
0.05804% of population
  • Residents allowed out for essential shopping or pharmacy
  • Exercise outdoors is banned
  • Residents may take a dog for a walk
  • Face Mask must be worn by children aged over 6 in indoor public spaces, and outdoors if 1.5 metre Social Distance is not possible
  • Children aged 3 to 5 years, are recommended to wear Face Masks
  • Several Spanish authorities: Catalonia, Balearic Islands and Anadalucia require wearing Face Mask at all times in public, even on beachs and swimming pools, regardless of Social Distance rule
  • Fines & Prison

  • 100,000's of police and military enforce the lockdown
66. Sweden
Population: 10,095,667 people
COVID-19: 4,694 deaths
0.04650% of population
  • No full lockdown
  • Social Distance should be maintained
  • Residents are allowed to come together in groups of upto 50
67. Switzerland
Population: 8,651,001 people
COVID-19: 1,923 deaths
0.02223% of population
  • App data is decentralized (Apple/Google standard)
  • Face masks must be worn on public transport
68. Taiwan
Population: 23,814,326 people
COVID-19: 7 deaths
0.00003% of population
  • Command centre collects and presents detailed surveillance of movements of infected people
  • App generates a 'electronic fence' around your home using smartphone signals. If you move outside of the fence limits, police are alerted. You have 15 minutes to return to your home or risk imprisonment
  • Face Masks are a cultural norm and worn by everyone
69. Thailand
Population: 69,790,018 people
COVID-19: 58 deaths
0.00008% of population
  • Residents are not allowed out after 2200
  • Fines & Prison

  • Anyone who breaks lockdown rules risks a $1200 fine and/or upto 2-years in prison
70. Turkey
Population: 84,286,925 people
COVID-19: 4,711 deaths
0.00559% of population
  • Face Mask supplied by government free of charge
  • Face Mask must be worn when shopping or visiting crowded public places, especially markets, supermarkets, hairdressers and barber shops
  • Face Masks must be worn on all public transport, including Metro, buses, taxis and ferries
  • Some Turkey provinces: Ankara, Bodrum, Marmaris and Istanbul are enforcing mandatory Face masks at all times, in public places, indoors and outdoors
  • Fines & Prison

  • Anyone who breaks face mask rules risks a $150 fine
71. Uganda
Population: 45,655,777 people
COVID-19: 0 deaths
0.00000% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
72. Ukraine
Population: 43,748,544 people
COVID-19: 810 deaths
0.00185% of population
  • State of national emergency
  • Residents face travel restrictions
73. United Arab Emirates (inc. Dubai)
Population: 9,883,525 people
COVID-19: 281 deaths
0.00284% of population
  • 'TRACECOVID' Contact Tracing app
  • App uses Bluetooth
  • App data is centralized
  • App usage is voluntary
  • Residents are not allowed out for 14 hours daily, between 2000 to 0600
  • Social Distance must be maintained of 2 meters
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
  • Exercise outdoors is allowed, but permits must be applied for
  • Residents must apply for permits before leaving home for shopping, exercise, hospital etc.
  • If permit is granted, a time slot is allocated within which travel must be completed
  • Residents cannot shop every day. Permits are issued once every 3 days
  • Only 1 family member can shop for essentials
  • Anyone aged under 12 years or over 60 are banned from entering malls or shopping centers
  • Residents visiting shopping centers are allowed 2 hours to complete their purchase
  • Residents are allowed to come together in groups of upto 4
  • Fines & Prison

  • Anyone who breaks lockdown rules risks a $10,000 fine
  • Anyone who breaks lockdown rules a second time, risk a fine of $27,225 and 6 months in prison

  • Anyone who engages in the below offences risk receiving a fine between $136 to $13,612:

  • Violating home and health quarantine rules
  • Violating the timing for opening and closing restaurants, parks, malls etc.
  • Opening schools, gyms, cinema, parks, cafes, restaurants, pools before being authorized
  • Private tutors who violate rules by continuing to teach
  • Hosting private tutors by violating the rules
  • Tampering with tracking device or app
  • Failing to place thermal cameras where required
  • Companies who transport workers between Emirates. In addition, their vehicles will be confiscated
  • Failure to downloading the COVID-19 Contact Tracing app after being infected with coronavirus
  • Hosting events, parties or gatherings from groups of people
  • Individual fines for attending a party or gathering
  • Companies or office buildings where employees do not wear face masks
  • Individual employees who do not wear a face mask at work
  • Shops, restaurants and institutions where people fail to maintain Social distance
  • Shops that fail to operate within opening/closing times
  • Any person who refuses a Coronavirus test
  • Any person who refuses a repeat Coronavirus test after two weeks
  • Violation of restrictions during the national sterilization period
  • Companies who fail to maintain 30% limit on workforce
  • Fines (per vehicle) if 3 or more people travel together in a car without face masks (exc. family)
  • Any person who fails to maintain Social Distance at work or when in public
74. United Kingdom
Population: 67,865,665 people
COVID-19: 40,597 deaths
0.05982% of population
  • 'NHSX' Contact Tracing app
  • App data is centralized (on government server)
  • App utilizes Bluetooth and notifications
  • App generates device pairings ('handshake') smartphones are within 2 metres for over 15 minutes
  • App alerts anyone who is paired with an infected Covid-19 user
  • Residents are allowed out for essential shopping, medical needs and travel to work
  • Exercise outdoors is allowed
  • Residents are allowed to travel to work, if working from home is impossible
  • Travel is permitted, but public transport (bus, tube, train) should be avoided
  • Face Mask must be worn on public transport
  • Exercise allowed outdoors, one form of exercise, once per day
  • Residents advised to 'Stay Indoors. Save Lives'
  • Residents are not allowed to come together in groups or crowds
  • Fines & Prison

  • Residents arriving from other countries will be required to isolate for 14 days. Failure to do so, they risk a fine of $1200
  • Police have enforced 14,000 fines of $72 for alleged lockdown breaches
75. United States
Population: 330,891,826 people
COVID-19: 113,061 deaths
0.03417% of population
  • Residents advised to remain at home
  • Residents are allowed to come together in groups of upto 10
  • Rules and restrictions differ based on specific State
76. Vietnam
Population: 97,284,432 people
COVID-19: 0 deaths
0.00000% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
77. Venezuala
Population: 28,440,490 people
COVID-19: 22 deaths
0.00008% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home
78. Zambia
Population: 18,353,724 people
COVID-19: 10 deaths
0.00005% of population
  • Face Mask must be worn outside of home

All population and Covid-19 death figures are from website correct as of 9 JUNE 2020. The Covid-19 rules and regulations are subject to change at anytime, and are accurate as of 9 JUNE 2020.

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8288 views · 6 mins ago |   Author: Guest   •   Updated: 27 Jul 2020

108  Videos with 'Coronavirus'
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News on 'Contact tracing'

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1.   AppleOS and Google Android add Bluetooth COVID Contact Tracing into phones - CNBC
Published: 01 Sep 2020   |   985 views · 13 hrs ago
2.   France's contact tracing app un-installed by 460,000 people - Telegraph
Published: 23 Jun 2020   |   720 views · 12 hrs ago
3.   UK Government drops NHSX Contact Tracing app for Apple/Google model - BBC News
Published: 18 Jun 2020   |   1153 views · 12 hrs ago
4.   Contact Tracing App: Exposure Notification v1.1 - Apple-Google
Published: 25 May 2020   |   1064 views · 12 hrs ago
5.   India's Contact Tracing app is mandatory, or risk 6 months in prison - Wired
Published: 14 May 2020   |   734 views · 12 hrs ago
6.   Coronavirus contact tracing app: Is it safe to leave Bluetooth on? - Bristol Post
Published: 05 May 2020   |   1304 views · 12 hrs ago
7.   Over 1M Australians download Coronavirus 'contact tracing' Smartphone app - BBC News
Published: 26 Apr 2020   |   1090 views · 1 day ago
8.   23 Countries track Citizens using Smartphone 'contact tracing' surveillance - LifeSite
Published: 22 Apr 2020   |   1616 views · 18 hrs ago
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