Bible - 400 NT Jesus Prophecies copied from OT

jesus old new testament

According to Christians, Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus Christ in the New Testament

Identifying the New Testament (NT) authors can help determine this claim. Who wrote the NT, and is it possible, Jesus was 'inserted' into the text to make the NT appear more authentic, credible and acceptable to new Jewish-Christian converts?

1 New Testament (NT) Was God-Inspired
NT authors were 'inspired' by God to write His words, independent of the OT. Most traditional Christians hold this view.

2 New Testament (NT) Copied Old Testament (OT)
NT authors copied OT verses and edited them to fit the Jesus narrative. The NT was written by 'anonymous' authors many years after Jesus' crucifixion. A few modern Bible scholars hold this view.

The table below lists over 400 Old Testament (OT) prophecies alongside New Testament (NT) verses which share language, text and theme.

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Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Ruth 1/2 Samuel 1/2 Kings 1/2 Chronicles Job Psalms Proverbs Song of Solomon Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Micah Haggai Amos Habakkuk Zechariah Malachi
Genesis 28 verses copied
1. Trinity (Christian)
3. Seed of a woman (virgin birth)
4. He will bruise Satan’s head
5. Bodily ascension to heaven
6. God of Shem will be Son of Shem
7. Abraham’s seed will bless all nations
8. Salvation by grace
9. Promise made to Abraham’s seed
10. A priest after Melchizedek
11. A King also
12. Last Supper foreshadowed
13. Salvation by grace
14. Trinity (Christian)
16. Seed of Isaac
17. Trinity (Christian)
20. Only Begotten Son
21. The Lamb of God promised
22. Isaac’s seed will bless all nations
23. Isaac’s seed promised as Redeemer
24. The time of His coming
25. Seed of Judah
26. Called Shiloh or One Sent
27. To come before Judah lost identity
28. To Him shall the obedience of the people be
Exodus 17 verses copied
2. The Great “I Am”
3. Trinity (Christian)
4. A Lamb without blemish/ Sin offering without defect
5. Blood of the Lamb saves Romes wrath
6. Christ is our Passover
7. Not a bone of the Lamb to be broken
8. Blessing to firstborn son
9. His exaltation predicted as Yeshua
10. His Character, Holiness
11. Spiritual Rock of Israel
12. Trinity (Christian)
13. Sin offering made outside camp
15. His Character, Merciful
16. Trinity (Christian)
Leviticus 10 verses copied
3. The leper cleansed; Sign to priesthood
4. Prefigures Christ’s once-for-all death
6. Suffering outside the camp
8. Blood makes atonement
9. Sin offering without defect
10. The Drink offering, “If any man thirst.”
Numbers 6 verses copied
1. Not a bone of Him broken
2. Trinity (Christian)
3. Serpent on a pole; Christ lifted up
4. Flight to Egypt
5. Time, “I shall see him, but not now.”
Deuteronomy 7 verses copied
1. Sin offering without defect
2. “This is of a truth that prophet.”
3. “Had ye believed Moses, ye would believe me.”
4. Sent by Father to speak His word
5. Whoever will not hear must bear his sin
7. Cursed is he that hangs on a tree
Ruth 1 verse copied
1. Christ, our kinsman, has redeemed us
1/2 Samuel 6 verses copied
1. Shall be anointed King to the Lord
2. David’s seed
3. Son of God
4. David’s house established forever
6. the “light of the morning"
1/2 Kings 1 verse copied
1. Bodily ascension to heaven illustrated
1/2 Chronicles 3 verses copied
2. Reign on David’s throne forever
3. “I will be His Father, He my Son.”
Job 2 verses copied
1. Resurrection predicted
2. Trinity (Christian)
Psalms 99 verses copied
1. Enmity of kings foreordained
2. Own the title, Anointed (Christ)
3. His Character, Holiness
4. Own the title, King
6. Crucifixion and Resurrection intimated
7. Life comes through faith in Him
8. The mouths of babes perfect His praise
9. His humiliation and exaltation
10. Was not to see corruption
11. Was to arise from dead/ Resurrection
12. Resurrection predicted
13. Forsaken because of sins of others
14. Words spoken from Calvary, “My God
15. Darkness upon Calvary
16. They shoot out the lip and shake the head
17. “He trusted in God, let Him deliver Him “
18. Born the Savior
19. Crucifixion
20. Died of a broken heart (ruptured)
21. Suffered agony on Calvary
22. He thirsted
23. Pierced His hands and feet
24. Stripped Him before the stares of men
25. Parted His garments
26. Committed Himself to God
27. Satanic power bruising the Redeemer's heel
28. Resurrection declared
29. Governor of the nations
30. “It is finished”
31. “I am the Good Shepherd”
32. His exaltation predicted
33. Accused by false witnesses
34. Resurrection predicted
35. “Into thy hands I commit my spirit”
36. Acquaintances fled from Him
37. They took counsel to put Him to death
38. “He trusted in God, let Him deliver him”
39. Not a bone of Him broken
40. False witnesses rose up against Him
41. He was hated without a cause
42. His friends stood afar off
43. Joy of His resurrection predicted
44. His delight; will of the Father
45. He was to preach righteousness in Israel
46. Confronted by adversaries in Garden
47. Betrayed by a familiar friend
48. Words of Grace come from His lips
49. To own the title, God or Elohim
50. A special anointing by the Holy Spirit
51. Called the Christ (Messiah or Anointed)
53. Betrayed by friend, not enemy
54. Unrepentant death of the Betrayer
55. To give gifts to men
56. Ascended into Heaven
57. Hated without a cause
58. A stranger to own brethren
59. Zealous for the Lord’s House
60. Messiah’s anguish of soul before crucifixion
61. “My soul is exceeding sorrowful”
62. Given vinegar in thirst
63. Savior given and smitten by God
64. Great persons visit Him
65. The corn of wheat to fall into the Ground
66. His name, Yinon, will produce offspring
67. Nations shall be blessed by Him
68. Teach in parables
69. Speak the Wisdom of God with authority
70. They stood afar off and watched
71. Messiah will call God His Father
72. Emmanuel to be higher than earthly kings
73. David’s Seed, throne, kingdom endure forever
74. His character, Faithfulness
75. He is from everlasting
76. Identified as Messianic; used to tempt Christ
78. His exaltation predicted
79. His character, Goodness
80. Suffering and Reproach of Calvary
81. Son of Man comes in Glory
82. Messiah is the Preexistent Son
83. Trinity (Christian)
84. Prays for His enemies
85. Another to succeed Judas
86. Ridiculed
87. Son of David
89. David’s son called Lord
90. A priest after Melchizedek’s order/ Priesthood
91. His character, Compassionate, Gracious, et al
92. Messiah’s Resurrection assured
93. The rejected stone is Head of the corner
94. The Blessed One presented to Israel
95. Come while Temple standing
96. Seed of David; fruit of His Body
97. Supremacy of David’s Seed amazes kings
98. Earthly ministry of Christ described
99. He will send the Spirit of God
Proverbs 2 verses copied
1. Messiah would be from everlasting
Song of Solomon 1 verse copied
1. Altogether lovely One
Isaiah 141 verses copied
1. Repentance for the nations
2. Messiah reigning
3. Son of God’s vineyard; a parable of Judgment
4. Isaiah saw His glory
5. Parables fall on deaf ears
6. Blind to Christ and deaf to His words
8. To be Emmanuel; God with us
9. Called Emmanuel
10. A stone of stumbling; a Rock of offense
11. Ministry to begin in Galilee
12. A child born; Humanity
14. Declared as Son of God with power
15. The Wonderful One, Peleh
16. The Counselor, Yaatz
17. The Mighty God, El Gibor
18. The Everlasting Father, Avi Adth
19. The Prince of Peace, Sar Shalom
21. Establish an everlasting kingdom
22. His Character, Just
23. No end to his Government; Throne and Peace
24. Called a Nazarene; the Branch, Netzer
25. A rod out of Jesse; Son of Jesse
26. The Anointed One by the Spirit
27. His Character-Wisdom; Understanding et al
28. His Character, Truth
29. Gentiles seek Him
30. Called Jesus, Yeshua (salvation)
31. Reigning in mercy
32. Peg in a sure place
33. Resurrection predicted
34. His power of Resurrection predicted
35. Messiah is the precious corner stone
36. He indicated hypocritical obedience to His Word
37. Wise are confounded by the Word
38. Refuge; Man shall be a hiding place
40. He will come and save you
41. A ministry of miracles
42. Preceded by forerunner
44. “Behold your God”
45. A shepherd; Compassionate life-giver
47. The Servant; afaithful, patient redeemer
48. Meek and lowly
49. He brings hope for the hopeless
     John 4
50. Nations shall wait on His teachings
51. The Light (salvation) of the Gentiles
52. His is a Worldwide compassion
53. Blind eyes opened
54. Messiah’s actions at His second coming
56. He is the only Savior
57. He will send the Spirit of God
62. He will be the Judge
65. He came as a Teacher
66. Called from the womb-His humanity
67. Servant from the womb
68. Salvation for Israel
69. Light of the Gentiles
70. Salvation unto the ends of the earth
71. Despised of the Nation
72. Heaven is clothed in black at His humiliation
73. Learned counselor for the weary
74. The Servant bound willingly to obedience
75. “I gave my back to the smiters”
76. He was smitten on the cheeks
77. He was spat upon
78. Suffered vicariously
79. To publish good tidings of peace
80. The Servant exalted
82. The Servant shockingly abused
83. Nations startled by message of the Servant
84. His blood shed to make atonement for all
85. His people would not believe Him
86. He would grow up in a poor family
87. Appearance of an ordinary man
88. Despised
89. Rejected
90. Great sorrow and grief
91. Men hide from being associated with Him
92. He would have a healing ministry
93. He would bear the sins of the world
94. Thought to be cursed by God
95. Bears penalty for mankind’s transgressions
96. His sacrifice would provide peace between man and God
97. His back would be whipped
98. Sin-bearer for all mankind/ Substitutionary Atonement
99. God’s will that He bear sin for all mankind
100. Oppressed and afflicted
101. Silent before his accusers
102. Sacrificial lamb
103. Confined and persecuted
104. He would be judged
105. Killed
106. Dies for the sins of the world
107. Buried in a rich man’s grave
108. Innocent and had done no violence
109. No deceit in his mouth
110. God’s will that He die for mankind
111. An offering for sin
112. Resurrected and live forever
113. He would prosper
114. God fully satisfied with His suffering
115. God’s servant
116. He would justify man before God
117. The sin-bearer for all mankind
118. Exalted by God because of his sacrifice
119. He would give up his life to save mankind
120. Grouped with criminals
121. Sin-bearer for all mankind
122. Intercede to God in behalf of mankind
123. Everyone come who is thirsty
     New Covenant
124. Resurrected by God
125. A witness
126. Foreign nations come to God
127. Provide salvation
128. Intercessor between man and God
129. Come to Zion as their Redeemer
130. Nations walk in the light
131. Spirit of God upon him
132. Messiah would preach the good news
133. Freedom from the bondage of sin and death
134. Proclaim a period of grace
135. Called by an new name
136. Thy King Cometh, Entered Jerusalem on Colt
137. A vesture dipped in blood
138. Afflicted with the afflicted
140. New heaven; new Earth
141. All nations come to God
     New Covenant
Jeremiah 8 verses copied
1. Descendant of David
2. Messiah would be God
3. Messiah would be both God and Man
5. Massacre of infants
6. Born of a virgin
7. Messiah would be the new covenant
8. Descendant of David
Ezekiel 4 verses copied
1. Descendant of David
2. The humble exalted
3. Descendant of David
Daniel 14 verses copied
1. Stone cut without hands
3. Ascend into heaven
4. Highly exalted
5. Dominion would be everlasting
7. To make an end to sins
8. He would be holy
9. Announced to his people 483 years, to the exact day, after the decree to re-build the city of Jerusalem
10. Killed
11. Die for sins of the world
12. Killed before the destruction of the temple
13. Messiah in a glorified state
14. Damnation and Salvation
Hosea 3 verses copied
3. He would defeat death
Joel 2 verses copied
1. Promise of the Spirit
2. Offer salvation to all mankind
Micah 6 verses copied
2. Israel Regathered
3. The Kingdom established; birth place Bethlehem
4. Born in Bethlehem
5. God’s servant
6. Everlasting eternal Son
Haggai 2 verses copied
1. He would visit the second Temple
2. Descendant of Zerubbabel
Amos 3 verses copied
3. Restoration of tabernacle
Habakkuk 2 verses copied
1. Salvation by grace
2. Earth filled with knowledge of the glory of the Lord
Zechariah 31 verses copied
2. God’s servant
3. Priest and King
4. Greeted with rejoicing in Jerusalem
5. Beheld as King
6. The Messiah would be just
7. The Messiah would bring salvation
8. The Messiah would be humble
9. Presented to Jerusalem riding on a donkey
10. The cornerstone
11. At His coming, Israel to have unfit leaders
12. Rejection causes God to remove His protection
13. Rejected in favor of another king
14. Ministry to “poor”; the believing remnant
15. Unbelief forces Messiah to reject them
16. Despised
17. Stops ministering to the those who reject Him
18. Rejection causes God to remove protection
19. The Messiah would be God
20. Betrayed for thirty pieces of silver
22. Thirty pieces of silver thrown into the house of the Lord
23. The Messiah would be God
24. Messiah’s body would be pierced/ Crucifixion
26. Messiah would be rejected
27. God’s will He die for mankind
28. A violent death
29. Both God and man
30. Israel scattered as a result of rejecting Him
Malachi 6 verses copied
1. Messenger to prepare the way for Messiah
2. Sudden appearance at the temple
3. Messenger of the new covenant
5. Forerunner in the spirit of Elijah
6. Forerunner would turn many to righteousness

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In accordance with Islamic etiquette, all prophet names should be followed with 'Peace Be Upon Him (PBUH)'. This is omitted to minimise text.

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