
bookstext g

Many hundreds of early Gospels/Texts were not included in the Bible canon.

This was due to many reasons, such as the text was partially lost, unavailable, destroyed; of unknown authorship, considered fictional; of doubtful authenticity, political influenced, anti-Jewish sentiment etc.
W Biblical_canon

1 of 367
1 Clement | 80-140 AD    W
2 of 367
1 Enoch    W
3 of 367
1st Apocalypse of James | 180-250 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
4 of 367
2 Baruch | 150-200 AD    W
5 of 367
2 Clement | 130-160 AD    W
6 of 367
2 Enoch | 50-100 AD    W
7 of 367
2nd Apocalypse of James | 120-180 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
8 of 367
3 Baruch | 130 AD    W
9 of 367
3 Corinthians | 150-200 AD    W
10 of 367
3 Enoch | 100-200 AD    W
11 of 367
3 John | 90-120 AD    W
12 of 367
3 Maccabees    W
13 of 367
4 Baruch | 1-2 AD    W
14 of 367
4 Maccabees    W
15 of 367
5 Maccabees    W
16 of 367
Act of Peter | 150-350 AD    W
17 of 367
Acts of Andrew | 150-200 AD    W
18 of 367
Acts of Apollonius | 180-185 AD    W
19 of 367
Acts of Carpus | 161-180 AD    W
20 of 367
Acts of John | 150-200 AD    W
21 of 367
Acts of Paul | 150-200 AD    W
22 of 367
Acts of Perpetua and Felicitas | 203 AD    W
23 of 367
Acts of Peter | 150-200 AD    W
24 of 367
Acts of Peter and the Twelve | 150-225 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
25 of 367
Acts of Thomas | 200-225 AD    W
26 of 367
Against Apion Book I | 94-150 AD    W
27 of 367
Against Apion Book II | 94-150 AD    W
28 of 367
Ahiqar    W
32 of 367
Allogenes | 150-350 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
33 of 367
Ammonius of Alexandria | 200-230 AD    W
34 of 367
Anonymous Anti-Montanist | 193 AD    W
35 of 367
Anti-Marcionite Prologues | 150-400 AD    W
36 of 367
Antiquities Book I | 93 AD    W
37 of 367
Antiquities Book II | 93 AD    W
38 of 367
Antiquities Book III | 93 AD    W
39 of 367
Antiquities Book IV | 93 AD    W
40 of 367
Antiquities Book IX | 93 AD    W
41 of 367
Antiquities Book V | 93 AD    W
42 of 367
Antiquities Book VI | 93 AD    W
43 of 367
Antiquities Book VII | 93 AD    W
44 of 367
Antiquities Book VIII | 93 AD    W
45 of 367
Antiquities Book X | 93 AD    W
46 of 367
Antiquities Book XI | 93 AD    W
47 of 367
Antiquities Book XII | 93 AD    W
48 of 367
Antiquities Book XIII | 93 AD    W
49 of 367
Antiquities Book XIV | 93 AD    W
50 of 367
Antiquities Book XIX | 93 AD    W
51 of 367
Antiquities Book XV | 93 AD    W
52 of 367
Antiquities Book XVI | 93 AD    W
53 of 367
Antiquities Book XVII | 93 AD    W
54 of 367
Antiquities Book XVIII | 93 AD    W
55 of 367
Antiquities Book XX | 93 AD    W
56 of 367
Apelles | 160-180 AD    W
57 of 367
Apocalypse of Abraham | 70-150 AD    W
58 of 367
Apocalypse of Adam | 50-150 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
59 of 367
Apocalypse of Daniel | 800 AD    W
60 of 367
Apocalypse of Elijah | 1-4 AD    W
61 of 367
Apocalypse of Paul | 250-400 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
62 of 367
Apocalypse of Peter | 100-150 AD    W
63 of 367
Apocalypse of Sedrach | 2-5 AD    W
64 of 367
Apocalypse of Thomas | 300-400 AD    W
65 of 367
Apocalypse of Zephaniah | 70 AD    W
66 of 367
Apocryphon of Ezekiel    W
67 of 367
Apocryphon of John | 120-180 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
68 of 367
Apollos | 200-210 AD    W
69 of 367
Aristides | 120-130 AD    W
70 of 367
Apostolic Church Order | 200-330 AD    W
72 of 367
Appendix 2: Fragments    W
73 of 367
Aristeas the Exegete    W
74 of 367
Aristides | 125 AD    W
75 of 367
Aristobulus    W
76 of 367
Ariston of Pella | 130-150 AD    W
77 of 367
Adversus Gentes | 297-310 AD    W
78 of 367
Artapanus    W
79 of 367
Ascension of Isaiah | 150-200 AD    W
80 of 367
Athenagoras of Athens | 175-180 AD    W
81 of 367
Authoritative Teaching | 150-300 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
82 of 367
Bardesanes | 180-220 AD    W
83 of 367
Basilides | 120-140 AD    W
84 of 367
Book of Elchasai | 101-220 AD    W
85 of 367
Book of Hebrews | 50-95 AD    W
86 of 367
Book of Noah    W
87 of 367
Book of Thomas the Contender | 150-225 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
88 of 367
Books of Jeu | 200-250 AD    W
89 of 367
Caius | 200-220 AD    W
90 of 367
Callistus | 217-222 AD    W
91 of 367
Celsus | 178 AD    W
92 of 367
Christian Sibyllines | 80-250 AD    W
93 of 367
Claudius Apollinaris | 160-180 AD    W
94 of 367
Clement of Alexandria | 182-202 AD    W
95 of 367
Clement of Rome | 88-99 AD    W
96 of 367
Cleodemus Malchus    W
97 of 367
Commodian | 240-260 AD    W
98 of 367
Concept of Our Great Power | 150-360 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
99 of 367
Coptic Apocalypse of Elijah | 250-350 AD    W
100 of 367
Coptic Apocalypse of Paul | 150-300 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
101 of 367
Corinthian letter to Paul | 54-55 AD    W
102 of 367
Cornelius Tacitus | 56-120 AD    W
103 of 367
Cyprian | 246-258 AD    W
104 of 367
De Recta in Deum Fide | 270-350 AD    W
105 of 367
Dead Sea Scrolls    W
106 of 367
Demetrius the Chronographer    W
107 of 367
Descent of Mary | 120-200 AD    W
108 of 367
Dialogue Between John and Jesus | 150-400 AD    W
109 of 367
Dialogue of the Savior | 120-180 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
110 of 367
Diatessaron | 170-175 AD    W
111 of 367
Didache | 50-120 AD    W
112 of 367
Didascalia | 200-250 AD    W
113 of 367
Dionysius of Alexandria | 230-265 AD    W
114 of 367
Dionysius of Corinth | 165-175 AD    W
115 of 367
Dionysius of Rome | 259-268 AD    W
116 of 367
Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth | 150-300 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
117 of 367
Dura-Europos Gospel Harmony | 170-200 AD    W
118 of 367
Earlier Epistle of John | 90-110 AD    W
119 of 367
Earlier Epistle of Jude | 120 AD    W
120 of 367
Earlier Epistle to the Ephesians | 60 AD    W
121 of 367
Egerton | 70-120 AD    W
122 of 367
Eldad and Modad | 1-2 AD    W
123 of 367
On Righteousness | 130-160 AD    W
124 of 367
Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians | 35-107 AD    W
125 of 367
Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians | 35-107 AD    W
126 of 367
Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians | 35-107 AD    W
127 of 367
Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp | 35-107 AD    W
128 of 367
Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans | 35-107 AD    W
129 of 367
Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans | 35-107 AD    W
130 of 367
Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians | 35-107 AD    W
131 of 367
Epistle of Barnabas | 80-120 AD    W
132 of 367
Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus | 130-200 AD    W
133 of 367
Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians | 69-156 AD    W
134 of 367
Epistle of the Romans to the Corinthians | 80-140 AD    W
135 of 367
Epistle to Diognetus | 130 AD    W
136 of 367
Epistle to the Laodiceans | 150-350 AD    W
137 of 367
Epistula Apostolorum | 150-200 AD    W
138 of 367
Eugnostos the Blessed | 50-150 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
139 of 367
Eupolemus    W
140 of 367
Eusebius of Caesarea | 300-340 AD    W
141 of 367
Every Good Man is Free    W
142 of 367
Excerpts of Theodotus | 150-180 AD    W
143 of 367
Exegesis on the Soul | 200-230 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
144 of 367
Ezekiel the Tragedian    W
145 of 367
Fayyum Fragment | 70-200 AD    W
146 of 367
Fifth and Sixth Books of Esra | 150-250 AD    W
147 of 367
Firmilian of Caesarea | 230-268 AD    W
148 of 367
Flaccus | 32 AD    W
149 of 367
Flavius Josephus | 93 AD    W
150 of 367
Fragments of Papias | 100-163 AD    W
151 of 367
Fragments of Pseudo-Greek Poets | 100-200 AD    W
152 of 367
Freer Logion | 300-400 AD    W
153 of 367
Fronto | 140-170 AD    W
154 of 367
Galen | 175-190 AD    W
155 of 367
Gamaliel | 300-600 AD    W
156 of 367
Gnostic Apocalypse of Peter | 200-300 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
157 of 367
Gospel of Barnabas | 1500 AD    W
158 of 367
Gospel of the Egyptians | 80-150 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
159 of 367
Gospel of Eve | 100-200 AD    W
160 of 367
Gospel of James | 140-170 AD    W
161 of 367
Judas | 220-340 AD    W
162 of 367
Marcion | 130-140 AD    W
163 of 367
Gospel of Mary | 120-180 AD    W
164 of 367
Gospel of Nicodemus | 150-400 AD    W
165 of 367
Gospel of Perfection | 120-180 AD    W
166 of 367
Peter | 70-160 AD    W
167 of 367
Philip | 180-250 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
168 of 367
Gospel of the Ebionites | 100-160 AD    W
169 of 367
Gospel of the Hebrews | 80-150 AD    W
170 of 367
Gospel of the Nazoreans | 100-160 AD    W
171 of 367
Gospel of the Savior | 120-180 AD    W
172 of 367
Thomas | 50-140 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
173 of 367
Gospel of Truth | 140-180 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
174 of 367
Greek Apocalypse of Ezra | 100-800 AD    W
175 of 367
Gregory Thaumaturgus | 265-282 AD    W
176 of 367
Hegesippus | 165-175 AD    W
177 of 367
Hellenistic Synagogal Prayers | 2-3 AD    W
178 of 367
Heracleon | 150-180 AD    W
179 of 367
Hermetica | 100-200 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
180 of 367
Hesychius of Sinai | 280-300 AD    W
181 of 367
Hippolytus of Rome | 180-230 AD    W
182 of 367
History of Joseph | 550-650 AD    W
183 of 367
History of the Rechabites | 1-4 AD    W
184 of 367
Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit | 200-350 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
185 of 367
Hypostasis of the Archons | 200-300 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
187 of 367
Hypsiphrone | 150-350 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
188 of 367
Ignatius of Antioch | 105-115 AD    W
189 of 367
Infancy Gospel of Thomas | 140-170 AD    W
190 of 367
Inscription of Abercius | 193-216 AD    W
191 of 367
Interpretation of Knowledge | 150-200 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
192 of 367
Irenaeus of Lyons | 175-185 AD    W
193 of 367
Isidore | 140-160 AD    W
194 of 367
Jannes and Jambres | 1-3 AD    W
195 of 367
Jewish War I | 75 AD    W
196 of 367
Jewish War II | 75 AD    W
197 of 367
Jewish War III | 75 AD    W
198 of 367
Jewish War IV | 75 AD    W
199 of 367
Jewish War V | 75 AD    W
200 of 367
Jewish War VI | 75 AD    W
201 of 367
Jewish War VII | 75 AD    W
202 of 367
Joseph and Aseneth    W
203 of 367
Jubilees    W
204 of 367
Julius Cassianus | 160-180 AD    W
205 of 367
Justin Martyr | 150-160 AD    W
206 of 367
Kerygmata Petrou | 180-220 AD    W
207 of 367
Lactantius | 303-316 AD    W
208 of 367
Ladder of Jacob | 1 AD    W
209 of 367
Letter from Vienna and Lyons | 178 AD    W
210 of 367
Letter of Aristeas    W
211 of 367
Letter of Peter to Philip | 170-220 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
212 of 367
Letter of the Apostles    W
213 of 367
Letters of Paul and Seneca | 300-390 AD    W
214 of 367
Leucius Charinus | 300-350 AD    W
215 of 367
Life of Adam and Eve | 100 AD    W
216 of 367
Life of Apollonius of Tyana | 170-245 AD    W
217 of 367
Life of Josephus | 94-99 AD    W
218 of 367
Living Gospel | 250-274 AD    W
219 of 367
Lucian of Antioch | 210-245 AD    W
220 of 367
Lucian of Samosata | 165-175 AD    W
221 of 367
Mara Bar Serapion | 73-200 AD    W
222 of 367
Marcus Aurelius | 161-180 AD    W
223 of 367
Marsanes | 270-330 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
224 of 367
Martyrdom and Ascension of Isaiah | 100-300 AD    W
225 of 367
Martyrdom of Polycarp | 150-160 AD    W
226 of 367
Maximus of Jerusalem | 185-195 AD    W
227 of 367
Melchizedek | 150-300 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
228 of 367
Melito of Sardis | 165-175 AD    W
229 of 367
Methodius of Olympus | 270-312 AD    W
230 of 367
Minucius Felix | 150-270 AD    W
231 of 367
Monarchian Prologues | 200-450 AD    W
232 of 367
Psalm 151    W
233 of 367
Muratorian Canon | 170-200 AD    W
234 of 367
Naassene Fragment | 120-140 AD    W
235 of 367
Novatian | 251-258 AD    W
236 of 367
Octavius | 160-250 AD    W
237 of 367
Odes of Solomon | 100-200 AD    W
238 of 367
On Abraham    W
239 of 367
On Dreams    W
240 of 367
On Drunkenness    W
241 of 367
On Flight and Finding    W
242 of 367
On Husbandry    W
243 of 367
On Joseph    W
244 of 367
On Mating    W
245 of 367
On Providence: Fragment I    W
246 of 367
On Providence: Fragment II    W
247 of 367
On Rewards and Punishments    W
248 of 367
On Sobriety    W
249 of 367
On the Birth of Abel    W
250 of 367
On the Change of Names    W
251 of 367
On the Cherubim    W
252 of 367
On the Confusion of Tongues    W
253 of 367
On the Contemplative Life    W
254 of 367
On the Creation    W
255 of 367
On the Embassy to Gaius    W
257 of 367
On the Giants    W
258 of 367
On the Life of Moses, I    W
259 of 367
On the Life of Moses, II    W
260 of 367
On the Migration of Abraham    W
261 of 367
On the Origin of the World | 270-330 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
264 of 367
On the Virtues    W
265 of 367
Ophite Diagrams | 130-160 AD    W
266 of 367
Origen | 203-250 AD    W
267 of 367
Orphica    W
268 of 367
Oxyrhynchus 1224 Gospel | 50-140 AD    W
269 of 367
Oxyrhynchus 840 Gospel | 110-160 AD    W
270 of 367
Pamphilus of Caesarea | 280-310 AD    W
271 of 367
Pantaenus | 190-210 AD    W
272 of 367
Papias | 110-140 AD    W
273 of 367
Paraphrase of Shem | 150-250 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
274 of 367
Passion Narrative | 30-60 AD    W
275 of 367
Passion of the Scillitan Martyrs | 180 AD    W
276 of 367
Perfect Discourse | 250-300 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
277 of 367
Peter of Alexandria | 300-311 AD    W
278 of 367
Philo the Epic Poet    W
279 of 367
Philostratus | 200-220 AD    W
280 of 367
Pierius | 280-310 AD    W
281 of 367
Pistis Sophia | 200-300 AD    W
282 of 367
Pliny the Younger | 111-112 AD    W
283 of 367
Polycarp to the Philippians | 110-140 AD    W
284 of 367
Polycrates of Ephesus | 185-195 AD    W
285 of 367
Pope Cornelius | 251-253 AD    W
286 of 367
Pope Felix | 269-274 AD    W
287 of 367
Pope Stephen | 254-257 AD    W
288 of 367
Prayer of Jacob | 1-4 AD    W
289 of 367
Prayer of Joseph | 100 AD    W
290 of 367
Prayer of Thanksgiving | 200-300 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
291 of 367
Prayer of the Apostle Paul | 150-300 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
292 of 367
Preaching of Paul | 150-250 AD    W
293 of 367
Preaching of Peter | 100-150 AD    W
294 of 367
Prior Epistle to 1 Corinthians | 54-55 AD    W
295 of 367
Psalms of Solomon    W
296 of 367
Pseudo-Clementine Homilies | 300-320 AD    W
297 of 367
Pseudo-Clementine Recognitions | 320-380 AD    W
298 of 367
Pseudo-Eupolemus    W
299 of 367
Pseudo-Hecataeus    W
300 of 367
Pseudo-Philo | 1 AD    W
301 of 367
Pseudo-Phocylides    W
302 of 367
Ptolemy | 140-160 AD    W
303 of 367
Quadratus | 120-130 AD    W
307 of 367
Questions of Ezra    W
308 of 367
Questions of Mary | 150-350 AD    W
309 of 367
Republic by Plato | Nag Hammadi Library    W
310 of 367
Reticius of Autun | 310-334 AD    W
311 of 367
Revelation of Ezra | 100-800 AD    W
312 of 367
Rhodon | 175-185 AD    W
313 of 367
2nd Discourse of Great Seth | 190-230 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
314 of 367
Secret James | 100-150 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
315 of 367
Secret Mark | 70-160 AD    W
316 of 367
Sentences of Sextus | 180-230 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
317 of 367
Serapion of Antioch | 200-210 AD    W
318 of 367
Shepherd of Hermas | 100-160 AD    W
319 of 367
Sibylline Oracles | 500-600 AD    W
320 of 367
Signs Gospel | 50-90 AD    W
321 of 367
Sophia of Jesus Christ | 50-200 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
322 of 367
M Source | 40-80 AD    W
323 of 367
Q Source | 40-80 AD    W
324 of 367
Suetonius | 115 AD    W
325 of 367
Syriac Menander    W
326 of 367
Tacitus | 115 AD    W
327 of 367
Talmud | 188-217 AD    W
328 of 367
Tatian | 160-170 AD    W
329 of 367
Teachings of Silvanus | 250-300 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
330 of 367
Tertullian | 197-220 AD    W
331 of 367
Testament of Abraham | 100-200 AD    W
332 of 367
Testament of Adam | 300 AD    W
333 of 367
Testament of Isaac | 2 AD    W
334 of 367
Testament of Jacob | 2-3 AD    W
335 of 367
Testament of Job    W
336 of 367
Testament of Moses | 1 AD    W
337 of 367
Testament of Solomon | 100 AD    W
338 of 367
The Twelve Patriarchs | 70-200 AD    W
339 of 367
Testimony of Truth | 150-200 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
340 of 367
Thallus    W
341 of 367
The Decalogue    W
342 of 367
The Lives of the Prophets | 106 AD    W
343 of 367
The Special Laws, I    W
344 of 367
The Special Laws, II    W
345 of 367
The Special Laws, III    W
346 of 367
The Special Laws, IV    W
347 of 367
Theodotus of Byzantium | 150-200 AD    W
348 of 367
Theognostus of Alexandria | 260-280 AD    W
349 of 367
Theophilus of Antioch | 180-185 AD    W
350 of 367
Theophilus of Caesarea | 175-185 AD    W
351 of 367
Thought of Norea | 170-230 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
352 of 367
Three Steles of Seth | 200-230 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
353 of 367
Thunder, Perfect Mind | 100-230 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
354 of 367
Traditions of Matthias | 110-160 AD    W
355 of 367
Treatise of Shem    W
356 of 367
Treatise on the Resurrection | 170-200 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
357 of 367
Trimorphic Protennoia | 120-180 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
358 of 367
Tripartite Tractate | 200-300 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
359 of 367
Valentinian Exposition | 150-350 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W
360 of 367
Valentinus | 120-160 AD    W
361 of 367
Victor I | 189-199 AD    W
362 of 367
Victorinus of Pettau | 270-310 AD    W
363 of 367
Vision of Ezra | 4-7 AD    W
365 of 367
Sirach    W
367 of 367
Zostrianos | 200-230 AD | Nag Hammadi Library    W

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