War - 46 Major Conflicts ranked by Religion

wars religion chart

Today, the War On Terror is primarily focused on Islam. Are Muslims really to blame for the war and terror-related deaths in the world?

The War On Terror is a metaphor referring to the international military campaign that was launched by the U.S government after the 'Twin Tower' September 11 attacks in New York in 2001. Suddenly, the theology of the Islamic religion was under the 'spotlight' and has been since.

322M KILLED (48%)
CHRISTIANITY Total Deaths: 322M – 48%
114M DEAD (17%)
Communism 114M – 17%
53M DEAD (8%)
ISLAM 53M – 8%
45M DEAD (7%)
Nationalism 45M – 7%
43M DEAD (6%)
Athiesm 43M – 6%
26M DEAD (4%)
Buddhism 26M – 4%
26M DEAD (4%)
Confucianism 26M – 4%
39M DEAD (6%)
Others 39M – 6%
A line chart ranking the Religions/Beliefs that have most contributed to the death toll in the bloodiest conflicts in the World
The chart summarizes the figures in the table below.

The table below lists the bloodiest wars and terror-related events in the World in death toll order (minimum 1 million deaths).

World War II / Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler, of Germany is responsible for 85M deaths, if you include World War II which was caused by Hitler.

Despite how often Church leaders and faithful Christians try to argue that Adolf Hitler is an example of the evil caused by atheism and secularism, the truth is that Hitler often proclaimed his own Christianity, how much he valued Christianity, how important Christianity was to his life, and even how much he was personally inspired by Jesus - his "Lord and Savior."   Austin Cline
  • 85M deaths (85,000,000) 1
  • Athiesm / Christianity 2
  • 1939–1945
  • Worldwide
  • * For statistical purposes, it is assumed Hitler was an Atheist with Christian influences
    Conquest of the Americas
    The process of Christianization was at first violent: Christians burned the places dedicated to pagan cult, alienating much of the local population. In the 1530s, they began to adapt Christian practices to local customs, including the building of new churches on the sites of ancient places of worship, leading to a mix of Old World Christianity with local religions.
  • 73M deaths (73,000,000)
  • Christianity
  • 1492–1691
  • Americas
  • 3
    Mao Zedong
    Mao Zedong of China is thought to be responsible for the deaths of 40-75 million Chinese most attributable to famine and political decisions   stalin-killed-how-many-people
  • 58M deaths (57,500,000)
  • Communism
  • 1945–1976
  • China
  • 4
    Three Kingdoms War
    The Three Kingdoms was the tripartite division of China between the states of Wei, Shu, and Wu following the Han dynasty and preceding the Jin dynasty. The Three Kingdoms period is one of the bloodiest in Chinese history.
  • 38M deaths (38,000,000)
  • Nationalism
  • 184–280
  • China
  • 5
    Mongol Conquests / Genghis Khan
    The Mongol empire were primarily Shamanist, and had a substantial minority of Christians, many of whom were in positions of considerable power.
  • 35M deaths (35,000,000)
  • Christianity
  • Shamanism
  • 1206–1368
  • Eurasia
  • 6
    British India
    The British Raj was the rule by the British 'Christian' Crown in the Indian subcontinent. The rule is also called Crown rule in India. The region under British control was commonly called India and included areas directly administered by the United Kingdom, collectively called British India.   british-empire
  • 35M deaths (35,000,000)
  • Christianity
  • 1858–1947
  • India
  • 7
    Joseph Stalin
    Stalin was without doubt one of the most ruthless world leaders of the 20th Century responsible for 3 to 60 million deaths.

    Stalin's vision was 'Socialism in one country' and his goal was to turn the Soviet Union into an industrialised military power using forced labour, a reign of terror and ruthless extermination of all who opposed him.

    Joseph Stalin was raised a devout Christian in the Greek Orthodox Church. He was named after Saint Joseph and was raised to be a Church priest. His father was a priest and young Joseph spent five years in a Greek Orthodox seminary. Instead, Stalin later became a religion-suppressing atheist.   joseph-stalin   stalin-killed-how-many-people
  • 31M deaths (31,500,000)
  • Christianity
  • Communism
  • 1878–1953
  • Russia
  • 8
    Fall of Ming Dynasty
    The early rulers maintained their Manchu ways, and while their title was Emperor, they used khan to the Mongols and they were patrons of Tibetan Buddhism.
  • 25M deaths (25,000,000)
  • Buddhism
  • Confucianism
  • 1616–1662
  • China
  • 9
    An Lushan Rebellion
    An Lushan Rebellion was a devastating rebellion against the Tang dynasty of China. The rebellion and subsequent disorder resulted in a huge loss of life and large-scale destruction.
  • 25M deaths (24,500,000)
  • Buddhism
  • Confucianism
  • 755–763
  • China/ Vietnam
  • 10
    Spanish Conquest of Mexico
    An army of Spanish forces and native Tlaxcalan warriors led by Hernán Cortés captured the capital of the Aztec Empire.

    Cortés spent some time at the island of Cozumel trying to convert the locals to Christianity with mixed results.
  • 24M deaths (24,300,000)
  • Christianity
  • 1519–1632
  • Mexico
  • 11
    2nd Sino-Japanese War / Hideki Tojo
    Hideki Tojo, the Prime Minister of Japan during the second world war.
  • 23M deaths (22,500,000)
  • Communism
  • 1884–1948
  • China
  • 12
    Taiping Rebellion
    The goals of the Taipings were religious, nationalist, and political in nature; they sought the conversion of the Chinese people to the Taiping's version of Christianity
  • 20M deaths (20,000,000)
  • Christianity
  • 1850–1864
  • China
  • 13
    Middle East Slave Trade
    The Arab slave trade was the practice of slavery in the Arab world, mainly in Western Asia, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, Southeast Africa and Europe.
  • 18M deaths (18,000,000)
  • Islam
  • 1500–1900
  • Middle East
  • 14
    African American Slavery
    Slavery among Native Americans in the United States includes slavery by Native Americans as well as slavery of Native Americans roughly within the present-day United States.
  • 18M deaths (18,000,000)
  • Christianity
  • 1500–1900
  • Americas
  • 15
    World War I
    The war drew in all the Christian-dominated world's economic great powers including the Russian Empire, France, United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany and Austria-Hungary.
  • 17M deaths (17,000,000)
  • Christianity
  • 1914–1918
  • Worldwide
  • 16
    Tamerlane Conquest / Timur Lenk
    Timur relied on Islamic symbols and language, referred to himself as the "Sword of Islam. He converted nearly all the Borjigin leaders to Islam.
  • 14M deaths (14,000,000)
  • Islam
  • 1370–1405
  • Eurasia
  • 17
    Dungan Revolt
    The Dungan Revolt relates to the uprising by members of the Muslim Hui and other Muslim ethnic groups in China's Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia provinces. The "Dungan people" refers specifically to Hui people, who are a predominantly Muslim ethnic group in China. They are sometimes called "Chinese Muslims".
  • 10M deaths (10,000,000)
  • Islam
  • 1862–1877
  • China
  • 18
    Congo Free State / King Leopold II
    King Leopold II. The 'Butcher of Belgium' oversaw a vicious colonial regime in Congo, present-day Democratic Republic of the Congo. He became known for the founding and exploitation of the Congo Free State as a private venture.

    Leopold extracted a fortune from the Congo, initially by the collection of ivory and rubber in the 1890s - by forced labour from the natives to harvest and process rubber.

    Under his regime millions of the Congolese people died; with a consensus around 10 million, upto 15 million dead.

    King Leopold II stated motivation was to open the heart of Africa to Christianity, Christian missionaries and Western capitalists. His father, Leopold I was a Lutheran Christian.   Christian Atrocities
  • 10M deaths (10,000,000)
  • Christianity
  • 1865–1909
  • Belgium/ Congo
  • 19
    Russian Civil War
    Russian Civil War was a messy conflict where multiple sides fought for control of the collapsing Russian Empire, independence, or just to protect themselves from the worst ravages of the larger conflict. A total collapse of civil services and brutality on all sides killed millions of people from starvation and disease.

    The two largest combatant groups were the Red Army, fighting for the Bolshevik form of socialism and allied forces which favoured monarchism and capitalism.
  • 10M deaths (9,500,000)
  • Socialism
  • Capitalism
  • 1917–1922
  • Russia
  • 20
    Spanish Conquest of Peru
    Another significant effect on the people in South America was the spread of Christianity. As Pizarro and the Spanish subdued the continent and brought it under their control, they forcefully converted many to Christianity, claiming to have educated them in the ways of the "one true religion." It took just a generation for the entire continent to be under Christian influence.
  • 8M deaths (8,400,000)
  • Christianity
  • 1533–1620
  • Peru
  • 21
    Chinese Civil War
    The war represented an ideological split between the communist CPC and the nationalist KMT.
  • 8M deaths (8,000,000)
  • Communism
  • Nationalism
  • 1927–1949
  • China
  • 22
    Fall of Rome
    The Fall of the Western Roman Empire was the process of decline in the Western Roman Empire in which it failed to enforce its rule, and its vast territory was divided into several successor polities.   RomeStat
  • 7M deaths (7,000,000)
  • Christianity
  • Paganism
  • 117–476
  • Rome
  • 23
    Rome Wars
    The political history of Ancient Rome was closely entwined with its military history. The core of the campaign history of the Roman military presents a number of bloody military land battles and conquests.

    A few wars and battles include the Punic wars, gladiators, slave wars, Servile wars, Cimbri-Teutoni war, social war, Mithridatic wars, Gallic war, Juleo-Claudian Paranoia, Jewish Wars, Boudica's Revolt and more.   RomeStat
  • 6M deaths (6,000,000)
  • Christianity
  • Paganism
  • 700 BC–476
  • Rome
  • 24
    The Reconquista is the period between the Islamic conquest of Hispania in 711 and the fall of the last Islamic state in Iberia at Granada to the expanding Christian kingdoms in 1492.
  • 7M deaths (7,000,000)
  • Christianity
  • Islam
  • 711–1492
  • Iberian Peninsula
  • 25
    Thirty Years' War
    The Thirty Years' War was one of the longest, most destructive and deadliest European religious war in history. A war between various Protestant and Catholic states in the fragmented Holy Roman Empire.
  • 7M deaths (7,250,000)
  • Christianity
  • 1618–1648
  • Europe
  • 26
    2nd Congo War
    The Second Congo War began in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, little more than a year after the First Congo War, and involved similar issues of conflict between the Christian-dominated tribes of Hutu and Tutsi among others.
  • 5M deaths (5,400,000)
  • Christianity
  • 1998–2003
  • Central Africa
  • 27
    Russia's Time of Troubles
    The Time of Troubles was a period of Russian history when Russia suffered a famine, starvation, economic collapse, civil wars and uprisings that killed 1/3 of the population.   The Causes of War vol.3 p.194
  • 5M deaths (5,400,000)
  • Christianity
  • 1998–2003
  • Central Africa
  • 28
    Napoleonic Wars
    The Napoleonic Wars were a series of major conflicts pitting the French Empire and its allies, led by Napoleon I, against an array of European powers financed and led by Great Britain.

    Napoléon Bonaparte was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution. He was a Roman Catholic Christian.
  • 5M deaths (4,750,000)
  • Christianity
  • 1803–1815
  • Worldwide
  • 29
    Aurangzeb's Campaign for Deccan
    Abu'l Muzaffar Muhi-ud-Din Muhammad commonly known as Aurangzeb was the sixth and last effective Mughal emperor. His reign lasted for 49 years from 1658 until his death in 1707.
  • 5M deaths (4,600,000)
  • Islam
  • 1658–1707
  • India
  • 30
    Hundred Years' War
    The Hundred Years' War was a series of conflicts waged by the rulers of England, against the rulers of France, over the succession to the French throne.

    It was one of the most notable conflicts of the Middle Ages and marked the development of strong national identities in both countries.
  • 4M deaths (3,500,000)
  • Christianity
  • 1337-1453
  • France
  • 31
    French Wars of Religion
    The French Wars of Religion, or Huguenot Wars are names for a period of civil infighting, military operations and religious war primarily fought between Roman Catholics and Huguenots (Reformed Protestants).
  • 3M deaths (3,000,000)
  • Christianity
  • 1562–1598
  • France
  • 32
    Indian Rebellion 1857
    The Indian Rebellion of 1857 was a major, but ultimately unsuccessful, uprising in India in 1857–58 against the rule of the British East India Company, which functioned as a sovereign power on behalf of the British Crown.
  • 3M deaths (2,828,427)
  • Christianity
  • Hinduism
  • Islam
  • 1857–1858
  • India
  • 33
    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was officially fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The North Vietnamese army was supported by the Soviet Union, China and other communist allies opposed by the United States, South Korea, Australia, Thailand and others.
  • 2M deaths (2,300,000)
  • Communism
  • 1955–1975
  • Vietnam
  • 34
    Pol Pot / Khmer Rouge
    Pol Pot was a Cambodian politician and revolutionary who led the Khmer Rouge He presided over a totalitarian dictatorship, in which his government made urban dwellers move to the countryside to work in collective farms and on forced labour projects.

    The combined effects of executions, strenuous working conditions, malnutrition, starvation and disease caused the deaths of approximately 25 percent of the Cambodian population.
  • 2M deaths (2,295,000)
  • Communism
  • 1963–1981
  • Cambodia
  • 35
    Mfecane was a period of widespread chaos and warfare among indigenous ethnic communities in southern Africa. As King Shaka created the militaristic Zulu Kingdom in the territory between the Tugela River and Pongola River, his forces caused major warfare and disruption.
  • 2M deaths (2,000,000)
  • Zulu
  • 1816–1828
  • Southern Africa
  • 36
    Biafran War
    The Biafran War was a war fought between the government of Nigeria and the Christian-dominated state of Biafra. Biafra represented nationalist aspirations of the Igbo people, whose leadership felt they could no longer coexist with the Northern-dominated federal government.
  • 2M deaths (2,000,000)
  • Christianity
  • 1967–1970
  • Nigeria
  • 37
    Afghanistan War
    The War in Afghanistan sought to replace the existing communist government. Afghanistan's resistance forces, known as the mujahideen, fought against the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan.
  • 2M deaths (1,620,000)
  • Communism
  • 1978–present
  • Afghanistan
  • 38
    Mexican Revolution38
    The Mexican Revolution was a major armed struggle radically transforming Mexican culture and government. It was a genuinely national revolution.
  • 2M deaths (1,500,000)
  • Nationalism
  • 1910–1920
  • Mexico
  • 39
    Spanish Conquest of Yucatán
    The Spanish conquest of Yucatán was the campaign undertaken by the Spanish conquistadores against the Late Postclassic Maya states. Maya temples were cast down and a Christian cross was put up. In subsequent expeditions over 300 Itza children were baptized and Christian conversions took place.
  • 1M deaths (1,460,000)
  • Christianity
  • 1519–1595
  • North America
  • 40
    Bangladesh Genocide
    The genocide in Bangladesh began as West Pakistan began a military crackdown on the Eastern wing to suppress Bengali calls for self-determination rights.
  • 1M deaths (1,350,000)
  • Islam
  • 1971-1971
  • Bangladesh
  • 41
    Soviet War in Afghanistan
    The Soviet–Afghan War involved insurgent groups known as the mujahideen who fought against the Soviet Army and the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.
  • 1M deaths (1,290,865)
  • Communism
  • 1979–1989
  • Afghanistan
  • 42
    Korean War
    The Korean War began when North Korea invaded South Korea. The United Nations, with the United States as the principal force, came to the aid of South Korea. China came to the aid of North Korea, and the Soviet Union gave some assistance.
  • 1M deaths (1,200,000)
  • Communism
  • 1950–1953
  • Korea
  • 43
    Seven Years' War
    The Seven Years' War was a global conflict that split Europe into two coalitions, led by Great Britain (including Prussia, Portugal, and Hanover) on one side and France (including the Austrian-led Holy Roman Empire, the Russian Empire, Bourbon Spain, and Sweden) on the other.
  • 1M deaths (1,134,000)
  • Nationalism
  • 1756–1763
  • Worldwide
  • 44
    Japanese Invasion of Korea
    The Japanese invasions of Korea ended in 1598 with the withdrawal of the Japanese forces from the Korean Peninsula after a military stalemate in Korea's southern coastal provinces. The invasions were launched by Toyotomi Hideyoshi with the intent of conquering the Korean Peninsula and China.
  • 1M deaths (1,000,000)
  • Imperialism
  • 1592–1598
  • Korea
  • 45
    French Revolutionary
    The French Revolutionary Wars were a series of sweeping military conflicts that pitted the French First Republic against Britain, Austria and several other monarchies. France conquered territories, from the Italian Peninsula and the Low Countries in Europe to the Louisiana Territory in North America. The key figure in the revolution was Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II, a Roman Catholic Christian, brother of Louis XVI's Queen Marie Antoinette.
  • 1M deaths (1,000,000)
  • Christianity
  • 1792–1802
  • Worldwide
  • 46
    Polish-Swedish Wars
    The Polish-Swedish wars were a series of wars between the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and Sweden: Livonian War, War against Sigismund, Polish–Swedish War of 1600–11, Polish–Swedish War of 1620–25, Polish–Swedish War of 1626–29, The Deluge, The Northern Wars, The Great Northern War.

    Swedish invaders of the Christian 'Church of Sweden' denomination completely destroyed Warsaw, the capital of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, as well as, 188 cities and towns, 81 castles, and 136 churches in Poland.
  • 1M deaths (1,000,000?)
  • Christianity
  • 1563-1721
  • Poland/Sweden

  • NOTES:
    [1] ALL DEATH TOLL FIGURES ARE APPROXIMATE. These numbers usually include both the deaths of military personnel which are the direct results of battle or other military wartime actions, as well as the wartime/war-related deaths of civilians, which are the results of war-induced epidemics, diseases, famines, atrocities, genocide, etc. Where the death toll is within an upper and lower range, the mid-point is calculated to arrive at an estimated figure.
    [2] Religion/Belief cited is that which bears the greatest responsibility for the death toll. It does not imply a 'religious war' occurred, or the religion advocates the act of war and death
    [3] Where multiple religions/beliefs appear, the death toll figure is equally divided up.

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