How the Jewish Yeshua became the Christian Jesus - Michael Skobac

Published: 23 Apr 2012  ·  Uploaded: 27 Dec 2016 Watch on
5161 views  ·  1 day ago 1:07:56

Video Description (from Youtube) • Donate • FOR NOTES TO THIS LECTURE, CLICK ON THIS LINK:
• Many people know that the religion that became Christianity originally began as a movement within Judaism. What is less well understood is how this transformation actually took place. This presentation examines the critical embryonic departure from Judaism that led to a total unraveling of Christianity from its Jewish roots. Questions should be directed to

• JEWS FOR JUDAISM counters Christian missionaries that target Jews, the impact of cults, eastern religions, assimilation & other challenges to Jewish continuity. We strengthen Jewish pride and identity and win back Jews who have been influenced by missionaries & cults. We offer FREE educational programs, materials & counseling that connect Jews to the spiritual depth, beauty, wisdom & truth of Judaism.


Each year 1,000 Christian missionary groups spend $Millions targeting Jews worldwide, presenting themselves as Jewish to entice Jews to convert. They present Christianity in the guise of Judaism by calling their clergy "rabbis" and their churches "messianic synagogues," refer to Jesus Christ as Yeshua HaMashiach, ישוע המשיח or ישו הנוצרי and the New Testament as the Brit HaChadasha, הברית החדשה and their Christian religion as Messianic Judaism or יהדות משיחית.

Calling themselves Jews for Jesus, Hebrew Christians, Messianic Jews, Messianic Jewish Christians or יהודים משיחיים, they celebrate Jewish holidays with a Christian interpretation. They hold Shabbat services, wear Jewish skullcaps & prayer shawls to create the impression that a Jew can be a Christian and still maintain their Jewish identity. Using Torah Scrolls, Shabbat candle lighting, Hamotzei & Kiddush they make unaffiliated Jews feel comfortable & welcome in their churches.

This video is a response to A Rood Awakening, Ahavat Ammi, Art Katz, Asher Intrater, Ask Isaiah, ASKDrBrown, Avner Valer אבנר ולר, AYZTyler, Barry and Batya Segal, Baruch HaShem, Beth Yeshua, Chosen People Ministries, ChosenPeopleUSA, City of David Messianic Synagogue, Congregation Melech Yisrael, CrownofMessiah, Dan and Melissa David, Dan Juster, Dani David, David Brickner, Discovering the Jewish Jesus, Dr. Michael Brown, First Fruits of Zion (FFOZ), Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, Gene Galyuk, HaDavar Messianic Ministries, HaDavar Ministries, Hebraic Roots Network, Holy Language Institute | Learn Biblical Hebrew!, I Found,,, imetmessiah, Israel Restoration, It’s Supernatural, Jacob Bek, Jerusalem Assembly, Jewish Christian, Jewish Voice Today, JewishTestimonies, Jews for Jesus, jfjweb, Joel Chernoff, Jonathan Bernis, Jonathan Cahn - Hope of the World, Jonathan Settel, Joshua Aaron, kehilajaffa, Kehilat Melech israel, KingOfGloryHebrew, kingofgloryjerusalem, Lex Meyer, Maoz Israel, Marty Goetz, Meda brim, Messiah of Israel, messiah ofIsrael,, Messianic Hour, Messianic Jewish Alliance of America MJAA, Messianic Jewish Alliance of Israel MJAI, Messianic Jewish Bible Institute, Messianic Jewish Theological Institute, Messianic Mondays, Messianic Niagara, Messianic Torah Observant Israel, Messianic Vision, Michael Rood, MJAA ROI, MJBI Odessa MJBIUSA, Nehemia Gordon, One for Israel, Passion for Truth Ministries, Paul Wilbur, Phillip Goble, Rabbi Itzhak Shapira, Rabbi Jeff Forman, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, Rabbi Schneider, Reach Tel Aviv - Messiah's Mandate - Ron Cantor, Revive Israel Ministries, ReviveIsraelTV, RockofIsrael, Ruth Israelite Torah et Yéshoua, Sar Shalom, Seeking Truth in Torah, Shabbat Night Live, Shema TV, Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, TBN Israel, Ted Pearce, The Health Watchman, The Messianic Drew, Tikkun Ministries, Torah Life Ministries, UMJC,, Yeshua Chai, Yeshua HaMashiach, Yeshuas Harvest, Zev Porat, Zola Levitt Presents, Возвращенные на Сион, Евреи за Иисуса, еврейская мессианская община, Еврейская Община, הקהילה המשיחית יפו תל אביב, יהודים למען ישוע המשיח, יהודים למען ישוע עמותה, ישוע חי, ЕМО Свет Мессии - Or ha Mashiah г. Одесса, МЕБИ MJBI,

Shared on: 27 Dec 2016

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