Deep State ready for New World Order, a 'Mad Max' Militarized Global Government - Joel Skousen (Lost Arts Radio)

Published: 17 Feb 2020  ·  Uploaded: 18 Jun 2020 Watch on
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Joel Skousen: History Of The Deep State - Episode Ten: Strategic Relocation & Other Preparedness Advice | Richard Sacks

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 2/16/20

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Joel Skousen will be back with us this Sunday to wrap-up an incredible series on The History Of The Deep State. Some listeners have asked me, "If Joel is right, that nuclear war is 100% going to happen, then what is there to prepare for?" I actually asked him the same thing. With the number of open-air nuclear explosions that would occur in the kind of total war Joel is predicting between the three biggest nuclear powers on Earth, I think there is a serious question whether humans, or most other life forms, would really survive. When I look at that possible scenario (which I personally don't see as necessarily inevitable), I am immediately reminded that Earth's biosphere is already in serious trouble. This is due to the intentional assaults in the form of 5G, GMO contamination of the natural genetic codes of life, pesticide and other contaminants in every part of the world, and much more.

But Joel feels there will be survivors of the total war he foresees, and that it could even be an opportunity to begin a new civilization with a chance to avoid the mistakes that are destroying the one we live in now. He says it is very important for us to get ready in the time we still have, to be in a position not just to survive, but to contribute the best we can to the next chapter of the history of our world. As the author of Strategic Relocation and other books on the subject that get deeply into how to prepare, Joel has a background that is unmatched in the preparedness field, and he has long experience in consulting for individuals and groups already involved in the process. This Sunday, we'll get his best advice based on his up-to-the-minute analysis of what our real strategic position is at this time. His offer still stands for a free copy of his newsletter, World Affairs Brief (, for anyone that submits a request to I hope you'll join me for the concluding chapter (for now) of this incredible one-of-a kind series, with one the great preparedness experts of our time.

For those of you who would like to support our work, help keep us on the air in the face of massive censorship, and help us fund the projects we have waiting in the wings, please visit our new Subscribe Star page and tell others. It can be found at

Join me, your host Richard Sacks, every week for fascinating discussions, amazing guests and useful information that you will not want to miss. If you want to support our work, please use the Donate button on our website,, and tell others about the show.

In addition to the Sunday shows and livestreams that introduce you to inspiring people and projects (, we are also entering our second year with Planetary Healing Club ( PHC is a private, members-only platform, a supportive and interactive environment where I can speak with you freely about information that would be censored on the usual public platforms where most of our audio and video presentations are found. PHC is for you, when you're ready to really get deeply into special self-healing protocols and start transforming your life for the better. I'm there live to meet and talk with you every week. It's interactive, with live chat and plenty of time for Q&A, comments and any input you want to contribute. It's a rare opportunity for those ready to experience a radically better quality of life, and willing to do the work on themselves to make it happen. Learn more about it at

Finally, don't forget our news show on national and world events, for one hour every week at 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST, called Lost Arts Radio Live ( It's where we look at some events of the past week, and what the significance is for your life and for the future of our world. After "Lost Arts Radio Live" is a half-hour break, followed by our weekly meeting of the Planetary Healing Club, which you can join for a minimum donation of just $25/month at Meet me there when you're ready to transform your experience of life for the better.

Richard Sacks, Host

#deepstate #realhistory #lostartsradio

Shared on: 18 Jun 2020

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