The name Jesus is from Greek Zeus mythology

Published: 29 Dec 2014  ·  Uploaded: 04 May 2017 Watch on
3042 views  ·  18 hrs ago 5:49

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This brief article focuses on the alleged linguistic connections of the Greek "Iesius" and the biblical "Yah'usha".

Which is the Greek spelling of the name of our Savior?
a) ιησου ["Ihsou"] or
b) ιεσιυς ["Iesius"]

Answer: "Iesius", answer (b), is the name of the son of Zeus and Electra. In Latin it is "Iesus", from which we get "Jesus"!

Answer (a), "Ihsou", is the phonetic rendition (transliteration) of the Hebrew name "Yah'usha", the prophetic name of our Savior. (a) is the correct one but (b) is the one in the Bible!

Do you worship "Jesus" or "Yahusha?"

Why this is important? IDENTITY!

Not knowing the difference opens the door to putting faith in a counterfeit Savior! Just because others say "Iesius, Iesus, or Jesus" is from the Hebrew, doesn't mean it really is!

Since this was a specific warning connected to the coming of Messiah (Mat 24:24), which appears to drawing closer every day, it is crucial to your future. The majority view may not be the right one since Satan deceives the whole world (Rev 12:9).

More than just "a name", or a doctrine, it is the entire identity, both character and name, of the possessor of that name. There is a deception.

Do you understand what this difference is?

Iesius or Ihsou? it's the Ie... or Ih? A profound difference!

Contrary to popular belief, these two names at the beginning of this paragraph are NOT written in Greek letters! They are English equivalents of Greek letters! At the end of this paragraph there is the actual Greek lettering, and it's English counterpart.

Note: There is no "e" in the biblical Greek spelling of the Savior's name, which is from the Hebrew, יהושוע, "Yah'usha" [Ιησου- Ihsou].

But...there is an "e" in Iesius - ιεσιυς!

Why is there no "oo" sound in Jesus?
There is an "oo" or long "u" sound in Yahusha!

In addition, the omichron, "o", in [Ιησου - Ihsou] cannot be omitted in a phonetic articulation, i.e. transliteration, because it is part of a combined vowel sound "ou" (a dipthong) representing the "oo" sound of the Hebrew [ו] "waw". [see comment on "Yahusha"]

However, there is no such vowel combination (dipthong) in the "iu" of "Iesius", thus the "i" is easily omitted, leaving the "uh" sound of a short "u", as in "us"...and Jes-us! See the Problem?

The implications are clear! Any name allegedly pertaining to the biblical Messiah containing an "e", and not containing an "oo" sound only in the second syllable, is not biblical! Thus "Iesius"...aka "Iesus"...aka "Jesus" is not biblical.

It is, however, the name of someone else, i.e the son of Zeus!

The similarities shared among the pagan mysteries in the son of Zeus, "Iesius", The Persian "Mithra", and the Christian "Jesus" are simply overwhelming, even to the point of being highly documented variations of the same entity! The ancient practice of assuming the worship of foreign deities by changing names as well as adapting situations is well known. References to Mithra are in the footnotes, and are highly recommended reading.

"Yahusha": We also note that the full Hebrew six letter of the name [יהושוע] does contain 2 [ו] "waws", but some incorrectly attempt to vocalize both. As we shall see, the first "waw" is not vocalized, thus rendering the vocalization as "Yah'usha". (The apostrophe in "Yah'usha" is employed to represent the silent "waw".)

If the silent "waw" were vocalized, there would have to be a linguistic representation in the Greek in order to articulate that sound, which would be... Ιηουσου ["Ih-ou-s-ou-(a)" (Yah-u-sh-(a)] which was never there. How do we know this?

The earliest Greek rendering of the Hebrew "Yah'usha", was done by a committee of 72 Hebrew speaking Jews in (or sent to) Alexandria, Egypt, around the year 250 BCE when they translated the Hebrew scriptures into Greek (according to the Letter of Aristeas).

Since these Jews knew how the Hebrew was pronounced, they faithful reproduced the articulation, which omitted the first "waw" sound. Thus the name [יהושוע] "Yah'usha" was phonetically rendered in the Greek as Ιησου ["Ihsou"]...but still pronounced "Yah'usha".

Note: the final Greek endings ["s", "n", or no letter] are grammatical, thus not part of the name proper. So again it cannot be, "Iesius"
Incidentally, Yah'usha means "Yah is Salvation". The name of the successor to Moses, and the name of a High Priest after the return of the Babylonian captivity, is the same name used of Messiah in the Greek writings called the "New Testament". The similarity between the two proto-types as leaders into the promised land from types of exile and bondage, cannot be lost on the prophetic Messianic fulfillment. More on that in a moment.

Shared on: 04 May 2017

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