Pope Francis: God merely 'permits' Islam - LifeSite

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Wednesday, 03 April 2019
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News on 'Pope'

Results: 50 News Items
Displayed in Date Order (most recent first)
1.   Pope Francis urges Coronavirus Vaccine access for everyone in world - BBC News
Published: 25 Dec 2020   |   897 views · 1 day ago
5.   Pope Francis: Capitalism has failed in the COVID pandemic - CNN
Published: 04 Oct 2020   |   754 views · 3 days ago
6.   Pope Francis says capitalism has failed in the COVID pandemic - CNN
Published: 04 Oct 2020   |   756 views · 3 days ago
9.   COVID-19: Pope Francis invites all faiths to pray together on 14 May, 2020 - Vatican News
Published: 12 May 2020   |   908 views · 2 days ago
11.   Pope Francis: God loves us all, even the worst of us - BBC News
Published: 25 Dec 2019   |   866 views · 2 days ago
14.   Pope Francis praises New Inter-religious Initiative for World Peace - Church Militant
Published: 28 Aug 2019   |   800 views · 3 days ago
15.   Pope Francis welcomes new UAE committee to promote mutual friendship - Vatican News
Published: 26 Aug 2019   |   1024 views · 19 hrs ago
16.   Pope officially changes the Lord's Prayer - Premier
Published: 06 Jun 2019   |   1017 views · 2 days ago
17.   Pope Francis advises students to not be a 'Slave' to Mobile phone - Premier
Published: 15 Apr 2019   |   2138 views · 3 days ago
18.   Pope Francis: God merely 'permits' Islam - LifeSite
Published: 03 Apr 2019   |   1086 views · 1 sec ago
19.   Pope Francis and Al-Azhar imam sign historic pledge of friendship in UAE - The Guardian
Published: 04 Feb 2019   |   739 views · 2 days ago
20.   Pope Francis arrives on historic visit to UAE to build a stronger Church presence - BBC News
Published: 03 Feb 2019   |   998 views · 3 days ago
22.   Vatican releases logo for Pope Francis visit to Morocco and UAE - Vatican News
Published: 07 Jan 2019   |   921 views · 2 days ago
23.   Pope Francis calls for change to Lord's Prayer - BBC News
Published: 08 Dec 2017   |   1481 views · 5 hrs ago
24.   Pope Francis: Ideological colonization a 'blasphemy against God' - Crux
Published: 21 Nov 2017   |   1567 views · 15 hrs ago
25.   Al Azhar's Imam meets Pope, vows to fight Terrorism - The National AE
Published: 08 Nov 2017   |   1343 views · 1 day ago
26.   World is at war and heading into even greater conflict, Pope Francis warns - RT News
Published: 03 Nov 2017   |   1420 views · 3 days ago
27.   Strict Conservative theologians question whether Pope Francis is really Catholic - Independent
Published: 21 Aug 2017   |   1431 views · 3 days ago
28.   Strict Conservative theologians question whether Pope Francis is really Catholic - Independent
Published: 21 Aug 2017   |   2031 views · 3 days ago
30.   Some Cardinals Want Pope Francis to Resign - CNS News
Published: 02 Mar 2017   |   1146 views · 1 day ago
31.   Pope suggests it's better to be an Atheist than a bad Christian - CNN
Published: 24 Feb 2017   |   1387 views · 14 hrs ago
32.   Pope Francis says women will never be Roman Catholic priests - The Guardian
Published: 01 Nov 2016   |   2537 views · 6 hrs ago
33.   Pope: Be more accepting of divorced Catholics, gays and lesbians - CNN
Published: 08 Apr 2016   |   2209 views · 2 days ago
34.   Pope Francis - Quran and Holy Bible are the same - USA Politics Today
Published: 23 Feb 2016   |   2428 views · 9 hrs ago
35.   Pope Francis: Christians and Muslims are brothers - BBC News
Published: 30 Nov 2015   |   1482 views · 17 hrs ago
36.   Pope urges 'essential' interfaith dialogue in Africa - Al-Jazeera
Published: 26 Nov 2015   |   1406 views · 3 days ago
37.   Egyptian Christian Coptic pope pays historic visit to Jerusalem - Al-Jazeera
Published: 26 Nov 2015   |   1519 views · 2 days ago
39.   LGBT Catholics Confused And Hurt By Pope's Visit With Kim Davis - Huffington
Published: 30 Sep 2015   |   1389 views · 1 day ago
40.   Pope Francis: The Quran and Holy Bible are the same - Moorish Harem
Published: 04 Jun 2015   |   2220 views · 16 hrs ago
41.   Why Pope Francis could be facing a Catholic schism - The Spectator
Published: 11 Apr 2015   |   1398 views · 13 hrs ago
42.   Pope says Quran is a book of peace and Islam is a peaceful religion - Mail Online
Published: 16 Mar 2015   |   2565 views · 3 hrs ago
43.   Pope Francis: Jesus' Life Ended in Failure - Charisma
Published: 10 Feb 2015   |   1382 views · 2 days ago
44.   Pope Francis Prays in Mosque in Show of Commitment to Christian-Muslim Relations - WSJ
Published: 29 Nov 2014   |   1539 views · 3 days ago
45.   Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are real - Independent
Published: 28 Oct 2014   |   1306 views · 3 days ago
46.   Pope says Christians should believe in evolution and Big Bang - Raw Story
Published: 28 Oct 2014   |   1109 views · 16 hrs ago
47.   Vatican makes history: Pope allows Islamic prayers, Koran readings - Washington Times
Published: 09 Jun 2014   |   1299 views · 13 hrs ago
48.   Pope Francis assures atheists: You don't have to believe in God to go to heaven - Independent
Published: 11 Sep 2013   |   1087 views · 2 days ago
49.   Pope Benedict Disputes Jesus Date of Birth - Time
Published: 22 Nov 2012   |   1719 views · 2 days ago
50.   St Peter was not the first Pope and never went to Rome, claims Channel 4 - Telegraph
Published: 23 Mar 2008   |   1731 views · 2 days ago

13  Videos with 'Pope'

Video: 9:53
5790 views · 4 mins ago | 7 years ago
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Video: 53:55
6267 views · 12 hrs ago | 7 years ago
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Video: 1:27:51
11346 views · 27 mins ago | 7 years ago
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Video: 1:13
4830 views · 47 mins ago | 6 years ago
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Video: 21:39
7230 views · 7 hrs ago | 6 years ago
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Video: 16:59
5869 views · 4 hrs ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 7:47
5314 views · 13 hrs ago | 4 years ago
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6447 views · 36 mins ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 2:40:03
5859 views · 8 hrs ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 8:12
7070 views · 8 hrs ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 2:1
5251 views · 22 hrs ago | 4 years ago
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Video: 12:51
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Video: 20:35
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