USA: Tennessee moves to make Holy Bible the official state book - RT News

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Tennessee moves to make Holy Bible the official state book — RT USA News

Thursday, 16 April 2015
The Tennessee House of Representatives has voted to make the Bible the official state book. Legislators backed the measure despite questions raised by the state’s attorney general about the bill’s constitutionality and the governor’s stated disapproval.
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1228 views · 8 hrs ago

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News on 'Usa'

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12.   USA, Massachusetts orders Flu Vaccination mandatory for Babies aged from 6 months - Forbes
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18.   USA, Washington: Mayor fined $1000 for not wearing a Face Mask in Public - Technocracy
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25.   USA falling behind China on Artificial Intelligence funding, NSCAI report - CNBC
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27.   Thousands choose Microchip implants in Sweden. Mark of the beast? - LifeSite
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29.   USA drops 7,362 bombs on Afghanistan in 2018; more than previous decade - Business Insider
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30.   'Third Temple' in Jerusalem: Mission impossible for messianic zealots - Al-Jazeera
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33.   Jerusalem declared 'Capital of Arab Tourism' for 2018 - MEMO
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34.   Saudi Prince Meets Jewish Rabbis in Rare Interfaith Gesture in New York, USA - Bloomberg
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36.   Why Palestinian Christians reject US Jerusalem move - Arab Weekly
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37.   Trump Moves US Embassy to Jerusalem and so Fulfills Bible Prophecy? - Patheos
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38.   US recognition of Jerusalem excites apocalyptic fervor in evangelical Christians - RNS
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39.   Netanyahu cites Bible to justify Trump's Jerusalem move - RT News
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40.   Egyptian Christian churches insist Jerusalem is a Palestinian Arab city - MEMO
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41.   Catholic Patriarch warns of Arab Christians leaving Jerusalem under Israeli occupation - MEMO
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42.   Archaeological find in Jerusalem proves Bible passage is historically true - Yahoo
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43.   Doomsday Earthquake rocks Yellowstone National Park, USA - RT News
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44.   Child marriage chart reveals girls can wed at 12 in some parts of the USA - Independent
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46.   In Houston USA, Muslim Community Enjoying a Surprising Source of Growth: Latinos - News Taco
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47.   Egyptian Christian Coptic pope pays historic visit to Jerusalem - Al-Jazeera
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48.   Atheism on the rise in USA as more believe Jesus is a myth and never existed - Inquisitr
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49.   'Church of Lucifer' opening in Texas, USA - Truth Revolt
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50.   Russian kid unearths 3,000yo King David era treasure in Jerusalem - RT News
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51.   Latino Muslims fastest growing population in USA - World Bulletin
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52.   USA: Tennessee moves to make Holy Bible the official state book - RT News
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53.   Archeologists claim to have found site where Jesus was tried in Jerusalem - RT News
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55.   Adam and the Darwinian Theory of Evolution - Usama Hasan - The Guardian
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