Gospel According to John, or John is the fourth of the canonical gospels. The work is anonymous, although it identifies an unnamed "disciple whom Jesus loved" as the source of its traditions. It is closely related in style and content to the three Johannine epistles, and most scholars treat the four books, along with Book of Revelation, as a single corpus of Johannine literature, albeit not from the same author. John seems to be concerned with issues of the church-synagogue debate at the time of composition. In John, the community appears to define itself primarily in contrast to Judaism, rather than as part of a wider Christian community. Though Christianity started as a movement within Judaism, it gradually separated from Judaism because of mutual opposition between the two religions.
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Search Results for 'JOHN 17:21'
Videos on 'JOHN 17:21' (1)
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In John 17:21, Jesus is One with God. Jesus is One with disciples. Are they all Gods? - Mansur Ahmad vs Christian
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