The Book of Jeremiah is the second of the Latter Prophets in the Hebrew Bible, and the second of the Prophets in the Christian Old Testament. Of all the prophets, Jeremiah comes through most clearly as a person, ruminating to his scribe Baruch about his role as a servant of God with little good news for his audience. Jeremiah is written in a very complex and poetic Hebrew. It has come down in two distinct though related versions, one in Hebrew, the other known from a Greek translation.
Scholars have had differing opinions as to how to reconstruct the historical aspects of the Book of Jeremiah due to the differences each version contains when compared with each other. The book is a representation of the message and significance of the prophet substantially intended for the Jews in Babylonian exile: its purpose is to explain the disaster as God's response to Israel's pagan worship.
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In Jeremiah 10:3, the Christmas Tree is symbolic of the Christian Trinity, not Paganism - Tony Costa
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