Deuteronomy is the 5th book of the Christian Old Testament and of the Jewish Torah. Presented as the words of Moses delivered before the conquest of Canaan, a broad consensus of modern scholars see its origin in traditions from Israel brought south to the Kingdom of Judah in the wake of the Assyrian conquest of Aram (8th century BC) and then adapted to a program of nationalist reform in the time of Josiah (late 7th century BC), with the final form of the modern book emerging in the milieu of the return from the Babylonian captivity during the late 6th century BC. Many scholars see the book as reflecting the economic needs and social status of the Levite caste, who are believed to have provided its authors.
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Search Results for 'DEUTERONOMY 4:35'
Videos on 'DEUTERONOMY 4:35' (1)
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In Deuteronomy 4:35, God commanded Idolatory is wrong - Michael Skobac
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