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Executive Producers: Daniel Cuevas, Maritza
Co-Writers: Bailey Benson and Andrew Henry
Editor: Mark Henry
Hesse, B. and Wapnish, P. 1997. Can Pig Remains Be Used for Ethnic Diagnosis in the Ancient Near East? In The Archaeology of Israel: Constructing the Past, Interpreting the Present, edited by N.A. Silberman and D.B. Small, pp. 238-270.
Hesse, B. and Wapnish, P. 1998.Pig Use and Abuse in the Ancient Levant: Ethnoreligious Boundary-Building and Swine. In Ancestors for the Pigs, edited by S. Nelson, pp. 123-135.
Price, M.D. 2021. Evolution of a Taboo: Pigs and People in the Ancient Near East. Oxford.
Sapir-Hen, L., Bar-Oz, G., Gadot, Y., and Finkelstein, I. 2013. Pig Husbandry in Iron Age Israel and Judah: New Insights Regarding the Origin of the “Taboo.” Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palastina-Vereins 129 (1): 1-20.
Zeder, M.A. 2009. The Neolithic Macro-(R)evolution: Macroevolutionary Theory and the Study of Culture change. Journal of Archaeological Research 17:1-63.
Zeder, M.A. 2012. The Broad Spectrum Revolution at 40: Resource Diversity, Intensification, and an Alternative to Optimal Foraging Explanations. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 31: 241-264.
Zeder, M.A. 2015. Core Questions in Domestication Research. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112: 3191-3198.
Shared on: 05 Aug 2021
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