Video Description (from Youtube)
The reality of order is one of the greatest proofs of God’s existence. There is such an order in everything in the universe, from a fly’s wing, to the stars in the skies, to an atom, to the depths of the seas, that it reflects the Creator’s existence like a sun.
Yes, order can only emerge from a single hand. If many hands interfere in a task, then, it becomes muddled. A country cannot have two kings, a province cannot have two governors, and a village cannot have two chiefs. If there are two heads, then, there will be disorder. Since this universe has order instead of chaos, God, who established this order, must be existent and unique. This exquisite order, which is in sight, cannot be explained by anything other than God’s existence.
The Holy Quran attracts the attention to this reality with the following verse:
“He Who created the seven heavens one above another; no want of proportion wilt thou see in the Creation of (God) Most Gracious. so turn thy vision again: Seest thou any flaw? Again turn thy vision a second time; (thy) vision will come back to thee dull and discomfited, in a state worn out. (Surah al-Mulk, verses 3-4)”
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Shared on: 08 Jun 2018
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