Video Description (from Youtube)
The Quran attracts attention to another scientific discovery about the movements of the sun through another verse.
The following is stated in verse 5 of the chapter of as-Saffat: "The Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, and Lord of the easts."
It is understood from the phrase "the Lord of the easts" that the sun had more than one rising point; it attracts attention to the fact that "the east", which we know as the rising "place" of the sun, needs to be thought as "places", that is, more than one "east".
Yes, the sun rises every morning and sets every evening. However, these risings and settings take place in a different part of the universe each time. That is, the stars and the planets that float in the sea of the sky do not pass from the same route again; they move on their orbits. For more detailed information, you can visit the websites below.
Shared on: 06 Jun 2018
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