What's Up Heathens! Today Brittany Valadez is going to show us how Josephus proves Jesus' Historicity! Spoiler: He doesn't but she's a good example of how bad the apologetics is.
She starts off by using the second reference first which is a little surprising. The second reference is most likely talking about a different Jesus but a scribe interpolated the marginal note of "who was called the Christ." Syntactically that is how it reads and scribal interpolation in this fashion was very common. Also the context of the passage doesn't lend itself to think that they were talking about "the Christ."
Then she starts in on the Testamonium Flavianum. She follows the more secular and redacted view of the passage but the problem is that all references to that stem from Eusebias. So Eusebias is the first to mention this passage even existing even though plenty of Church fathers prior to this had more than enough reason to cite it. Eusebias is also very well known for his forgeries and changing of documents. He would change anything to make his case stronger.
There has been a lot of analysis done on the passage and all signs point to Josephus NOT writing the passage.
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