Unrestricted Islamic Q&A with Mufti Abu Layth! Live on Facebook and YouTube every Monday night!
3:46 What is the thawab for visiting Bradford Shariff?
4:05 Regarding Allah’s Challenge in the Quran: If you can bring something like onto it (Quran/Verses) then do so. Who is this challenge directed towards?
14:44 Cont. What about the “Atheist Quran”?
16:39 Cont. What was Imam Malik's perspective on melodic recitation of the Quran?
18:51 What are some classical/authentic tafseer of the Quran?
24:26 Regarding the verse of the Quran (33:33) Is this a commandment for women to stay at home?
29:26 Are tattoos haram?
36:17 Cont. What about the Hadith cursing those have tattoos?
46:33 Is there anything wrong with explicit or romantic poetry?
49:25 Cont.What is it about romantic poetry that would be haram?
57:57 Cont. Is flirting just natural human behaviour?
1:02:25 What can we learn from Quranic Imagery discussing women?
1:03:16 What poetry of Jaun Elia does Mufti most admire?
1:08:16 How can we prepare ourselves for Ramadan?
1:10:00 Why are there discrepancies in the recitation of the Quran?
1:26:06 Can we today appreciate the subtleties of the Arabic language?
1:29:40 Can we read the Uthmani Script in different ways?
1:33:26 Did the Arab tribes have different dialects?
1:35:40 Why did Walid ibn Mughira say that the Prophet was being whispered to by Jinn/Spirits
1:38:02 Does touching the private parts invalidate the wudu?
1:42:00 The Prophets Ibrahim and Lut (a.s.) both are said to have received guests in the Quran. Were those guests Angels?
1:47:40 Will the case of Shamima Begum set a precedence for revoking citizenship?
1:56:11 Do Angels curse women who refuse to have sex with their husbands?
2:02:51 Can Sunnis accept Shia hadith?
2:04:20 Was there a blind man who killed a women for insulting the Prophet ﷺ?
2:05:10 What does Mufti think about the level of ‘Knife’ crimes in the UK ? What does Islam say about killing people?
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