Ibn Majah 28

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Ibn Majah
Chapter: 28
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It was narrated from `Abdullah bin Mughaffal that the Messenger of Allah(Peach be upon him) commanded that dogs be killed, then he said:

"What do theyuse dogs for?" Then he permitted them to keep hunting dogs.
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It was narrated from `Abdullah bin Mughaffal that the Messenger of Allah(Peach be upon him) commanded that dogs be killed, then he said:

"What do theyuse dogs for?" Then he permitted them to keep farming dogs and dogsof`Ein. Bundar said: "The `Ein refers to the walls ofAl-Madinah."
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It was narrated that Ibn `Umar said:

"The Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him)commanded that dogs be killed."
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It was narrated from Salim that his father said:

"I heard the Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him) raising his voice and commanding that dogs bekilled, anddogs were killed, except for hunting dogs or dogs kept forherdinglivestock."
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It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said:

"The Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him) said: `Whoever keeps a dog, one Qirat will be deducted from him(good)deeds every day, except a dog for farming or herdinglivestock."
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It was narrated from `Abdullah bin Mughaffal that the Messenger of Allah(Peach be upon him) said:

"Were it not that dogs form one of the communities(ornations - of creatures), I would have commanded that they bekilled. But kill those that are all black. There are no people whokeep a dog, except for dogs used for herding livestock, hunting orfarming, but two Qirat will be deducted from their reward each day."
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It was narrated that Sufyan bin Abu Zuhair said:

"I heard the Prophet(Peach be upon him) say: `Whoever keeps a dog that he does not need for farmingorherding, one Qirat will be deducted from his (good) deeds eachday.'"
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It was narrated that Abu Tha'labah Al-Khushani said:

"I came to the Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him) and said: `O Messenger of Allah, we livein aland of the People of the Book and we eat from their vessels.And welive in a land (where there is) game, so I hunt with my bowand withmy trained dog and with my untrained dog.' The Messengerof Allah(Peach be upon him) said: `As for what you say about living in a land ofthe Peopleof the Book, do not eat from their vessels unless you canfind noalternative. If you can fidn no alternative then wash themand eatfrom them. With regard to what you say about hunting,whatever youcatch with your bow, say the Name of Allah over it andeat. Whateveryou catch with your trained dog, say the Name of Allahover it andeat. But whatever you catch with your untrained dog, thencatch it,slaughter it, then eat.'"
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It was narrated that `Adi bin Hatim said:

"I asked the Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him): `We are people who hunt with these dogs.' He said:`Ifyou send out your trained dogs and mention the Name of Allahoverthem, then eat whatever they catch even if they kill it, unlessthedog has eaten any of it. If the dog has eaten any of it then donoteat it, for I fear that it will have caught it for itself. And ifanother dog joins it, then do not eat it.'"
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It was narrated that Jabir bin `Abdullah said:

"We were forbidden (toeat) the game caught by their dogs and birds - meaning theZoroastrians."
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It was narrated that Abu Dharr said:

"I asked the Messenger of Allah(Peach be upon him)about the all-black dog and he said: `(It is) a devil.'"
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It was narrated from Abu Tha'labah that the Prophet (Peach be upon him) said:

"Eatwhat your bow brings you."
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It was narrated that `Adi bin Hatim said:

"I said: `O Messenger of Allah, we are people who shoot (arrows).' He said: `If you shootandpierce (the game), then eat what you pierced.'"
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It was narrated that `Adi bin Hatim said:

"I said: `O Messenger of Allah, what if I shoot the game but it vanishes at night?' He said:`If you find your arrow in it and you do not find anything else,theneat it.'"
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It was narrated that `Adi bin Hatim said:

"I asked the Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him) about hunting with Mi'rad. He said: `Whatever itstruckwith its sharp edge, then eat it, but what is struck with itsside issomething that has been killed by a violent blow.'"
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It was narrated that `Adi bit Hatim said:

"I asked the Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him) about Mi'rad. He said: `Do not eat unless you pierce(thegame).'"
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It was narrated from Ibn `Umar that the Prophet (Peach be upon him) said:

"Whateveriscut from an animal hen it is still alive, what is cut from it isMaitah (dead meat)."
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It was narrated that Tamim Dari said:

"The Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him) said:`At the end of time there will be people who will cut offcamels'humps and sheep's tails. But what is cut from a living animalisdead.'"
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It was narrated from `Abdullah bin `Umar that the Messenger of Allah(Peach be upon him) said:

"Two kinds of dead meat have been permitted to us: fishand locusts."
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It was narrated that Salman said:

"The Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him) wasaskedabout locusts. He said: `(They are) the most numerous troop ofAllah. I neither eat them nor forbid them.'"
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It was narrated that Abu (Sa'eed) Baqqal heard Anas bin Malik say:

"Thewives of the Prophet (Peach be upon him) used to give each other gifts oflocustson trays."
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It was narrated from Jabir and Anas bin Malik that whenever the Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him) supplicated against the locusts, he said:

"OAllah,destroy their large ones and kill their small ones, spoil theireggsand root them out. Take their mouths away from our livelihood andprovision, for You are the One Who hears the prayers." A man said:"OMessenger of Allah, are you praying against one of the troops ofAllah, that they may be rooted out?" He said: "Locusts weresneezedout by the fish in the sea."
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It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said:

"We went out with the Prophet(Peach be upon him) for Hajj or `Umrah, and we encountered a swarm of locusts oratype of locust. We started hitting them with out whips and sandals.The Prophet (Peach be upon him) said: `Eat them for they are the game of thesea.'"
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It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said:

"The Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him)forbade killing shrikes*, frogs, ants and hoopoes."
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It was narrated that Ibn `Abbas said:

"The Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him)forbade killing four kinds of animals: Ants, bees, hoopoes andshrikes."
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It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet of Allah (Peach be upon him) said:

"Oneof the Prophets was bitten by an ant, so he ordered thatthe antcolony be burned. Then Allah revealed to him: `Becauseone antbityou, you destroy one of the nations that glorify Allah?'"
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It was narrated from Sa'eed bin Jubair that a relative of `AbdullahbinMughaffal threw some small pebbles. He told him not to do that andsaid:

"The Prophet (Peach be upon him) forbade throwing small pebbles and said:`They do not kill any game nor hurt the enemy, but they can break atooth or put out an eye.'" He did it again, and he (`Abdullah)said:"I tell you that the Prophet (Peach be upon him) forbade that and then yougo and doit again? I will never speak to you again."
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It was narrated that `Abdullah bin Mughaffal said:

"The Prophet (Peach be upon him)forbade throwing small pebbles and said: `They do not kill any gameorhurt the enemy, but they can break a tooth or put out an eye.'"
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It was narrated from Umm Sharik that the Prophet (Peach be upon him) told her tokillhouse lizards.
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It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him) said:

"Whoever kills a house lizard with one blow will have such andsucha reward. Whoever kills it with two blows will have such and suchareward," less than the first. "And whoever kills it with threeblowswill have such and such reward," less than that mentioned thesecondtime.
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It was narrated from `Aishah that the Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him) saidconcerning house lizards:

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It was narrated from Sa'ibah, the freed slave woman of Fakih binMughirah,that she entered upon `Aishah and saw a spear in her house.Shesaid:

"O Mother of the Believers, what do you do with this?" Shesaid: "We kill these house lizards with it, for the Prophet ofAllah(Peach be upon him) told us that when Ibrahim was thrown into the fire, therewas nobeast on earth that did not try to put it out, apart from thehouselizard that blew on it. So the Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him)commanded thatthey should be killed."
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It was narrated from Abu Tha'labah Al-Khushani that the Prophet (Peach be upon him)forbade eating any predatory animal that has fangs.
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It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (Peach be upon him) said:

"Eating anypredatory animal that has fangs is unlawful."
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It was narrated that Ibn `Abbas said:

"On the Day of Khaibar, the Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him) forbade eating any predatory animal that hasfangs and any bird that has talons."
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It was narrated that Khuzaimah bin Jaz' said:

"I said: `O MessengerofAllah, I have come to ask you about the vermin of the earth. Whatdoyou say about foxes?' He said: `Who eats foxes?' I said: `OMessenger of Allah, what do you say about wolves?' He said: `Doesanyone in whom there is anything good eat wolves?'"
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It was narrated that Ibn Abu `Ammar, who is `Abdur-Rahman, said:

"Iasked Jabir bin `Abdullah about hyenas: `Are they game (that canbehunted)?' He said: `Yes.' I said: `Can I eat them?' Hesaid: `Yes.' Isaid: `Is this something that you heard from the Messenger of Allah(Peach be upon him)?' He said: `Yes.'"
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It was narrated that Khuzaimah bin Jaz' said:

"I said: `O MessengerofAllah (Peach be upon him), what do you say about hyenas?' He said: `Who eatshyenas?'"
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It was narrated that Thabit bin Yazid Al-Ansari said:

"We were withtheProphet (Peach be upon him) and the people caught a mastigure. They grilled itandate from it. Then I caught a mastigure so I grilled it and broughtitto the Prophet (Peach be upon him). He took a palm stalk and started counting hisfinger with it, and said: `A nation from among the Children ofIsraelwas turned into beasts of the earth, and I do not know if thisisthey.' I said: `The people have grilled them and eaten them.'He didnot eat it and he did not forbid it."
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It was narrated from Jabir bin `Abdullah:

"The Prophet (Peach be upon him) did notforbid (eating) mastigures, but he found that distasteful. It is thefood of most shepherds, and Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, hasbenefited more than one person thereby. If I had some I would eatit."
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It was narrated that Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri said:

"A man from amongAhlus-Suffah called the Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him) when he had finishedthe prayer, saying: `O Messenger of Allah! Our land is a landinfestedwith mastigures. What do you think of (eating) mastigures?'He said:`I have heard that a nation was transformed.' He did nottell us toeat them, and he did not forbid that."
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It was narrated from Khalid bin Walid that a grilled mastigure wasbroughtto the Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him) and placed near him. Hestretched outhis hand to eat (some of it), then those who werepresent said:

"OMessenger of Allah, it is the flesh of a mastigure."He took hishand away, and Khalid said to him: "O Messenger of Allah,is amastigure unlawful?" He said: "No, but it is not found in my landand I find it distasteful." He said: "Then Khalid bent over themastigure and ate some of it, and the Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him) waslooking at him."
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It was narrated from Ibn `Umar that the Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him) said:

"Ido not forbid it," meaning mastigure.
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It was narrated that Anas bin Malik said:

We passed by Marr Az-Zahranandstartled a rabbit. They chased it but got tired, so I chased itandcaught it. I brought it to Abu Talhah who slaughtered it and sentitsrump and thigh to the Prophet (Peach be upon him), who accepted it.
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It was narrated from Muhammad bin Safwan that he passed by theProphet (Peach be upon him)with two rabbits hanging down. He said:

"O Messenger of Allah, Icaught these two rabbits but I cannot find any iron* withwhich toslaughter them with Marwah** and eat them?" He said: "Eat."
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It was narrated that Khuzaimah bin Jaz' said:

"I said: `O MessengerofAllah, I have come to you to ask you about the vermin of the earth.What do you say about mastigures?' He said: `I do not eat themand Ido not forbid them.' I said: `I will eat of that which youhave notforbidden. But why (do you not eat them), O Messenger of Allah?' Hesaid: `One of the nations was turned into beasts and Ilooked at thiscreature and was uncertain.' I said: `O Messengerof Allah, what doyou say about rabbits?' He said: `I do not eatthem and I do notforbid them.' I said: `I will eat of that whichyou have notforbidden. But why (do you not eat them), O Messenger of Allah?' Hesaid: `I have been told that it menstruates.'"
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Mughirahbin Abu Burdah, who was of the tribe of Banu `Abd-Dar,narratedthat he heard Abu Hurairah say:

"The Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him) said:`The water of the sea is a means of purification and its deadmeatis permissible.'"
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It was narrated from Jabir bin `Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah(Peach be upon him) said:

"Whatever the sea throws out or is left behind when thetideebbs, eat it, but whatever rises to its surface, do not eat it.'"
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It was narrated that Ibn `Umar said:

"Who eats crows? The MessengerofAllah (Peach be upon him) called them vermin, By Allah, they are not from amongthegood and permissible things."
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It was narrated from `Aishah that the Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him) said:

"Snakes are vermin, scorpions are vermin, mice are vermin and crowsare vermin."
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It was narrated that Jabir said:

"The Messenger of Allah (Peach be upon him)forbadeeating cats and he forbade their price."
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